"Claim of Patrick Ford for Losses by Klamath Indians, 1853" by Patrick Ford



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Patrick Ford

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State of California

County of San Francisco FS [SS]

Before me Alexander G. Abell, a Notary Public duly commissioned and [sworn] in and for the above named County and authorised to administer oaths, this day personally appeared Patrick Ford, who being sworn according to law, declares and says that the statement subscribed by him and hereunto [ ] by a blue ribbon which was made by him before an acting Justice of the Peace in the County of Klamath or Shasta is true and correct in all its important particulars.

Witnefs [witness] my hand and Notorial seal at the City of San Francisco County and State aforesaid, this seventeenth day of January [an] one thousand eight hundred and fifty three

Signed Alex G. Abell

Notary Public



Schedule of the property lost by Ford Penny and Homan on or about the 17th day of June A. D. 1851

Money in gold dust 800.00

8 mules value 160$ each 1280.00

1200 lbs Flour 1$ 1200.00

300 lbs pork [1$] 300.00

Exhibit A

To the Honorable Superintendent of Indian Affairs for the United States and through him to the Congress of the United States of America.

Sir & Gentlemen,

Your petitioners Patrick Ford formerly of the State of New York Alexander Penny formerly of the State of New Jersey Deceased by his agent & Partner Patrick Ford and Chas. [Charles] formerly of Long Island State of New York would respectfully represent to your Honor and Honorable body that whilst pursuing the avocation of Miners & Packers peaceably and on a new Rout up the Klamath River to the Mining Regions of Scotts River and Shasta Plains they were surprised and attacked by a party of Klamath Indians of about thirty in number and all the property that they had amounting to the gross sum of Six Thousand Dollars or there abouts as will more fully appear by reference to a schedule herewith attached and marked A and will further appear by reference to the written evidence in the hands of Col. R. McKee U.S. Indian Agent or Commissioner for the State of California and that three of the party were killed at the same time thereby rendering the situation of the remaining portion of the party perilous in the extreme, and also taking all the property that had been earned by their toil and sufferings in a wild and unknown region of Country leaving them destitute of all resources save the Physical power to labour granted them by Nature's God much reduced by want of the provisions Stolen from them by those Indians.

And they would further state that…

Exhibit B

State of California

County of Klamath SS


Patrick Ford formerly of the City of New York, and for the last four years and seven months a resident of California, doth depose and say as follows, viz: That on…

To the honourable Thos. [Thomas] Findley Maloney and [W. G. Kibbe]. Board of Examiners for the adjustment of claims against the State of California for the losses sustained by the depredations of the Indians in the County of Klamath [ ]

Your petitioner Patrick Ford begs how to represent unto your honourable Board that in the year 1851 himself & partners Alex Penny and Chas [Charles] [Homan] suffered heavy losses [ ]: about the sum of 10004$ in consequence of an attack made upon then in said County of Klamath for the full particulars of which & of the losses sustained he begs now to refer you to his petition to the Superintendent of Indian Affairs at Washington City, and now…


State of California; County of San Francisco

Date Original


Owning Institution

Holt-Atherton Special Collections, University of the Pacific Library

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Claim of Patrick Ford for Losses by Klamath Indians, 1853



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