Content Posted in 2018
11 U.S.C. Section 521(2)(A): Fresh Start Or Head Start, Debra S. Friedman
1,3,5,7-Sym-Hydrindacentetrone And Its Derivatives, Irven Davies
14th Annual Pacific Research Day Abstracts, University of the Pacific
15th Annual Pacific Research Day Abstracts, University of the Pacific
16th Annual Pacific Research Day Abstracts, University of the Pacific
17th Annual Pacific Research Day Abstracts, University of the Pacific
18 year-old voting, George Moscone
1914: Thanksgiving Day was Warm and Wonderful, Michael J. Wurtz
1953 Commencement Program, University of the Pacific
1953 Graduation Picture, University of the Pacific
1988 Review of the European Court of Justice: Price Restraints, Patent Rights, and Extraterritorial Jurisdiction, Richard Paton
1990 California Legislation Review Staff, University of the Pacific; McGeorge School of Law
1991 Legislative Review staff, University of the Pacific; McGeorge School of Law
1992 Legislative Review Staff, University of the Pacific; McGeorge School of Law
1993-1994 First Extraordinary Session, Pete Wilson
1993 Legislative Review Staff, University of the Pacific; McGeorge School of Law
1994 Legislative Review Staff, University of the Pacific; McGeorge School of Law
19th Annual Pacific Research Day Abstracts, University of the Pacific
2016 Brandeis Institute of International Judges Report
2017 Assessment Conference, University of the Pacific
2018 Assessment Conference, University of the Pacific
3,3-Diphenyl-2-Morpholinone Derivatives Of 2-Amino-2-Deoxy-D-Allose., Ram Babu
47[Northwest Geography and History], [1881], Image 47, John Muir
47Sierra Journal, Summer of 1869, v. 1, 1869 [ca. 1887], Image 47, John Muir
47Sierra Journal, Summer of 1869, v. 2, 1869 [ca. 1887], Image 47, John Muir
47Sierra Journal, Summer of 1869, v. 3, 1869 [ca. 1887], Image 47, John Muir
47Studies Yosemite, etc., 1873 [ca. 1887], Image 47, John Muir
47Yosemite, etc. [Part 1], Image 47, John Muir
47Yosemite, etc. [Part 2], Image 47, John Muir
47[Yosemite Studies, etc.], 1875 [ca. 1887], Image 47, John Muir
52[Northwest Geography and History], [1881], Image 52, John Muir
52Sierra Journal, Summer of 1869, v. 1, 1869 [ca. 1887], Image 52, John Muir
52Sierra Journal, Summer of 1869, v. 2, 1869 [ca. 1887], Image 52, John Muir
52Sierra Journal, Summer of 1869, v. 3, 1869 [ca. 1887], Image 52, John Muir
52Studies Yosemite, etc., 1873 [ca. 1887], Image 52, John Muir
52Yosemite, etc. [Part 1], Image 52, John Muir
52Yosemite, etc. [Part 2], Image 52, John Muir
52[Yosemite Studies, etc.], 1875 [ca. 1887], Image 52, John Muir
A2Cloud: Practical Application-to-Cloud Matching To Empower Scientific Computing on a Budget, Cody J. Balos and Zachariah Abuelhaj
AB 1578: The End of Marijuana Prohibition as We Know It?, Trevor Wong
AB 45: Addressing California’s Teacher Shortage with Affordable Housing, Dylan de Wit
A balancing act: Managing the tension between competitive outcomes and educational development in collegiate athletics, Michael E. Lorenzen
A basal laryngeal cartilage is present in neotropical túngara frogs (Engystomops pustulosus), Amy D. Lagorio and Marcos Gridi-Papp
A behavioral approach to suggestion systems, Michael Fred Sabbag
A behavioral treatment of denial of deficits in brain-injured adults: A multiple-baseline study, Matthew John Rebmann
A bifunctional role for the UHRF1 UBL domain in the control of hemi-methylated DNA-dependent histone ubiquitylation, Joseph S. Harrison, Paul A. DaRosa, Alex Zelter, Trisha N. David, Peter Brzovic, Brian Kuhlman, and Rachel E. Klevit
Abjection, Nation, and the Prostitute’s Body in Cristina Rivera Garza’s Nadie me verá llorar, Traci Roberts-Camps
Abjection, Nation, and the Prostitute’s Body: Nadie me verá llorar, Cristina Rivera Garza, Traci Roberts-Camps
Absorption Doctrine's Continued Application in Section 10(b) and Rule 10b-5 Actions, The, Craig E. Lindberg
Academic resilience: A study of student perspectives on the impact of grade-level retention, Jan Alison Kendall
Academic Survival Skills for the Young Child At-Risk for School Failure, Barbara Foulks
A Call for a General Agreement on Trade In Services, Jack W. Flader, Jr.
A Call for Physical Activity Guidelines to Be Established in Equatorial Africa: 269 Board #110 May 30 9, Brianna Tracy, Lonnae Hohman, William E. Herrin, Norah Madaya, and Courtney D. Jensen
A case study and investigation of peers' attitudes toward poor and sheltered classmates, Jane Constance Burhoe
A case study of an exemplary choral program: Non-musical issues of excellence, Gary Kenneth Wright
A case study of seven elementary principals in professional coaching relationships: Motivations, characteristics, and impact, Karen Marie Dyer
A case study of the Arizona Boys Ranch educational program, Jeff Scott Tilton Sr.
A case study of the evaluation of the California Community College Economic Development Program, Sandra G. Kirschenmann
Access to oral health care for vulnerable populations in California, Paul Elliott Subar
Accidents Do Happen: Hazardous Technology and International Tort Litigation, Stephen C. McCaffrey
Accuracy of Cone-Beam Computed Tomography in measuring dentin thickness and its potential of predicting the remaining dentin thickness after removing broken instruments, Jialei Xu, Jingzhi He, Qian Yang, Dingming Huang, Xuedong Zhou, Ove A. Peters, and Yuan Gao
Accuratior evolutio formularum pro filorum flexibilium aequilibrio et motu inventarum, Leonhard Euler
Accuratior evolutio problematis de linea brevissima in superficie quacunque ducenda, Leonhard Euler
A Changing World Economy: Challenge or Opportunity for California, John Seymour
Achievement In And Attitude Toward High School Mathematics With Respect To Sex And Socioeconomic Status, Stanley Wayne Barrick
A clinical application of functional communication training plus extinction and contingency-based delay under typical and socially-relevant contexts., Alvina Cheng, Kelly Clark, and Mahshid Ghaemmaghami
A collective case study of pupil truancy and the effects upon student behavior within academic and social contexts, Timothy Shironaka
A Communication Plan for Organizational Effectiveness in a Youth Development Organization, Allison Foster
A comparative analysis of comprehension questions in three California state-adopted Spanish and English basal readers, Ana Maria Bonilla
A Comparative Analysis of the European Community Insider Trading Directive, Zachary J. Winner
A Comparative Analysis Of The Function Of Art In Urban Schools Of Mexico And The United States Of America, Bev Fassett Peairs
A Comparative Investigation Of Home Environmental Variables Related To The Achieving And Underachieving Behavior Of Academically Able High School Students, Anthony Smykal Jr.
A Comparative Study Concerning Adolescent Attitudes In Istanbul, Turkey And California, The United States Of America, Maida Kamber Divanian
A Comparative Study Of Creativity In Comprehensive And Continuation High School Students, Grades Eleven And Twelve., Russell Louis Chimento
A Comparative Study of Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory Profiles of School, Counseling and Clinical Psychology Trainees, Howard Marvin Budwin
A comparative study of the assessment practices utilized by full -time faculty and adjunct instructors in preservice teacher education courses, Keyes B. Kelly
A Comparative Study Of The Character Representation Of California's Dominant Minority Groups In The Officially Adopted California Reading Textbooks Of The 1950's, 1960's, And 1970's, Ralph Yarnelle Mckay
A Comparative Study Of The Differential Relationship Between The Academic Aptitudes And Occupational Interests Of University Undergraduate Students By Sex, Culture Group, And Parent Educational Level, Rexford Lynn Thompson
A Comparative Study Of The Effectiveness Of Bilingual Instruction Of Teachers With Competency Certification In Bilingual/Cross-Cultural Programs, Rafael Torres Ramirez
A comparative study of the effects of two approaches to teaching reading comprehension on achievement of fourth and fifth grade students of middle and low socioeconomic status, Alfred John Gordon
A Comparative Study Of The Female Image In Selected Elementary School Science Textbooks, Virginia Gayle Gallagher
A Comparative Study Of The Role Expectations Of County School Superintendents In California., Mitsu Kumagai
A Comparative Study Of Three Methods For Raising Self-Esteem Among The Elderly, Laila Gitelle Melin Davidson
A Comparative Study Of Twelfth-Grade Social Studies Using A Student-Activity Method, A Traditional Method, And A Combination Traditional-Activity Method Of Instruction., James Edward Darcy
A Comparative Survey Of Chicano And Anglo Community College Students, Jose Luis Hurtado
A Comparison Between Certain Piagetian Logical Thinking Tasks And The Subtraction Ability Of First-Grade, Second-Grade, And Third-Grade Children., Marvin Lee Sohns
A Comparison Of Administrative Roles Performed By Public School Superintendents And Chief Executive Officers In Industry In Two California Counties, Lorraine Bassett Scott
A comparison of assessment procedures for pica, Lauren C. Wasano
A comparison of graduated guidance and a system of least prompts when teaching children with autism in a discrete trial format, Sally Renee Roth
A Comparison Of Music Programs In California Unified School Districts With And Without Music Leadership, Thomas David Hopkins
A Comparison Of Organizational Climate Of Schools Administered By Female And Male Elementary School Principals., K. Jessie Kobayashi
A comparison of pyramidal staff training and direct staff training in community-based day programs, Alayna T. Haberlin
A comparison of sense of efficacy of mainstream teachers of limited English proficient students, Heather St. Claire Brophy-Sellens
A comparison of stimulus preference methods in children with attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder, Michael Lee Yu
A comparison of teacher job satisfaction between predominantly black and white schools, Louis Michael De Ville
A Comparison Of The Academic Success Of Native Students And Junior College Transfers Who Graduated From Four California State Colleges In 1959, Henry Joseph Osner
A Comparison Of The Career Assessment Inventory And The Strong-Campbell Interest Inventory In A Minority, High School Drop-Out Sample, David Stanton Halferty
A comparison of the effects of two learning sequences on the acquisition of music reading skills for the guitar: Traditional versus Kodaly-based, Michael D. Fridley
A comparison of the Performance Diagnostic Checklist and an unstructured interview assessment in guiding intervention selection in an organizational setting, Joseph B. Miller
A Comparison of the Right to Organize and Bargain Collectively in the United States and Mexico: NAFTA's Side Accords and Prospects for Reform, Charles W. Nugent
A comparison of trial and error learning versus errorless learning of face-name associations in Alzheimer's patients, Julianne Louise Patalano
A Comparison Of Twelfth Grade School Counselors' Attitude Toward The Aims Of The Women'S Movement And The Career Options Offered To Their Counselees, Stella Elisa Alonzo
A Comparison Of Two Approaches To Training For Mothers Of Kindergarten Children Evaluated As Deficient In Readiness Skills., Edythe Klassen Eymann
A comparison of two first-grade mathematics programs: "Math Their Way" and "Explorations", Jonnie Kathleen Shawkey
A Comparison Of Two Secondary Literature Units. Literary Duo A: Twain And Knowles Vs. Literary Duo B: Twain And Hentoff (Volumes I And Ii), Ellen Skinner Kester
A Comparison of U.S. and Japanese Environmental Laws Governing Emissions from Major Industrial Facilities, Dr. Thomas S. Mackey and Jim S. Hart
A Comparison Study Of Two Academic School Readiness Programs For Kindergarten And First Grade Middle-Class Students, Charlotte Agnes Barnes
A Comparison Study Of Why College Students Make Changes In Their Majors, Henri Allen
A Content Analysis Of Current Iranian Elementary Reading Textbooks For The Presence Of Social And Moral Values, Maryam Tajeran Ghandi
A Content Analysis Of Iranian Children's Story Books For The Presence Of Social And Moral Values, Zarintaj Taji Tajeran
A Content Analysis Of The Developmental Bibliotherapeutic Implications Of The Books Nominated For The California Young Reader Medal (1975--1986), Armin Richard Schulz
A Contingency Approach to Designing Project Organizations: Theory and Tools, Tim N. Carroll and Richard M. Burton
A Contingent Approach to Virtual Organizations, Tim N. Carroll, Dorthe Dejbak Håkonsson, and K. W. Jensen
A Contingent Approach to Virtual Organizations, Tim N. Carroll, Dorthe Dejbak Håkonsson, and K. W. Jensen
A Correlational Study Of The Characteristic Values And Needs With Work Related Factors Among Registered Nurses (Aspiration, Job Satisfaction), Carol Judie Higashi
A Correlational Study on the Delayed Effects of Maternal Drug and Alcohol Abuse During Pregnancy on the Preschool-Aged Child, Sheri E. Friedrich
A correlation of staff reports of hallucinatory indicators and the self-report of auditory hallucinations of persons diagnosed with chronic schizophrenia, Catherine Anne Bryson
A Cost-Effectiveness Analysis Of Individual Learning Units In A Junior High School Basic Mathematics Program., Nicholas Anthony LaPlaca
Acoustical species recognition triggers oviposition in the túngara frog (Engystomops pustulosus), Jenica Emerson and Karina G. Tom
A Critical Evaluation of the New EC Financial-Market Regulation: Peaks, Troughs, and the Road Ahead, Emilios Avgouleas
A Cross-Disciplinary Research Collaboration Identifies Critical Factors in STEM Student Success, Eileen K. Camfield, Kirkwood M. Land, and Alex Miller
Activating Empathy to Overcome Academic Shaming, Eileen K. Camfield and Leslie Bayers
Activities Adjusting Attitudes: The Impact of Lifestyle on Age Stereotype and Beliefs, Lluvia Garnica, Sebastian Getman, and Alexis Gutierrez
A Curious Relationship Between Obesity, Diabetes, and Dementia, Megan L. Darling, J. Mark Van Ness, Jonathan M. Saxe, Michelle M. Amaral, Lewis E. Jacobson, and Courtney D. Jensen
A Curriculum Model For Computer Literacy For Elementary School Teachers, Kathryn V. Williams
Acute Effects of the Power Snatch on Vertical Jump Performance, Nick Diaz, Courtney D. Jensen, and J. Mark Van Ness
Acute exercise attenuates alpha-adrenoceptor responsiveness in Dahl-salt sensitive rats, J. Michael Overton, Hiro J. Takata, and J. Mark Van Ness
Additamentum ad dissertationem de infinitis curvis eiusdem generis, Leonhard Euler
ADEA academic dental careers fellowship program experience, Sneha Mirchandani and Shika Gupta
A description and analysis of the Sacramento Model Technology Schools: The first four years, Barbara Jean Warner
A descriptive study of Hmong youth gang members in the California Central Valley, Mai Xiong
A descriptive study of selected kindergarten children in relation to academic achievement, Beth Wilson
A Descriptive Study Of The Seventh-Day Adventist Junior Academy Educational Program In Northern California, Cyril Edward Roe
ADHD focused homework intervention, April Delilah Pyle
A Distributed Execution Environment for Large Data Visualization, Jian Huang, Huadong Liu, Micah Beck, Jinzhu Gao, and Terry Moore
Adjustable and Portable Projector Stand, Belal Ahmed, Ross Anderson, Dustin Carter, and James Ling
Administration of Estates, University of the Pacific; McGeorge School of Law
Administration of Estates, University of the Pacific; McGeorge School of Law
Administration of Estates, University of the Pacific; McGeorge School of Law
Administration of Estates, University of the Pacific; McGeorge School of Law
Administration of Estates, University of the Pacific; McGeorge School of Law
Administration of Estates, University of the Pacific; McGeorge School of Law
Administration of Estates, University of the Pacific; McGeorge School of Law
Administration of Estates, University of the Pacific; McGeorge School of Law
Administration of Estates Review of Selected 1970 California Legislation, University of the Pacific; McGeorge School of Law
Administration of Estates Review of Selected 1972 California Legislation, University of the Pacific; McGeorge School of Law
Administrative variables affecting student retention in foreign languages in California public high schools, John Thomas Chandler
Admin Per Se for the Practitioner, Charles A. Pacheco
Adolescent Subjectivity and Gender-Based Sexual Violence in Marisa Sistach’s Perfume de violetas (Nadie te oye) and La niña en la piedra (Nadie te ve), Traci Roberts-Camps
Adoption of Kelsey S.: When Does an Unwed Father Know Best, Norman E. Allen
Adult attachment classification and foster mothers' perceptions of their relationship with their at-risk foster children, Charles O. Odipo
Adult Evening Students' Evaluation Of The Modesto Junior College Continuing Education Program, Julius Clement Manrique
Adults’ liking of infant names, Darcey N. Powell, Katherine Karraker, Marion E. Young, and Jessica Stoltzfus Grady
Adults’ liking of infant names, Darcey N. Powell, Katherine Karraker, Marion E. Young, and Jessica Stoltzfus Grady
Adults’ liking of infant names, Darcey N. Powell, Katherine Karraker, Marion E. Young, and Jessica Stoltzfus Grady
Adults’ perceptions of infants depicted through names and photographs, Darcey N. Powell, Katherine Karraker, Marion E. Young, and Jessica Stoltzfus Grady
Adults’ perceptions of infants depicted through names and photographs, Darcey N. Powell, Katherine Karraker, Marion E. Young, and Jessica Stoltzfus Grady
Adults’ perceptions of infants depicted through names and photographs, Darcey N. Powell, Katherine Karraker, Marion E. Young, and Jessica Stoltzfus Grady
Advancing teacher leadership capacity: Teacher -leaders' perceptions of social and organizational structures on teacher-leader to teacher interactions, Jodi Hawkins Revis
A factor analytic study of conceptual systems theory and the genotypic and phenotypic characteristics of teacher trainees: Toward the development of a typology, Stanley Augustus France Jr.
AFL-CIO pamphlet, Labor Volunteers for Moscone; California Labor Federation, AFL-CIO
A Flocking Based Algorithm for Document Clustering Analysis, Xiaohui Cui, Jinzhu Gao, and Thomas E. Potok
A Followup Study Of Community College Transfer And University Graduates' Career Advancement, Salaries And Professional Achievement In Journalism, Timothy C. Cox
A Four-Week Unstructured Break Improved Athletic Performance in Collegiate Rugby Players, Courtney D. Jensen and J. Mark Van Ness
A Four Year Statute of Limitations for Medical Malpractice Cases: Will Plaintiff's Case Be Barred?, Paul E. Caprioglio
A Framework of Organisations as Dynamic Structures, Tim N. Carroll and Samina Karim
African American parents' experiences in, perceptions of, and understandings about public schools, Angela Aguirre Watts
Age and gender-related differences among children's social support networks, Cynthia A. Magee
Age differences in self-set goal effects for memory, Robin Lea West, Carla M. Strickland-Hughes, and Kimberley A. Smith
Aging and self-stereotyping effects on face-name memory, Carla M. Strickland-Hughes, Robin Lea West, and Natalie C. Ebner
Aging and stereotyping effects on face-name memory, Carla M. Strickland-Hughes, Robin Lea West, and Natalie C. Ebner
Agrarian Reform's Constraints on Land Acquisition and Development for Non-Agricultural Use in the Philippines, Janeth San Pedro
Agriculture, University of the Pacific; McGeorge School of Law
Agriculture, University of the Pacific; McGeorge School of Law
Agriculture, University of the Pacific; McGeorge School of Law
Agriculture, University of the Pacific; McGeorge School of Law
Agriculture, University of the Pacific; McGeorge School of Law
Agriculture, University of the Pacific; McGeorge School of Law
A grounded theory analysis of novice and veteran principals through the Dreyfus and Greenfield models, Shobhana Rishi
A Guide To 'Under The Volcano', Gladys Marie Andersen
"A Hard Rain's A-Gonna Fall" - Terrorism and Excused Contractual Performance in a Post September 11th World, Mark B. Baker
A historical analysis of blackface in the media and its effects on contemporary African American stereotypes, Alicia Jean Smith
A Historical Study Of Proposed And Enacted Legislation Pertaining To The Curriculum For The California Common School System, Grades K-12, From 1929 To 1965, James Jeremiah O'Connor
AIDS Virus in the Workplace: A Comparison of British and American Law Concerning the HIV-Infected Employee, The, Joseph Kelly
Air Rage: Screaming for International Uniformity, William P. Schwab
A Laboratory-Centered General Chemistry Course For College Freshmen, Alexander Vavoulis
Alaska Notes, Summer of 1880, 1880 [ca. 1895], John Muir
Alaska Notes Summer of 1890, 1890 [1895; 1912?], John Muir
Alcohol and Cardiovascular Health: Acute Alterations vs. Chronic Adaptations, Jennica Harrison, Grace L. Naylor, J. Mark Van Ness, Michelle M. Amaral, Greg Roberts, Jonathan M. Saxe, Lewis E. Jacobson, and Courtney D. Jensen
Alcohol Education: An Exploratory Study Of Teacher Opinions And Drinking Practices, Paul Douglas Wyatt
Alcohol, Pacific's Party Scene, and Islam, Zill-e-huma Khan
Aligning to Extend Resource Capacities and Enhance Students' Acquisition of Social and Cultural Capital, Michelle Maloney and Allison Dumas
A Linked Coptic Dictionary Online, Frank Feder, Maxim Kupreyev, Emma Manning, Caroline T. Schroeder, and Amir Zeldes
A literature review for prompting procedures used to teach skills to children with autism, Corey S. Stocco and Kevin P. Klatt
All About Big Data, Jinzhu Gao
All Hail the European Union: Implications of Microsoft v. Commission on Global Antitrust Enforcement, Clayton Graham
Allocation of Loss for Forged Checks under Articles 3 and 4 of the U.C.C. and the Proposed Revisions Thereto, James Stuart Bailey
Allosteric Activation of UHRF1 Ubiquitin Ligase Activity, Joseph S. Harrison
Allosteric Activation of UHRF1 Ubiquitin Ligase Activity, Joseph S. Harrison
All Time Low - Last Young Renegade, Indrani Hardas
A Logical Conclusion: Not For 'EVERYBODY', Ted Lin-Cereghino
A Longitudinal Study of Pacific Students' Alcohol and Other Drug Use: Using Data to Inform Prevention and Intervention Strategies, Heather Dunn Carlton
A market analysis of parental decision -making in the selection of a private kindergarten in Taiwan, Miau Lin S. Shen
A Matrix Isolation Study Of The Reactions Of Oxygen(Singlet-D) With The Chlorofluoromethanes Fluorotrichloromethane, Dichlorodifluoromethane And Chlorotrifluoromethane, Richard Thomason Burke
Amazon Notes, etc., [ca. 1911-1912], John Muir
Ambulance & driver, Richard Shizuo Yoshikawa
Ambulatory adult with cervical spina bifida: A case study, P. Buchanan, Preeti Deshpande Oza, K. Mercuris, J. Ronnebaum, and V. Vardaxis
Ambulatory Adult with Cervical Spina Bifida: Case Study, P. Buchanan, Preeti Deshpande Oza, K Mercuris, J. Ronnebaum, and V. Vardaxis
A Medicated Dry Foam For Local Therapy In Infected Burns, Patrick Nicholas Catania
A meta-analysis: The relationship of program content and operation factors to measured effectiveness of college reading-study programs, Victoria Hunter Sanders
A metaphoric analysis of the Christian identity rhetoric of Pastor Pete Peters, Brian Alan Champagne
A Method Of Detecting Viral Contamination In Parenteral Solutions., Joseph Alexander Woelfel
A Method Of Evaluating The Counseling And Advising Program Of A Small University, And A Comparative Analysis Of Students' Perceptions Of And Expressed Needs For Counseling And Advising, Howard Owen Hardcastle and Earl William Wright
A Model Delivery System For Education In The California Youth Authority, Gordon L. Spencer
A Model for Evaluation of the Elementary School Principal, Herbert John Hemington
A Model For Teaching Performance Evaluation With Implications For Iran, Hassan Aga Afshari
A model for the analysis of the language of lawyers, Robert Alex Chaim
A model four year post-secondary core curriculum for California law enforcement personnel, John Hamilton Burge
A Model Graduate Curriculum In Fund Raising Administration For American Higher Education, Ernest William Wood
A Model Of A Regional Out-Of-State Teacher Recruitment Service, Jay T. Kenagy
A Model Of Research Functions In Selected California Unified School Districts, Eugene Frederick Maxwell
A Model To Elicit Optimum Internal Communications In Unified School Districts., Harry C. Weinberg
A modified “wound healing” and hypoxia model in vitro, Schuyler G. Tang, Isabel Kwon, Marie M. Tolarova, and Mirek Tolar
A modified “wound healing” model – human dental pulp stem cells cultured in a hypoxic environment, Schuyler Tang, Isabel Kwon, Marie Tolarova, and Miroslav Tolar
A Multi-Level Cache Model for Run-Time Optimization of Remote Visualization, Robert Sisneros, Chad Jones, Jian Huang, Jinzhu Gao, Byung-Hoon Park, and Nagiza Samatova
A Multimodal Remedial Program For Teaching Skills Of Written Expression To Intermediate Grade Students., Alma Alene McDonald
A Multiresolution Volume Rendering Framework for Large-Scale Time-Varying Data Visualization, Chaoli Wang, Jinzhu Gao, Liya Liu, and Han-Wei Shen
Amusement Park, Alan Lewerenz
An abbreviated form of the Wechsler Intelligence Scale for children, William Lee Gainer
Anaerobic threshold for the determination of functional capacity in Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, J. Mark Van Ness, Christopher R. Snell, Shawn G. Phippen, and David R. Strayer
An Allosteric Interaction Links USP7 to Deubiquitination and Chromatin Targeting of UHRF1, Zhi-Min Zhang, Scott B. Rothbart, David F. Allison, Qian Cai, Joseph S. Harrison, Lin Li, Yinsheng Wang, Brian D. Strahl, Gang Greg Wang, and Jikui Song
Analyse d'un problème du calcul des probabilités, Leonhard Euler
Analysis facilis aequationem Riccatianam per fractionem continuam resolvendi, Leonhard Euler
Analysis facilis aequationem Riccatianam per fractionem continuam resolvendi, Leonhard Euler
Analysis Of A. B. 8 Impact On Equalization Of Educational Opportunity And Equity Of Tax Rates Affecting California Public Schools, Paul Gerald Atkinson
Analysis of pH-Induced Conformational Switching in Novel Amide-Based Amphiphiles Using Various 1H-NMR Spectroscopy Techniques, Carim van Beek, Marcos Beltran-Sanchez, Nataliya Samoshina, and Vyacheslav V. Samoshin
Analytica explicatio methodi maximorum et minimorum, Leonhard Euler
Analyzing Bottlenose Dolphin Whistles in Social Contexts, Christine Duong, Abigail Masbrata, Thucdan Andrea Nguyen, Esha Patel, and Yuchen Julianna Xie
An Analysis and Synthesis of the Decisional Law Applying Article XX(g) of the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade, Jasper L. Ozbirn
An Analysis Of Certain Social And Economic Factors In Relationship To Reading Test Scores Reported By Selected California School Districts, Len Lawrence Trout Jr.
An Analysis Of Educational Characteristics Of Delinquent Students And Student Allocations In The Judicial System Of Solano County, Peter Athan Kalamares
An analysis of factors which influence choice of an academic program and sources of information used: Implications for recruitment strategies, Sallie Joan Corley
An Analysis of Foreign Investment in the People's Republic of China in the Aftermath of the Sino-U.S. Tax Agreement, Michael Brent Nelson
An analysis of SB740's effects on California's nonclassroom-based charter schools' expenditure decisions, Trygve Rolff Christensen
An analysis of selection criteria of candidates for doctoral study in education at the University of the Pacific, Katherine Kaye Kieth
An analysis of student sexual harassment policies in central California schools, Margaret Ann Barnett
An Analysis Of The Duties And Responsibilities Of The California Elementary School Vice-Principal, William Howe Welsh
An Analysis Of The Needs Of Re-Entry Nurses As Perceived By Re-Entry Nurses, Nurse Educators, And Nurse Administrators, Jean Phyllis Ruxton
An analysis of the practices of conceptual art with implications for music education, Anthony Terrence Saladino
An Analysis Of The Relationship Between Auditory Processing Skills And Reading Achievement At The Kindergarten And First Grade Levels., Susan Baime Neuman
An analysis of the relationship between large school districts and the press in California, Linda Kay Wark
An Archivist and a Geologist Walk into a Pub…, Michael J. Wurtz
An assessment of students in a content -based English language development curriculum for an after -school program, Molly C. Parks
An Attitudinal Study Related To Differentiated Staffing In Secondary Schools, A. Nick Noskowski
A naturalistic observation of social behaviors during preschool drop-off, Jessica Stoltzfus Grady, Chelsea M. Ale, and Tracy L. Morris
Anderson v. Owens-Corning Fiberglass Corp.: Asbestos Manufacturers and Strict Liability: Just How Strict Is It, Dana K. Astrachan
An Educational Philosophy For American Medical School Curricula, Richard Bruce Donker
An employee assistance program: A study of its scope, use, behavioral change, volunteerism, and confidentiality, Lynn Michael Tompkins
An Evaluation Of Continuation Programs In San Joaquin County And A Follow-Up Study Of Their Former Students, Virginia McShane Miller
An evaluation of efficacy and preference for fixed versus variable schedules of reinforcement, Elisabeth Golini, Corey S. Stocco, and Stacie L. Bancroft
An evaluation of instructional methods in increasing medication knowledge with adults with a psychiatric diagnosis, Brittney A. Dodson
An evaluation of the efficacy and social validity of interview skills training for college students, Corey S. Stocco, Rachel H. Thompson, John M. Hart, Katie L. Grill, and Heidi L. Soriano
An evaluation of the efficacy of and preference for predictable versus unpredictable conditions of reinforcement and demands., Kezhia Barba, Matthew Boliard, and Mahshid Ghaemmaghami
An evaluation of the efficacy of and preference for predictable versus unpredictable conditions of reinforcement and demands., Sindhu Vatikuti
A New America: Comparing The Works of Walt Whitman and Robert Frost, Victoria Lynn Rodriguez
A New Approach To General Chemistry Laboratory In College (With) A Laboratory Manual For General Chemistry, Constantine G. Vlassis
A New Concern in Europe: Lobbyists, the Merchants of Influence, Odile Prevot
A New Era of Economic Growth in Iran: Application of the Iran-United States Claims Tribunal Opinions to Bilateral Investments with Iran, George F. Salamy
A New International Legal and Institutional Framework to Manage Fossil Aquifers and Groundwater in Conjunctive Use with Surface Water Along the US-Mexico Border: A Water Banking Perspective, María. Milanés Murcia,
A new landmark and modification of the standard inferior alveolar nerve block injection, Robin Lambert, Riddhima Suri, Rachael Prokes, and Gary D. Richards
A New Look at Fundamental Human Rights in the European Commission's Investigation Procedure: Joined Cases 46/87 and 227/88, Christian B. Green
A New Paradigm in International Relations: A Reduction of War and Terror in the World through Democratization and Deterrence, John Norton Moore
A New Two-Position Protecting Group: Preparation And Properties Of Glucopyranosido-(1,2: 4',5')-2'-Oxazolidone And Syntheses Of D-Glucosaminides, Sharad Ramchandra Kulkarni
A New Way to Search Old Maps, Michael J. Wurtz
A New Year’s Resolution for the Citizens of Prescott, Michael J. Wurtz
An examination of empowering management practices in private industry and human service organizations, and the relationship between such practices and employee burnout, Jeffrey Peter Thomas
An examination of how first year high school assistant principals assess their schools' organizational cultures, Dominee Sue Muller-Kimball
An examination of selected characteristics of Mexican-American battered women and implications for service providers, Albert Valencia
An examination of sense of story in proficient bilingual, partial bilingual, and monolingual children as evidenced in stories told in English, Kathleen Kenfield
An examination of strategic renewal techniques of private post -secondary liberal -arts colleges and universities, Gary Dean Cotton
An examination of strategies and techniques facilitated by urban middle school principals to increase student achievement in low -performing schools, Vivian Angelita Gayles
An Examination of the California Fireman's Rule, Michael W. Moss
An examination of the effect of a chronic disease on couples' sexual relationships, Doreen Ann Samelson
An examination of the effects of experience on the ethical decision making of elementary school principals, Thomas P. Irvin
An examination of the prevalence rates of students with disabilities between special education local plan areas as a basis for policy development, Catherine Conrado
An examination of the relationship of leadership type to student academic performance in elementary schools of low to middle socioeconomic status, Linda Brandi Delehunt
An Examination Of The Relationships Between Teacher Effectiveness And Patterns Of Professional Preparation, Carl Raymond Stutzman
An examination of the uses of technology in secondary school mathematics instruction, Emma S. Elgar
An examination of why qualified African Americans do not pursue or ascend to the superintendency in California public schools, William J. Ellerbee Jr.
An Experimental Study Of The Effects Of Compulsory Arithmetic Homework Assignments On The Arithmetic Achievement Of Fifth-Grade Pupils, Eugene Edward Grant
An Experimental Study Of The Teaching Of Certain Critical Thinking Skills to Ninth Grade Pupils, Dale Eugene Lee Fisher
An exploration of specific personality factors as potential predictors of early adolescent substance use, Sandy Lee Schulte
An Exploratory Content Analysis Of Creative Thinking In Elementary School Science Textbooks For Grades One, Three, And Five., Anthony Thomas Rinaldi
An exploratory investigation into faking good on the Adult Attachment Interview, Jody A. Browning
An Exploratory Study Of Ageism In Children's Literature, Wilma Marie Rutherford
An exploratory study of divorced fathers' perceptions of relationships with their absent children, Dorothy Vignolo Isaak
An Exploratory Study Of The American Middle-Class Moral And Ethical Values Found In The John Newbery Medal Books., Heath Ward Lowry
An extended functional analysis of off-task behavior in children with attention deficit-hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), William Alan Flood
Angel of Peace, Harry Johnson
Angiotensin-glutamatergic interactions in the paraventricular hypothalamic nucleus, J. Mark Van Ness, Teresa Craig, Carmen Hinojosa-Laborde, and Joseph R. Haywood
An Historical Study Of The Adoption Of The Fifth-Year Requirement For High School Certification In California, Calvin Richard Boyes
An Identification Of Factors Associated With The Hispanic Student Dropout, Alicia Meza
Animadversiones in rectificationem ellipsis, Leonhard Euler
Animal and Youth Subjectivity in Lucía Puenzo’s Novels and Films, Traci Roberts-Camps
Animal Testing / Cover-Girl Face Does Not Have to Begin with Animal Cruelty: Chapter 476 Gives Legal Force to Alternative Testing Methods, A, Stacy E. Gillespie
An influence of individualism-collectivism orientations on East Asian international students' college adjustment, Tomoko Kusaka
An Inquiry Into The Influences Of American Democracy On The Arab Middle East, 1819-1958, Edward A. Raleigh
An Intensified Workshop On Grooming And Clothing Selection For Student Teachers As An Approach In Homemaking Administration, Billie Carolyn Berry Jackson
An interactive online approach to small-group student presentations and discussions, Der Thor, Nan (Tori) Xiao, Meixun Zheng, Ruidan Ma, and Xiao Xi Yu
An Introduction to Philosophy and to Oxford University Press’ Introductory Readers, Lou Matz
An Introduction to Russian Insurance Law and Current Reforms, Jennifer McGrath
An Introduction to the Law Governing the Swiss Joint Stock Corporation, Rolf Watter, Nadine Faruque, and David F. Kanzig
An Introduction to the Symposium and an Examination of Morrison’s Impact on the Presumption Against Extraterritoriality, Franklin A. Gevurtz
An Investigation Into The California Opportunity Program., Peter Judson Mackby
An investigation of academic success among Hispanic female transfer students, Kendyl Magnuson
An investigation of African-American male high school students' perceptions of African-American male vice principals as role models, Bobbie Wilbon Berry
An investigation of eighth grade pupils' understanding of quantitative concepts from United States history textbooks, Harold Lee Bush
An Investigation Of Priorities Ascribed To The Mission And Goals Function Statements Of The Board Of Governors In California Community Colleges, Phillip Neil Laughlin
An investigation of school district support in the development of critical skills in new principals, Kathleen S. Bennett
An Investigation Of Seriation And Perception In The Structure And Function Of Intellect In The Educable Mentally Retarded, Frances Wallack Mcfarland
An Investigation Of The Attitudes Which Prospective Teachers Hold Toward Bilingual Education, Berta Gonzalez
An Investigation Of The "Cume Assessment," An Instrument Designed To Measure Third Grade Children's Understanding Of Selected Cross-Cultural/Multicultural Concepts, Doni Kwolek Kobus
An investigation of the discriminant validity of four scales of the Personality Assessment Inventory to distinguish between offenders and non-offenders, Robert C. Brownell
An investigation of the effectiveness of a Saturday School Program in reducing the rate of truancy among ninth and tenth grade habitually truant students, Robert Howard Bell
An investigation of the effects of mentor relationships on motivation, communication, and self-concept of secondary students at-risk, Ronald Lee Hill Sr.
An Investigation Of The Feasibility Of Making Radiometric Titrations Of Precipitation Reactions, Harold Elmore Hammerstrom
An investigation of the field experience requirement for the Professional Administrative Services Credential in the state of California, Curtis LeRoy Guaglianone
An investigation of the neuroprotective properties of fenamate NSAIDs, against experimental models of ischemic stroke, Parto S. Khansari
An Investigation Of Theory Z, Administrator Trust And Teacher Burnout In Early Childhood And Day Care Administration, Doris O. Smith
An Investigation Of The Relationship Between Cognitive Developmental Stage And Quantitative Skills In College Students, Deann Julie Christianson
An Investigation Of The Relationship Between Creativity And Socio-Economic Status, Race And Sex Of Seventh-Grade Pupils., Ennis Ray McDaniel Jr.
An investigation of the role of the principal in influencing the implementation of arts education programs, Jennifer Ann Marie Sunderland-Faukner
An Investigation Of The Self-Reported Problems Of Mexican, Mexican-American And Anglo-American Adolescents, Marta Urteaga Pippin
Anleitung zur Naturlehre, Leonhard Euler
Annotatio in praecendentem dissertationem., Leonhard Euler
Annotationes in locum quendam Cartesii ad circuli quadraturam spectantem, Leonhard Euler
Annotatio quarundam cautelarum in investigatione inaequalitatum quibus corpora coelestia in motu perturbantur observandarum, Leonhard Euler
An observational analysis of parental involvement and children’s social engagement upon separation at preschool, C. Ale, Jessica Stoltzfus Grady, and T. Morris
An Offer You Can't Refuse: The Current Status of Plea Bargaining in California, Lawrence A. Bennett
Anomers Of D-Galactosamine Benzoates, Robert Stanley Strong
A Northern California Sojourner in Prescott, Michael J. Wurtz
Another Day Older and Deeper in Debt: How Tax Incentives Encourage Burning Coal and the Consequences for Global Warming, Roberta Mann
A Novel Means of Assessing Nutritional Decisions in a Poor Country: Evidence from Uganda, Michelle M. Amaral, Arsene M. Balihuta, and William E. Herrin
A Novel Web Based Support Tool for Learning Random Variables, Anahita Zarei, Jinzhu Gao, Alan Joe, and Jason Ortiz
Antecedents and consequences of social and emotional evaluations., Carla M. Strickland-Hughes and Natalie C. Ebner
Anthropometry, Physical Functioning, and Quality of Life in the Exercising Diabetic Patient, Lena K. Perry, Cynthia Villalobos, J. Mark Van Ness, Paul D. Vosti, and Courtney D. Jensen
Antibradykinin Evaluation Of Cryogenine And Selected Other Agents, Ralph William Trottier Jr.
Anti-caries therapy: why is combating the bacteria important?, Ling Zhan
Anticoagulant Half-Life Of Heparin In Human Subjects With Normal And Impaired Renal Function., Paul James Perry
Anti-Competitive Practices as Trade Barriers Used by Korea and Japan, Eun Sup Lee
Antidysthanasia Contracts: A Proposal for Legalizing Death with Dignity, Jeffrey Alan Smyth
Antihypertensive effect of food restriction in aortic coarctation hypertension, J. Mark Van Ness, R. Michael Casto, and J. Michael Overton
Anti-Stalking Legislation: A Comparison of Traditional Remedies Available for Victims of Harassment Versus California Penal Code Section 646.9, Kelli L. Attinello
An unconventional interaction with the E2 governs UHRF1 ubiquitin ligase activity, Joseph S. Harrison
An unconventional interaction with the E2 governs UHRF1 ubiquitin ligase activity, Joseph S. Harrison
A Paradigm for the Analysis of the Legality of the Use of Armed Force against Terrorists and States that Aid and Abet Them, Barry A. Feinstein
A Parallel Multiresolution Volume Rendering Algorithm for Large Data Sets Visualization, Jinzhu Gao, Chaoli Wang, Liya Li, and Han-Wei Shen
A patient-perspective approach to Medicare Part D prescription drug plan costs, Mark P. Walberg
A pharmacodynamic model of the role of 5-HT2A and GABAA receptors in the delay in the onset of action of SSRIS, Patrick G. Chan
A Pharmacologic Investigation Of The Antiinflammatory Activity Of Cryogenine, Donald Saadia Kosersky
A philosophically based praxis for teaching symphonic music literature, Catherine Mary Roche
A Plea for Culinary Luddism, Ken Albala
A Polarographic Study Of Selected Metal Complex Ions Of Several P-Tosyl Amino Acids, Joseph Martin Reyes
A Polarographic Study Of Substituent Effects In Nickel(Ii)-Complex Ions Of Pyridine And Pyridine Derivatives, Keith Edward Fester
A political analysis of institutional control issues within the NCAA, Allison Freedman
A Portrait of the Concussed Student-Athlete: Grade and Sex Affect Presentation of Symptoms, Joseph Mayhan, Cali VanValkenburg, Vincent Nittoli, Adam Shunk, and Courtney D. Jensen
Appendix--Code Sections Affected, University of the Pacific; McGeorge School of Law
Application of a Heightened Standard of Proof Is Not Very Clear and Convincing under 11 U.S.C. Section 727(a), Craig A. Barbarosh
Application of bone marrow stem cell based therapy in bone loss diseases, Nan (Tori) Xiao
Application of Evolutionary Neural Networks for Well-logging Recognition in Petroleum Reservoir, Kai Zhu, Huaguang Song, Jinzhu Gao, and Guojian Cheng
Application Of Parallel Computing On Large Scale Atmospheric Nucleation, Yanrui Liu, Kai Zhu, Aseda Gyeke Aboagye, and Jinzhu Gao
Application of the Knob Socket Model to predict changes in alpha helical structure, Caitlin Erler, Danielle MacArt, Nickraj Singh, Sarah Schneeberger, and Sonakshi Maheshwari
Applications by Russian Banks to Establish Representative Offices in the United States, Peter Y. Malyshev
Applications of Low Field Magnetic Resonance Imaging, Muhammad Waqas, Shadi F. Othman, Huihui Xu, and Craig Vierra
Applications of Matrix Theory in Computer Networks, Huaguang Song, Duxing Mou, Jinzhu Gao, and Changqing Xu
Applications of Rosetta Beyond Structure Prediction, Joseph S. Harrison
Applying Atkins v. Virginia to Juvenile Defendants: The End is Near for the Constitutionality of Executing Juveniles, Anthony Michael Despotes
Applying Economic-Engineering Systems Analysis to the Colorado River Delta, Josue Medellin-Azuara and Jay R. Lund
Applying International Human Rights Laws to Force-Feeding Prisoners: Effort to Create Domestic Standards in the United States, Heidi G. Kim
Appointed Counsel to Protect the Child Victim's Rights, Charles L. Hobson
A Practice-Teaching Program Model For Teacher Training Centers In Iran, Jalil Baharestan-Hanzaei
A profile of California Teachers of the Year, 1972-1992, Gary F. Dei Rossi
A Proposed Model Program For The Preparation Of Educational Administrators In India, Ronald Shaw
A Proposed Policy For Professional Development Of Teachers In Larger Unified School Districts In California, Ernest Emanuel Lehr
A Proposed Program Of Supervision Of Instruction In Public Junior Colleges, Louis Quint
A psychosocial intervention for treating endometriotic dysmenorrhea, Lisa Jeanne Roberts
A public affairs case study of the American Red Cross after September 11, Kathaleen E. Reed
A quantitative investigation of "faking good" on the MMPI, David Charles Richwerger
Aquí solo encontramos amigos: La solidaridad femenina en las películas de María Novaro, Traci Roberts-Camps
Arbitral Authority to Address Corruption, Andrea K. Bjorklund
Arbitration, A Third Alternative, Glenn A. Fait
Arcade Fire - Everything Now, Joe DeMars
Archeology of Error: Tracing California's Summary Judgment Rule, Curtis E.A. Karnow
A Realistic Approach to Exercise in CFS Patients, J. Mark Van Ness, Christopher R. Snell, and Staci R. Stevens
A Renaissance of Noodles, Ken Albala
A research idea: Modulation of Soleus H-reflex during Gait, Preeti Deshpande Oza
A Research Study Of The Effects Of Behavioral Group Counseling Upon College Freshmen, Donald Harvey Argue
Are Skull-Vibrations Causing High Frequency Artifacts in Membrane Measurements of the Túngara Frog (Engystomops pustulosus)?, Mark Morozumi
A Reversed-Phase Thin Layer Chromatographic Separation Of The Light Rare-Earths With A Spectrophotometric Determination, Leslie Arthur Whitaker
A review of Behavioral Foundations of Effective Autism Treatment, Amanda M. Karsten, Meca Andrade, Catia Cividini-Motta, Kerry A. Conde, Maeve G. Donnelly, Kelly McConnell, Keira Moore, Lindsay Peters, Kylie Roberts, Corey S. Stocco, Berglind Sveinbjornsdottir, and Nicholas Vanselow
A review on neural networks with random weights, Weipeng Cao, Xizhao Wang, Zhong Ming, and Jinzhu Gao
Arg-Gly-Asp (RGD) conjugated aliphatic acids as micellar drug carrier for targeted drug delivery, Steve I. Shen
Arguments Advanced by Insureds for Coverage of Environmental Claims, Mark C. Raskoff
Aristaless controls butterfly wing color variation used in mimicry and mate choice, E. Westerman, N. VanKuren, D. Massardo, A. Tenger-Trolander, W. Zhang, Ryan I. Hill, M. Perry, E. Bayala, K. Barr, N. Chamberlain, T. E. Douglas, N. Buerkle, S. Palmer, and M. R. Kronforst
Arranging and ordering in autism spectrum disorder: Characteristics, severity, and environmental correlates, Nicole M. Rodriguez, Rachel H. Thompson, Corey S. Stocco, and Kevin Schlichenmeyer
Articulated thoughts in simulated situations: An investigation into the thought processes of aggressive adolescents, Leilani Feliciano DiLiberto
Art of Legislative Lawyering and the Six Circles Theory of Advocacy, The, Chai Rachel Feldblum
A scalable framework for distributed virtual reality using heterogeneous processors, Qishi Wu, Jinzhu Gao, and Mengxia Zhu
A Scale Of Social Functioning Studied In Relationship To Persistence Or Withdrawal By Junior College Students, Barbara Charlesworth Painter
Ascend, Kyle Sabbatino
Aspects Of The Oculomotor System Of Callinectes Sapidus, Antoinette Steinacker
A Speculation on the Future of the Bank for International Settlements, Carl Felsenfeld and Genci Bilali
Assertiveness training with individuals who are moderately and mildly retarded, Wendy Maxine Forkas
Assessment and Treatment of Arranging and Ordering in Individuals with Autism, Nicole M. Rodriguez, Rachel H. Thompson, Kevin J. Schlichenmeyer, Corey S. Stocco, and William H. Ahern
Assessment and Treatment of Arranging and Ordering in Individuals with Autism, Nicole M. Rodriguez, Rachel H. Thompson, Kevin J. Schlichenmeyer, Corey S. Stocco, and William H. Ahern
Assessment of Functional Impairment by Cardiopulmonary Exercise Testing in Patients with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, J. Mark Van Ness, Christopher R. Snell, David R. Strayer, and Dean M. Fredrickson
Assessment of Soleus H-reflex recorded from three different sites on the muscle, L. Foley, J. Foster, J. Giles, A. Kroese, A. Travis, and Preeti Deshpande Oza
Asset-Backed Securities: Secondary Market Implications of SEC Rule 144A and Regulation S, Jeffrey B. Tevis
Association between criminal thinking and reading level, Karen L. Heintschel
Association of manual or engine-driven glide path preparation with canal centring and apical transportation: a systematic review, R. C. Hartmann, Ove A. Peters, J. A. P. de Figueiredo, and Giampiero Rossi-Fedele
As Times Goes by: Gertz v. Robert Welch, Inc. And Its Effect on California Defamation Law, Douglas C. Hamilton
Astronomia mechanica, Leonhard Euler
A student-initiated seminar in ‘Phylogenetics and Comparative Techniques’ promotes collaborative learning and research, E. A. Perotti, J. E. Vendetti, S. N. Sponberg, Ryan I. Hill, N. M. Hallinan, and C. L. Nunn
A Study In The Evaluation Of Chicano Adolescent Literature, Juan Manuel Flores
A Study Of Black Superintendents' Perceptions Regarding Crucial Issues, Personal Characteristics And Factors Related To Success, Thomas Lloyd Williams
A study of Brigham Young as an educational administrator, Richard G. Moore
A Study Of Catharsis (Abreaction, Emotional Discharge), In 4Th, 5Th, And 6Th Grade Students, Drina Miriam Fried-Roberts
A Study Of Cost Differential Between Comparative Day And Evening Programs At A Selected Community College, Robert Stewart Fritz
A study of educational research dissemination at the California State Legislature, David Michael Walker
A study of elementary school district superintendents' perceptions of challenges related to the implementation of networked educational technology and Internet access for elementary schools, Robert William Price
A study of factors affecting educational aspiration for selected students in China, Qian (Joy) Zhao
A Study Of Factors Influencing Job Satisfactions Of Community College Teachers., Alexander Rada
A Study Of Gross' Theory On Implementing Organizational Innovations: The Case Of Bilingual Education, Roger Tom
A Study Of High School Students' Educational Values: Implications For Counselors, Mary P. Allen
A study of high school students' perceptions of school stress, coping resources and stress responses, Jeri Ann Alvarez
A Study Of Licensed Family Day Care Providers' Views Regarding Regulations, Harriet Chaimovich Neal
A Study Of Nongraded Primary Programs In Public Elementary Schools In California, Joseph William Corbin
A study of output measures for evaluating the performance of California community college learning resources programs, Tobin De Leon Clarke
A Study Of Reading Achievement Of Bilingual (Spanish/English) Pupils In Grades Three And Five Taught Under Three Different Models Of Instruction, John A. Chavez
A study of school principals and the promotion of nutritional health in middle grade schools, Barbara Shahid
A study of selected characteristics and learning strategies of students related to persistence in telecourses, Kathryn Kawai Campbell
A Study Of Selected Walt Disney Screenplays And Films And The Stereotyping Of The Role Of The Female., Jerry Paul Houseman
A Study Of Students In The Educational Opportunity Program At California State College, Stanislaus, 1969-1974., Norbert Michael Gonzales
A study of teacher perceptions of job satisfaction related to the use of interdisciplinary teams at the middle school level in the state of California, Denise Louise Laven
A Study Of The Attitudes Of Public School Teachers Toward Instructional Television In American Samoa, Logoleo Tele'a V. Faleali'I
A study of the Chinese language immersion program in San Francisco: The first two years, Winifred Sin Ling Tang
A Study Of The Communication Skills Of Socially Isolated Elementary School Pupils., Eugene Stover Gibbs
A Study Of The Congruence Of Opinions And Attitudes Of Mothers And Fathers Of Title I School Children Toward The School System, George Boatman Moore
A Study Of The Creative Genesis Of The Twenty-Two Published Children'S Novels By Howard Pease, Shirley May (Woods) Jennings
A Study Of The Effects Of A Creative Thinking Skills Program On Intermediate Grade Educationally Handicapped Children., Lawrence Wesley Sharpe
A Study Of The Emphases Of Mildred Agnes Dawson In The Education Of Children In The American English Language Arts., Dorothy Gayle Hightower Woolley
A Study Of The Formation Of Cyclic Allenes From 2,3-Dibromocycloalkenes, Michael John Millam
A study of the perceptions of parents in Sacramento County who choose home schooling for their children, Elizabeth Louise Knopf
A study of the professional growth needs of teachers holding professional clear teaching credentials in California, Janny Yuen Ki Wong
A Study Of The Relationship Between Economic Education And Formal Reasoning In Ninth Grade Students, Beverly Redden Phillips
A study of the relationship between racial mix and academic progress, interracial friendships, and pupil and parent attitudes in the elementary school, Julius Walter Gunnarsen
A Study Of The Relationship Of Reading Achievement, Linguistic Awareness, And Conservation In Third Grade Children, Kathleen S. Duren
A study of time orientation, temporal integration and reading comprehension: Back to the future, Tacey L. Ruffner
A study of values in music education, 1950-1970, to identify changes and directions of change, William Mervyn Jones
A Study Of Young Father College Enrollees: An Investigation Of Shared Parenting With Implications For Public Policy (Family), Patricia Stanley
A Study Related To The Development Of A Training Program For Paraprofessionals In California Community College Counseling Services, Elizabeth Yip Lee Blanchard
A Study To Determine The Effects Of A Counselor - Student - Teacher - Parent Contractual Agreement Upon The Behavior And Achievement Of Middle School Problem Children., Dorothy R. Whitford Frost
A Survey Of Arts Education In Programs In California Public Elementary Schools (Music, Dance, Drama), Kathleen Rae Olander
A Survey Of Gifted Program Administration In Rural Alaska, Eileen Marie Lally
A survey of inclusive and selective music programs in California public secondary schools, Karen Sue Gardias
A survey of multicultural counselor training courses in selected California State University system programs, Mary Wood Reibson
A Survey Of The Attitudes Of Selected Counselors, Administrators, And Students In California Toward The Utilization Of Computers And A Computer-Based Career Information System, Jimmy B. Stubblefield
A System For The Evaluation Of Urban And Suburban Elementary School Principals., Mary Kathryn Nebgen
A Tale of Two Compadres: Teaching International Trade and Development Across Cultures, Marjorie Florestal
A Technology Education Inventory Among Northern California High School Principals And Recent Graduates, Linda Rae Markert
Atlas Geographicus, Praefatio, Leonhard Euler
ATP and adenosine receptors modulate IL-1β secretion during Porphyromonas gingivalis infection, Cassio Luiz Coutinho Almeida-da-Silva, Erivan Schnaider Ramos-Junior, Ana Carolina Morandini, Brandon Triell Huynh, Angela Hwang, Ozge Carkan, Shijun Li, Ryan Park, David M. Ojcius, and Robson Coutinho-Silva
A Trade Policy Goal for the 1990s: Improving the Adequacy and Effectiveness of Intellectual Property Protection in Foreign Countries, David I. Wilson
Attachment in California: Senate Bill 1048, The Interim Response to Randone, John P. Stayner
Attachment in California--What Now?, Edward N. Jackson
Attachment representation and self -concept of students with learning disabilities at the community college level, Kathryn Bokides Samuel
"Attack of the Killer Tomatoes?" Corporate Liability for the International Propagation of Genetically Altered Agricultural Products, Stephen Kelly Lewis
Attempted Synthesis Of 1-Methyl-4-Isopropyl-Hydroxy Bicyclo (3.1.0) Hexane, Kenny Uzoma Acholonu
Attendance modification of resource specialist program students using postcards and parents as change agents, Walter O. Olsen Jr.
Attentional blink: The role of profanity and taboo words, Sue D. Hobbs
Attenuated blood pressure responsiveness during post-exercise hypotension, J. Mark Van Ness, Hiro J. Takata, and J. Michael Overton
At the Crossroads, Vic Fazio
Attitudes of California Department of Corrections educators toward inmate learners, Paul Andrew Bestolarides
Attitudes of Physical Therapy Students towards Interprofessional Education, Preeti Deshpande Oza and Kathryn Nesbit
Attitudes Of Retailers And College Educators Concerning Fashion Retail Internships (Merchandising, Cooperative Education, Employer Attitudes), Gwendolyn Cathers Sheldon
Attitudes of specific groups in selected California communities regarding female participation in high school interscholastic programs, Frederick Bramwell Osmond
Attitudes toward seeking professional psychological help: A cross-national study between American and Japanese college students, Akihiko Masuda
Attitudes Towards Public School Teachers Strikes, Kenneth Harold Arnold
A Uniform NAFTA Power of Attorney between Canada, Mexico and the U.S., Mark D. Becker
Auranofin inactivates Trichomonas vaginalis thioredoxin reductase and is effective against trichomonads in vitro and in vivo, Melissa Hopper, Jeong-fil Yun, Bianhua Zhou, Christine Le, Katelin Kehoe, Ryan Le, Ryan I. Hill, Gregg Jongeward, Anjan Debnath, Liangfang Zhang, Yukiko Miyamoto, Lars Eckmann, Kirkwood Land, and Lisa Wrischnik
Auranofin Targets Thioredoxin Reductases in Trichomonas vaginalis, Jose Jauregui
Australia's New Era: The Shift in Workplace Negotiating Power, Paul J. Bauer
Auszüge aus Briefen von L. Euler an Johann I. Bernoulli 1729-1737, Leonhard Euler
Auszug eines Briefes von Hrn. Euler uber die Vorstellung der Sternenbilder auf der Himmelskugel, Leonhard Euler
Authenticity and Cultural Appropriation, Ken Albala
Author Index, University of the Pacific, McGeorge School of Law
Author Index, University of the Pacific, McGeorge School of Law
Author Index, University of the Pacific; McGeorge School of Law
Author Index, University of the Pacific; McGeorge School of Law
Author Index, University of the Pacific; McGeorge School of Law
Author Index, University of the Pacific, McGeorge School of Law
Author Index, University of the Pacific, McGeorge School of Law
Author Index, University of the Pacific; McGeorge School of Law
Author Index, University of the Pacific; McGeorge School of Law
Author Index, University of the Pacific; McGeorge School of Law
Author Index to Ar, University of the Pacific; McGeorge School of Law
Author Index to Articles, University of the Pacific; McGeorge School of Law
Author Index to Articles/Casenotes/Comments, University of the Pacific; McGeorge School of Law
Author Index to Articles Index to Volume 4, University of the Pacific; McGeorge School of Law
Author Index to Legislative Notes/Title Index to Articles/Casenotes, University of the Pacific; McGeorge School of Law
Author Index to Volume 26, University of the Pacific; McGeorge School of Law
Automated S’more Press, Jacob Campbell, Rob Delucca, Kevin Geng, Romina Rodriguez, and Steffano Vidal Espinoza
Automobile Racing - Stockton: crowd surrounding crashed racecar, [Nita Vitagliano], Van Covert Martin
Automobile Racing - Stockton: Nita Vitagliano, female racecar driver, Van Covert Martin
Automobile Racing - Stockton: Nita Vitagliano, female racecar driver, Van Covert Martin
Automobile Racing - Stockton: portrait, Nita Vitagliano, Van Covert Martin
Automobile Racing - Stockton: Unidentified women racecar drivers posing by their automobiles, Nita Vitagliano, Van Covert Martin
Autonomous Controlled Pollination of Kiwifruit, Cody J. Balos, Gustavo Bartolo, and Chuck Hu
Autonomous Driving with a Simulation Trained Convolutional Neural Network, Cameron Franke
Avast Ye, Hollywood! Digital Motion Picture Piracy Comes of Age, Christian John Pantages
Avertissement, Leonhard Euler
Avertissement au sujet des Recherches sur la Précession des Équinoxes, Leonhard Euler
A visit with the Mayor of San Francisco, George Moscone, University of the Pacific
A Wealth of Muir on Wealth, Michael J. Wurtz
Back At It, Prajakta Prasana
Badè and Wolfe Deciphered Much of Muir’s Handwriting, Michael J. Wurtz
Bananas War, The, Raj Bhala
Band rehearsal, Richard Shizuo Yoshikawa
Banishing the ‘red pen of death’ – Writing assessment to empower learning and growth, Eileen K. Camfield and Eileen E. McFall
Banking and Financial Services Law, Michael P. Malloy
Banking Integration in the European Economic Community: Impact on the Eurodollar Market, Robert Lantz
Bank Insolvency Regimes in the United States and the United Kingdom, Heidi Mandanis Schooner
Bank Mergers in North America: Comparing the Approaches in the United States and Canada, Eric J. Gouvin
Bank Robbery in the Bizarro World, Kimberly Barnes
Bankruptcy behind the Great Wall: Should U.S. Businesses Seeking to Invest in the Emerging Chinese Market be Wary?, Steven L. Seebach
Barriers To Advancement In Educational Administration As Perceived By Women Administrators, Betty Ann Pacheco
Barriers to advancement in higher education as perceived by women administrators in the California State University, Jessie Garza-Roderick
Barriers To Educational Leadership Aspirations As Perceived By California Asian American Women Administrators (Minority, Public School), Eva Chow Fong
Baseball: panorama of game, Richard Shizuo Yoshikawa
Baseball: panorama of uniformed infielders during game, Richard Shizuo Yoshikawa
Baseball: panorama showing pitcher in wind-up, Richard Shizuo Yoshikawa
Baseball: team posing in uniform, Richard Shizuo Yoshikawa
Baseball: uniformed batter & catcher in game, Richard Shizuo Yoshikawa
Baseline Body Composition Affects Exercise Response: Results from Diabetic and Athletic Populations, Natalie Figueroa, Cynthia Villalobos, J. Mark Van Ness, Paul D. Vosti, and Courtney D. Jensen
Baseline, Bright-line, Best Interests: A Pragmatic Approach for California to Provide Certainty in Determining Parentage, Anthony Miller
Basic Archival Preservation, Michael J. Wurtz
Basketball at Pacific, 1951, University of the Pacific
Basketball: man shooting ball #1, Richard Shizuo Yoshikawa
Basketball: man shooting ball #2, Richard Shizuo Yoshikawa
Basketball: man shooting ball #3, Richard Shizuo Yoshikawa
Basketball: man with ball #1, Richard Shizuo Yoshikawa
Basketball: man with ball #2, Richard Shizuo Yoshikawa
Basketball on Roller Skates: Common Questions and Concerns About First-Year Writing, Eileen K. Camfield
Basketball team 1951, University of the Pacific
Basketball Tipoff, (circa 1977), Unknown
Bates, the Model Rules and Attorney Advertising, Christopher M. Mensoian
Battered Child Defendants in California: The Admissibility of Evidence Regarding the Effects of Abuse on a Child's Honest and Reasonable Belief of Imminent Danger, Carin C. Azarcon
Bay Area Rapid Transit (BART) Advertisment, [circa 1978], Bay Area Rapid Transit
Beantwortung verschiedener Fragen uber die Beschaffenheit, Bewegung und Wurckung der Cometen, Leonhard Euler
Becoming prosocial peers: Temperamental shyness and mothers’ and fathers’ elaborative emotion language, Jessica Stoltzfus Grady and Paul D. Hastings
Behavioral Parent Training Time Out Technique and Parent’s Ability to Generalize the Implementation to other Untrained Situations, Ashley Dawn Mitchell
Behavioral rigidity and manifest anxiety, Lawrence Allyn Scadden
Behavior analysis on campus, Corey S. Stocco
Behind the Ancient Foods that Made Thanksgiving, Ken Albala
Being Brazilian: National Identity in Tizuka Yamasaki’s Gaijin I: Os caminhos da liberdade and Gaijin II: Ama-me como sou, Traci Roberts-Camps
Below the Surface: An Introduction to the Commission's Recommendations on the Management of Groundwater Resources, Karen D. Bettencourt
Beneath the American Flag: United States Law and International Principles Governing the Covenant Between the United States and Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands, Jennifer C. Davis
Beneath the numbers and beyond the rubric: Getting to the heart of student writing development in a first-year seminar, Eileen K. Camfield and Eileen E. McFall
Benzyl Glycosides Of 2-Amino-2-Deoxy Alpha-D-Mannopyranoside And 2-Amino-2-Deoxy Alpha-D-Mannopyranuronic Acid, Tony Man-Kuen Chiu
Best Interests of the Child--Scrutinizing California's Use of Minors As Police Informants in Drug Cases, The, Michael R. Santiago
Better Solutions for Produced Water Management in California Oilfields, Mary Kay Camarillo, Alisha Rodriguez, Tamara Turton, and William T. Stringfellow
Between the Mexican Revolution and the Sexual Revolution: Entre Pancho Villa y una mujer desnuda, Traci Roberts-Camps
Beyond Maastricht: The Long-Term Macroeconomic Impact of European Monetary Union, Davod Kenneth Brock
Beyond Napster--Is it Just Music? Or Are Judicial Resolutions Ineffective in Digital Commerce?, Jed Scully
Beyond Napster--The Future of the Digital Commons: Introduction, Elizabeth Rindskopf Parker
Beyond the Economic Turmoil of the Asian Financial Crisis: Indonesia's Struggle to Cope with Insolvency, Michelle Schreiber
Big Data Management, Analysis and Visualization, Jinzhu Gao
Big Data Management, Analysis and Visualization, Jinzhu Gao
Big Mother: The State's Use of Mental Health Experts in Dependency Cases, George J. Alexander
Big Rhubarb After Rhizite-Quonset Tilt, University of the Pacific
Bilingual-Bicultural Instructional Aide Evaluations, Stelvio G. Locci
Bilingual-Bicultural Instructional Aide Roles As Perceived By Teachers, Administrators, And Instructional Aides, Mary N. Ortiz
Bilingual Bicultural Program Coordinator Role And Role Effectiveness, Paul Nava
Binding induced enzyme activated methotrexate-α-peptide prodrugs for integrin targeted drug delivery, Phanidhara R. Kotamraj
Binocular Interactions In The Human Visual Evoked Potential., Patricia Adrianna Apkarian
Biodesensitization: Biofeedback-controlled systematic desensitization of the distress response to chronic tinnitus, David Alvin Jardine
Biography of William “Buckey” O’Neill, Michael J. Wurtz
Biology Department Assessment Research, Alex Miller
Biomarker Discovery for Cancer Sensitivity to CDK8 Inhibitors, Zhixin Lu, Jensen E. Spear, and Wade A. Russu
Biomarkers of Orthodontic Tooth Movement, Ellie Schwartz, Shubdeep Kaur, Mahsa Mortazavi, Marie M. Tolarova, and Mirek Tolar
Biotechnological Gene Patent Applications: The Implications of the USPTO Written Description Requirement Guidelines on the Biotechnology Industry, Lisa A. Karczewski
Biotechnology and International Law Introduction, James P. Chandler
Biotechnology and International Law within the North-South Context, John Ntambirweki
Biotechnology and the Creation of Ethics, Raymond R. Coletta
Biotechnology: Business Organization Issues, Franklin A. Gevurtz
Biotechnology's Challenge to the Law of Torts, Julie A. Davies and Lawrence C. Levine
Biotechnology: Some Issues of General International Law, Stephen McCaffrey
Birch Reduction Of Benzamide, N-Substituted Benzamides And Biphenylene, Luther Dickson
Birth Right: Home Births, Midwives, and the Right to Privacy, A, Jennifer Jordan Tachera
Black women administrators in California community colleges: Perceived influences of sex and race discrimination and affirmative action, Marian C. Shivers
Blaney, Robert Oral History Interview, Gwenn Browne
Bloodmeal Identification for Mosquitoes in Lake County, Susan K. Shiroma and Jenny Yoo
Blubber Proteome Response to Fasting in Adult Female Elephant Seals, Rasool Maan, Reeti Banerjee, and Melony Mody
Board of Editors, University of the Pacific; McGeorge School of Law
Board of Editors, University of the Pacific; McGeorge School of Law
Board of Editors, University of the Pacific; McGeorge School of Law
Board of Editors, University of the Pacific; McGeorge School of Law
Board of Editors, University of the Pacific; McGeorge School of Law
Board of Editors, University of the Pacific; McGeorge School of Law
Board of Editors, University of the Pacific; McGeorge School of Law
Board of Editors, University of the Pacific; McGeorge School of Law
Board of Editors, University of the Pacific; McGeorge School of Law
Board of Editors, University of the Pacific; McGeorge School of Law
Board of Editors, University of the Pacific; McGeorge School of Law
Board of Editors, University of the Pacific; McGeorge School of Law
Board of Editors, University of the Pacific; McGeorge School of Law
Board of Editors, University of the Pacific; McGeorge School of Law
Board of Editors, University of the Pacific; McGeorge School of Law
Board of Editors, University of the Pacific; McGeorge School of Law
Board of Editors, University of the Pacific; McGeorge School of Law
Board of Editors, University of the Pacific; McGeorge School of Law
Board of Editors, University of the Pacific; McGeorge School of Law
Board of Editors, University of the Pacific; McGeorge School of Law
Board of Editors, University of the Pacific; McGeorge School of Law
Board of Editors, University of the Pacific; McGeorge School of Law
Board of Editors, University of the Pacific; McGeorge School of Law
Board of Editors, University of the Pacific; McGeorge School of Law
Board of Editors, University of the Pacific; McGeorge School of Law
Board of Editors, University of the Pacific; McGeorge School of Law
Board of Editors, University of the Pacific; McGeorge School of Law
Bob Puglia and Baseball, Bob Hemond
Body-Brain Fitness, Preeti Deshpande Oza
Body weight -supported gait training in poststroke hemiparetic patients undergoing treatment with serotonin reuptake inhibitors: A pilot study, Annie Patrice Burke-Doe
Bonsoir, Monsieur Antipyrine, Cosana M. Eram
[Book Notes], [ca. 1906], John Muir
[Book Notes on Scotch Geology], [ca. 1863], John Muir
[Book Notes on Scotch Geology], [ca. 1863], Image 1, John Muir
[Book Notes on Scotch Geology], [ca. 1863], Image 10, John Muir
[Book Notes on Scotch Geology], [ca. 1863], Image 11, John Muir
[Book Notes on Scotch Geology], [ca. 1863], Image 12, John Muir
[Book Notes on Scotch Geology], [ca. 1863], Image 13, John Muir
[Book Notes on Scotch Geology], [ca. 1863], Image 14, John Muir
[Book Notes on Scotch Geology], [ca. 1863], Image 15, John Muir
[Book Notes on Scotch Geology], [ca. 1863], Image 16, John Muir
[Book Notes on Scotch Geology], [ca. 1863], Image 17, John Muir
[Book Notes on Scotch Geology], [ca. 1863], Image 18, John Muir
[Book Notes on Scotch Geology], [ca. 1863], Image 19, John Muir
[Book Notes on Scotch Geology], [ca. 1863], Image 2, John Muir
[Book Notes on Scotch Geology], [ca. 1863], Image 20, John Muir
[Book Notes on Scotch Geology], [ca. 1863], Image 21, John Muir
[Book Notes on Scotch Geology], [ca. 1863], Image 22, John Muir
[Book Notes on Scotch Geology], [ca. 1863], Image 23, John Muir
[Book Notes on Scotch Geology], [ca. 1863], Image 24, John Muir
[Book Notes on Scotch Geology], [ca. 1863], Image 25, John Muir
[Book Notes on Scotch Geology], [ca. 1863], Image 26, John Muir
[Book Notes on Scotch Geology], [ca. 1863], Image 27, John Muir
[Book Notes on Scotch Geology], [ca. 1863], Image 28, John Muir
[Book Notes on Scotch Geology], [ca. 1863], Image 29, John Muir
[Book Notes on Scotch Geology], [ca. 1863], Image 3, John Muir
[Book Notes on Scotch Geology], [ca. 1863], Image 4, John Muir
[Book Notes on Scotch Geology], [ca. 1863], Image 5, John Muir
[Book Notes on Scotch Geology], [ca. 1863], Image 6, John Muir
[Book Notes on Scotch Geology], [ca. 1863], Image 7, John Muir
[Book Notes on Scotch Geology], [ca. 1863], Image 8, John Muir
[Book Notes on Scotch Geology], [ca. 1863], Image 9, John Muir
Book Received, University of the Pacific; McGeorge School of Law
Book Review, University of the Pacific, McGeorge School of Law
Book Review Data Privacy in the Information Age, Jed Scully
Book Review Extraterritorial Employment Standards of the United States: The Regulation of the Overseas Workplace. By James M. Zimmerman, Robert A. Hawley
Book Review Foreign Temporary Workers in America, Policies that Benefit the United States Economy, Sonia A. Hehir
Book Review - Global Sport Management: Contemporary Issues and Inquiries, Melissa J. Davies
Book Review International Trade in Computer Software. By Stephen E. Siwek and Harlod W. Furchtgott-Roth, Peter C. Schreiber
Book Review Investor Response to Management Decisions: A Research Based Analysis of Actions and Effects. By Richard M. Altman, August D. Smith
Book Review John A. Adams, Jr. Mexican Banking and Investment in Transition (Westport, CT: Quorum Books, 1997) 238pp., Michael P. Malloy
Book Review - LONG-TERM CARE ADVOCACY, by Eric M. Carlson, Matthew Bender & Co., New York and San Francisco, 1999, Jan Ellen Rein
Book Review Man in His Original Dignity: Legal Ethics in France, John Cary Sims
Book review: Monique Yaari, ed., Infra-Noir Un Et Multiple: Un groupe surréaliste entre Bucarest et Paris, 1945-1947, Cosana M. Eram
Book Review of The Measure of Injury: Race, Gender, and Tort Law, by Martha Chamallas and Jennifer B. Wriggins, Julie A. Davies and Anne Bloom
Book Review Parallel Importation U.S. Trademark Law. By Timothy H. Heibert, Herbert M. Sampson III
Book Review Removing the Obstacles to Extraterritorial Lawyering, Michael C. Doland
Book Reviews, University of the Pacific; McGeorge School of Law
Book Reviews - Effective Lobbying in the European Community, Michaela Platzer
Book Review The Economic Transformation of Eastern Europe: Views from Within. Edited by Bernard S. Katz and Libby Rittenberg, W. Eric McElwain
Book Review The Practice of Multinational Banking: Macro-Policy Issues and Key International Concepts, Michael P. Malloy
Book Review- United States Contract Law, J. Clark Kelso
Books Received, University of the Pacific, McGeorge School of Law
Books Received, University of the Pacific, McGeorge School of Law
Books Received, University of the Pacific, McGeorge School of Law
Books Received, University of the Pacific, McGeorge School of Law
Books Received, University of the Pacific; McGeorge School of Law
Books Received, University of the Pacific; McGeorge School of Law
Books Received, University of the Pacific, McGeorge School of Law
Books Received, University of the Pacific, McGeorge School of Law
Books Received, University of the Pacific; McGeorge School of Law
Books Received, University of the Pacific, McGeorge School of Law
Books Received, University of the Pacific, McGeorge School of Law
Books Received, University of the Pacific, McGeorge School of Law
Books Received and Reviewed, University of the Pacific, McGeorge School of Law
Books Received and Reviewed, University of the Pacific, McGeorge School of Law
Borelli v. Brusseau: Must a Spouse Also Be a Registered Nurse? A Feminist Critique, Wendy L. Hillger
Boys don’t cry? Gender differences in emotion portrayals within storybooks, Malina Her, Geena Moreno, Katie Perez, Jillian Yelinek, and Jessica Stoltzfus Grady
Brazil’s Landmark Clean Company Act: Comparison to the OECD Anti-Bribery Convention and Issues, Sonia Zaheer
Bread Workshop, Ken Albala
Breaking Old Practice Myths, Scott T. Downs
Breaking the Language Barrier: New Rights for California's Linguistic Minorities, Carl P. Blaine
Breaking the Silence: Strategies for Combating Elder Abuse in California, Nina Santo
Bridging the Divide: The Case for Harmonizing State and Federal Extraterritoriality Principles After Morrison and Kiobel, Katherine Florey
Briefe von L. Euler an Chr. Goldbach 1729-1763, Leonhard Euler
Brief History of the California Legislative Counsel Bureau and the Growing Precedential Value of Its Digest and Opinions, A, Jeffrey J. Coonjohn
Brief memory strategy training that enhances beliefs promotes near transfer, Carla M. Strickland-Hughes and Robin Lea West
Brief strategy training enhances targeted memory and beliefs and promotes near transfer, Carla M. Strickland-Hughes and Robin Lea West
Brief von Euler, Leonhard Euler
Brief von L. Euler an Christoph Jezler vom 4 Mai 1765, Leonhard Euler
Brief von L. Euler an E. Pontoppidan vom 11. Mai 1754, Leonhard Euler
Brigham Young and the Environment, Michael J. Wurtz
Brock Turner: Sorting Through the Noise, Michael Vitiello
Brock Turner: Sorting Through the Noise, Michael Vitiello
Brogan v. United States: A Critical Response to the Supreme Court's Analysis of 18 U.S.C.A. 1001, Nathan Edwards
Bromination Of 1,2-Cyclononadiene And 1,3-Dimethylallene, Edward Benny Samuel
Brunfelsia Hopeana - Pharmacologic Screening: Isolation And Characterization Of Hopeanine, Radhakrishnan Parameswaran Iyer
Buccal mucoadhesive delivery system of acyclovir, Amir Hossein Shojaei
Buddhism and Sustainable Development, Lou Matz
Building Campus Partnerships in an Academic Seminar, Lou Matz, Peggy Rosson, Mylon Kirksy, and Heidi Goettl
Building Computational Models, Tim N. Carroll and R. M. Burton
Building Intra-Institutional Networks of Support for First-Generation Students: The Community Involvement Program and University Libraries @ Pacific, Michelle M. Maloney and Allison Dumas
Bull, Kyle Sabbatino
Burnt structure #1, Richard Shizuo Yoshikawa
Burnt structure #2, Richard Shizuo Yoshikawa
Burnt structure #3, Richard Shizuo Yoshikawa
Business and Professions / Attorney Work Product Crime-Fraud Exception: Chapter 1059, Laura K. Weimer
Business and Professions / Chapter 277: California's Solution to Cyberfraud in the Political Arena, Denise Pereira
Business and Professions / Chapter 317: Is Big Brother Along for the Ride, Jody M. Hausman
Business and Professions / Chapter 354: A Little Tax Relief from the California Legislature, Christopher J. Conant
Business and Professions / Chapter 752: Making Grocers Pay the Price for Overcharging Customers, Joel A. Eisenberg
Business and Professions / Clarifying Authority: Closing the Loophole on Dangerous Drugs, Ryan M. Arnold
Business and Professions / Dealing with Dangerous Mix-ups: Descriptive Labels on Prescription Drugs, Ryan M. Arnold
Business and Professions / Licensing Alternative Approaches to Medicine: The Naturopathic Doctors' Act of 2003, Thomas R. Clark
Business and Professions / Protecting California's Abortion Clinic Workers from Harassment and Violence, Elizabeth J. Hall
Business and Taxation / Keeping California Competitive Chapter 4: A Tax Break for Foreign Mutual Fund Corportations, Karen Vassilian
Business Associations, University of the Pacific; McGeorge School of Law
Business Associations, University of the Pacific; McGeorge School of Law
Business Associations and Professions, University of the Pacific; McGeorge School of Law
Business Associations and Professions, University of the Pacific; McGeorge School of Law
Business Associations and Professions, University of the Pacific; McGeorge School of Law
Business Associations and Professions, University of the Pacific; McGeorge School of Law
Business Associations and Professions, University of the Pacific; McGeorge School of Law
Business Associations and Professions, University of the Pacific; McGeorge School of Law
Business Associations and Professions, University of the Pacific; McGeorge School of Law
Business Associations and Professions / Does the State Bar Have an Institutional Bias Against Solo Practitioners and Attorneys from Small Firms?, Daniel F. Berberich
Business Associations Review of Selected 1970 California Legislation, University of the Pacific; McGeorge School of Law
Business Associations Review of Selected 1972 California Legislation, University of the Pacific; McGeorge School of Law
Business Development for Bankers: An Evaluation Study, Stephen Eric Howard
Bussing Statement, George Moscone
CAFTA-DR and the Iterative Process of Bilateral Investment Treaty Making: Towards a United States Takings Framework for Analyzing International Expropriation Claims, Michael Muse-Fisher
Calcul de la probabilité dans le jeu de rencontre, Leonhard Euler
California and Federal Evidence: Cases and Materials, John E.B. Myers
California Appellate Court Reform--A Second Look, Seth M. Hufstedler
California Charging Orders: Court Ordered Foreclosures of Charged Partnership Interests, Andrew Ian Sriro
California Code of Civil Procedure Section 351: Who's Really Paying the Toll, Gregory J. Livingston
California Code of Civil Procedure Sections 337.1 and 337.15: Defective Construction Defect Statutes, Michael F. Boyle and Leslie M. Hastings
California Corporate Securities Law of 1968: Some Interpretations, Some Problem Areas, William R. Bickford
California Court and Community School/Day Centers: A descriptive study of the educational program for California's most at-risk youth, Mick Bruce Founts
California Court of Appeal for the Sixth Appellate District: A Review of the Court's Opinions in Civil Cases Decided in 1988 through 1990, The, Russell J. Hanlon
California Criminal Discovery: Overcoming Constitutional Obstacles to a Statutory Scheme, Dinah Bear and Sandra L. Price
California Criminal Law: Cases, Problems and Materials, John E.B. Myers
California Disability Anti-Discrimination Law: Lighthouse in the Storm, or Hunt for Buried Treasure?, Tammy L. McCabe
California Educators' Perceptions Of Mandated Professional Development For Teachers, Durlynn Carol Anema
California Entrapment Law--A Need for Statutory Clarification, Michael T. Fogarty
California Evidentiary Foundations, Thomas Jay (J). Leach and Edward J. Imwinkelried
California Family Law: A Practice Focused Casebook, John E.B. Myers
California Garagemen's Liens--Impact and Aftermath of Adams v. Department of Motor Vehicles, Margaret S. Shedd
California Initiative Review October 2012: Initiatives at a Glance, University of the Pacific, McGeorge School of Law
California Instream Flow Protection Law: Then and Now, Harrison C. Dunning
California Legal Research, Suzanne E. Rowe, Hether Macfarlane, and Aimee Dudovitz
California Legislation: Sources Unlimited, Emil Steck Jr.
California Local Initiatives and Referenda: An Argument for Keeping the Progressive Flame Burning, Patrick J. Borchers
California psychologists' knowledge of medicinal herbs as it relates to discussions and recommendations of them when counseling clients, Christine Machiko Nakamoto
California's 1967 Therapeutic Abortion Act: Abridging a Fundamental Right to Abortion, Nancy B. Reardan
California's Alternative to Collective Bargaining for Teachers: The Winton Act, 1965-1974, and Proposals for Change, Ophelia H. Zeff
California's Anti-SLAPP Remedy After Eleven Years, Jerome I. Braun
California's Attempt to End Farmworker Voicelessness: A Survey of the Agricultural Labor Relations Act of 1975, Lucinda Carol Pocan
California's Beginning Teacher Support and Assessment Program: An analysis of collaboration between higher education institutions and school districts, Rex Keith Moseley
California school administrators and school board presidents' perceptions of grade level organization in school districts, Ronald James Estes
California's Environmental Quality Act--A Significant Effect or Paper Pollution?, Stephen H. Johanson
California's Expansion of the Homebuyers' Tax Credit Program: Economic Stimulus or $200 Million Giveaway, Daniel S. Cucchi
California's Franchise Tax Board: A Bull in the International China Shop. Barclays Bank International, Ltd. v. Franchise Tax Board, David Greenberg
California's Groundwater Management since the Governor's Commission Review: The Consolidation of Local Control, David A. Sandino
California's New Community Property Law-- Its Effect on Interspousal Mismanagement Litigation, Belan K. Wagner
California's New General Corporation Law: Close And Closely-Held Corporations, Don Berger
California's New General Corporation Law: Directors' Liability to Corporations, Douglas P. Wiita
California's New General Corporation Law: Dividends and Reacquisitions of Shares, Andrew B. Anderson
California's New General Corporation Law: Editor's Forward, Michael W. Moss
California's New General Corporation Law: Prospects for Minority Shareholders, Ann H. Morris
California's New General Corporation Law: Quasi-Foreign Corporations, Douglas E. Noll
California's New Scheme for the Commitment of Individuals Found Incompetent to Stand Trial, Marjory W. Parker
California's Three Strikes Law: Desperate Times Require Desperate Measures-But Will It Work, Mark W. Owens
California's Three Strikes Law: History, Expectations, Consequences, James A. Ardaiz
Calliope XLIX Mosaic 2018, Calliope, University of the Pacific
CAMBRA: An examination of change in the dental profession, Douglas Young
CAMBRA To The Rescue -- Stopping White Spot Lesion Development During and After Orthodontic Treatment --, Jaime A. Valencia
Campaign Tour Flyer, Moscone's campaign for Governor
Campaign Withdraw, George Moscone
Campus visioning and participatory design, Mary M. Somerville
Canada's Transfer Pricing Laws: Keeping Pace with an International Trend, Terry Thompson
Canada-U.S. Free Trade Resolution Dispute Mechanism Panel Procedures: Will They Hold, Christopher J. Murphy
Can average people detect differences in transcribed speech samples spoken by people either diagnosed with schizophrenia or not diagnosed with schizophrenia?, Tina Marie Hopson
Can California's Resale Milk Pricing Law Survive the Supermarket?, Sara C. Steck
Cannabis and Water Management: International Regulation and the Legal Framework of the European Union, Maria E. Milanes-Murcia
Can preschool children learn abduction prevention skills?, Shannon Michele Ceresa
Capillary Behavior Of Viscous Liquids, Marvin De Young
Cardiometabolic Risk Factors and Mental Health, Courtney D. Jensen, K. L. Darragh, B. A. Parker, J. A. Capizzi, C. M. White, P. M. Clarkson, P. D. Thompson, and Linda S. Pescatello
Cardiometabolic Risk Factors and Mental Health, Courtney D. Jensen, K. L. Darragh, B. A. Parker, J. A. Capizzi, C. M. White, P. M. Clarkson, P. D. Thompson, and Linda S. Pescatello
Cardiopulmonary Exercise Test Methodology for Assessing Exetion Intolerance in Myalgic Encephalomyelitis/Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Staci R. Stevens, Christopher R. Snell, Jared Stevens, Betsy Keller, and J. Mark Van Ness
Cardiovascular effects of daily volitional exercise in Dahl-salt sensitive rats, J. Mark Van Ness, J. Michael Overton, and Hiro J. Takata
Cardiovascular effects of daily volitional exercise in Dahl-salt sensitive rats, J. Michael Overton, J. Mark Van Ness, and Hiro J. Takata
Care During Death, Grief And Loss: The Effects Of A Workshop And Clinical Experience On Student Nurses' Attitudes And Actions, Lynda Armstrong Wilson
Career Counseling Practices In Abet-Accredited Engineering Cooperative Education Programs, Gary Richard Martin
Case Report: Evaluation and Treatment of Hemineglect, Preeti Deshpande Oza
Case Report: Use of Non-Ridgid Connector, Veniamin Dronov
Cases and Materials on Water Law, Jennifer L. Harder, Gregory S. Weber, and Bennett L. Bearden
Case study of an urban high school teaching academy, Kristine Domoto Marubayashi
Catastrophic Health Spending in Uganda, Timothy Cheng
Catholic education for ministry among Hispanics, Carmen Maria Cervantes
Caught between Paradise and Power: Public Health, Pathogenic Threats, and the Axis of Illness, David P. Fidler
Cautiones necessariae in determinatione motus planetarum observandae, Leonhard Euler
Celestials and Soiled Doves: The Archaeology and History of Lots 4-9, Block 13 of Historic Prescott's Original Townsite - The Prescott City Centre Project, Michael J. Wurtz, Michael S. Foster, John M. Lindley, and Ronald F. Ryden
Cell Phones in the Lab: An App for the Dynamic Simulation of Voltage-Gated Ion Channels, Kyle Poe and Beau Forest
Central beta-2 adrenoceptor antagonism attenuates heart rate and glucose responses to exercise., Hiro J. Takata, J. Mark Van Ness, and J. Michael Overton
Central leptin administration raises blood pressure in normotensive rats, R. Michael Casto, V. McGehee, J. Mark Van Ness, Melaney A. Jones, and J. Michael Overton
CETA Employers’ Guide, Manpower
Change in power locus perception and alienation through participation in a community action program, William Lawrence York
Changes in airway volume in adult patients following orthodontic treatment with premolar extractions versus non-extraction, Sunny Jisun Lee, Allison Kawata, Hayoung Michael Shin, David Chambers, Joorok Park, and Heesoo Oh
Changes in cephalometric measurements in adult patients following orthodontic treatment with premolar extractions versus non-extraction, Byron Chou, David Dang, Adrienne Joy, David Chambers, Joorok Park, and Heesoo Oh
Changes in EMG of forearm muscles with exercise, L. Nilan, M. Zafarani, and Preeti Deshpande Oza
Changes in hyoid bone position from 6 to 16 years: A longitudinal study, Manraj Dhaliwal, Umneet Kaur Banvait, Divya Vadlamudi, Jashandeep Kaur, Kaiyuan Xu, Mai Nguyen, and HeeSee Oh
Changing conceptions of sacred music, Marion Virginia Rice
Changing the Business: Music Videos in Society, Rebeca Zepeda
Channeling Competition in the Global Securities Market, Stephen J. Choi
Chan v. Korean Air Lines: The United States Supreme Court Shoots Down Notice Requirements under the Warsaw Convention, Richard Manuel Clark
Chan v. Korean Air Lines: The United States Supreme Court Shoots Down Notice Requirements under the Warsaw Convention, Richard Manuel Clark
Chaotic’ Environments, ‘Complex’ Organizations, and ‘New’ Organization Forms, Tim N. Carroll
Chapter 106: In Hearsay We Trust, Abigail Maurer
Chapter 10: Manufacturing Incentives and Green Technology, Rebekah Morrissey
Chapter 13: More Money to Players, Brighter Future for Schools, Megan Cosgrove
Chapter 156: A Surgical Procedure to Revive California's Crippled Electronic Service of Process, Allan Woodworth
Chapter 167: Taking Court Records Management from the Stone Age to the Digital Age, Brian E. Hamilton
Chapter 18: Enhancing Government Transparency, Julia DeVos
Chapter 19: Requiring a Carbon Monoxide Detector in Every Home, Will Melehani
Chapter 20: The Shirt Heard 'Round the World, Colin Sullivan
Chapter 219: Chelsea's Law, Kevin Walkow
Chapter 22: Another Step toward Curing Constitutional Deficiencies in California's Prisons, Kirk Wilbur
Chapter 25: One More Step toward Cityhood for East Los Angeles, Brian E. Hamilton
Chapter 28: A Special Election's Special Exception, Ashley Bonnett
Chapter 30: Correcting a Drafting Error in California's Latest DUI Law, Michael Malone
Chapter 3: Empowering Parents to Win the Race to the Top, Ashley Bonnett
Chapter 405: The Time No Longer Needs to Fit the Crime for Dying Inmates, Kendra Bertschy
Chapter 48: Protecting Vulnerable Adults from Predatory Power of Attorney Practices, Ekaterina Deaver
Chapter 521: Overexposed: Radiology Errors Lead to Harm from CT Scans, Christopher Braniff
Chapter 558: California’s Fight Against Modern Day Slavery, Shelby Lundahl
Chapter 5: The Bottle Bill Budget Band-Aid, Clayton S. III McCarl
Chapter 64: Assisting Victims of Elder Financial Abuse in Recovering Their Judgment Awards, Ekaterina Deaver
Chapter 66: Making Small Steps towards Permanency for Dependent Children, Kendra Bertschy
Chapter 787: Reducing Food Waste with Fresh Food Date Labeling Terminology, Nolan Kessler
Chapter 789: Banning the Box: The Solution to High Ex-Offender Unemployment?, Michael Hopkins
Chapter 830: Cleaning Products Are Coming Clean, Elizabeth “Libby” Grotewohl
Chapter 86: Nevada Finally Outlaws Bestiality, Emily Malhiot
Characteristics necessary for effective rural elementary student study teams as a pre-referral intervention technique, Sandee Kludt
Characteristics & perceived skills of California Community College Chief Financial Officers: A profile of characteristics & perceived skills and responsibilities, George Austin Railey Jr.
Characterization of a New Family of Cysteine Rich Proteins in Black Widow Spider Silk, Caroline Williams
Characterization of Egg Case Silk and Spider Silk Gene Transcription in Black Widow Spiders, Simmone Olivia Dyrness
Characterization of human cytokine biomarkers in the gingival crevicular fluid, Shatha S. Zahran, Ove A. Peters, Ryan Yu, Takahiro Chino, Asma A. Khan, and Johnah C. Galicia
Characterization of irreversible inhibition of proteases by mass spectroscopy, Zhonghua Walter Yu
Characterization of polyamine-induced differentiation in PC12 cells, Sreenivasu Mudumba
Characterization of polymorphic forms and in vitro release of etoposide from poly-DL-lactic and poly-DL-lactic-co-glycolic acid micromatrices, Bhaskara Rao Jasti
Characterization of stable cell lines and divalent metal ion binding to rat GALR1 and human GALR2 receptor subtypes, Habibeh Khoshbouei, Anita Tharian, Suzanne R. Broussard, Michael P. Johnson, and Lee F. Kolakowski Jr.
Characterization of the CPI-17 Gene Family in Danio rerio, Guneet Kaur Virk
Characterizing Military Separation Benefits at Dissolution in California, Glenn C. Jones
Charging Order: Conflicts between Partners and Creditors, The, J. Dennis Hynes
Charlotte Bronte'S Novels: The Artistry Of Their Construction, Anne Wonders Passel
Charly Bliss - Guppy, Jordan Gibbs
Checking our Blind Spots: Current Status of Research Evidence Summaries in ME/CFS, Todd E. Davenport, Staci R. Stevens, J. Mark Van Ness, Jared Stevens, and Christopher R. Snell
Cheetahs of the caterpillar world: Are ground-feeding Speyeria faster than vine-feeding Agraulis?, Amanda Millen Lo and Jenny Lan Pham
Chemical Activation By Low Energy Electron Impact Of Carbon Monoxide Adsorbed On Metal Surfaces (Gold, Nickel, Palladium, Molybdenum, Tungsten), James Dean White
Chemical and Local Effects on Peptide Cysteine Reactivity, Michael D. Browne, Brinnley Barthels, and Jianhua Ren
Chemotherapy and the Exercising Cancer Survivor, Samantha R. Gayla, Cynthia Villalobos, Justin C. Brown, J. Mark Van Ness, Paul D. Vosti, and Courtney D. Jensen
‘Chercher le bruit’: Marcel Proust in Service of Modern Communication, Cosana M. Eram
Chief Justice Roger Traynor and The United States Supreme Court: Contrasting Approaches to Search and Seizure, Gordon Van Kessel
Child Abuse And The School, Robert Leslie Harriman
Children are not adults - pediatric obstructive sleep apnea and dentistry, Arezoo Heshmati, Grishma Patel, Divakar Prakash, Abby Gail Shalaby, and Parvati Iyer
Children in costumes, Richard Shizuo Yoshikawa
Children in covered wagon #1, Richard Shizuo Yoshikawa
Children in covered wagon #2, Richard Shizuo Yoshikawa
Children of Saturn: The Work of Argentine Director and Novelist Lucía Puenzo, Traci Roberts-Camps
Children on playground swings, Richard Shizuo Yoshikawa
Children’s anxious characteristics predict how their parents socialize emotions, Paul D. Hastings, Jessica Stoltzfus Grady, and L. Barrieau
Children's attitudes and behavioral intentions toward emotionally disturbed peers, Jennifer Linn Crews
China's Market Economy - A Historical Perspective, Francis S.L. Wang and Laura W. Young
China's Offshore Oil Development Policy and Legislation: An Overall Analysis, Paul C. Yuan
Chinese parents' support for the bilingual educational program, Edmond Lee
Choice of Law, Choice of Forum, and Arbitration Clauses Override U.S. Security Rights: Riley v. Kingsley Underwriting Agencies, Ltd., Kristine M. Padan
Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Ampligen, and Quality of Life: A Phenomenological Perspective, Christopher R. Snell, J. Mark Van Ness, and Staci R. Stevens
Chronicity and Innovation as Responses to Environmental Disruptions, C. Dibrell, P. S. Davis, and Tim N. Carroll
Circulating a legacy: Libraries promoting inclusion on campus, Michelle M. Maloney and Serjio Acevedo
Circulating a legacy: Multicultural affairs and the university library partnering to promote inclusion on campus, Michelle M. Maloney and M. Bagus
City of Burlington v. Dague: When You Wish upon a Lodestar for Reasonable Attorney Fees, James P. Benoit
Civil and Criminal Jurisdiction over Matters Arising in Indian Country: A Roadmap for Improving Interaction among Tribal, State and Federal Governments, Nancy Thorington
Civil / California Adds a New Remedy for the Ever-Changing Face of Hate, Sarah J. Farhat
Civil / Chapter 338: Another New Law, Another SLAPP in the Face of California Business, Joshua L. Baker
Civil / Chapter 842: Another Remedy for Victims of Gender-Related Violence - Is This Too Much of a Good Thing?, Bill Diedrich
Civil Code Section 5120.110(c): California's New Approach to Postseparation Obligations, S. Brett Sutton and Lee A. Miller
Civil / Creating a New Tort: Sexual Harassment and Personal Liability under the Fair Employment and Housing Act, Elizabeth Barravecchia
Civil / Identity Theft Triggers Stricter Processing Standards for Credit Applications in California, Tate Davis
Civil Liability for Furnishing Liquor in California, Ronald W. Collett
Civil Procedure, University of the Pacific; McGeorge School of Law
Civil Procedure, University of the Pacific, McGeorge School of Law
Civil Procedure, University of the Pacific; McGeorge School of Law
Civil Procedure, University of the Pacific; McGeorge School of Law
Civil Procedure, University of the Pacific; McGeorge School of Law
Civil Procedure, University of the Pacific; McGeorge School of Law
Civil Procedure, University of the Pacific; McGeorge School of Law
Civil Procedure, University of the Pacific; McGeorge School of Law
Civil Procedure, University of the Pacific; McGeorge School of Law
Civil Procedure, University of the Pacific; McGeorge School of Law
Civil Procedure Review of Selected 1970 California Legislation, University of the Pacific; McGeorge School of Law
Civil Procedure Review of Selected 1972 California Legislation, University of the Pacific; McGeorge School of Law
Civil Procedure /Righting Past Wrongs or Interfering in International Relations? World War H-Era Slave Labor Victims Receive State Legal Standing After Fifty Years, Diane Richard Foos
Civil Procedure Simulations: Bridge to Practice, Michael Vitiello
Civil RICO and Antitrust Law: The Uneven Playing Field of the Workers' Compensation Fraud Game, Daniel T. Fitzpatrick
Civil / Saving Shirley Temple: An Attempt to Secure Financial Futures for Child Performers, Peter M. Christiano
Civil Society Concerns in the Context of Economic Globalizaiton, Michelle Leighton and Elena Castaneda
Civil / Student Tipster Immunity: Protecting Individuals Who Report Threats of Potential Violence from Defamation Liability, Lindsay S. Harrington
Civil / Will a Repeal of Gun Manufacturer Immunity from Civil Suits Untie the Hands of the Judiciary?, John Fowler
Claim of Patrick Ford for Losses by Klamath Indians, 1853, Patrick Ford
Clarifying the Content-Based/Content Neutral and Content/Viewpoint Determinations, Leslie Gielow Jacobs
Clash of the Cultures: U.S.-Japan Treaty of Friendship, Title VII, and Women in Management, Dana Marie Crom
Classroom management inservice for beginning teachers, Janie Chinami Matsumoto Low
Class size reduction: Effects on teacher attitudes toward students, training, and teaching methods, Mary Elizabeth Inchausti
Clearing the Smog Surrounding Consumer Auto Leasing, John D. Ayer
Clemons v. Mississippi--Shortcut to the Executioner, Fred P. Cavese
Clinical education, storytelling and perceptions of experience from athletic training students: An interpretative phenomenology, Steven J. Cernohous
Clint Eastwood to Jack Levitan, 13 August 1976, Clint Eastwood
Closing the academic achievement gap: Perceived responsibilities and practices of site level administrators from high -achieving, high poverty schools, Michael V. Gonzales
Closing the Latino student achievement gap: Best practices of Title I school principals, Bryan Dennis Boyd
Coastline Crisis, Bertram C. White
Cogitationes de aggeribus construendis, Leonhard Euler
Cognitive-behavioral therapy with depressed, involuntarily confined mentally retarded individuals, Paul David Cecchettini
Cognitive Health: Attention and Aging, Carla M. Strickland-Hughes
Cohesion and satisfaction in relationships as a function of gender and sexual orientation, Jane Louise Woolley
Collaborative Big Data Analytics, Jinzhu Gao
Collaborative Data Management and Visualization, Jinzhu Gao
Collaborative Data Visualization and Analysis, Jinzhu Gao
Collaborative Data Visualization and Analysis, Jinzhu Gao
College of the Pacific, Diploma and Hooding Ceremony, University of the Pacific
College of the Pacific Tweet, College of the Pacific
College of the Pacific Tweet, College of the Pacific
College Students’ Dual-Screening, Political Habits, and Attitudes: A Survey Analysis, Jonathan Weskey Bruce
Collegial Collaborations to Foster Contemplative Practice and Empower Empathy, Eileen K. Camfield, Lott Hill, and Leslie Bayers
Comendo na pós-modernidade: como o comprar, o cozinhar e o comer estão se transformando na Era Digital, Ken Albala
Commentatio de curvis tractoriis, Leonhard Euler
Commentatio de matheseos sublimioris utilitate, Leonhard Euler
Commentatio hypothetica de periculo a nimia cometae approponquatione metuendo, Leonhard Euler
Commentatio in fractionem continuam, qua illustris La Grange potestates binomiales expressit, Leonhard Euler
Commentationes arithmeticae collectae, Leonhard Euler
Comment k: A Prescription for the Over-the-Counter Drug Industry, Thomas M. Moore and Scott L. Hengesbach
Commercial Contracting Sales, Leases, and Computer Information, Francis J. Mootz III, David Frisch, and Peter Alces
Commercial Transactions, University of the Pacific, McGeorge School of Law
Commercial Transactions, University of the Pacific; McGeorge School of Law
Commercial Transactions, University of the Pacific; McGeorge School of Law
Commercial Transactions, University of the Pacific; McGeorge School of Law
Commercial Transactions, University of the Pacific; McGeorge School of Law
Commercial Transactions, University of the Pacific; McGeorge School of Law
Communications and Copyright in Canada and the U.S.: A Survey of Current Law and Proposals for Change, Barbara L. Waite
Communication Within The Academic Community At The University Of The Pacific: A Descriptive Study 1973-1974, Richard Frank Sebok
Community Clustering by Average Distance, Jialing Dai, Duxing Mou, Jinzhu Gao, and Changqing Xu
Community Council [?], Richard Shizuo Yoshikawa
Community Rallied Around Bashford House 30 Years Ago, Michael J. Wurtz
Community vision and the development of a small high school, Matthew Thomas Roberts
Company Profiles Assignment, Veronica Wells and Keith Hatschek
Comparatio valorum formulae integralis ∫xp-1∂x/(1–xn)(n-q)/n a termino x=0 usque ad x=1 extensae, Leonhard Euler
Comparative biochemical analysis of UHRF proteins reveals molecular mechanisms that uncouple UHRF2 from DNA methylation maintenance, Robert M. Vaughan, Bradley M. Dickson, Evan M. Cornett, Joseph S. Harrison, Brian Kuhlman, and Scott B. Rothbart
Comparative Cannabis: Approaches to Marijuana Agriculture Regulation in the United States and Canada, Ryan B. Stoa
Comparative Efficacy of Video and Text Instructional Modalities for an Oral Surgery Technique among Dental Students, Ho-Hyun Brian Sun, Jeffrey A. Elo, Grant D. McClendon, Hardev Singh, and Chan M. Park
Comparative Law and the Same-Sex Marriage Debate: A Step-by-Step Approach Toward State Recognition, William N. Eskridge Jr.
Comparative learning methods of cognitive computer -based training with and without multimedia blending, Fidel Michael Salinas Jr.
Comparative Negligence in California: Multiple Party Litigation, Mark C. Raskoff
Comparative Oral+ENT Biology, Marcos Gridi-Papp
Comparative Phytochemistry Of Saururaceae Essential Oils., Lohit Venkateswara Tutupalli
Comparative population genetics of a mimicry locus among hybridizing Heliconius butterfly species, N. L. Chamberlain, Ryan I. Hill, S. W. Baxter, C. D. Jiggins, and M. R. Kronforst
Comparing McCloud River Sculpins’ FST using genomics and bioinformatics, Young Soo Choi and Peter Park
Comparing Post-Exertional Symptoms Following Serial Exercise Tests, Lariel J. Mateo
Comparing Post-Exertional Symptoms Following Serial Exercise Tests, Lariel J. Mateo, Lily Chu, Staci R. Stevens, Jared Stevens, Christopher R. Snell, Todd E. Davenport, and J. Mark Van Ness
Comparing precision teaching and direct instruction in teaching courtroom competency to disabled adults, Brehan F. Kuhn
Comparing the effects of single target and multiple target trials on acquisition, generalization, and maintenance, Nicholas R. Vanselow, Corey S. Stocco, Sara M. Weinkauf, M. Newquist, and J. Ogle
Comparison and Analysis of the California Master Plan for Special Education Annual Evaluation Report and the United States Office of Special Education Program Administrative Review of California, Russell Vincent Riley
Comparison of expression of the GDNF family neurotrophic factors in dental pulp stem cells with deciduous and adult teeth, Kamille Mercado and Nan (Tori) Xiao
Comparison of swim testing techniques to assess VO2 max in trained swimmers, S. H. Hohm, Glenn P. Towne, and J. Mark Van Ness
Comparison Of Teacher-Directed And Student-Directed Methods Of Using Comprehensive Achievement Monitoring Feedback In Psychomotor Gymnastics Skills Of Ninth-Grade Girls., Carla Margaret Crippen
Comparison Of The Abridged Version Of The System Of Multicultural Pluralistic Assessment And The Hahnemann Elementary School Behavior Scale With Special Education Students, Mary Allasina Yaryan
Comparison of two groups of Cambodian children in first and second language acquisition and school readiness, Beverly Ann Clark
Compassion Inspired Physical Therapy, Preeti Deshpande Oza
Complaints, Anita Bernstein
Complementary Still Life, Julissa Andrade
Comprehension of extended narrative text: The role of spontaneous mental imagery while reading or listening, Marilyn Anne Winzenz
Compulsory Patent Licensing in Mexico in the 1990's: The Aftermath of NAFTA and the 1991 Industrial Property Law, Rafael V. Baca
Compulsory Patent Licensing in Mexico in the 1990's: The Aftermath of NAFTA and the 1991 Industrial Property Law, Rafael V. Baca
Computer/Internet / Chapter 218: Stopping Cybersquatters from Harming One of California's Valuable Resources: Hollywood, Eric J. Moore
Conclusion: The Rule of Law Among Countries, Stephen C. McCaffrey
Condom use of female college students as a function of information versus role play and modeling, Lisa Kirsten Hunter
Conduct of an Initial Public Offering in Japan by Means of the Over-the-Counter Registration of Stock, Rexford Coleman
Condylar degeneration in patients with dental open bite versus skeletal open bite utilizing CBCT, Alex Rauchle, Alston Trinh, Linda Phi, Brad Albertson, Joorok Park, and Heesoo Oh
Coniectura physica circa propagationem soni ac luminis, Leonhard Euler
Conjectura circa naturam aeris, pro explicandis phaenomenis in atmosphaera observatis, Leonhard Euler
Conjecture sur la raison de quelques dissonances généralement reçues dans la musique, Leonhard Euler
Connected to John Muir, Michael J. Wurtz
Connections between student perceptions of quality in online distance education and retention, Francis V. Uwagie-Ero
Conrad's "Nostromo" And The Imagery Of Despair, Terry Lane Kimble
Consciousness in the Abyss: Benjamin Fondane and the Modern World, Cosana Maria Eram
Conservatory of Music, Diploma and Hooding Ceremony, University of the Pacific
Consideratio aequationis differentio-differentialis (a+bx)ddz + (c+ex)(dx dz/x) + (f+gx)(z dx2/xx) = 0, Leonhard Euler
Consideratio formularum, quarum integratio per arcus sectionum conicarum absolvi potest, Leonhard Euler
Consideratio motus singularis, qui in filo perfecte flexili locum habere potest, Leonhard Euler
Considerationes circa Analysin Diophanteam, Leonhard Euler
Considerationes circa brachystochronas, Leonhard Euler
Considerationes cyclometricae, Leonhard Euler
Considerationes de motu corporum coelestium, Leonhard Euler
Considerationes de theoria motus Lunae perficienda et imprimis de eius variatione, Leonhard Euler
Considerationes de traiectoriis orthogonalibus, Leonhard Euler
Considerationes super problemate astronomico in tomo commentarior. veter. IV. pertractato. Auctore L. Eulero, Leonhard Euler
Considerationes super theoremate Fermatiano de resolutione numerorum in numeros polygonales, Leonhard Euler
Considerationes super traiectoriis tam rectangulis quam obliquangulis, Leonhard Euler
Considérations sur le problème des trois corps, Leonhard Euler
Considérations sur les difficultés qu'on rencontre dans l'exécution des verres objectifs délivrés de toute confusion, Leonhard Euler
Considérations sur les nouvelles lunettes d'Angleterre de Mr. Dollond et sur le principe qui en est le fondement, Leonhard Euler
Considérations sur quelques formules intégrales dont les valeurs peuvent être exprimeés, en certains cas, par la quadrature du cercle, Leonhard Euler
Consideratio progressionis cuiusdam ad circuli quadraturam inveniendam idoneae, Leonhard Euler
Consideratio quarumdam serierum, quae singularibus proprietatibus sunt praeditae, Leonhard Euler
Consolidation Of California School Districts To Achieve Financial Equalization., Ronald Alfonso Dangaran
Constitutionality of Term Limitations: Can States Limit the Terms of Members of Congress, Tiffanie Kovacevich
Constructio aequationis differentialis axn dx = dy + y2 dx, Leonhard Euler
Constructio aequationis differentio-differentialis Ay du2 + (B+Cu)du dy + (D+Eu+Fuu)ddy = 0, sumto elemento du constante, Leonhard Euler
Constructio aequationum quarundam differentialium, quae indeterminatarum separationem non admittunt, Leonhard Euler
Constructio lentium obiectivarum ex duplici vitro quae neque confusionem a figura sphaerica oriundam neque dispersionem colorum pariant, Leonhard Euler
Constructio linearum isochronarum in medio quocunque resistente, Leonhard Euler
Constructio manometri densitatem aeris quovis tempore accurate monstrantis, Leonhard Euler
Construction des objectifs composés, propre à détruire toute la confusion dans les lunettes, Leonhard Euler
Construction of Clinically Relevant Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer Model in Athymic Nude Mice using 3D Spheroids of A549-iRFP Cells, Yingbo Huang, Yifan Lu, Mallika Vadalamudi, and Xin Guo
Consumer Class Actions in California: A Practical Approach to the Problem of Notice, Charlotte E. Hemker-Smith
Consumer Protection, University of the Pacific; McGeorge School of Law
Consumer Protection, University of the Pacific, McGeorge School of Law
Consumer Protection, University of the Pacific; McGeorge School of Law
Consumer Protection, University of the Pacific; McGeorge School of Law
Consumer Protection, University of the Pacific; McGeorge School of Law
Consumer Protection, University of the Pacific; McGeorge School of Law
Consumer Protection, University of the Pacific; McGeorge School of Law
Consumer Protection, University of the Pacific; McGeorge School of Law
Consumer Protection, University of the Pacific; McGeorge School of Law
Consumer Protection, University of the Pacific; McGeorge School of Law
Consumer Protection / Dirty Money: Refunding California's Unconstitutional Smog Impact Fee, Kate A. Leary
Consumer Protection / Legislature's Assitance to Tenants in a Tight Rental Market: Will It Work or Just End Up Making the Rental Market Even Tighter?, The, Matthew J. Weber
Consumer Protection / Protecting the Medical Patient's Right to Privacy, Victoria K. Lin
Consumer Protection Review of Selected 1970 California Legislation, University of the Pacific; McGeorge School of Law
Consumer Protection Review of Selected 1972 California Legislation, University of the Pacific; McGeorge School of Law
Consumer Protection: The Effect of the Song-Beverly Consumer Warranty Act, Eileen K. Jenkins
Contact Point, Arthur A. Dugoni School of Dentistry
Contaminants and decomposition products in naturally aged pentaerythritol tetranitrate (PETN), Claudia L. Brackett
Contingencies provided by children for parent behavior, Part II: Teaching interview skills, Corey S. Stocco
Contingency analysis of caregiver behavior: Implications for parent training and future directions, Corey S. Stocco and Rachel H. Thompson
Contingency Management for Decreasing Caloric Intake in University Students, T. U. Goldsby, Courtney D. Jensen, D. Barry, and L. S. Pescatello
Contingency Management for Decreasing Caloric Intake in University Students: 1996, TaShauna Goldsby, Courtney D. Jensen, Danielle Barry, and Linda S. Pescatello
Continuatio Fragmentorum ex Adversariis mathematicis depromptorum, Leonhard Euler
Continuation des recherches sur la propatation du son, Leonhard Euler
Continuation des recherches sur la théorie du mouvement des fluides, Leonhard Euler
Continuation of Comprehensive Care in Advanced Reconstructive Dentistry, Ali Ghowsi
Contraceptive sterilization as a life change event: Its effects upon the MMPI and CPI Scales, Joseph Lee Anastasio
Contraceptives: There’s A Discrepancy, Erica Magana, Brianna Gonzalez, and Alma Tinoco
Contract Simulations: Bridge to Practice, Michael P. Malloy
Contracts in a Nutshell, Claude D. Rohwer, Michael P. Malloy, and Anthony M. Skrocki
Contract Torture: Will Boyle Allow Private Military Contractors to Profit from the Abuse of Prisoners?, Roger Doyle
Contribution of light chain residues to high affinity binding in an HIV-1 antibody explored by combinatorial scanning mutagenesis, Gustavo F. Da Silva, Joseph S. Harrison, and Jonathan R. Lai
Controlled frequency breathing does not alter blood lactate in competitive swimmers, J. Mark Van Ness and Glenn P. Towne
Controlled-Potential Polarography In Liquid Ammonia: Inorganic Half-Wavepotentials, Ronald Alan Head
Controlling routes to trust: How managers’ efforts to demonstrate their trustworthiness moderate the relationship between managerial controls and subordinate trust, Chris P. Long, Tim N. Carroll, Samina Karim, and Brooks C. Holtom
Controlling the Export of Dual-Use Technology in a Post-9/11 World, Antonia Alice Badway
Coptic SCRIPTORIUM, Caroline T. Schroeder and Amir Zeldes
Copyright and Trademark Enforcement in China, Andrew J. McCall
Copyright as Tort Law's Mirror Image: "Harms", "Benefits", and the Uses and Limits of Analogy, Wendy J. Gordon
Copyright Page, University of the Pacific, McGeorge School of Law
Copyright Page, University of the Pacific, McGeorge School of Law
Copyright Page, University of the Pacific, McGeorge School of Law
Corporate Aspects of Liquidating a Subsidiary in New Zealand, Robert E. Weiner
Corporate Governance Convergence: Lessons from Australia, Brian R. Cheffins
Corporate Governance: The Dutch Experience, Winfried van den Muijsenbergh
Corporate Responsibility and Regulating the Global Enterprise, John G. Scriven
Corrections nécessaires pour la théorie de la déclinaison magnétique, proposée dans le XIII volume des Mémoires, Leonhard Euler
Correlation between Temperature-dependent Fatigue Resistance and Differential Scanning Calorimetry Analysis for 2 Contemporary Rotary Instruments, Ana Arias, Jose C. Macorra, Sanjay Govindjee, and Ove A. Peters
Costa Rica: A Nirvana for Export Manufacturers, Robert Harlan Stempler
COST CONTROL MODEL ON INPATIENT MEDICATION AMONG ADULTS WITH MENTAL AND BEHAVIORAL HEALTH DISORDER, Huanan Li, William A. Kehoe, Joseph A. Woelfel, Patrick N. Catania, Eric Boyce, Michelle M. Amaral, and Jacquelyn Cituk
Cost-Effective Tissue Perfusion Bioreactor, Keon L. Anderson, Maxwell T. Peterson, and Devon M. Thompson
Counselor And Student Perception In Relation To A Nursing Model., Marcy Payne
Counterfeit Credit Cards in the "Plastic Triangle": Can Trademark Law Provide Any Relief?, Stephanie Mizrahi
Counting the Cost of the Culture of Corruption: A Perspective from the Field, Michael Keating
County Groundwater Regulation: Half a Governor's Commission Legacy Is Better than None, Antonio Rossmann
Couseling Mexican Exporters to the United States, Ewell E. Murphy Jr.
Cover, University of the Pacific, McGeorge School of Law
Cram for Tests and Cram for Food: The Grove, Tom Vo and An Nguyen
Creating a Climate to Realize Institutional Diversification Goals: A Phenomenological Study of Campus Diversification Best Practices, S. N. Ross Canning
Creating and Curating New Knowledge: A North American University Case Study, Niraj Chaudhary and Michele Gibney
Creating an orthogonal ubiquitin transfer system in bacteria, Joseph S. Harrison
Creationism and evolution: The role of Christian colleges in the preparation of public school teachers, Marvin Keith Mitchell
Creative Thinking In Male And Female Vietnamese, Filipino, And Anglo-American College Undergraduate Students, As Measured By The Torrance Tests Of Creativity, Peter Chu-Quang-Minh
Crimes, University of the Pacific; McGeorge School of Law
Crimes, University of the Pacific, McGeorge School of Law
Crimes, University of the Pacific; McGeorge School of Law
Crimes, University of the Pacific; McGeorge School of Law
Crimes, University of the Pacific; McGeorge School of Law
Crimes, University of the Pacific; McGeorge School of Law
Crimes, University of the Pacific; McGeorge School of Law
Crimes, University of the Pacific; McGeorge School of Law
Crimes, University of the Pacific; McGeorge School of Law
Crimes, University of the Pacific; McGeorge School of Law
Crimes, University of the Pacific; McGeorge School of Law
Crimes / An Act to Increase Penalties for Crimes of Elder Abuse, Laura Randles
Crimes / Bridging the First Degree Murder Gap: Eliminating Sentencing Disparities for Hate Crimes in California, Amilia Sanders
Crimes / Chapter 254: Closing the Loopholes on Identity Theft, But at What Cost?, Bill Diedrich
Crimes / Chapter 411: Putting the Brakes on the Dangerous Street Racing Phenomenon in California, Jeremy Clar
Crimes / Chapter 906: California's DNA Data Bank Joins the Modern Trend of Expansion, Scott N. Cameron
Crimes / Chapter 955: California's Response to Rising Hate Crimes Among California's Youth, Daniel R. Clark
Crimes / Chapter 98: Deterring Hate Crimes and Enforcing State and Federally Secured Constitutional Rights, Christian Herrmann
Crimes / Continued Expansion of the DNA Database: California's Response to September 11th, The, John P. Tribuiano III
Crimes /Forfeiture of Computer Equipment: Preventing Computer Criminals from Getting Back to Work, Stephen T. Bang
Crimes / Identity Theft: Supporting Victims in Recovering from the Crime of the Information Age, Jerilyn Stanley
Crimes / Interstate Compact for Adult Offender Supervision: Parolee and Probationer Supervision Enters the Twenty-First Century, The, James G. Gentry
Crimes / New Safe Haven: The Expansion of Sex Offender Registration on Campus, A, Dorothy B. Osuna
Crimes Review of Selected 1970 California Legislation, University of the Pacific; McGeorge School of Law
Crimes Review of Selected 1972 California Legislation, University of the Pacific; McGeorge School of Law
Crimes / Weapons of Mass Destruction: The Changing Threat and Evolving Solution, Kimberly A. Felix
Crimes / Who Are We Protecting: The Victim or the Victimizer?, Jennifer L. Snodgrass
Crimes / Who's Listening - Changes in California's Wiretap Statute, Jeff R. Boone
Crimes / With or Without Authorization, It's Still Identity Theft, Lance M. Davis
Criminal and Civil Remedies for Transboundary Water Pollution, Kristi Fettig
Criminal / Chapter 842: Extending Provisions of the Child Abuse and Neglect Reporting Act, Andrea E. Pelochino
Criminal-Enemy Distinction: Prosecuting a Limited War against Terrorism following the September 11, 2001 Terrorist Attacks, The, Thomas Geraghty
Criminal / Enhanced Sentences for Child Prostitution: The Most Hidden Form of Child Abuse, Jennifer L. Cecil
Criminal Procedure, University of the Pacific; McGeorge School of Law
Criminal Procedure, University of the Pacific, McGeorge School of Law
Criminal Procedure, University of the Pacific; McGeorge School of Law
Criminal Procedure, University of the Pacific; McGeorge School of Law
Criminal Procedure, University of the Pacific; McGeorge School of Law
Criminal Procedure, University of the Pacific; McGeorge School of Law
Criminal Procedure, University of the Pacific; McGeorge School of Law
Criminal Procedure, University of the Pacific; McGeorge School of Law
Criminal Procedure, University of the Pacific; McGeorge School of Law
Criminal Procedure, University of the Pacific; McGeorge School of Law
Criminal Procedure, University of the Pacific; McGeorge School of Law
Criminal Procedure / Alternatives to Jail Time: Overcrowding and Nonviolent Driving Offenders, M. R. Carrillo-Heian
Criminal Procedure / Catch-22: An Inquiry into the Competency of Metnally Disordered Offenders to Waive Their Right to Recommitment Hearings, Alexandra B. McLeod
Criminal Procedure / DNA: Law Enforcement's Miracle of Technology: The Missing Link to Truth and Justice, Jerilyn Stanley
Criminal Procedure / Expanding the Warrantless Arrest Exception to Dating Relationships, Elizabeth Barravecchia
Criminal Procedure Review of Selected 1970 California Legislation, University of the Pacific; McGeorge School of Law
Criminal Procedure Review of Selected 1972 California Legislation, University of the Pacific; McGeorge School of Law
Criminal / Sex Offenders: No More Escaping Registration, Jennifer L. Cecil
Crisis planning at private residential institutions of higher education in Northern California, Hans H. Chun
Critical Analysis and Strategies for U.S. Overseas Business Participating as a Foreign Joint Venture Partner, Michael B. Nelson
Critical components of effective programs that offer alternative routes to certification, Sarah K. Solari-Vaccarezza
Crocodiles in the Judge’s Bathtub? Why California Should End “Unregulated” Judicial Recall, Wiemond Wu
Crop Insights: Data Visualization and Management for Farmers and their Orchards, Kyle Cookerly, Jiaxing Zhang, Abhijit Chakravarthy, and Victor Zamarian
Cross-age tutors: English as a Second Language students tutoring, Carlyn Syvanen
Cross Country Camp 2015, Crystal Naive Baltazar
Crossing Borders: Sex and Gender in Lucía Puenzo’s Films, Traci Roberts-Camps
Crow Canyon Picnic, Moscone Newsmaker
Crowd gathered around camp bridge; 2 women on bridge, Richard Shizuo Yoshikawa
Cruising in Muir’s footsteps, Michael J. Wurtz
Cryptic genetic and wing pattern diversity in a mimetic Heliconius butterfly, Ryan I. Hill, L. Gilbert, and M. Kronforst
Crystal structure of the Marburg virus GP2 core domain in its postfusion conformation, Jayne F. Koellhoffer, Vladimir N. Malashkevich, Joseph S. Harrison, Rafael Toro, Rahul C. Bhosle, Kartik Chandran, Steven C. Almo, and Jonathan R. Lai
Cuba's Changing Foreign Investment Climate: Castro's Attempt to Lure Foreign Investors, Ron First
Cultivating community, promoting inclusivity: collections as fulcrum for targeted outreach, Michelle M. Maloney
Culturally Adapted Music Repertoire for Elderly Chinese-American Immigrants, Erica Y. Wan
Cumulative Table of Contents for Volume 3, University of the Pacific; McGeorge School of Law
Cumulative Table of Contents for Volume 4 - Title Index to Articles and Comments, University of the Pacific; McGeorge School of Law
Cumulative Table of Contents for Volume 5, University of the Pacific; McGeorge School of Law
Cumulative Table of Contents for Volume 7, University of the Pacific; McGeorge School of Law
Cumulative Table of Contents for Volumes 1 and 2, University of the Pacific; McGeorge School of Law
Current Developments in the People's Republic of China: Has China Changed, Janiece Marshall
Current Issues in International Arbitration, Michael P. Malloy
Current Prospects for an Indigent's Right to Appointed Counsel and a Free Transcript in Civil Litigation, Thomas Sutton Knox
Curriculum integration in one elementary afterschool program, Trinity Tracy
Curvarum maximi minive proprietate gaudientium inventio nova et facilis, Leonhard Euler
Curva tautochrona in fluido resistentiam faciente secundum quadrata celeritatum, Leonhard Euler
Custody Rights of Unwed Fathers, Julie D. Belvel
Cyclic 4,6-Oxygen-Acetal Derivatives Of D-Glucopyrano-(2,3: 4',5')-2'-Oxazolidinones., Daniel Vernie Robinson
Cyclic Derivatives Of 2-Amino-2-Deoxy-D-Hexopyranoses, Kenji Miyai
Dada 100, Cosana Maria Eram
Dada Scandals, Cosana Maria Eram
Dance, Richard Shizuo Yoshikawa
Dan White to George Agnost, 22 November 1978, Dan White
Dan White to George Moscone, 10 November 1978, Dan White
Data Analysis and Visualization for Collaborative Research and Online Education, Jinzhu Gao
Data collection in program evaluation: A case study, Matthew B. Russell
Data in support of UbSRD: The Ubiquitin Structural Relational Database, Joseph S. Harrison, Tim M. Jacobs, Kevin Houlihan, Koenraad Van Doorslaer, and Brian Kuhlman
David T. Gillis Diary, 1852-1854, David T. Gillis
Days Past: Mollie Monroe: memorable, 'crazy' character of early Prescott, Michael J. Wurtz
D-Cysteine Induced Acidity and Conformational Change in Cysteine-Polyalanine Peptides, Yuntao Zhang and Jianhua Ren
Dead Or Revived - an Examination of California Revivor Law's Terminal Void in the Corporate Existence, Arthur F. Coon
De aequationibus differentialibus cuiuscunque gradus quae denuo differentiatae integrari possunt, Leonhard Euler
De aequationibus differentialibus, quae certis tantum casibus integrationem admittunt, Leonhard Euler
De aequationibus differentialibus secundi gradus, Leonhard Euler
De aequilibrio et motu corporum flexuris elasticis iunctorum, Leonhard Euler
De altitudine columnarum sub proprio pondere corruentium, Leonhard Euler
De amplificatione campi apparentis in telescopiis, Leonhard Euler
De apparitione et disaparitione annuli Saturni. Auctore L. Eulero, Leonhard Euler
De applicatione lentium obiectivarum compositarum ad omnis generis telescopia, Leonhard Euler
De aptissima figura rotarum dentibus tribuenda, Leonhard Euler
De arcubus curvarum aeque amplis earumque comparatione, Leonhard Euler
Dear John Letters Reveal Expectations, Michael J. Wurtz
Death Penalty Statement, George Moscone
De atmosphaera lunae ex eclipsi colis annulari evicta, Leonhard Euler
De attractione corporum sphaeroidico-ellipticorum, Leonhard Euler
De binis curvis algebraicis eadem rectificatione gaudentibus, Leonhard Euler
De binis curvis algebraicis inveniendis, quarum arcus indefinite inter se sint aequales, Leonhard Euler
De binis formulis speciei xx+myy et xx+nyy inter se concordibus et discordibus, Leonhard Euler
De binis numeris, quorum summa sive aucta sive minuta tam unius quam alterius quadrato producat quadrata, Leonhard Euler
De brachystochrona in medio resistente, dum corpus ad centrum virium utunque attrahitur, Leonhard Euler
Debt-for-Equity Swaps: A Phenomenon in Transition, Audrey M. Turman
De casibus, quibus formulam x4+mxxyy+y4 ad quadratum reducere licet, Leonhard Euler
De casubus quibus hanc formulam x4 + kxxyy + y4 ad quadratum reducere licet, Leonhard Euler
De causa gravitatis, Leonhard Euler
Decent Respect for Religious Liberty and Religious Equality: Justice O'Connor's Interpretation of the Religion Clauses of the First Amendment, A, Alan Brownstein
De centro simulitudinis, Leonhard Euler
Deception, Self-Deception, and Mythology: The Law of Salmon in the Pacific Northwest, William H. Rodgers Jr.
De chordis vibrantibus disquisitio ulterior, Leonhard Euler
De circulo maximo fixo in coelo constituendo, ad quem orbitae planetarum et cometarum referantur. Auctore L. Eulero, Leonhard Euler
Decision-Making: A Model For Optimization Of Input-Output Relationships In Urban Compensatory Education Programs., William G. Webster Sr.
De cochlea Archimedis, Leonhard Euler
De collisione corporum gyrantium, Leonhard Euler
De collisione corporum pendulorum, tam obliqua, quam motu gyratorio perturbata, Leonhard Euler
Decolonize and Dream, Jon O. Sanchez
De communicatione motus in collisione corporum, Leonhard Euler
De communicatione motus in collisione corporum sese non directe percutientium, Leonhard Euler
De comparatione arcuum curvarum irrectificabilium, Leonhard Euler
De constructione aequationum, Leonhard Euler
De constructione aequationum ope motus tractorii aliisque ad methodum tangentium inversam pertinentibus, Leonhard Euler
De constructione aptissima molarum alatarum, Leonhard Euler
De corporibus cylindricis incurvatis, Leonhard Euler
Découverte d'une loi tout extraordinaire des nombres par rapport à la somme de leurs diviseurs, Leonhard Euler
Découverte d'un nouveau principe de mécanique, Leonhard Euler
De criteriis aequationis fxx + gyy = hz2, utrum ea resolutionem admittat nec ne?, Leonhard Euler
De curva hypergeometrica hac aequatione expressa y = 1.2.3.....x, Leonhard Euler
De curva rectificabili in superficie sphaerica, Leonhard Euler
De curvis algebraicis, quarum longitudo exprimitur hac formula integrali ∫(vm-1 ∂v)/√(1–v2n), Leonhard Euler
De curvis algebraicis, quarum omnes arcus per arcus circulares metiri liceat, Leonhard Euler
De curvis hyperbolicis quae intra suas assymtotas spatium finitum includunt, Leonhard Euler
De curvis quarum radii osculi tenent rationem duplicatam distantiae a puncto fixo earumque mirabilibus proprietatibus, Leonhard Euler
De curvis rectificabilibus algebraicis atque traiectoriis reciprocis algebraicis, Leonhard Euler
De curvis rectificabilibus in superficie coni recti ducendis, Leonhard Euler
De curvis tractoriis compositis, Leonhard Euler
De curvis triangularibus, Leonhard Euler
De descensu baculi super hypomochlio cylindro fixo delabentis, Leonhard Euler
De descensu corporum super plano inclinato aspero, Leonhard Euler
De divisoribus numerorum in forma mxx+nyy contentorum, Leonhard Euler
De duplici genesi tam epicycloidum quam hypocycloidum, Leonhard Euler
De eclipsibus solaribus in superficie terrae per proiectionem repraesentandis. Auctore L. Eulero, Leonhard Euler
De effectu frictionis in motu volutorio, Leonhard Euler
De ellipsi minima dato parallelogrammo rectangulo circumscribenda, Leonhard Euler
De emendatione tabularum lunarium per observationes eclipsium lunae, Leonhard Euler
De evolutione potestatis polynomialis cuiuscunque (1 + x + x2 + x3 + x4 + etc.)n, Leonhard Euler
De eximio usu methodi interpolationum in serierum doctrina, Leonhard Euler
De expressione integralium per factores, Leonhard Euler
De extractione radicum ex quantitatibus irrationalibus, Leonhard Euler
Defamation Law in the People's Republic of China, H.L. Fu and Richard Cullen
Defamation Via Modern Communication: Can Countries Preserve Their Traditional Policies?, Kimberly Richards
Defensive Measures against Public Offers under Swiss Law, Nedim Peter Vogt
De figura apparente annuli Saturni pro eius loco quocunque respectu terrae. Auctore L. Eulero, Leonhard Euler
De figura curvae elasticae contra obiectiones quasdam Illustris d'Alembert, Leonhard Euler
De figura dentium rotarum, Leonhard Euler
De figura quam ventus fluido stagnanti inducere valet, Leonhard Euler
Defining and imparting professional behavior in physical therapist educational programs: Perspectives of selected senior faculty, Tamara L. Little
De formatione fractionum continuarum, Leonhard Euler
De formis radicum aequationum cuiusque ordinis coniectatio, Leonhard Euler
De formulis differentialibus angularibus maxime irrationalibus, quas tamen per logarithmos et arcus circulares integrare licet, Leonhard Euler
De formulis differentialibus quae per duas pluresve quantitates datas multiplicatae fiant integrabiles, Leonhard Euler
De formulis differentialibus secundi gradus quae integrationem admittunt, Leonhard Euler
De formulis exponentialibus replicatis, Leonhard Euler
De formulis integralibus duplicatis, Leonhard Euler
De formulis integralibus implicatis earumque evolutione et transformatione, Leonhard Euler
De formulis speciei mxx+nyy ad numeros primos explorandos idoneis earumque mirabilibus proprietatibus, Leonhard Euler
De fractionibus continuis dissertatio, Leonhard Euler
De fractionibus continuis observationes, Leonhard Euler
De fractionibus continuis Wallisii, Leonhard Euler
De frictione corporum rotantium, Leonhard Euler
De gemina methodo tam aequilibrium quam motum corporum flexibilium determinandi et utriusque egregio consensu, Leonhard Euler
De harmoniae veris principiis per speculum musicum repraesentatis, Leonhard Euler
De ictu glandium contra tabulam explosarum, Leonhard Euler
De Indorum anno solari astronomico, Leonhard Euler
De inductione ad plenam certitudinem evehenda, Leonhard Euler
De infinities infinitis gradibus tam infinite magnorum quam infinite parvorum, Leonhard Euler
De infinitis curvis algebraicis, quarum longitudo arcui parabolico aequatur, Leonhard Euler
De infinitis curvis algebraicis, quarum longitudo indefinita arcui elliptico aequatur, Leonhard Euler
De infinitis curvis eiusdem generis seu methodus inveniendi aequationes pro infinitis curvis eiusdem generis, Leonhard Euler
De innumerabilibus curvis tautochronis in vacuo, Leonhard Euler
De innumeris curvis algebraicis, quarum longitudinem per arcus parabolicos metiri licet, Leonhard Euler
De innumeris curvis algebraicis, quarum longitudinem per arcus parabolicos metiri licet, Leonhard Euler
De insignibus proprietatibus formularum integralium praeter binas variabiles etiam earum differentialia cuiuscunque ordinis involventium, Leonhard Euler
De insignibus proprietatibus unciarum binomii ad uncias quorumvis polynomiorum extensis, Leonhard Euler
De insigni paradoxo, quod in analysi maximorum et minimorum occurrit, Leonhard Euler
De insigni promotione Analysis Diophantaeae, Leonhard Euler
De insigni promotione methodi tangentium inversae, Leonhard Euler
De insigni promotione scientiae numerorum, Leonhard Euler
De insigni usu calculi imaginariorum in calculo integrali, Leonhard Euler
De integralibus quibusdam inventu difficillimis, Leonhard Euler
De integratione aequationis differentialis (m dx)/√(1–x4) = (n dy)/√(1–y4), Leonhard Euler
De integratione aequationum differentialium, Leonhard Euler
De integratione aequationum differentialium altiorum graduum, Leonhard Euler
De integratione formulae ∫ (dx log x)/√(1-xx) ab x=0 ad x=1 extensa, Leonhard Euler
De integratione formulae ∫∂x√(1+x4)/(1–x4) aliarumque eiusdem generis per logarithmos et arcus circulares, Leonhard Euler
De integrationibus difficillimis, quarum integralia tamen aliunde exhiberi possunt, Leonhard Euler
De integrationibus maxime memorabilibus ex calculo imaginariorum oriundis, Leonhard Euler
De inventione integralium, si post integrationem variabili quantitati determinatus valor tribuatur, Leonhard Euler
De inventione longitudinis locorum ex observata lunae distantia a quadam stella fixa cognita. Auctore L. Eulero, Leonhard Euler
De inventione quotumque mediarum proportionalium citra radicum extractionere, Leonhard Euler
De iterata integratione formularum integralium, dum aliquis exponens pro variabili assumitur, Leonhard Euler
De la construction des Microscopes, Leonhard Euler
De la controverse entre Mrs. Leibnitz et Bernoulli sur les logarithmes des nombres négatifs et imaginaires, Leonhard Euler
De la force de percussion et de sa véritable mesure, Leonhard Euler
Delaney v. Superior Court: Balancing the Interests of Criminal Defendants and Newspersons under California's Shield Law, Ian W. Craig
De la parallaxe de la lune tant par rapport à sa hauteur qu'à son azimuth, dans l'hypothèse de la terre sphéroidique, Leonhard Euler
De la propagation du son, Leonhard Euler
De la réfraction de la lumière en passant par l'atmosphère selon les divers degrés tant de la chaleur que de l'élasticité de l'air, Leonhard Euler
De la variation de la latitude des étoiles fixes et de l'obliquité de l'écliptique, Leonhard Euler
Delaying Change: Examining How Industry and Managerial Turbulence Impact Structural Realignment, Samina Karim, Tim N. Carroll, and Chris P. Long
De linea brevissima in superficie quacunque duo quaelibet puncta iungente, Leonhard Euler
De linea celerrimi descensus in medio quocunque resistente, Leonhard Euler
De lineis curvis non in eodem plano sitis, quae maximi minimive proprietate sunt praeditae, Leonhard Euler
De lineis curvis, quarum rectificatio per datam quadraturam mensuratur, Leonhard Euler
De lineis rectificabilibus in superficie sphaeroidica quacunque geometrice ducendis, Leonhard Euler
De machinarum tam simplicium quam compositarum usu maxime lucroso, Leonhard Euler
De machinis in genere, Leonhard Euler
De mensura angulorum solidorum, Leonhard Euler
Demetallization of Enterococcus faecalis Biofilm: A preliminary study, Carlos Estrela, Rodrigo Costa E Silva, Roberta Cerasi Urban, Pablo Jose Gonçalves, Julio A. Silva, Jesus Djalma Pecora, and Ove A. Peters
De methodo Diophanteae analoga in analysi infinitorum, Leonhard Euler
De methodo tangentium inversa ad theoriam solidorum translata, Leonhard Euler
De minimis oscillationibus corporum tam rigidorum quam flexibilium. Methodus nova et facilis., Leonhard Euler
De mirabilibus proprietatibus unciarum, quae in evolutione binomii ad potestatem quamcunqua evecti occurrunt, Leonhard Euler
De mirabilis proprietatibus numerorum pentagonalium, Leonhard Euler
De miris proprietatibus curvae elasticae sub aequatione y = ∫(xx dx)/√(1–x4), Leonhard Euler
Democratic State Central Committee Convention Welcome Letter, George Moscone
Demolishing the Dreary Research Paper: Strategies for Cultivating an Engaged Audience, Eileen K. Camfield
Demonstratio insignis theorematis numerici circa uncias potestatum binomialium, Leonhard Euler
Démonstration de la somme de cette suite 1 + 1/4 + 1/9 + 1/16 + ..., Leonhard Euler
Demonstrationes circa residua ex divisione potestatum per numeros primos resultantia, Leonhard Euler
Demonstratio nonnullarum insignium proprieatatum, quibus solida hedris planis inclusa sunt praedita, Leonhard Euler
Démonstration sur le nombre des points, où deux lignes des ordres quelconques peuvent se couper, Leonhard Euler
Demonstratio theorematis Bernoulliani quod ex evolutione curvae cuiuscinque rectangulae in infinitum continuata tandem cycloides naxcantur, Leonhard Euler
Demonstratio theorematis circa ordinem in summis divisorum observatum, Leonhard Euler
Demonstratio theorematis et solutio problematis in actis erud. Lipsiensibus propositorum, Leonhard Euler
Demonstratio theorematis Fermatiani omnem numerum primum formae 4n+1 esse summam duorum quadratorum, Leonhard Euler
Demonstratio theorematis Fermatiani omnem numerum sive integrum sive fractum esse summam quatuor pauciorumve quadratorum, Leonhard Euler
Demonstratio theorematis insignis per coniecturam eruti circa intagrationem formulae ∫ ∂ϕ cos(iϕ)/(1+aa–2acos(ϕ))n+1, Leonhard Euler
Demonstratio theorematis Neutoniani de evolutione potestatum binomii pro casibus, quibus exponentes non sunt numeri integri, Leonhard Euler
De motu cometarum in orbitis parabolicis, solem in foco habentibus, Leonhard Euler
De motu corporis ad duo centra virium fixa attracti, Leonhard Euler
De motu corporis ad duo centra virium fixa attracti, Leonhard Euler
De motu corporum circa punctum fixum mobilium, Leonhard Euler
De motu corporum coelestium a viribus quibuscunque perturbato, Leonhard Euler
De motu corporum flexibilium, Leonhard Euler
De motu corporum flexibilium, Leonhard Euler
De motu corporum in superficiebus mobilibus, Leonhard Euler
De motu corporum in tubis circa punctum fixum mobilibus, Leonhard Euler
De motu corporum in tubo rectilineo mobili circa axem fixum, per ipsum tubum transeuntem, Leonhard Euler
De motu corporum super plano horizontali aspero, Leonhard Euler
De motu corporum super superficiebus mobilibus, Leonhard Euler
De motu cymbarum remis propulsarum in fluviis, Leonhard Euler
De motu et attrutu lentium dum super catinis poliuntur, Leonhard Euler
De motu et reactione aquae per tubos mobiles transfluentis, Leonhard Euler
De motu fluidorum a diverso caloris gradu oriundo, Leonhard Euler
De motu globi circa axem obliquum quemcunque gyrantis et super plano horizontali incedentis, Leonhard Euler
De motu globi heterogenei super plano horizontali, una cum dilucidationibus necessariis super motu vacillatorio, Leonhard Euler
De motu gravium citissimo super curvis specie datis, Leonhard Euler
De motu libero plurium corporum filis colligatorum super plano horizontali, Leonhard Euler
De motu nodorum lunae eiusque inclinationis ad eclipticam variatione, Leonhard Euler
De motu oscillatorio binarum lancium ex libra suspensarum, Leonhard Euler
De motu oscillatorio corporum flexibilium, Leonhard Euler
De motu oscillatorio duorum corporum ex filo super trochleas traducto suspensorum, Leonhard Euler
De motu oscillatorio mixto plurium pendulorum ex eodem corpore mobili suspensorum, Leonhard Euler
De motu oscillatorio penduli circa axem cylindricum plano horizontali incumbentem, Leonhard Euler
De motu oscillatorio penduli cuiuscunque, dum arcus datae amplitudinis absolvit, Leonhard Euler
De motu oscillatorio pendulorum ex filo tenso dependentium, Leonhard Euler
De motu oscillatorio tabulae suspensae et a vento agitatae, Leonhard Euler
De motu penduli circa axem cylindricum, fulcro datae figurae incumbentem, mobilis. Habita frictionis ratione, Leonhard Euler
De motu penduli circa axem cylindricum, fulcro datae figurae incumbentem, mobilis. Remota frictione, Leonhard Euler
De motu planetarum et orbitarum determinatione, Leonhard Euler
De motu quodam maxime memorabili, satis quidem simplici, at solutu difficillimo, Leonhard Euler
De motu rectilineo trium corporum se mutuo attrahentium, Leonhard Euler
De motu tautochrono pendulorum compositorum, Leonhard Euler
De motu trium corporum se mutuo attrahentium super eadem linea recta, Leonhard Euler
De motu vibratorio chordarum crassitie utcunque variabili praeditarum, Leonhard Euler
De motu vibratorio chordarum ex partibus quotcunque diversae crassitiei compositarum, Leonhard Euler
De motu vibratorio cordarum inaequaliter crassarum, Leonhard Euler
De motu vibratorio fili flexilis, corpusculis quotcunque onusti, Leonhard Euler
De motu vibratorio laminarum elasticarum, ubi plures novae vibrationum species hactenus non pertractatae evolvuntur, Leonhard Euler
De motu vibratorio tympanorum, Leonhard Euler
De multiplicatione angulorum per factores expedienda, Leonhard Euler
Demystifying Citation Metrics, Michael Ladisch
Demystifying Citation Metrics, Michael Ladisch
Demystifying Citation Metrics, Michael Ladisch
Demystifying Citation Metrics, Michael Ladisch
De noche vienes by Elena Poniatowska, Traci Roberts-Camps
De novo genere oscillationum, Leonhard Euler
De novo genere quaestionum arithmeticarum pro quibus solvendis certa methodus adhuc desideratur, Leonhard Euler
De novo genere serierum rationalium et valde convergentium, quibus ratio peripheriae ad diametrum exprimi potest, Leonhard Euler
De novo microscopiorum genere ex sex lentibus composito, Leonhard Euler
Dental erosion and tooth wear, Bhavik Makwana, Nidhi Vyas, and Shika Gupta
De numeris amicabilibus, Leonhard Euler
De numeris amicabilibus, Leonhard Euler
De numeris amicibilibus, Leonhard Euler
De numeris primis valde magnis, Leonhard Euler
De numeris, qui sunt aggregata duorum quadratorum, Leonhard Euler
De numero memorabili in summatione progressionis harmonicae naturalis occurrente, Leonhard Euler
De observatione inclinationis magneticae dissertatio, Leonhard Euler
De oscillationibus annulorum elasticorum, Leonhard Euler
De oscillationibus fili flexilis quotcunque pondusculis onusti, Leonhard Euler
De oscillationibus minimis funis libere suspensi, Leonhard Euler
De oscillationibus minimis penduli quotunque pondusculis onusti, Leonhard Euler
De partitione numerorum, Leonhard Euler
De partitione numerorum in partes tam numero quam specie datas, Leonhard Euler
De perturbatione motus chordarum ab earum pondere oriunda, Leonhard Euler
De perturbatione motus planetarum ab eorum figura non sphaerica oriunda, Leonhard Euler
De perturbatione motus planetarum et cometarum., Leonhard Euler
De perturbatione motus terrae ab actione Veneris oriunda, Leonhard Euler
De phaenomenis coeli per segmenta sphaerica diaphana spectati, Leonhard Euler
De plurimis quantitatibus transcendentibus, quas nullo modo per formulas integrales exprimere licet, Leonhard Euler
De pressione funium tensorum in corpora subiecta eorumque motu a frictione impedito. Ubi praesertim methodus traditur …, Leonhard Euler
De pressione ponderis in planum cui incumbit, Leonhard Euler
De problemate curvarum synchronarum, eiusque imprimis inverso, Leonhard Euler
De problemate quodam mechanico, satis obvio, at solutu difficillimo, Leonhard Euler
De problemate traiectoriarum orthogonalium ad superficies translato, Leonhard Euler
De problemativus indeterminatis, quae videntur plus quam determinata, Leonhard Euler
De productis ex infinitis factoribus ortis, Leonhard Euler
De progressionibus arcuum circularium, quorum tangentes secundum certam legem procedunt, Leonhard Euler
De progressionibus harmonicis observationes, Leonhard Euler
De progressionibus transcendentibus seu quarum termini generales algebraice dari nequeunt, Leonhard Euler
De proiectione geographica Deslisliana in mappa generali imperii russici usitata, Leonhard Euler
De proiectione geographica superficiei sphaericae, Leonhard Euler
De promotione navium sine vi venti (Mémoire sur la manière de suppléer à l'action du vent sur les grands vaisseaux), Leonhard Euler
De propagatione pulsuum per medium elasticum, Leonhard Euler
De proprietatibus triangulorum mechanicis, Leonhard Euler
De quadratis magicis, Leonhard Euler
De quibusdam eximiis proprietatibus circa divisores potestatum occurrentibus, Leonhard Euler
De radicibus aequationis infinitae 0 = 1 – xx/(n(n+1)) + x4/(n(n+1)(n+2)(n+3)) – x6/(n.....(n+5)) + etc., Leonhard Euler
De reductione formularum integralium ad rectificationem ellipsis ac hyperbolae, Leonhard Euler
De reductione linearum curvarum ad arcus circulares, Leonhard Euler
De relatione inter ternas pluresve quantitates instituenda, Leonhard Euler
De relaxione motus planetarum, Leonhard Euler
De repraesentatione superficiei sphaericae super plano, Leonhard Euler
De resolutione aequationis dy + ayy dx = bxm dx, Leonhard Euler
De resolutione aequationum cuiusvis gradus, Leonhard Euler
De resolutione formularum quadricarum indeterminatarum per numeros integros, Leonhard Euler
De resolutione fractionum compositarum in simpliciores, Leonhard Euler
De resolutione fractionum transcendentium in infinitas fractiones simplices, Leonhard Euler
De resolutione huius aequationis 0 = a + bx + cy + dxx + exy + fyy + gxxy + hyy + ixxyy per numeros rationales, Leonhard Euler
De resolutione irrationalium per fractiones continuas, ubi simul nova quaedam et singularis species minimi exponitur, Leonhard Euler
Describing parent participation in a Mexican school, Carmen Maria Matty-Cervantes
Description of the immature stages of Methona confusa confusa Butler, 1873 and Methona curvifascia Weymer, 1883 (Nymphalidae, Ithomiinae) from eastern Ecuador, Ryan I. Hill and Luis A. Tipan
De seriebus divergentibus, Leonhard Euler
De seriebus, in quibus producta ex minis terminis contiguis datam constituunt progressionem, Leonhard Euler
De seriebus memorabilibus, quibus sinus et cosinus angulorum multiplorum exprimere licet, Leonhard Euler
De seriebus potestatum reciprocis methodo nova et facillima summandis, Leonhard Euler
De seriebus quibusdam considerationes, Leonhard Euler
De serie Lambertina plurimisque eius insignibus proprietatibus, Leonhard Euler
De serie maxime memorabili, qua potestas binomialis quaecunque exprimi potest, Leonhard Euler
De serierum determinatione seu nova methodus inveniendi terminos generales serierum, Leonhard Euler
Des Herrn Leonhard Eulers nothige Berechnung zur Einrichtung einer Witwencasse, Leonhard Euler
Design And Evaluation Of Theophylline Monitoring For Home Health Care Patients, May Naim Mikhail
Designed protein mimics of the Ebola virus glycoprotein GP2 α-helical bundle: stability and pH effects, Joseph S. Harrison, Chelsea D. Higgins, Kartik Chandran, and Jonathan R. Lai
Design for Pacific Recreation, Adriana G. Flores
Designing a New Organization at NASA: An Organization Design Process Using Simulation, Tim N. Carroll, Thomas J. Gormley, Vincent J. Bilardo, Richard M. Burton, and Keith L. Woodman
Designing Organizations for Exploration and Exploitation, Tim N. Carroll
Designing the Legal Frameworks for Markets in Eastern Europe, Paul H. Brietzke
Designing Writing Assignments as Mastery Experiences, Eileen K. Camfield
Design of Beta-sheet Hairpin Peptide Targeting to B7H6 Protein, Jingda Wang, Xiaoling Li, and Bhaskara Jasti
Design of scalable parallel algorithms for large-scale data analysis and visualization, Qishi Wu and Jinzhu Gao
Design of the Times: Restructuring for E-Commerce and the Market Value of the Firm, S. D. Hunter and Tim N. Carroll
Design, Synthesis, and Characterization of Phenanthroline-neomycin Conjugates as G4 Ligands, Mandeep Singh, Siwen Wang, and Liang Xue
De singulari genere quaestionum Diophantearum et methodo maxime recondita eas resolvendi, Leonhard Euler
De singulari ratione differentiandi et intagrandi, quae in summis serierum occurrit, Leonhard Euler
Des lunettes à trois verres qui représentent les objets debout, Leonhard Euler
De solidis quorum superficiem in planum explicare licet, Leonhard Euler
De solutione problematum diophanteorum per numeros integros, Leonhard Euler
De statu aequilibrii maris a viribus solis et lunae sollicitati, Leonhard Euler
De summatione innumerabilium progressionum, Leonhard Euler
De summatione serierum in hac forma contentarum a/1 + a2/4 + a3/9 + a4/16 + a5/25 + a6/36 + etc., Leonhard Euler
De summatione serierum, in quibus terminorum signa alternantur, Leonhard Euler
De summis serierum numeros Bernoullianos involventium, Leonhard Euler
De summis serierum reciprocarum, Leonhard Euler
De summo usu calculi imaginariorum in analysi, Leonhard Euler
De superficie coni scaleni, ubi imprimis intentes difficultates, quae in hac investigatione occurrunt, perpenduntur, Leonhard Euler
De superficie conorum scalenorum aliorumque corporum conicorum, Leonhard Euler
De symptomatibus quatuor punctorum, in eodem plano sitorum, Leonhard Euler
De tabula numerorum primorum usque ad millionem et ultra continuanda, in qua simul omnium numerorum non primorum minimi divisores exprimantur, Leonhard Euler
De tautochrona in medio rarissimo, quod resistit in ratione multiplicata quacunque celeritatis, Leonhard Euler
Detecting Dentinal Microcracks Using Different Preparation Techniques: An In Situ Study with Cadaver Mandibles, Paymon Bahrami, Raymond Scott, Johnah C. Galicia, Ana Arias, and Ove A. Peters
De telescopiis quatuor lentibus instructis eorumque perfectione, Leonhard Euler
Determinatio caloris et frigoris graduum pro singulis terrae locis ac temporibus., Leonhard Euler
Determinatio facilis orbitae cometae, cuius transitum per eclipticam bis observare licuit, Leonhard Euler
Determinatio motus oscillatorii in praecedente dissertatione pertracti, ex primus mechanicae principiis petita, Leonhard Euler
Détermination de l'effet d'un machine hydraulique inventée par M. Segner, professeur à Göttingue, Leonhard Euler
Détermination du champ apparent que découvrent tant les télescopes que les microscopes, Leonhard Euler
Determination of acetylation and methylation sites of histones by mass spectrometry, Kangling Zhang
Determination Of Flow Curves From Capillary Rise Rate Measurements, Richard Lehr Kissling
Determinatio omnium motuum, quos chorda tensa et uniformiter crassa recipere potest, Leonhard Euler
Determinatio onerum, quae columnae gestare valent, Leonhard Euler
Determinatio orbitae cometae qui mense Martio huius anni 1742 potissimum fuit observatus, Leonhard Euler
De termino generali serierum hypergeometricarum, Leonhard Euler
De Theoria Lunae ad maiorem perfectionis gradum evehenda, Leonhard Euler
De traiectoriis reciprocis tam rectangulis quam obliquangulis, Leonhard Euler
De traiectu citissimo stellae per duos circulos almucantarath datos pro qualibet elevatione poli. Auctore L. Eulero, Leonhard Euler
De transformatione functionum duas variabiles involventium dum earum loco aliae binae variabiles introducuntur, Leonhard Euler
De transformatione seriei divergentis 1 – mx + m(m+n)x2 – m(m+n)(m+2n)x3 + etc. in fractionem continuam, Leonhard Euler
De transformatione serierum in fractiones continuas, ubi simul haec theoria non mediocriter amplificatur, Leonhard Euler
De tribus numeris quadratis, quorum tam summa quam summa productorum ex binis sit quadratum, Leonhard Euler
De tribus pluribusve numeris inveniendis, quorum summa sit quadratum, quadratorum vero summa biquadratum, Leonhard Euler
De unciis potestatum binomii earumque interpolatione, Leonhard Euler
De usu functionum discontinuarum in analysi, Leonhard Euler
De usu novi algorithmi in problemate Pelliano solvendo, Leonhard Euler
De valore formulae integralis ∫(xa-1 dx)/(log x)∙(1–xb)(1–xc)/(1–xn) a termino x=0 usque ad x=1 extensae, Leonhard Euler
De valore formulae integralis ∫ (zm-1 ± zn-m-1)/(1 ± zn) dz casu quo post integrationem ponitur z=1, Leonhard Euler
De valore formulae integralis ∫ (zλ-ω ± zλ+ω)/(1 ± z2λ)(dz/z)(log z)μ casu quo post integrationem ponitur z = 1, Leonhard Euler
De valoribus integralium a termino variabilis x=0 usque ad x=∞ extensorum, Leonhard Euler
De variis integrabilitatis generibus, Leonhard Euler
De variis modis circuli quadraturam numeris proxime exprimendi, Leonhard Euler
De variis modis numeros praegrandes examinandi, utrum sint primi necne?, Leonhard Euler
De variis motuum generibus, qui in satellitibus planetarum locum habere possunt., Leonhard Euler
Developing a Web-based Collaborative Research Environment for Undergraduates, Jinzhu Gao
Developing a Web-based Collaborative Research Environment for Undergraduates, Jinzhu Gao
Developing effective academic accommodations in higher education: A collaborative decision-making process, Feilin Hsiao, Shelly Zeiser, Daniel Nuss, and Keith Hatschek
Developing expertise in higher education fundraising: A conceptual framework, Paul I. Lanning Jr.
Developing independent leisure behavior in severely and profoundly developmentally disabled adults, Donald Lawrence Salz
Developing prosocial behavior in preschool children using a response cost-based intervention, Amber Lynn Messner
Developing teaching expertise in dental education, Lucinda J. Lyon
Development and evaluation of a population pharmacokinetic model for phenytoin in patients with impaired liver function, Tina Hsiao-Tin Hui
Development and validation of a measure of prenatal anxiety, Shawna S. Berke
Development of an in vitro dissolution model to predict the in vivo behavior of poorly soluble compounds, Saroj Vangani
Development of new electro-chemical methods for determination of tinplate quality, Donald Paul Jepson
Development of optimized synthetic route towards dicyclohexano-18-crown-6, Vinh Truong
Development Of Sustained Release Formulations Of Procainamide Hydrochloride For Oral Use (Microcapsules), Nitin Vadilal Sheth
De vera brachystochrona seu linea celerrimi descensus in medio resistente, Leonhard Euler
De vera tautochrona in fluido, Leonhard Euler
De vero valore formulae integralis ∫∂x∙(log(1/x))n a termino x=0 usque ad terminum x=1 extensae, Leonhard Euler
De vibratione chordarum exercitatio, Leonhard Euler
De vi fluminis ad naves sursum trahendas applicanda, Leonhard Euler
De viribus centripetis, ad curvas non in eodem plano sitas describendas, requisitis, Leonhard Euler
Dialogues on the Delta: Approaches to the City of Stockton, Martín Camps
Diametral tensile strength and cost-effectiveness of commercially available fiber posts, Alex Chaney, Karen A. Schulze, Patrick Roetzer, Gina Chann, Hanadi Alenezi, and Mouchumi Bhattacharyya
Dianne Feinstein to Jimmy Carter, 31 January 1979, Dianne Feinstein
DiBona v. Matthews: Clear and Present Danger for California Collegiate Administrators Exercising Curriculum Control, Nannette J. Heiser
Dickinson tributaries in the watershed of music education: Martha Dickinson Bond (1856–1936) and Clarence Dickinson (1873–1969), Elizabeth Haydon Keithcart
Did Whirlpool Make Its Mark in India--N.R. Dongre v. Whirlpool Corp., Nicky Jatana
Diet and exercise-associated negative energy balance decreases blood pressure of spontaneously hypertensive rats, J. Michael Overton, J. Mark Van Ness, R. Michael Casto, and Melaney A. Jones
Dietary restriction and dynamic exercise interact to influence blood pressure in spontaneously hypertensive rats, J. Mark Van Ness, J. Michael Overton, Carmen Hinojosa-Laborde, and Joseph R. Haywood
Diet: Charina bottae, T. J. Devitt, Ryan I. Hill, and S. E. Cameron
Differences In Attitude Toward Marriage And Family Life Among Single Adult Offspring Of Intact-Happy, Intact-Unhappy And Divorced Families, Dorothy Lucille Anacleto
Differences In Personality, School Attitude, And Visual Motor Performanceamong Specific Types Of Underachievers, Louise Marie Bachtold
Differences in Reporting: The Concussed Student Versus the Concerned Parent, Gianna Maragliano, Ifeoma C. Agwuenu, Margaret Bristow, Vincent Nittoli, Adam Shunk, and Courtney D. Jensen
Differences In Team And Standard Approaches To Counselor Education, Patricia Baker Mallars
Différentes pièces sur les Monades, Leonhard Euler
Differential diagnosis and clinical management of periapical radiopaque/hyperdense jaw lesions, Bruno Santos Freitas Silva, Mike Reis Bueno, Fernanda P. Yamamoto-Silva, Ricardo Santiago Gomez, Ove A. Peters, and Carlos Estrela
Differential Effects Of Organizational Aids Upon Concept Acquisition And Retention Of Meaningful Verbal Materials, Laura Shirley Rosso
Differential wing strength in Pierella butterflies (Nymphalidae, Satyrinae) supports the deflection hypothesis, Ryan I. Hill and J. F. Vaca
Differential wing strength in Pierella butterflies (Nymphalidae, Satyrinae) supports the deflection hypothesis, Ryan I. Hill and Jarol F. Vaca
Digital Delta fellows recreate lost Little Manila in virtual reality game, College of the Pacific
Digital Delta Project combines art, history, technology to preserve community’s legacy, College of the Pacific
Digital Delta Project creates virtual reality game around lost Little Manila neighborhood, University of the Pacific
Digital Delta Project looks for summer fellows, Kaylee Webster and College of the Pacific
Digressio de traiectoriis tam orthogonalibus quam obliquangulis, Leonhard Euler
Dilucidationes circa binas summas duorum biquadratorum inter se aequales, Leonhard Euler
Dilucidationes de motu chordarum inaequaliter crassarum, Leonhard Euler
Dilucidationes de resistentia fluidorum, Leonhard Euler
Dilucidationes de tautochronis in medio resistente, Leonhard Euler
Dilucidationes de tautochronismo, Leonhard Euler
Dilucidationes in capita postrema calculi mei differentalis de functionibus inexplicabilibus, Leonhard Euler
Dilucidationes super aliquot casus aequilibrii difficiliores, Leonhard Euler
Dilucidationes super formulis, quibus sinus et cosinus angulorum multiplorum exprimi solent, ubi simul ingentes difficultates diluuntur, Leonhard Euler
Dilucidationes super methodo elegantissima, qua illustris de la Grange usus est in integranda aequatione differentiali dx/√X = dy/√Y, Leonhard Euler
Dilucidationes super Problemate geometrico de quadrisectione trianguli a Iacobo Bernoulli olum tractato, Leonhard Euler
Diminished Cardiopulmonary Capacity During Post-Exertional Malaise in Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, J. Mark Van Ness, Christopher R. Snell, and Staci R. Stevens
Diminished Ventilatory Responses During Post-Exertional Malaise Contributes to Exercise Intolerance in Myalgic Encephalomyelitis/Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Francisco H. Guiao, Staci R. Stevens, Todd E. Davenport, Christopher R. Snell, and J. Mark Van Ness
Dioptricae pars tertia, Leonhard Euler
Dipeptide Complexes Of Palladium(II) And Platinum(II), Lewis Enos Nance
Direct Democracy: A Global Comparative Study on Electoral Initiative and Referendum Mechanisms, Patrick Ford and Tiangay Kemokai
Director v. Shareholder Primacy in the Convergence Debate, Stephen M. Bainbridge
Discrimination in the Name of Secularism: A Ban on Religious Symbols in Québec, Tina Mirzazadeh
Discussion plus particulière de diverses manières d'elever de l'eau par le moyen des pompes avec le plus grand avantage, Leonhard Euler
Disparate Impact of Electronic Signature Legislation on Indigent Californians, Benjamin Channing Palmer
Disquisitio coniecturalis super formula integrali ∫∂ϕ cos(iϕ)/(α+βcos(ϕ))n, Leonhard Euler
Disquisitio de vera lege refrationis radiorum diversicolorum, Leonhard Euler
Disquisitio ulterior super seriebus secundum multipla cuiusdam anguli progredientibus, Leonhard Euler
Disquitio accuratior circa residua ex divisione quadratorum altiorumque potestatum per numeros primos relicta, Leonhard Euler
Disquitio de bilancibus, Leonhard Euler
Disquitiones analyticae super evolutione potestatis trinomialis (1+x+xx)n, Leonhard Euler
Dissertatio de igne in qua ejus natura et proprietates explicantur, Leonhard Euler
Dissertatio de magnete, Leonhard Euler
Dissertatio de novo quodam curvarum tautochronarum genere, Leonhard Euler
Dissertation sur la meilleure construction du cabestan, Leonhard Euler
Dissertation sur le mouvement des corps enfermés dans un tube droit, mobile autour d'un axe fixe, Leonhard Euler
Dissertation sur le principe de la moindre action, avec l'examen des objections de M. le Prof. Koenig faites contre ce principe, Leonhard Euler
Dissertatio physica de sono, Leonhard Euler
Dissociative Photoionization of 1,3-Dioxolane, Peter Weidner, Balint Sztaray, Krisztina Voronova, Krisztian G. Torma, Kyle J. Covert, Andras Bodi, and Patrick Hemberger
Distributed Data Management for Large Volume Visualization, Jinzhu Gao, Jian Huang, C. Ryan Johnson, Scott Atchley, and James Kohl
Distribution of malocclusions in Middle East countries: A Systematic review., Mahsa Mortazavi and Marie M. Tolarova
District -based professional development for secondary administrators, Sara F. Noguchi
Ditching Our Innocence: The Clean Water Act in the Age of the Anthropocene, Rachael Salcido and Karrigan Bork
Diversification of complex butterfly wing patterns by repeated regulatory evolution of a Wnt ligand, Arnaud Martin, Riccardo Papa, Nicola Nadeau, Ryan I. Hill, Brian Counterman, Georg Halder, Chris Jiggins, Marcus Kronforst, Anthony Long, W. McMillan, and Robert Reed
Diversion and the Judicial Function, John R. Duree Jr.
Diversity in Stockton as Represented in the Archives, Michael J. Wurtz
DNA Lesions Produced from the Reaction of Diols and 5-Formylcytosine and Their Effects on DNA Replication, Brock Allen and Liang Xue
Document Discovery in International Arbitration - Getting the Documents You Need, Nathan D. O'Malley and Shawn C. Conway
Does California's Statutory Lis Pendens Violate Procedural Due Process?, Roger Stewart
Does increased hypothalamic NPYergic activity decrease blood pressure during fasting?, J. Michael Overton, J. Mark Van Ness, R. Michael Casto, and Andrea N. Reinpracht
Does maternal warmth and encouragement of independence increase shy toddlers’ approach behaviors around new peers?, Jessica Stoltzfus Grady, Katherine Karraker, and Darcey N. Powell
Does maternal warmth and encouragement of independence increase shy toddlers’ approach behaviors around new peers?, Sarah Kahle, Jessica Stoltzfus Grady, Jonas Miller, and Paul David Hastings
Doe v. Unocal: Torturous Decision for Multinationals Doing Business in Poltically Unstable Environments, Laura Bowersett
Domain specific refusal skill training with adolescents: Assessing generalization as a function of the number of domains trained, Jeffrey Joseph Westerman
Do maternal warm and encouraging statements reduce shy toddlers’ social reticence?, Jessica Stoltzfus Grady and Katherine Karraker
Domestic Relations, University of the Pacific; McGeorge School of Law
Domestic Relations, University of the Pacific, McGeorge School of Law
Domestic Relations, University of the Pacific; McGeorge School of Law
Domestic Relations, University of the Pacific; McGeorge School of Law
Domestic Relations, University of the Pacific; McGeorge School of Law
Domestic Relations, University of the Pacific; McGeorge School of Law
Domestic Relations, University of the Pacific; McGeorge School of Law
Domestic Relations, University of the Pacific; McGeorge School of Law
Domestic Relations Review of Selected 1970 California Legislation, University of the Pacific; McGeorge School of Law
Domestic Relations Review of Selected 1972 California Legislation, University of the Pacific; McGeorge School of Law
Donative and Interspousal Transfers of Community Property in California: Where We Are (Or Should Be) after MacDonald, Jerry A. Kasner
Don’t Try This Alone: Educating Students to Become Citizen Leaders, Lou Matz
Double Taxation Treaties and Transnational Investment: A Comparative Study, T. Modibo Ocran
Do You Recognize This Place?, Michael J. Wurtz
“Do You Understand These Rights?” A Juvenile Perspective of Miranda, Albert G. Mendoza
Dredging for Diplomacy? Colorado River Management at the United States-Mexico Border, Jennifer Pitt
Drei Briefe von L. Euler an Friedrich den Grossen 1743, Leonhard Euler
Drug permeability across the buccal mucosa: Role of ionized species activity and development of a predictive model, Amit Kokate
Duae litterae ad Fredericum II, Regem Borussorum, datae annis 1749—1763, Leonhard Euler
Dual RING E3 Architectures Regulate Multiubiquitination and Ubiquitin Chain Elongation by APC/C, Nicholas G. Brown, Ryan VanderLinden, Edmond R. Watson, Florian Weissmann, Alban Ordureau, Kuen-Phon Wu, Wei Zhang, Shanshan Yu, Peter Y. Mercredi, Joseph S. Harrison, Iain F. Davidson, Renping Qiao, Ying Lu, Prakash Dube, Michael R. Brunner, Christy R. R. Grace, Darcie J. Miller, David Haselbach, Marc A. Jarvis, Masaya Yamaguchi, David Yanishevski, Georg Petzold, Sachdev S. Sidhu, Brian Kuhlman, Marc W. Kirschner, J. Wade Harper, Jan-Michael Peters, Holger Stark, and Brenda A. Schulman
Dual Task and Parkinson’s disease, Preeti Deshpande Oza
Due Process and Security for Expense Statutes: An Analysis of California Statutes in Light of Recent Trends, Michael A. Marks
Due Process in Public Contracts: Pre-Award Hearings to Determine Responsibilty of Bidders, Stanley P. Fleshman
Dulce et Decorum: The Unique Perception of Chemical Warfare and the Enforcement of the Geneva Protocol in the 21st Century, Catherine Joyce
Du mouvement de rotation des corps solides autour d'un axe variable, Leonhard Euler
Du mouvement des absides des satellites de Jupiter, Leonhard Euler
Du mouvement d'un corps solide quelconque lorsqu'il tourne autour d'un axe mobile, Leonhard Euler
Du véritable caractère de la musique moderne, Leonhard Euler
Dynamical Constraints on Nontransiting Planets Orbiting Trappist-1, Vinh Truong
Dynamic fatigue does not alter Soleus H-reflexes conditioned by homonymous or heteronymous pathways, Preeti Deshpande Oza, Shauna Dudley-Javoroski, and Richard K. Shields
Dynastic Disruption: The Use Efficiency and Conservation Legacy of the Governor's Commission to Review California Water Rights Law Recommendations, A, Caitlin S. Dyckman
Eat Your Vegetables and Be Sued for Patent Infringement, M. R. Carrillo-Heian
Eberhardt School of Business, Diploma and Hooding Ceremony, University of the Pacific
Éclaircissemens plus détaillés sur la génération et la propagation du son, et sur la formation de l'écho, Leonhard Euler
Éclaircissemens sur le mouvement des cordes vibrantes, Leonhard Euler
Éclaircissemens sur les établissemens publics en faveur tant des veuves que des morts, Leonhard Euler
Ecologically relevant cryptic species in the highly polymorphic Amazonian butterfly Mechanitis mazaeus s.l. (Lepidoptera: Nymphalidae; Ithomiini), Ryan I. Hill, Marianne Elias, Kanchon Dasmahapatra, Chris Jiggins, Victor Koong, Keith Willmott, and James Mallet
ECO-System Restoration Challenges and Opportunities, Peter Gleick
Ecotourism: Calling a Truce Between Ski Resort Developers and Environmental Groups, Audrey Kelm
Ecuadorian Birds: Nesting records and egg descriptions from a lowland tropical rainforest, Ryan I. Hill and H. F. Greeney
Ed Endow, Ernie Yamaguchi, Gary Kikawa, Richard Yoshikawa, Mrs. Toshiyuki dining, Richard Shizuo Yoshikawa
Edited and Excerpted Transcript of the Symposium on Injury as Cultural Practice, University of the Pacific, McGeorge School of Law
Editorial Board, University of the Pacific; McGeorge School of Law
Editorial Board, University of the Pacific; McGeorge School of Law
Editorial Board, University of the Pacific; McGeorge School of Law
Editorial Board, University of the Pacific; McGeorge School of Law
Editorial Board, University of the Pacific; McGeorge School of Law
Editorial Board, University of the Pacific; McGeorge School of Law
Editorial Board, University of the Pacific; McGeorge School of Law
Editorial Board, University of the Pacific; McGeorge School of Law
Editorial Board, University of the Pacific; McGeorge School of Law
Editor Note, University of the Pacific, McGeorge School of Law
Editor's Foreword Governmental Consideration of the Environment, James L. Lopes
Editor's Note, University of the Pacific, McGeorge School of Law
Editor's Note, University of the Pacific, McGeorge School of Law
Editor's Note, University of the Pacific, McGeorge School of Law
Editor's Note, University of the Pacific, McGeorge School of Law
Editor's Note, University of the Pacific, McGeorge School of Law
Editor's Note, University of the Pacific; McGeorge School of Law
Editor's Note, University of the Pacific; McGeorge School of Law
Editor's Note, University of the Pacific, McGeorge School of Law
Editor's Note, University of the Pacific, McGeorge School of Law
Editor's Note, University of the Pacific, McGeorge School of Law
Editor's Note, Charles Sanders
Editor's Note, University of the Pacific; McGeorge School of Law
Editor's Note, Nina Santo
Editor's Note, Diane Richard Foos
Editor's Note, University of the Pacific; McGeorge School of Law
Editor's Note, Joel A. Eisenberg and Matt Lilligren
Editor's Note, University of the Pacific; McGeorge School of Law
Editor's Notes, University of the Pacific; McGeorge School of Law
Educating for Personal and Social Responsibility in General Education, Lou Matz
Education, University of the Pacific; McGeorge School of Law
Education, University of the Pacific; McGeorge School of Law
Education, University of the Pacific; McGeorge School of Law
Education, University of the Pacific; McGeorge School of Law
Education, University of the Pacific; McGeorge School of Law
Education, University of the Pacific; McGeorge School of Law
Education, University of the Pacific; McGeorge School of Law
Education, University of the Pacific; McGeorge School of Law
Education, University of the Pacific; McGeorge School of Law
Education / California's Response to Lack of Business Ethics, Brian L. Coggins
Education / Counseling in California's School System: Time for a Change, Kenneth Gino Zanotto
Education / Forgotten No Longer: The Southeast Asian's Role in the Vietnam War, Denise Pereira
Education journal reading habits of public elementary school teachers, Harriet Jane Myrick
Education / Leveling the Playing Field: Sex Equality in Athletics, Meghan M. Gavin
Education / Next Step in the Evolution of California's Education System: Chapter 87, The, Jennifer L. Snodgrass
Education Review of Selected 1972 California Legislation, University of the Pacific; McGeorge School of Law
Education / School Bus Safety Revisited: California Continues the Debate over the Effectiveness of Seat Belts, Peter M. Christiano
EEC Competition Law, Lucie A. Carswell
EEC Harmonization of Laws- Free Movement of Goods, Lucie A. Carswell
EEG-controlled Non-invasive Upper Limb Prosthesis, Priscilla Hernandez, Gerardo Martinez, and Matthew Ng
Effective communication strategies used in disseminating the California English/Language Arts Framework in California elementary schools, Margaret Ellen Marr Hancock
Effectiveness of contextual approaches to developmental math in California community colleges, Walter Charles Wiseley
Effect of central 6-hydroxydopamine administration on cardiovascular and metabolic responses to treadmill running in rats, Hiro J. Takata, J. Mark Van Ness, R. Michael Casto, and J. Michael Overton
Effect of Folate on Endoplasmic Reticulum Stress Caused by Hypoxia, Paul Kim, Shub Dhillon, Mahsa Mortazavi, Marie M. Tolarova, and Mirek Tolar
Effect of knowledge of the recipient on the willingness to donate organs, Michelle Kaiser Singh
Effect of selected adjuvants on metronidazole release from poly(ortho ester) matrix and computer optimization of the formulation, Gunjan Harshad Junnarkar
Effect of sinoaortic denervation (SAD) on the expression of GABAa-a1, NMDAR1 and GLUR1 mRNA in the caudal nucleus of the solitary tract (NTS) of renal wrap hypertensive rats, Vijayender R. Durgam, J. Mark Van Ness, Joseph R. Haywood, and Steve W. Mifflin
Effect Of Stress Management Training On Trait Anxiety Teaching Anxiety, Muscle Tension And Self-Concept Of Student Teachers, Girish Kumar Vasavada
Effect of Type 2 Diabetes in the Aortic Function of Female UC Davis Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus (UCD-T2DM) Rats, Farjana Akther, Md Rahatullah Razan, Tia Tang, James L. Graham, Kimber L. Stanhope, Peter J. Havel, and Roshanak Rahimian
Effects of a behavioral intervention on college students' reports of test anxiety and academic success, Derek D. Szafranski
Effects of acetylated polyamines on differentiation of Cloudman S91 melanoma cells, Ramana Rao Malladi
Effects of adult developmental stages on the professional education of teachers, Debra Ann Paton Burgess
Effects of a faculty mentoring program on African-American and Hispanic-American college students: Self-disclosure, self-esteem, solidarity, and academic achievement, Frederick Stephen Edmondson
Effects of Ainp2 and beta-tubulin on the Arnt-dependent signaling pathways, Tianmin Zhang
Effects of an asthma education program for Spanish-speaking parents of asthmatic children, Rebecca Joann Bovino
Effects Of And Recovery From High And Low Oxygen Tensions On A Strain Of Mouse Fibroblasts Cultivated In Vitro, David Harold Shaw
Effects of an educational video on fall self-efficacy and fear of falling in the elderly, Paige B. Maxwell
Effects of an incremental continuous review homework format on seventh-grade mathematics achievement, Jonathan Kimber Parker
Effects of an intervention program on the academic performance, school attendance, and school behavior of high school students, Vauna La Reda Pipal
Effects of attractiveness and distinctiveness on attention and memory for faces, Carla M. Strickland-Hughes, J. Leudicke, M. K. Johnson, and Natalie C. Ebner
Effects of central leptin administration on blood pressure in normotensive rats, R. Michael Casto, J. Mark Van Ness, and J. Michael Overton
Effects of dual task on gait parameters in older adults, Peggy Trueblood, Preeti Deshpande Oza, Toni Tyner, Jennifer Adame-Walker, and Ashley Arii
Effects of dynamic exercise on reflex excitability of soleus motor neurons, Preeti Deshpande Oza and Richard K. Shields
Effects of Dynamic Exercise on Reflex Excitability of Soleus Motor Neurons, Preeti Deshpande Oza and Richard K. Shields
Effects of environmental variability and mate quality on reproductive success in sand field crickets, Christina Koh and Iris Chu
Effects of expectancy and suggestibility on the assessment of cardiovascular reactivity, Nicole Lynn Frazer
Effects of Fatigue on H-reflex suppression in able-bodied and spinal cord injured subjects, Preeti Deshpande Oza and Richard K. Shields
Effects of lipoteichoic acid and lipopolysaccharide on SHED, Benjamin D. Zeitlin, Ryan Yu, and Takahiro Chino
Effects of modeling on HIV testing rates at a university health center, Aaron Arthur Stabel
Effects of N(8)-acetylspermidine deacetylase inhibition on growth and differentiation of PC12 cells, Ana Maria Soares Menezes
Effects of parent education training of the self-concept and knowledge of effective parenting practices of incarcerated mothers, Joan Connell Henderson
Effects of parent training resource specialist inservice upon parent participation during IEP development, Sandie Lalack Nutter
Effects of patient and physician gender on the assessment of a medical complaint, Emmylou C. Santos
Effects of quadriceps muscle stimulation on H-reflex suppression in able-bodied and spinal cord injured subjects, Preeti Deshpande Oza and Richard K. Shields
Effects Of Self Contained, Independent Learning Plan And Integrated Education Programs On Achievement In Reading And Math For Punjabi-English K-3 Bilingual Students, Dorthy M. H. Hastings
Effects of static and dynamic fatigue on soleus motor neuronal excitability, Preeti Deshpande Oza and Richard K. Shields
Effects of Sustained Attention on the Social Skills of Assertion, Cooperation, Self Control, and Peer Competence, Amy Jean Burns
Effects of TAG on hitting mechanics, H. Soriano and Corey S. Stocco
Effects Of Teacher And Pupil Expectancy Upon School Achievement, Wing Jew
Effects Of Therapist Personality Characteristics On Client Locus-Of-Control As Measured By The Rotter Internal-External Locus-Of-Control Scale., Jeffrey Charles Widmann
Efficacy of Physical Therapy Intervention on fear of falling in community-dwelling older adults, M. T. Garcia and Preeti Deshpande Oza
Efficacy of risperidone for the treatment of aggressive children in a private practice setting, Brian Robert Patterson
Efficient Level of Detail for Texture-Based Flow Visualization, Daying Lu, Dengming Zhu, Zhaoqi Wang, and Jinzhu Gao
Ego or Equity? Examining United States Extension of the Sherman Act, Jennifer C. Farlow
Ein Brief Eulers an d'Alembert, Leonhard Euler
Einige Zeilen aus Briefen von L. Euler an Johannes Schorndorf vom 27 April 1743 und vom 26 Mai 1750, Leonhard Euler
Einige Zeilen aus einem Brief von L. Euler an Albrecht von Haller vom 4 Juli 1744, Leonhard Euler
Einleitung zur Rechen-Kunst zum Gebrauch des Gymnasii bey der Kayserlichen Academie der Wissenschafften in St. Petersburg, Leonhard Euler
E/Insuring the Marijuana Industry, Francis J. Mootz III
E/Insuring the Marijuana Industry, Francis J. Mootz III
El cuerpo femenino que padece cáncer: la escritura como reapropiación, Traci Roberts-Camps
Election Night, Unknown
Elections, University of the Pacific; McGeorge School of Law
Elections, University of the Pacific; McGeorge School of Law
Elections, University of the Pacific; McGeorge School of Law
Elections, University of the Pacific; McGeorge School of Law
Elections, University of the Pacific; McGeorge School of Law
Elections, University of the Pacific; McGeorge School of Law
Elections, University of the Pacific; McGeorge School of Law
Elections, University of the Pacific; McGeorge School of Law
Elections / Chapter 18 and the 2000 Presidential Primary Election: Undermining the Purpose Behind the "Open" Primary Act, Jason M. Miller
Elections / May I Put My Money Where My Mouth Is - How Chapter 241 Adds to the Tapestry of Campaign Finance Reform, Frank James Singer III
Elections Review of Selected 1972 California Legislation, University of the Pacific; McGeorge School of Law
Elections / Right to Vote Independently Finally Extended to Visiually-Impaired Californians, The, Jamie Veater
Elections / That Time and Once Again: Chapter 478 Promises Efficiency Gains, Policy Regressions in Amending the Political Reform Act of 1974, Janelle A. Ruley
Elections / Voter Registration Finally Catches a Ride on the Wave of the Future - Online Absentee Applications Permitted, Jamie Veater
Electrically-Induced Muscle Contractions attenuate Bone Loss after Spinal Cord Injury, Shauna Dudley-Javoroski, Richard K. Shields, Preeti Deshpande Oza, and S. Madhavan
Electrocapillary Studies Of Reversible Charge Transfer V(Iii)/V(Ii) Electrode, Mohammad Ali Akhtar
Electronic portfolios in teacher education, Carla Hagen Piper
Electrophysiological studies of the interaction between ciprofloxacin and biphenylacetic acid at neuronal receptors and ion channels, Ryoko Hirakawa
Élémens de la trigonométrie sphéroïdique tirés de la méthode des plus grands et plus petits, Leonhard Euler
Elementa calculi variationum, Leonhard Euler
Elementa doctrinae solidorum, Leonhard Euler
Elementary School Principal Inservice: Practices And Perceptions Related To Pupil Academic Achievement Among Selected California School Districts (Staff Development), Richard Kingsley Sparks Jr.
Elementary school principals' knowledge and perceptions of research-based substance abuse and violence prevention programs, Angela A. Reynolds
Elementary school principals' knowledge of literacy development and instruction and students' reading achievement, Carol A. Sherrill
Elementary school principals' perceptions of responsibilities and competencies for instructional leadership, Aaron T. Yamada
Elena Garro, Los recuerdos del porvenir: Violence, Space, and the Female Body, Traci Roberts-Camps
Elephant in the Locker Room: Does the National Football League Discriminate in the Hiring of Head Coaches?, The, Neil Forester
Elevated BMI Impairs Balance Among Older Adults with Vestibular Disorders, Alexis C. King, J. Mark Van Ness, Toni J. Oliver, and Courtney D. Jensen
Elizabeth and Catherine Humbargar see off internees at Stockton Assembly Center, Richard Shizuo Yoshikawa
‘El otro’ en Madeinusa y La teta asustada de Claudia Llosa, Traci Roberts-Camps
Elsa Von Freytag-Loringhoven, The Spectral Woman of the New York Avant-Garde, Cosana Maria Eram
Emendatio laternae magicae ac microscopii solaris, Leonhard Euler
Emendatio tabularum astronomicarum per loca planetarum geocentrica, Leonhard Euler
Emerging International Regime of Financial Services Regulation, Michael P. Malloy
Emotion displays in storybooks within American culture, Jessica Stoltzfus Grady, Malina Her, Geena Moreno, Katie Perez, and Jillian Yelinek
Emotions in storybooks: A comparison of storybooks that represent ethnic and racial groups in the United States, Jessica Stoltzfus Grady, Malina Her, Geena Moreno, Catherine Perez, and Jillian Yelinek
Emotion socialization of shy boys and girls, Jessica Stoltzfus Grady and Malina Her
Emotion socialization through storybooks and prosocial behavior in shy children, Malina Her, W. Moreno, and Jessica Stoltzfus Grady
Employing the practice of critical reflection in decision-making: Perspectives for the elementary school administrator, Ruben Canales Jr.
Employment / Absence of Control: Employers' Inability to Apply Family Sick Leave to Absence Control Policies, The, Nathan W. Powell
Employment / Chapter 1071: Protecting All California Workers, Lori A. Ash
Employment / Chapter 221: A Necessary but Incomplete Revision of the Labor Code Private Attorneys General Act, Erich Shiners
Employment / Chapter 52: Ensuring the Prompt Payment of Disability Funds to Injured Workers, Jill D. Wright
Employment / Chapter 933 Sexual Harassment: Training and Education, Julia Blair
Employment / Consistency in California's Employment Discrimination Laws: Chapter 788's Dissemination of FEHA Standards, Jason L. Eliaser
Employment Division, Department of Human Resources of Oregon v. Smith: Does the Constitutionally Compelled Free Exercise Exemption Have a Prayer, Virginia C. Magan
Employment Practices, University of the Pacific; McGeorge School of Law
Employment Practices, University of the Pacific, McGeorge School of Law
Employment Practices, University of the Pacific; McGeorge School of Law
Employment Practices, University of the Pacific; McGeorge School of Law
Employment Practices, University of the Pacific; McGeorge School of Law
Employment / Protecting Injured or Ill Peace Officers: Mandating Advanced Disability Payments, Martin Jensen
Employment-Related Emotional Distress Morass: Confusing Signals from California's Courts and Legislature, The, Joseph Zuber
Enacting the California State Budget: Two-Thirds Is Too Much, Kevin S. Rosenberg
Endangered Species Act Versus Water Resources Development: The California Experience, Sandra K. Dunn
Ending the Gay Cure: Chapter 379 Deletes Discriminatory Language from the Law, Ashley Porter
Endocrine responses to repeated adrenocorticotropic hormone administration in free-ranging elephant, Molly McCormley
Enforcing Civil Rights Race: Discrimination and the Department of Justice, Brian K. Landsberg
Enforcing Foreign Arbitral Awards in the Federal Republic of Germany: The Example of a United States Award, Otto Sandrock and Matthias K. Hentzen
Enforcing New Commercial Rights in Emerging Nations, Claude D. Rohwer
Engendering Success: First-Generation Students & Emerging Models of Academic Library Support, Michelle M. Maloney
Enhanced cardiac baroreflex and attenuated isoproterenol responsiveness following food restriction in aortic coarctation hypertension, J. Mark Van Ness, F. E. Freeman, and J. Michael Overton
Enhancing everyday memory for older adults, Birgitte Ryslinge
Enhancing Information Literacy Skills of Doctor of Physical Therapy Students: Collaborative Project with Health Science Library, Preeti Deshpande Oza and Rachel K. Stark
Enhancing Sentences with Prior Felony Convictions: The Limits of without Limitation, Steven M. Vartabedian
Enodatio difficultatis super figura terrae a vi centrifuga oriunda, Leonhard Euler
Enodatio insignis cuiusdam paradoxi circa multiplicationem angulorum observati, Leonhard Euler
Enodatio maximi paradoxi, in problemate quodam mechanico occurentis, Leonhard Euler
Enodatio quaestionis utrum materiae facultas cogitandi tribui possit necne, Leonhard Euler
Enrollment Projection, Instructional, Noninstructional Implications And Alternative Uses For Vacant Or Unused Facilities In Decreasing Enrollment School Districts., Frederick A. Wentworth
Entering the Construction Services Industry in Mexico: Laws Affecting Foreign Participation, NAFTA, and Other Concerns, Paul D'Arelli
Entering the Digital Marketplace: E-Commerce and Jurisdiction in Ghana, Samuel O. Manteaw
Environmental and Other Implications of Operating the Yuma Desalting Plant, Kara Gillon
Environmental Protection, University of the Pacific; McGeorge School of Law
Environmental Protection, University of the Pacific, McGeorge School of Law
Environmental Protection, University of the Pacific; McGeorge School of Law
Environmental Protection, University of the Pacific; McGeorge School of Law
Environmental Protection, University of the Pacific; McGeorge School of Law
Environmental Protection, University of the Pacific; McGeorge School of Law
Environmental Protection, University of the Pacific; McGeorge School of Law
Environmental Protection, University of the Pacific; McGeorge School of Law
Environmental Protection, University of the Pacific; McGeorge School of Law
Environmental Protection, University of the Pacific; McGeorge School of Law
Environmental Protection / California Forest Legacy Program Act of 2000: A Long-Term Conservation Easement Program for Private Land, The, Stacy E. Gillespie
Environmental Protection / California's Attempt to Remain the Leader in Environmental Policy: Regulating Carbon Dioxide Emissions from Vehicles Sold in the Golden State, Karen D. Bettencourt
Environmental Protection / California's Evolving Water Law: The Water Rights Protection and Expedited Short-Term Water Transfer Act of 1999, Andrew P. Tauriainen
Environmental Protection / Chapter 235: Protecting California's Coast, Jil D. Wright
Environmental Protection / Environmental Indicators: Formalized Monitoring in the Service of Environmental Justice, Eric Karl Roth
Environmental Protection / Environmental Racism: The PIBBY Principle, Sarah J. Farhat
Environmental Protection / Healthy Schools Act of 2000: Reducing Exposure of School Children to Toxic Substances or Tying the Hands of Educators to Manage Pestilence?, Timothy J. Baldwin
Environmental Protection in California: Perspective of the Attorney General Governmental Consideration of the Environment, Evelle J. Younger
Environmental Protection Review of Selected 1970 California Legislation, University of the Pacific; McGeorge School of Law
Environmental Protection Review of Selected 1972 California Legislation, University of the Pacific; McGeorge School of Law
Environmental Protection / Saving the Sierras: Is a Conservancy the Answer, Chelsea R. Olson
Environmental sustainability programs in higher education: Policies, practices and curriculum strategies, Carol Ann Brodie
Environmental Watchdogs Take a Bite Out of Chilean Foreign Investment: Mandatory Environmental Impact Statements May Affect Foreign Investment in Chile, Jennifer Anne Scott
Envisioning a Better World: Using Real-Life Scenarios to Promote Inclusivity and Information Agency Amongst First-Generation Students, Michelle M. Maloney
Epidemiological classification of the DSM-III-R for bulimia, Gayle Diane Culuko
Epitome of Excellence: The Legacy of Robert K. Puglia, Arthur G. Scotland
Equal Protection, Due Process, and the Stereoscopic Fourteenth Amendment, Pamela S. Karlan
Equipment Leases--Warranty Rights and Remedies of Lessees, Claude D. Rohwer
Equipment Leasing Law in Korea, Won-Mo Ahn
Equitable Limitations on the Power to Amend the Article of Incorporation, Michael J. Halloran
Ernest A. Love: More Than Prescott’s Airport, Alan Roesler and Michael J. Wurtz
Errata Sheet, University of the Pacific; McGeorge School of Law
Errata Sheet, University of the Pacific; McGeorge School of Law
Errata Sheet, University of the Pacific; McGeorge School of Law
Errata Sheet, University of the Pacific; McGeorge School of Law
Errorless compliance training: A treatment for noncompliance in a classroom setting, Lucas A. Bradley
Essai d'une explication physique des couleurs engendrées sur des surfaces extrémement minces, Leonhard Euler
Essai d'une théorie de la résistance qu'éprouve la proue d'un vaisseau dans son mouvement, Leonhard Euler
Essay d'une démonstration métaphysique du principe général de l'equilibre, Leonhard Euler
Establishing local norms for adaptive behavior of Hmong children using the Texas Environmental Adaptation Measure (TEAM), Winona Cound Miles
Estates and Trusts / Chapter 17: An Attempt to Improve the Existing Probate Law, Vartuhi Torounian
Estates and Trusts / Chapter 565: One More Law to Reform Conservatorships and Guardianships; But Is It Needed, Erik R. Beauchamp
Estates and Trusts / It's My Money 'Til I Die: When Trustees Must Notify Heirs and Beneficiaries Concerning a Trust That Has Become Irrevocable, Erik R. Beauchamp
Estates and Trusts / The New Uniform Principal and Income Act: Friend or Foe?, Avishai Glikman
Estimating population size and movements in the imperiled butterfly species, Speyeria adiaste clemencei, K. Zaman, C. Tenney, and Ryan I. Hill
Estonia: A Model for Economic Success in Transition Economies, Kendra Pavkovic
Estoppel to Avoid the California Statute of Frauds, Philip H. Wile, Kathleen Cordova-Lyon, and Claude D. Rohwer
Ethics and Ethical Self-Reflection in a University-Wide Capstone Course, Lou Matz
Ethics and Narrative, Lou Matz
European Court of Justice: 1990 Cases, Emily Perri Hemphill
Evaluating Dental Students’ Preferences of the Current Assessment Methods Used in Dental Education and their Impact on Learning Approaches, Hanadi Alenezi
Evaluating Primary Sources, Ken Albala
Evaluating the Concussed Athlete: Co-Occurring Psychiatric Conditions Predict Psychological Function and Recovery, Jeremy P. McConnell, Cali VanValkenburg, Vincent Nittoli, Adam Shunk, and Courtney D. Jensen
Evaluating the effects of HMG -CoA reductase inhibitors on C -reactive protein, butyrylcholinesterase, and lipids, Annie Heekyung Shinn
Evaluating the effects of performance feedback on data collection, James Cook, Jason Bourret, Amelia McGoldrick, Sima Hansalia, Casey Moore, and Corey S. Stocco
Evaluation of an Innovative Shoulder Strengthening Device: Reactively Training the Shoulder, Bradley T. Hirayama, Jamie Narciso, Shadi Othman, and Preeti Oza
Evaluation of Co-located and Distributed Collaborative Visualization, Xianlin Hu, Lane Harrison, Aidong Lu, Li Yu, Huaguang Song, and Jinzhu Gao
Evaluation Of Elementary Principals In New York State, Anthony Francis Ruocco
Evaluation of heart failure clinic alternative-clinician effectiveness study, Veronica Tovar Bandy
Evaluation of language development specialist training: A survey of teachers and administrators, Denise Marie Smith
Evaluation of Nigerian immigrant parenting practices in preparing their children for college, Osagie Festus Amayo
Evaluation of reinforcers: A unit price analysis, Xeres Delmendo
Evaluation of student retention and graduation in the CalStateTEACH program, Naomi Marie Williams
Evaluation of the impact of pharmaceutical care in an Air Force pulmonary clinic, Hanaa Ahmed Salem
Everyone Can Volunteer Here: Collaboration with a Public Library to Provide a Safe Volunteering Program for Survivors of Neurological Trauma, Rachel K. Stark and Preeti Deshpande Oza
Everything is by Design., Joanna Thi Duong Ms.
Evidence, University of the Pacific; McGeorge School of Law
Evidence, University of the Pacific; McGeorge School of Law
Evidence, University of the Pacific; McGeorge School of Law
Evidence, University of the Pacific; McGeorge School of Law
Evidence, University of the Pacific; McGeorge School of Law
Evidence based case conference (2-part WebEx series), Preeti Deshpande Oza
Evidence based Practice, Preeti Deshpande Oza
Evidence Based Practice – Bridging the gap between Health Care Research & Practice, Preeti Deshpande Oza
Evidence Code Section 771: Conflict with Privileged Communications, David E. Boyd
Evidence / Justifiable Crimes: Working toward an End to Injustice for Battered Women Convicted of Crimes Spurred by Their Abusers, Andrea E. Pelochino
Evidence Review of Selected 1970 California Legislation, University of the Pacific; McGeorge School of Law