"A Comparative Study Concerning Adolescent Attitudes In Istanbul, Turke" by Maida Kamber Divanian

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Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Education (Ed.D.)



First Advisor

W. Preston Gleason

First Committee Member

William S. Crowley

Second Committee Member

M. Mason

Third Committee Member

J. Marc Jantzen

Fourth Committee Member

Fay Goleman


It was the purpose of this study to compare the attitudes of the adolescents of ages 17 to 19 who attended school in Turkey and the United States. Specifically, the research attempted to investigate the extent of similarity and dissimilarity between the attitudes of the present American and Turkish adolescents of ages 17 to 19 who attended school in Istanbul, Turkey and California, U.S.A., towards: (1) their teacher, (2) their peers, (3) their parents, (4) institutional constraint, (5) their self concept, and (6) their academic aspirations. The investigator was a cross-cultural study which had data from prospective cultures.



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