Date of Award
Document Type
Degree Name
Doctor of Education (Ed.D.)
First Advisor
Heath Lowry
First Committee Member
Robert W. Blaney
Second Committee Member
M. Lewis Mason
Third Committee Member
J. Marc Jantzen
Fourth Committee Member
Robert R. Hopkins
It was the investigator's concern to discover
1) to what extent the selected sixteen Iranian middle-class social and moral values were present in the content of the elementary reading textbooks currently used in Iran,
2) with what frequency and level of intensity the values were presented, and
3) was there a time-ordered developmental sequence of the identified social and moral values from lower to upper grade levels?
The purpose of the study was to collect data from the seven elementary reading textbooks which have been published by the Ministry of Education of the Government of Iran and are used by all children attending school.
Recommended Citation
Ghandi, Maryam Tajeran. (1977). A Content Analysis Of Current Iranian Elementary Reading Textbooks For The Presence Of Social And Moral Values. University of the Pacific, Dissertation.
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