"1914: Thanksgiving Day was Warm and Wonderful" by Michael J. Wurtz

1914: Thanksgiving Day was Warm and Wonderful

Document Type

News Article

Publication Title

Prescott (Arizona) Courier

Publication Date



A Yavapai College class is currently studying the year of 1914 in an attempt to learn about history from a different perspective. The students have chosen different topics from prostitution to the status of Native Americans in Prescott. The students will be looking to see what the town was like in 1914 in relation to these topics. 1914 is mostly known for The Great War era, which was beginning to show Europe, and the world, that battles were no longer going to be glorious as trenches lined the quiet farms of eastern France and western Russia. Although removed, for the time being, from the troubles of WWI, Prescott was celebrating its 50th anniversary of its founding in 1864.
