"A Model Delivery System For Education In The California Youth Authorit" by Gordon L. Spencer

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Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Education (Ed.D.)



First Advisor

Thomas C. Coleman

First Committee Member

John Phillips

Second Committee Member

J. Marc Jantzen

Third Committee Member

W. Preston Gleason

Fourth Committee Member

Jerry Briscoe


Purpose: The purpose of this study was to develop a model delivery system for education services in the California Youth Authority (CYA). The model included a model administrative organization, a financial model, and a support services model. Procedures: (1) Related literature was reviewed to establish principles regarding administration and organization, finance, and support services in correctional education. These principles were then compared with existing conditions in the CYA. (2) A questionnaire was administered to CYA staff to determine which of seven proposed administratjve models best met thirteen pre-determined criteria. The correctional school district model was selected. (3) A second questionnaire was administered to administrators of seven existing correctional school districts in the country, and to top administrators of their cooperating corrections agencies This questionnaire elicited information about how correctional school districts should be organized, how they should be financed, and what support services they should provide. Findings: The correctional school district was determined to be the best administrative organization model tested. It should be a part of the corrections agency, with its Superintendent reporting to the Director of the corrections agency. Findings and recommendations were made regarding the school board, and how corrections and school district staff should interface. It was determined that special legislation will be necessary to create such a school district, and that legislation should include a financial formula whereby the State Legislature would fund the school district on the basis of average daily attendance with annual increases for inflation. The creation of the school district will make it eligible for all state and federal education funding for which the CYA education program is not now eligible. The school district should offer special services to all students as outlined in Public Law 94-142, Education of All Handicapped Children Act. Staff-student ratios were also recommended.



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