"A Comparative Study On The Nature Of Job Satisfaction Between Mexican " by Robert Aguilar

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Date of Award


Document Type

Dissertation - Pacific Access Restricted

Degree Name

Doctor of Education (Ed.D.)



First Advisor

Thomas Cy Coleman

First Committee Member

Ezekiel S. Ramirez

Second Committee Member

Randall Rockey

Third Committee Member

Fred Muskal

Fourth Committee Member

Oscar T. Jarvis


PURPOSE: The purpose of this study was to: (1) determine if significant differences in job satisfaction existed between Mexican American administrators and other public school administrators; (2) determine if differences existed in the area of work task, work situation, and career opportunity between the two groups; and(3) determine if differences existed between the age levels and job satisfaction of the two groups.

HYPOTHESES: This study tested the null hypothesis that no significant relationship existed between Mexican American and other public school administrators in relationship to overall job satisfaction, satisfaction of work tasks, situations and career.

PROCEDURES: The California Public School Administrators Opinionnaire was mailed on a state-wide sampling to two hundred Mexican American and two hundred others. Subjects responding were one hundred twelve Mexican Americans and one hundred twenty-three other public school. administrators. The Opinionnaire consisted of nineteen demographic questions and seventy-six job satisfaction questions divided into three sub-factors of work environment. Analyses were performed using a z test as a test of significance.

CONCLUSIONS: The findings indicated that there was no significant difference in the overall job satisfaction be.tween Mexican American and non-Mexican American public school administrators in California. There were, however, significant differences in two of the .three sub-factors of the work environment. Non-Mexican American administrators felt more satisfaction in the work situation and Mexican American administrators felt more satisfaction with career opportunities. There was no significant difference between the two groups regarding work tasks performed. Age comparisons between the two groups also showed no significant differences.

RECOMMENDATIONS: Further research should be concerned with (1) replicating the study with a different California population sample; (2) replicating the study on a national scale; (3) that a comparison be made between Mexican American administrators and teachers; (4) that analysis be made as to determining the basis for differences discovered; (5) that philosophies of Mexican-American and non-Mexican Americans be compared; (6) that management styles be compared between the two groups;· (7) that comparisons be made on how superiors feel their subordinates will respond on the Opinionnaire and how they actually responded; and (8) that Mexican American and non-Mexican American administrators be compared through evaluation by their subordinates and/or superiors.



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