"A Study Of Factors Influencing Job Satisfactions Of Community College " by Alexander Rada

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Date of Award


Document Type

Dissertation - Pacific Access Restricted

Degree Name

Doctor of Education (Ed.D.)



First Advisor

J. Marc Jantzen

First Committee Member

Pedro Osuna

Second Committee Member

Donald Duns

Third Committee Member

R. Coke Wod

Fourth Committee Member

Robert R. Hopkins


PURPOSE: The study was designed to survey faculty job satisfaction and the degree of fulfillment on selected items of job satisfaction through a questionnaire instrument; Research hypotheses stated that: (1) there is a negative relationship between years of teaching experience and the degree of job satisfaction, (2) instructors with both teaching experience and other employment background wiII be more satisfied with · community college teaching than instructors with teaching experience only, (3) instructors who previously taught at the university or 4-year college will be more satisfied with community college teaching than instructors with elementary-secondary teaching background, and (4) instructors with on occupational orientation will be more satisfied than instructors with an academic orientation.

POPULATION: Eighty community college teaching faculty members were selected as the sample for the study. These instructors represented the total full:-time teaching population of the Napa College, Napa, California.

PROCEDURE: The questionnaire developed for this study used as a model accepted national instruments. On the basis of selected criteria the survey instrument has been adapted and applied to the community college faculty members to determine factors influencing their job satisfaction. The questionnaire adaptation included modification in indexing for greater sensitivity to variations in attitude and for functional ~coring. The questionnaire was subjected to a small-sized pretest and then administered to the faculty. Returned questionnaires were coded and keypunched for later analysis. Preliminary analysis began with tabulation and sorting of data by computer for each statement and groups of statements according to various independent variables. To test hypotheses four one-way analyses of variance were made to determine whether any significant differences existed among the groups regarding years of leaching, previous employment background, prior teaching experience, and current teaching orientation. Factors were developed for four areas: (1) teaching satisfaction, (2) institutional environment and support, (3) interrelationship with supervision and administration, and (4) faculty interrelationships and role perceptions.

Findings: The length or years of teaching experience made no significant difference on job satisfaction of instructors. There was an overall significant difference indicating that instructors with other employment background in addition to their teaching experience were more satisfied than instructors with teaching experience only. Prior teaching background, whether university/4-year college or elementary, secondary made no significant difference on instructors' job satisfaction. A significant difference was found between occupationally and academically oriented instructors; instructors with occupational orientation were more satisfied with community college teaching than instructors with academic orientation.



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