"Articulated thoughts in simulated situations: An investigation into th" by Leilani Feliciano DiLiberto

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Date of Award


Document Type

Thesis - Pacific Access Restricted

Degree Name

Master of Arts (M.A.)



First Advisor

Roger Katz

First Committee Member

Gary Howells

Second Committee Member

Kenneth Beauchamp


Although previous research has examined the role of social information processing patterns, attributions, and expectations in aggressive adolescents, there is a lack of studies examining self-dialogue in this population. Eighty male and female adolescents, half of them aggressive and the other half nonaggressive, were given the Articulated Thoughts in Simulated Situations (ATSS) method to examine their thoughts “in the moment”. The Stait-Trait Anger Expression Inventory-2 (STAXI-2) was utilized as a measure of anger experience and aggression. ATSS anger, aggressive intent, and hostile attribution verbalizations and STAXI-2 scales were correlated using Pearson's r to examine concurrent validity. Results revealed that males compared to females expressed significantly more aggressive intent on the ATSS. Results also indicated that aggressive compared to nonaggressive adolescents expressed significantly more anger and aggressive intent in their self-dialogue on the ATSS. Results from the STAXI-2 indicated that aggressive adolescents scored higher than nonaggressive adolescents on the state and trait anger, anger expression-out, and the anger expression index scales of the STAXI-2, but scored lower on the anger control-in and out scales of the STAXI-2. These results indicate that not only do aggressive adolescents describe experiencing and expressing more frequent feelings of anger and frustration than nonaggressive adolescents, but they also report making fewer attempts at controlling their anger and aggression when angered. This has implications for treatment because if aggressive/hostile thoughts mediate aggressive behavior, we should be able to reduce aggressive behavior by altering the thinking that underlies it.




9780599838086 , 0599838086

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