Scholarly Commons - Excellence Day: Diametral tensile strength and cost-effectiveness of commercially available fiber posts

Diametral tensile strength and cost-effectiveness of commercially available fiber posts

Lead Author Affiliation

Dental Surgery Program


The goal in this study was to evaluate the difference of diametral tensile strength(DTS) obtained from commercially available fiber posts for cementation in root canals. The price of each fiber post was then compared with the DTS to evaluate the cost-effectiveness. The null hypothesis was that there is no difference between the cost-effectiveness among the manufacturers.

Methods/Treatment Plan

Commercially available fiber posts from 12 different companies were selected (size 1.5 in diameter). The following manufacturers and post types have been included in the study. 3M ESPE–RelyX Fiber Post; Synca-Biolight DUAL; Denmat–Core- Post; GC–Fiber Post; Danville–Ice lite; RTD–Macro-Lock Post X-RO; Ultradent–Unicore; VOCO–Rebilda Post; Kerr Achromat-Axis; Bisco-D.T.Light-Post; Pentron-FibreKleer; Henry Schein-Precision Post. All posts can be used for build-up placements after root canal performance. Ten posts from each group were sectioned perpendicular to the long axis with a slow-speed-diamond saw (Buehler) to obtain 1mm thick slices from the parallel end of the post. The slices were then subjected to a diametral tensile strength test in a universal testing machine (INSTRON-1011) at a crosshead speed of 1mm per min until failure in static testing mode. Regression analysis using R statistical software has been used at a 95% confidence interval. Prices have been compared to mean strength values to determine the cost-effectiveness of the fiber posts.


Average diametral strength values in MPa (±stdev) have been evaluated. A statistical significant difference among groups has been found p= 2e-16. The three most cost-effective manufacturers were: Henry Schein, RTD and Pentron with 0.21, 0.22, 0.23, respectively. The null hypothesis was rejected.


RTD had the highest DTS while Henry Schein had the best cost-effectiveness.


University of the Pacific, Dugoni Dental School, San Francisco, CA



Poster Session

IDS Student Presentations

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May 31st, 10:00 AM May 31st, 3:00 PM

Diametral tensile strength and cost-effectiveness of commercially available fiber posts

University of the Pacific, Dugoni Dental School, San Francisco, CA

The goal in this study was to evaluate the difference of diametral tensile strength(DTS) obtained from commercially available fiber posts for cementation in root canals. The price of each fiber post was then compared with the DTS to evaluate the cost-effectiveness. The null hypothesis was that there is no difference between the cost-effectiveness among the manufacturers.