
Circa Date
circa 1887
but how I do not understand. When he was on the ground he made not the slightest noise, nor when he was simply flying from place to place but only when diving in curves, the motion seeming to be required for the sound; for the more vigorous the diving the more energetic the corresponding outburst of jolly rattling. I tried to observe him closely while he was resting in the intervals of his [the] performance but he would not allow a near approach always getting his jumping legs ready to spring for immediate flight & keeping his eyes on me. A fine sermon [lecture that] the little fellow danced [played] for me on [the top of this Grand Yosemite] the Dome a likely place to [the last place in the world to] look for sermons in stones but not for grasshopper sermons. [of this sort] A large & imposing pulpit for so small a preacher. [comical looking but with such vim as must always compel respect & admiration] [nevertheless he compelled attention] No danger of weakness in [cutout] world while Nature can spr…rattle as this Even the bear…press for me the mountains…so telling as did this
little comical [holiday] hopper. No cloud of care in his day, no winter of discontent in sight. To him every day is a holiday & when at length [When] his sun sets he will kick or cuddle [lie] down among the brown needles on the forest floor & die [dying] like the leaves & flowers [them without pain or complaint & like them leave[ing] so unsightly [litter] [dismal] remnants [dismal human world] calling for burial. The sun has set & I must away to camp. Goodnight friends [companions] three. Restless [prickly] fussy fly with quartz wing stirring the air round all the world, [blowing all you cannot eat into life in the sky.]
Brown bear [like cut off butt of the mountain pine] rugged boulder of energy, [rolling rambling through] in groves & gardens fair as Eden. [All they contain good for food & for the unforbidden] & grasshopper
Date Occurred
Resource Identifier
MuirReel31 Notebook07 Img052.jpg
Contributing Institution
Holt-Atherton Special Collections, University of the Pacific Library
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