"De Indorum anno solari astronomico" by Leonhard Euler

English Title

On the Indian solar year


Leonhard Euler

Enestrom Number


Original Language


Content Summary

This work is the third appendix in the book Historia regni Graecorum Bactriani (History of the Bactrian kingdom of the Greeks), written by Euler's friend and St. Petersbrg Academy colleague T. S. Bayer. The original appendices were written by a Danish missionary in Tranquebar, C. T. Walther ("The Indian Doctrine of Time," pp. 145-190), and by Bayer himself, based on his correspondence with Walther and other Tranquebar missionaries ("Supplement to the Indian Doctrine of Time," pp. 191-200). Euler's contribution appears immediately after these. (Based on Kim Plofker's translation introduction.)

Published as

Other article

Published Date


Written Date


Original Source Citation

Historia Regni Graecorum Bactriani, by T. S. Bayer, Volume , pp. 201-213.

Opera Omnia Citation

Series 2, Volume 30, pp.5-12.

Record Created


E018-intro.pdf (327 kB)
E018-appendix.pdf (405 kB)
E018en.pdf (120 kB)
E018-intro.pdf (327 kB)

E018-appendix.pdf (405 kB)

E018en.pdf (120 kB)

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Mathematics Commons
