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Date of Award
Document Type
Dissertation - Pacific Access Restricted
Degree Name
Doctor of Education (Ed.D.)
First Advisor
John V. Schippers
First Committee Member
Deann Christiansen
Second Committee Member
Robert R. Hopkins
Third Committee Member
Dennis C. Brennan
Fourth Committee Member
R. Ann Zinck
Purpose: The purpose of this study was to determine the effectiveness of two first grade mathematics programs, a literature based language and manipulative approach to mathematics instruction, Explorations, as compared to a manipulative approach, Math Their Way. These two programs use a similar manipulative approach, however, Explorations includes the use of literature and structured language activities.
Procedures: Ninety-eight students were involved in this study. Sixty-seven students received instruction with Explorations and thirty-one with Math Their Way for a period of approximately five months. All students were preand posttested on the Metropolitan Achievement Tests Sixth Edition (MAT Q.) in the areas of listening comprehension, number, problem solving, and computation. In addition, a random sequential sample of thirty-one students was observed and tested on specific problem solving skills and processes by the researcher and an experienced consultant. A quasi-experimental design was used to test three sets of hypotheses. The two approaches to teaching mathematics were compared on the following variables: listening comprehension, numeration, problem solving (operation recognition), computation, problem solving strategies, and problem solving processes.
Findings: Using the analysis of covariance procedures, the Explorations group scored significantly higher, p <. 001 , on the numeration test. This test evaluated numeral recognition and reading, and place value.
Conclusions: Both programs were viewed favorably by teachers and students. On most outcome variables both programs produced comparable results. One ancillary finding of interest indicated that students who were able to verbalize their processing scored significantly higher in the area of computation.
Recommended Citation
Shawkey, Jonnie Kathleen. (1989). A comparison of two first-grade mathematics programs: "Math Their Way" and "Explorations". University of the Pacific, Dissertation - Pacific Access Restricted.
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