"A Comparison Of Twelfth Grade School Counselors' Attitude Toward The A" by Stella Elisa Alonzo

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Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Education (Ed.D.)



First Advisor

Armaud P. Maffia

First Committee Member

Heath Lowery

Second Committee Member

Sandra Anselmo

Third Committee Member


Fourth Committee Member

Larry L. Pippin


The Problem. The women's movement calls for social change and new options for women in society among these options are career options which women never had before. High school counselors make career suggestions for both male and female counselees. This study attempted to examine if these counselors who agreed with the aims of the women's movement would offer more non-traditional career options for both male and female twelfth grade counselees. Procedures. CPGA's list of names of 839 School Counselors was used to survey the attitude toward the feminist aims. Dempewolff's Feminist Scale--Form A (1972) was used to measure counselor's attitude toward the aims. To obtain the career options offered by counselors, Counselor's Estimate Questionnaire was devised by the researcher. Questionnaires were mailed to all 839 since there was no way to only choose twelfth grade counselors. Data were analyzed using analyses of variance and chi-square. Only counselors who had twelfth grade students were used in this study. Students cumulative grade point average, ethnicity, and career interests were also examined. Findings. Analysis of the data indicated that women counselors tended to support the feminist aims more than male counselors. Support or opposition for the aims did not however influence counselors tendency to offer more non-traditional career options to their counselees. Female counselees more than male counselees expressed a non-traditional career interest. The higher the G.P.A. for both male and female students more non-traditional career interests were expressed. Conclusions. The study supports the hypothesis that women more than men support the aims of the feminist movement. The study did not show that support for the aims of the feminist movement also increased the tendency to offer more non-traditional career options. Twelfth grade female students did show more of a tendency toward a non-traditional career interest.

NOTE: The copy held by University of the Pacific library was missing page 111 in the document.





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