Conjectura physica circa propagationem soni ac luminis una cum aliis dissertationibus analyticis De numeris amicabilibus De natura aequationum, ac De rectificatione ellipsis.

English Title

Physical conjectures on the propogation of sound and light with other dissertations: on amicable numbers, on natural equations, and on the rectification of ellipses


Leonhard Euler

Enestrom Number


Original Language


Content Summary

E121 is one of an unusual group of Eneström numbers. It refers to a collection of articles which were published together (in this case E151, E152, E153, and E154), but were written on different topics. Usually referred to as Opuscula Varii Argumenti, Volume 2, this work is part of a three-volume series, the other two parts being E80 (Volume 1) and E156 (Volume 3).

Published as

Quarto book

Published Date


Source Publisher

Berlin: Ambrosius Haude and Johann Carl Spener

Original Source Citation

Opuscula varii argumenti Bd. 2. Berolini, sumtibus Ambr. Haude viduae et Joh. Carol. Speneri, bibliopol. reg. et acad. scient. privil. 1750.

Opera Omnia Citation

Series , Volume , pp.-.

Record Created

