Content Posted in 2018
Proposition 140: The Constitutionality of Term Limits, Reed Schreiter
Proposition 19:Regulate, Control and Tax Cannabis Act of 2010. Initiative Statute., Kori Hilton and Katherine Oldham
Proposition 1: Veterans and Affordable Housing Bond Act of 2018, Henry Mantel and John Ponce
Proposition 1: Water Quality, Supply, and Infrastructure Improvement Act of 2014, Sean Creadick and Patrick Lewis
Proposition 20: Redistricting of Congressional Districts. Initiative Constitutional Amendment., Matt Vance and Steve Kelly
Proposition 21: Establishes $18 Annual Vehicle License Surcharge to Help Fund State Parks and Wildlife Programs and Grants Free Admission to All State Parks to Surcharged Vehicles. Initiative Statute., Sarah Chesteen and Christine D. Harlan
Proposition 22: Prohibits the State from Borrowing or Taking Funds Used for Transportation, Redevelopment, or Local Government Projects and Services. Initiative Constitutional Amendment., Amanda L. Allen and Johanna E. Michael
Proposition 23: Suspension of Global Warming until Unemployment Drops Initiative Statute., Leila Z. Mironova and Bindhu J. Varghese
Proposition 24: Repeal Corporate Tax Loopholes Act. Initiative Statute., Marla A. Kurtz and Mallory Lass
Proposition 25: The On-Time Budget Act of 2010 Initiative Constitutional Amendment, Marcus Arneson and John Powell
Proposition 26: Vote Requirement for State Fees and Levies. Initiative Constitutional Amendment., Julia C. DeVos and Amber Simmons
Proposition 27: Elimination of the Citizens Redistricting Commission. Changes to the Redistricting Process in California. Initiative Constitutional Amendment and Statute., Anna Buck and Christina Johnson
Proposition 28: The Legislative Term Limits Reform Act., Jeff Dodd and Erinn Ryberg
Proposition 29: Establishing $1 Per Pack Tax on Cigarettes to Fund Cancer Research and Prevention Programs, Andrew Boriskin and Sirenia Jimenez
Proposition 2: State Budget – Budget Stabilization Account, Eric Riviera-Jurado Riviera-Jurado and Robert Binning
Proposition 2: Use Millionaire's Tax Revenue for Homelessness Prevention Housing Bonds Measure, David Witkin and Kaylin Huang
Proposition 36 Eligibility: Are Courts and Prosecutors following or Frustrating the Will of Voters, Gregory A. Forest
Proposition 3: Water Supply and Water Quality Act of 2018, Kevin W. Bursey and Kaylin Huang
Proposition 45: Insurance Rate Public Justification and Accountability Act., Tracey Frazier and Rob Nash
Proposition 46: Drug and Alcohol Testing of Doctors. Medical Negligence Lawsuits., Easton Broome and Fay Saechao
Proposition 47: The Safe Neighborhoods and School Act, Selena Farnesi and Emily Reynolds
Proposition 48: Referendum on Indian Gaming Compacts, Nicholas Kump and Charles Deyoe
Proposition 4: The Children's Hospital Bond Act of 2018, John Knobel, Peter Leoni, and Sarah Steimer
Proposition 5: Property Tax Transfer, Meghan Shiner and John Knobel
Proposition 6: Voter Approval for Increase in Gas and Car Taxes, Meghan Shiner and Peter Leoni
Proposition 7: California Daylight Saving Time, Sarah Steimer and Anna Lisa Thomas
Proposition 8 and the Exclusionary Rule: Towards a New Balance of Defendant and Victim Rights, Grover C. Trask II and Timothy J. Searight
Proposition 8: A Prosecutor's Perspective, Hank M. Goldberg
Proposition 8: Fair Pricing for Dialysis Act, Anupe Litt and John Ponce
Proposition 8: Origins and Impact--A Public Defender's Perspective, Jeff Brown
Proposition 91: Transportation Funds, Alec Gibbs and Mario U. Zamora
Proposition 92: Community College Governance, Funding Stabilization, and Student Fee Reduction Act., Amanda Marie Neal and Carsen Powers Smith
Proposition 93: Term Limits and Legislative Reform Act., Isabel Liou and Tyler McKinney
Proposition 9 and Conflicts of Interest: Scrambling to Close the Barn Door, Sharon Cox Stevens
Propositions 94, 95, 96, 97: Referendum on Amendment to Indian Gaming Compact, Omid Shabani and Daniel S. Reid
Proprietates triangulorum, quorum anguli certam inter se tenent rationem, Leonhard Euler
Prosecuting Computer Virus Authors: The Need for an Adequate and Immediate International Solution, Kelly Cesare
Prospect for Regional Planning in California, Milton Marks and Stephen L. Taber
Prospective Application of Judicial Legislation, The, Michael B. Dashjian
Prostitution and the Sex Industry on the Barbary Coast, 1849-1900, Hannah Julia Tvergyak
Protecting Freedom & Promoting Virtue in J.S. Mill’s Liberalism, Lou Matz
Protecting Human Dignity and Individuality: The Need for Uniformity in International Cloning Legislation, Alexandra Hawkins
Protecting Liberty and Promoting Virtue in Mill’s On Liberty: A Rejoinder to Fitzjames Stephen, Lou Matz
Protecting our Youth: Gun Control in Schools, Andie Nikole Shelton and Alana Nicole Manning
Protecting Your Intellectual Property Rights Overseas, Frank X. Curci
Protection of Children after Ornelas v. Randolph: A Proposed Amendment to California's Recreational Use Statute, The, Michael D. Lee
Protection of the Consumer Interests and the Credit Rating Industry, James E. Clark
Providing the Recipe for Destruction: Protected or Unprotected Speech, Loris L. Bakken
Psychiatry and the Denial of Evil: Defining Misbehavior As Brain Disease, Thomas Szasz
Public Entities Officers and Employees, University of the Pacific; McGeorge School of Law
Public Entities Officers and Employees, University of the Pacific; McGeorge School of Law
Public Entities Officers and Employees, University of the Pacific; McGeorge School of Law
Public Entities, Officers and Employees, University of the Pacific; McGeorge School of Law
Public Entities, Officers, and Employees, University of the Pacific; McGeorge School of Law
Public Entities, Officers, and Employees, University of the Pacific; McGeorge School of Law
Public Entities, Officers, and Employees, University of the Pacific; McGeorge School of Law
Public Entities, Officers, and Employees, University of the Pacific; McGeorge School of Law
Public Entities, Officers, and Employees, University of the Pacific; McGeorge School of Law
Public Entities Officers and Employees / Expedited Judicial Review Ensures that Restraints on the Adult Entertainment Industry Pass Constitutional Muster, Sandra C. Di Giulio
Public Entities, Officers, and Employees / Simple Vehicle License Fee Reduction Program, The, Jaeson D. White
Public Entities, Officers, & Employees, University of the Pacific, McGeorge School of Law
Public Entities, Officers, & Employees Review of Selected 1970 California Legislation, University of the Pacific; McGeorge School of Law
Public Entities, Officers, & Employees Review of Selected 1972 California Legislation, University of the Pacific; McGeorge School of Law
Public School Quality and Home Sale Prices: Evidence from A California Housing Market, William E. Herrin and David E. Clark
Public Utilities-Stockton: Stockton Natural Gas, Light & Heat Co. tanks and well, Van Covert Martin
Publishing in the Digital Age, Scott W. Pink
Puglia Memorial, A, Coleman Blease
Purification, characterization and inhibitor studies of rat liver nuclear spermidine N-acetyltransferase, Rao Karunakara Kammula
Purification of Dragline Silk Proteins to Explore Effects of Silk Components on Wound Healing, Su Jeong Oh, Dilpreet Basram, Elaine Chu, Patricia Ilas, Alycia Chung, Caroline Hang, Soyeon Shim, Ivy Hang, Ike Kwon, and Hayoung Kim
Pursuit of Peace, AnneRose Leigh Ross
Putting Grammar in Its Place: Reframing Error to Discover the Joys of Language, Eileen K. Camfield
Pyramids, Borut Prah
Quality of Care and Quality of Life in Nursing Facilities: What's Regulation Got to Do with It, Marshall B. Kapp
Quantifying the collapse of vertical stratification at Costa Rica forest edges, Gunimat Samra and Brian Oye
Quantitation of polyamines and metabolites in mouse erythroleukemia cells by mass spectrometry, Jing Yuan
Quantum motus terrae a luna perturbeter accuratius inquiritur, Leonhard Euler
Quasi in Rem Jurisdiction Based on an Insurer's Duty to Defend: The Adoption of the Seider Rule in California, Mary Ann Villwock
Quatuor theoremata maxime notatu digna in calculo integrali, Leonhard Euler
Queer and Present Danger, Madeleine Guekguezian
Quixote at the Crossroads: The Present Structure and Future Prospects of the Spanish Labor and Employment Law Scheme, James Ottavio Castagnera and Miquel Angel Martinez Conde
Quixote at the Crossroads: The Present Structure and Future Prospects of the Spanish Labor and Employment Law Scheme, James Ottavio Castagnera and Miquel Angel Martinez Conde
Quomodo data quacunque curva inveniri oporteat aliam quae cum data quodammodo iuncta ad tautochronismum producendum sit idonea, Leonhard Euler
Quomodo numeri praemagni sint explorandi, utrum sint primi necne, Leonhard Euler
Quomodo sinus et cosinus angulorum multiplorum per producta exprimi queant, Leonhard Euler
Rabits-Stockton: Rabbit squirming out of a shoe, Van Covert Martin
Race tracks (Horse racing)- Stockton: County Fair grounds, city plaza, Van Covert Martin
Race tracks (Horse racing)- Stockton: Grandstand at horseracing track, John Pitcher Spooner
Race tracks (Horse racing)- Stockton: Horse in stall, probably at race track, Van Covert Martin
Racial Complexities of Outdoor Spaces: An Analysis of African American’s Lived Experiences in Outdoor Recreation, Matthew Charles Goodrid
Radical Thermometers, Thermochemistry, and Photoelectron Spectra: A Photoelectron Photoion Coincidence Spectroscopy Study of the Methyl Peroxy Radical, Krisztina Voronova, Kent M. Ervin, Krisztián G. Torma, Patrick Hemberger, Andras Bodi, David L. Osborn, and Bálint Sztáray
Radio Broadcasting-Stockton: Amatuer radio operator, with transmitter and receiver, Van Covert Martin
Radio Broadcasting-Stockton: Inside radio broadcasting studio, Van Covert Martin
Radio Broadcasting-Stockton: Radio Amateur Convention delegates assembled in front of Civic Auditorium, Van Covert Martin
Railroad Terminals: View of old Southern Pacific Railroad, Stiffler
Rally Committee, University of the Pacific
RAMA – The Robotic Arm Medical Assistant that Reaches for Health, Amril D'Souza, Zachariah Abuelhaj, Paul Vuong, and Jonathan Samson
Rapid diversification associated with ecological specialization in Neotropical Adelpha butterflies, Emily Ebel, Jeffrey Dacosta, Michael Sorenson, Ryan I. Hill, Adriana Briscoe, Keith Willmott, and Sean Mullen
Rapid placement and anatomical sculpting of hardened posterior composite, Patrick Roetzer, Mahek Pipalia, and Krunali Kapadia
Rather Than a Bedtime Story, Joslynn Howard
Rational Analysis of Coiled-Coil Packing Specificity Using the Knob-Socket Model, Thao Nguyen, Roos Nederstigt, Carolyn Keim, and Chou Hang
Rational-Emotive Therapy And Progressive Relaxation In The Reduction Of Trait Anxiety Of College Undergraduate Students Who Enroll In Anxiety Reduction Workshops, Thomas Arthur Walsh
Rational Knob-Socket Predictions of Alpha-Helical Stability, Taylor Renee Rabara and Melina A. Huey
Rawls' Theory of Justice and International Environmental Law: A Philosophical Perspective, Todd B. Adams
Reaching out through LibraryThing: Promoting collections and supporting campus diversity initiatives, Michelle M. Maloney
Reactions Of Difunctional Esters With Benzyl 2-Amino-4,6-0- Benzylidene-2-Deoxy-D-Glucopyranosides, Fred Robert Seymour
Reactions to eye contact in aggressive and nonaggressive adolescent males, Jason William Grosser
Reaction time as a correlate of intellectual ability for the learning-disabled, Clinton James Lukeroth
Reaction To Social Pressure From Adults Versus Peers Among Mexican, Mexican-American, And Anglo-American Rural Children, Ana Maria C. Donini
Reaffirmation of reference: The role of *your* intellectual capital in marketing your campus to prospective students, Michelle M. Maloney and E. K. Chan
Real Estate / When in Doubt, Point It Out: Chapter 66 Attempts to Clarify California's Residential Real Estate Disclosure Obligations, Matt Lilligren
Reality Therapy In The Classroom, Richard Manning Hawes
Real Philosophy, Good Teaching, and Academic Freedom, Lou Matz
Reaper - nothing,nowhere., Nicole Wasnock
Reasons that deter qualified females from positions in school site administration, Suzan L. Turner
Rebellious Women of the French Revolution: Women’s Politics and Feminism during the French Revolution, Mallory René Alorro
Recensio Dissertationis de ventis, Leonhard Euler
Recensio litterarum a Cl. D. Bernoullio Basileae die 26. Oct. 1735 ad me datarum, una cum annotationibus meis, Leonhard Euler
Recent Development - Trevor Cox, Trevor Cox
Rechenkunst, Leonhard Euler
Recherche des inégalités causées au mouvement des plantes par des forces quelconques, Leonhard Euler
Recherche pour servir à la perfection des lunettes, Leonhard Euler
Recherches et calculs sur la vraie orbite elliptique de le comète de l'an 1769 et son tems périodique, Leonhard Euler
Recherches générales sur la mortalité et la multiplication du genre humain, Leonhard Euler
Recherches physiques sur la cause de la queüe des cometes, de la lumière boréale, et de la lumière zodiacale, Leonhard Euler
Recherches physiques sur la diverse réfrangibilité des rayons de lumière, Leonhard Euler
Recherches physiques sur la nature des moindres parties de la matière, Leonhard Euler
Recherches plus exactes sur l'effet des moulins à vent, Leonhard Euler
Recherches sur la confusion des verres dioptriques causée par leur ouverture, Leonhard Euler
Recherches sur la connoissance mécanique des corps, Leonhard Euler
Recherches sur la construction des nouvelles lunettes à 5 et 6 verres et leur perfection ultérieure, Leonhard Euler
Recherches sur la courbure des surfaces, Leonhard Euler
Recherches sur la déclinaison de l'aiguille aimantée, Leonhard Euler
Recherches sur la découverte des courants de la mer, Leonhard Euler
Recherches sur la précession des équinoxes, et sur la nutation de l'axe de la terre, Leonhard Euler
Recherches sur la question des inégalités du mouvement de Saturne et de Jupiter, Leonhard Euler
Recherches sur la véritable courbe que décrivent les corps jettés dans l'air ou dans un autre fluide quelconque, Leonhard Euler
Recherches sur l'effet d'un machine hydraulique proposée par M. Segner, professeur à Göttingue, Leonhard Euler
Recherches sur le mouvement de rotation des corps célestes, Leonhard Euler
Recherches sur le mouvement des cordes inégalement grosses, Leonhard Euler
Recherches sur le mouvement des corps célestes en général, Leonhard Euler
Recherches sur le mouvement des rivières, Leonhard Euler
Recherches sur le probleme de trois nombres carres tels que la somme de deux quelconques moins le troisieme fasse un nombre carre, Leonhard Euler
Recherches sur les inégalités de Jupiter et de Saturne, Leonhard Euler
Recherches sur les lunettes à trois verres qui représentent les objets renversés, Leonhard Euler
Recherches sur les microscopes à trois verres et les moyens de les perfectionner, Leonhard Euler
Recherches sur les microscopes simples et les moyens de les perfectionner, Leonhard Euler
Recherches sur les moyens de diminuer ou de réduire même à rien la confusion causée par l'ouverture des verres, Leonhard Euler
Recherches sur les plus grands et plus petits qui se trouvent dans les actions des forces, Leonhard Euler
Recherches sur les racines imaginaires des équations, Leonhard Euler
Recherches sur les télescopes à réflexion et les moyens de les perfectionner, Leonhard Euler
Recherches sur l'intégration de l'équation (ddz/dt2) = aa∙(ddz/dx2)+b/x∙(dz/dx) + c/(xx)∙z, Leonhard Euler
Recherches sur l'origine des forces, Leonhard Euler
Recherches sur quelques intégrations remarquables dans l'analyse des fonctions à deux variables connues sous le nom de différences partielles, Leonhard Euler
Recherches sur un autre construction des télescopes à réflexion, Leonhard Euler
Recherches sur un nouvelle espèce de quarrés magiques, Leonhard Euler
Recherche sur une nouvelle manière d'élever de l'eau proposée par M. de Mour, Leonhard Euler
Recombinant expression of the water-clarifying Moringa oleifera cationic protein, MOCP, in the yeast, Pichia pastoris, Ruchika Agrawal and Jacob Scheel
Reconsidering downwind operation by analysis of the NREL Phase VI data, Scott Larwood and Raymond Chow
Reconstruction of the Ballet Royal de la Nuit, Jason T. Thompson
Reconstruction of the Peremptory Challenge System: A Look at Gender-Based Peremptory Challenges, S. Alexandria Jo
Record of Arrest: The Indeniable Stain, Walter J. Karabian
Record of George Moscone, Volunteers for Moscone
Redesigning Field Supervisor Evaluations Based on Results of a Factor Analysis, Amy Scott Brown, Justin Low, and Amy Burns
Redig, Dale F. Oral History Interview, Doris Meyer
Réflections de Mr. L. Euler sur quelques nouvelles expériences optiques, communiquées a l'academie des sciences, par Mr. Wilson, Leonhard Euler
Reflections on the Governor's Commission, Arthur L. Littleworth
Reflections Upon Returning From Heaven, Chain Shields
Réflexions sur la dernière éclipse du Soliel du 25 julliet a. 1748, Leonhard Euler
Réflexions sur la Détermination de la Déclinaison de la Boussol, Leonhard Euler
Réfléxions sur la manière d'examiner la réfraction du verre par le moyen des prismes, Leonhard Euler
Réflexions sur les divers dégrés de lumière du soleil et des autres corps célestes, Leonhard Euler
Réflexions sur les diverses manières dont on peut représenter le mouvement de la lune, Leonhard Euler
Réflexions sur les inégalités dans le mouvement de la terre, causées par l'action de Venus, Leonhard Euler
Réflexions sur l'espace et le tems, Leonhard Euler
Réflexions sur quelques loix générales de la nature qui s'observent dans les effets des forces quelconques, Leonhard Euler
Réflexions sur un espèce singulière de loterie, nommée Loterie génoise, Leonhard Euler
Réflexions sur un problème de geométrie traité par quelques geométres et qui est néanmoins impossible, Leonhard Euler
Reforming Criminal Justice in Russia: Progress Report for the Twenty-First Century, Miranda Lathrop Barber
Reform of U.S. Chemicals Regulations May Not Be Out of REACH, David Brownfield
Refrainment from sexual interaction by male rats, Michael Clyde Medlock
Règles générales pour la construction des télescopes et des microscopes, Leonhard Euler
Règles générales pour la construction des télescopes et des microscopes, de quelque nombre de verres qu'ils soient composés, Leonhard Euler
Regula facilis problemata Diophantea per numeros integros expedite resolvendi, Leonhard Euler
Regula facilis pro diiudicanda firmitate pontis aliusve corporis similis excognita firmitate moduli, Leonhard Euler
Regulation of differentiation of murine erythroleukemia cells by HMBA and its deacetylated metabolites, Vanishree Rajagopalan
Regulation of Insurance Conracts in Korea, Eun Sup Lee
Regulation Of Protein Synthesis By Leucine And Amino Acid Balance., John Patrick McGowan
Reinforcing conversation skills with access to a preferred topic, Corey S. Stocco and Rachel H. Thompson
Rejecting the Siren Song of Protectionism, Robert T. Matsui
Relations among parental emotion modeling, cultural orientations, and child adjustment in toddlerhood, Jessica Stoltzfus Grady
Relations between maternal behaviors and temperament in infancy, toddlerhood, and early childhood, Jessica Stoltzfus Grady and Katherine Karraker
Relations between maternal behaviors and temperament in infancy, toddlerhood, and early childhood, Jessica Stoltzfus Grady and Katherine Karraker
Relationship of Myers-Briggs Type Indicator personality profiles to academic self-esteem, Genevieve Lenore Schaefer
Relationship of success-failure attributions to gender-role identity type in college students, Sonja Terry Van Laar
Relationship Of Two Field-Dependent - Independent Measures To Reading And Math Achievement Of Anglo-American, First-Generation Chinese- And Mexican-American Elementary School Children, Pierina Cheng-Noi Wong
Relationship Over Two Years Between Attainment Of Piaget'S Concrete Operations And Reading Performance Of Primary Grade Children, Micaelia Frances Randolph
Relationships among motivational style, academic achievement, and satisfaction with classroom structure for third and sixth-graders, Marcia Peterson Weill
Relationships among the M-wave, H-reflex, Twitch Torque, And the Mechanomyographic Responses during Standard Recruitment Curves, J. R. Cramer, Preeti Deshpande Oza, and J. P. Weir
Relationships between Type A beliefs, anger, hostility, attributional style, and cardiovascular health among coaches, Susan Rebecca Ireland
Relations of gender-typed personality traits and gender identity with the Five-Factor Model, Jessica Stoltzfus Grady and Katherine Karraker
Reliability of the compound muscle action potential, Hoffmann reflex and mechanomyographic responses during the recruitment curve, N. Rencher, M. Pitcher, and Preeti Deshpande Oza
Reliability of the relationship of M-wave, H-reflex, MMG response and twitch torque of Soleus muscle, Preeti Deshpande Oza, J. T. Cramer, and J. P. Weir
Religious Essays; Log School etc., 1856, 1860 [ca. 1887], John Muir
Religious Essays; Log School etc., 1856, 1860 [ca. 1887], Image 1, John Muir
Religious Essays; Log School etc., 1856, 1860 [ca. 1887], Image 10, John Muir
Religious Essays; Log School etc., 1856, 1860 [ca. 1887], Image 11, John Muir
Religious Essays; Log School etc., 1856, 1860 [ca. 1887], Image 12, John Muir
Religious Essays; Log School etc., 1856, 1860 [ca. 1887], Image 13, John Muir
Religious Essays; Log School etc., 1856, 1860 [ca. 1887], Image 14, John Muir
Religious Essays; Log School etc., 1856, 1860 [ca. 1887], Image 15, John Muir
Religious Essays; Log School etc., 1856, 1860 [ca. 1887], Image 2, John Muir
Religious Essays; Log School etc., 1856, 1860 [ca. 1887], Image 3, John Muir
Religious Essays; Log School etc., 1856, 1860 [ca. 1887], Image 4, John Muir
Religious Essays; Log School etc., 1856, 1860 [ca. 1887], Image 5, John Muir
Religious Essays; Log School etc., 1856, 1860 [ca. 1887], Image 6, John Muir
Religious Essays; Log School etc., 1856, 1860 [ca. 1887], Image 7, John Muir
Religious Essays; Log School etc., 1856, 1860 [ca. 1887], Image 8, John Muir
Religious Essays; Log School etc., 1856, 1860 [ca. 1887], Image 9, John Muir
Religious Illusion in J.S. Mill’s Religion of Humanity, Lou Matz
Reliquary, Kathryn Harlan-Gran
Relocation Assistance in California: Legislative Response to the Federal Program, David J. Brown
Remarques de M. Euler sur quelques passages qui se trouvent dans le troisieme volume des Opuscules Mathématiques de M. d'Alembert, Leonhard Euler
Remarques générales sur le mouvement diurne des planètes, Leonhard Euler
Remarques sur l'effet du frottement dans l'équilibre, Leonhard Euler
Remarques sur les memoires precedens de M. Bernoulli, Leonhard Euler
Remarques sur un beau rapport entre les séries des puissances tant directes que réciproques, Leonhard Euler
Reminiscences by Judge John J. Hawkins, Michael J. Wurtz
Remote Exploration of Isosurfaces Using Point Based Non-Photorealistic Rendering, Guangfeng Ji, Han-Wei Shen, and Jinzhu Gao
Renaissance Aphrodisiacs, Ken Albala
Renovating Pacific’s Full-First Year Mentor Program, Lou Matz, Gary Miller, Dave Chase, and Douglas Tedards
Réponse à la question proposée par l'académie royale des sciences de Paris, pour l'année 1770, Leonhard Euler
Réponse à la question proposée par l'académie royale des sciences de Paris, pour l'année 1772, Leonhard Euler
Report California Initiative Signature Campaigns - Empowerment or Impediment?, Tristan Brown
Report Don't Judge an Initiative by Its Title: A Report on the Titles of California Ballot Measures, Debbie Kim
Report on Electoral College Reform, James D. Pitner and Connor A. Mocsny
Report on Judicial Campaign Conduct: Aftermath of Minnesota v. White, Alec Gibbs and Mario Zamora
Report on Public Financing of Judicial Campaigns, Benjamin Koegel and Christine Brown-Roberts
Report Regarding the 2011 Pacific McGeorge Workshop on PromotingIntercultural Legal Competence (The “Tahoe II” Conference), Franklin A. Gevurtz
Report Regarding the Pacific McGeorge Workshop on Globalizing the Law School Curriculum, Franklin A. Gevurtz, Linda E. Carter, Julie A. Davies, Brian K. Landsberg, Thomas O. Main, Michael P. Malloy, and John G. Sprankling
Report The History and Impact of Legislative Term Limit Initiatives, Alexa Greenbaum
Representative Personality Dimensions Characteristic Of Different Occupational Choice In The Paramedical Field, Priscilla Bernadette Campos
Representing Partnerships: Who Is/Are the Client(s), James M. Fischer
Reproductive Surrogacy at the Millennium: Proposed Model Legislation Regulating Non-Traditional Gestational Surrogacy Contracts, Weldon E. Havins and James J. Dalessio
Researching History at the Sharlot Hall Museum, Michael J. Wurtz
Research Paper Assignment Design Essentials, Eileen K. Camfield
Residency Requirements and Taxation Consequences for Individual Investors in the Foreign Stock Markets of Canada, Mexico, and the United Kingdom, Jeffrey R. Ahronian
Residency Requirements and Taxation Consequences for Individual Investors in the Foreign Stock Markets of Canada, Mexico, and the United Kingdom, Jeffrey R. Ahronian
Resolutio aequationis Ax2 + 2Bxy + Cy2 + 2Dx + 2Ey + F = 0 per numeros tam rationales quam integros, Leonhard Euler
Resolutio facilis quaestionis difficillimae, qua haec formula maxime generalis vvzz(axx+byy)2 + Δxxyy(avv+bzz)2 ad quadratum reduci postulatur, Leonhard Euler
Resolutio formulae diophanteae ab(maa+nbb)=cd(mcc+ndd) per numeros rationales, Leonhard Euler
Resources elementary school teachers perceived as helpful when considering student retention, Sharon Elizabeth Dodson
Responding to Student Writing: Improving Writing Performance by Honoring Student Agency, Eileen K. Camfield
Responding to Student Writing to Optimize Efficacy and Development, Eileen K. Camfield
Responding to Writing: Focusing on the Reader’s Fund of Attention, Eileen K. Camfield
Responsibility center management: A financial paradigm and alternative to centralized budgeting, Dennis John Bava
Responsible Patent Protections: Preserving Public Health Objectives in the Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement, Christina Bucci
Restoration of Rights to Felons in California, Gail Ohanesian
Restorative justice: Reconceptualizing school disciplinary theory and practice, Michele Villarreal Hamilton
Restraining the Unruly Horse: The Use of Public Policy in Arbitration, Interstate and International Conflict of Laws in California, Kojo Yelpaala
Restricted interests and teacher presentation of items, Corey S. Stocco, Rachel H. Thompson, and Nicole M. Rodriguez
Resurrecting California's Old Law on Character Evidence, Edward J. Imwinkerlried and Miguel A. Mendez
Retelling an Old Tale using Mass Spectrometry Analysis, Dan Shao
Retention and recruitment of research -based highly qualified teachers in suburban, urban, and rural secondary mathematics departments across northern California, Raymond A. Woodbeck
Retention and Student Success: Taking Action in Writing Programs and Classrooms, Eileen K. Camfield
Retention Characteristics And Policy As Suggested By California School Administrators And Teachers, William Bryan Howell
Rethinking Corruption: An Introduction to a Symposium and a Few Additional Thoughts, Franklin A. Gevurtz
Rethinking Environmental Impact Assessment in Guatemalan Mining, Rachael Salcido, Karrigan Bork, Julie A. Davies, and Blake Nordahl
Rethinking the Integrative Ideal: Housing, Drew S. Days III
Retrospective on the Governor's Commission, Anne J. Schneider
Rettung der Göttlichen Offenbahrung gegen die Einwürfe der Freygeister, Leonhard Euler
Return Right for Former Owners of Land Taken by Eminent Domain, Nathaniel Sterling
Revenue and Taxation, University of the Pacific; McGeorge School of Law
Revenue and Taxation, University of the Pacific; McGeorge School of Law
Revenue and Taxation, University of the Pacific; McGeorge School of Law
Revenue and Taxation, University of the Pacific; McGeorge School of Law
Revenue and Taxation, University of the Pacific; McGeorge School of Law
Revenue and Taxation, University of the Pacific; McGeorge School of Law
Revenue generating and profitability practices of university-based continuing dental education programs, Jane F. Wright-Hayes
Reversing the ICE Age: Immigration Reform in California, Megan McCauley
Reviewing Behind the Success and Failure of U.S. Export Intermediaries -- Transactions, Agents and Resources, Finn Martensen
Reviewing Citizens, Strangers and In-Betweens: Essays on Immigration and Citizenship, Polly A. Webber
Reviewing Daniel J. Ryan Praeger, Privatization and Competition in Telecommunications -- International Developments, Bruce J. Janigian
Reviewing International Banking -- Cases, Materials and Problems, Patricia A. McCoy
Reviewing M.A. Hines, The Development and Finance of Global Private Power, Bruce J. Janigian
Review of Américo Paredes: Cultura and Critique, by José E. Limón, Traci Roberts-Camps
Review of El tren pasa primero, by Elena Poniatowska, Traci Roberts-Camps
Review of Estadio Nacional, dir. by Carmen Luz Parot, Traci Roberts-Camps
Review of FEMINA: Festival Internacional de Cinema Femenino [International Festival of Women’s Film], (Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, June 1-7, 2009), Traci Roberts-Camps
Review of Latin American Cinema, by Stephen M. Hart, Traci Roberts-Camps
Review of La ventana, dir. Carlos Sorín, Traci Roberts-Camps
Review of Los ‘Bildungsromane’ femeninos de Carmen Boullosa y Sandra Cisneros. Mexicanidades, fronteras, puentes, by Yolanda Melgar Pernías, Traci Roberts-Camps
Review of Mejor no hablar (de ciertas cosas), dir. Javier Andrade, Traci Roberts-Camps
Review of New Trends in Argentine and Braziian Cinema, ed. by Cacilda Rêgo and Carolina Rocha, Traci Roberts-Camps
Review of Play, dir. by Alicia Scherson, Traci Roberts-Camps
Review of Re(de-)generando identidades, by Ana Cruz García, Traci Roberts-Camps
Review of Rosario Castellanos: Perspectivas críticas. Ensayos inéditos, edited by Pol Popovic Karic and Fidel Chavez Perez, Traci Roberts-Camps
Review of Rosas negras, by Ana García Bergua, Traci Roberts-Camps
Review of Screening Cuba: Film Criticism as Political Performance During the Cold War, by Héctor Amaya, Traci Roberts-Camps
Review of Selected 1971 California Legislation, University of the Pacific, McGeorge School of Law
Review of Selected 1973 California Legislation, University of the Pacific; McGeorge School of Law
Review of Selected 1974 California Legislation, University of the Pacific; McGeorge School of Law
Review of Selected 1975 California Legislation, University of the Pacific; McGeorge School of Law
Review of Selected 1989 California Legislation, University of the Pacific; McGeorge School of Law
Review of Selected 1990 California Legislation, University of the Pacific; McGeorge School of Law
Review of Selected 1993 California Legislation, University of the Pacific; McGeorge School of Law
REVIEW OF SELECTED 1994 CALIFORNIA LEGISLATION ADDENDUM, University of the Pacific; McGeorge School of Law
REVIEW OF SELECTED 1994 CALIFORNIA LEGISLATION - Masthead, University of the Pacific; McGeorge School of Law
REVIEW OF SELECTED 1994 CALIFORNIA LEGISLATION - Table of Contents, University of the Pacific; McGeorge School of Law
REVIEW OF SELECTED 1994 CALIFORNIA LEGISLATION - Table of Contents - Sections, University of the Pacific; McGeorge School of Law
Review of Selected 2000 California Legislation, University of the Pacific; McGeorge School of Law
Review of Selected 2004 California Legislation, University of the Pacific; McGeorge School of Law
Review of Selected 2010 California Legislation - Table of Contents, University of the Pacific; McGeorge School of Law
Review of Spiritual Mestizaje: Religion, Gender, Race, and Nation in Contemporary Chicana Narrative, by Theresa Delgadillo, Traci Roberts-Camps
Review of the Selected 1992 California Legislation, University of the Pacific; McGeorge School of Law
Review of the Supreme Court's 1988-89 Term and Preview of the 1989-90 Term for the Transnational Practitioner, J. Clark Kelso
Review of the Supreme Court's 1989-90 Term and Preview of the 1990-91 Term for the Transnational Practitioner, J. Clark Kelso
Review of the Supreme Court's 1990-01 Term and Preview of the 1991-92 Term for the Transnational Practitioner, J. Clark Kelso
Review of the Supreme Court's 1991-92 Term and Preview of the 1992-93 Term for the Transnational Practitioner, Clark J. Clark
Review of the Supreme Court's 1992-93 Term for theTransnational Practitioner, J. Clark Kelso
Review of Tu casa es mi casa, by Nylsa Martínez Morón, Traci Roberts-Camps
Review of Walachai, dir. Rejane Zilles, Traci Roberts-Camps
Review of Woman as Witness: Essays on Testimonial Literature by Latin American Women, edited by Linda S. Maier and Isabel Dulfano, Traci Roberts-Camps
Revised Method for Differentiating Water from Land in Aerial Imagery, Brian C. Geiger and Elizabeth Basha
Rhizomia, University of the Pacific
Rho Lamda Phi, University of the Pacific
Ridding Reason of a Transcendent God: Feuerbach’s Completion of Kant, Lou Matz
Ridding Reason of a Transcendent God: Feuerbach’s Completion of Kant, Lou Matz
Ridge Augmentation with Resorbable Membrane, Kenneth Han
Right Back Where We Started From: The Last Twenty-Five Years of Groundwater Law in California, Eric L. Garner and Jill N. Willis
Rise and Fall of Enron: A White House Nondisclosure Entangles Seperation of Powers and Contempt of Congress, The, L. Darnell Weeden
Risk of Cardiovascular Disease in American Firefighters: An Intervention Is Warranted, Nicholas Zachmeier, Hyosung Han, Alexis C. King, J. Mark Van Ness, Cynthia Villalobos, and Courtney D. Jensen
Risser Microbiology F2017, Douglas D. Risser
Robb Garden Building, Joseph Cliscagne, Joseph Prescott, Tamara Turton, and Saima Uz-Zaman
Robb Garden Building, Staysha Delgado, Lillian Sam, Ryan Teixeira, and Courtney Vierra
Robb Garden Building: Revit Up, Gimelle Jacala, Colin Strong, and Jason Wu
Robb Garden Community Resource Center, Jackie Koyama, Daryll Mendoza, and Kourtnie Sicam
Robert K. Puglia, "For the People...," Litigator and Legend, Richard W. Osen
Rock Creek Revisited: State Water Quality Certification of Hydroelectric Projects in California, Andrew H. Sawyer
Rock Solid: Standing Firm for the Culture of Rock Music, Evan T. Eggers
Rockwellian art digitally changed after September 11 th: An exploratory public communication case study of “The Make Sense of Our Times” print campaign, Elisa M. Barosso
Roger Williams to George Moscone, 2 March 1976, Roger Williams
Role of CPET in diagnosis and treatment of ME/CFS, J. Mark Van Ness
Role of electrostatic repulsion in controlling pH-dependent conformational changes of viral fusion proteins, Joseph S. Harrison, Chelsea D. Higgins, Matthew J. O'Meara, Jayne F. Koellhoffer, Brian A. Kuhlman, and Jonathan R. Lai
Role of Environmental Law in the California Water Allocation and Use System: An Overview, The, Gregory S. Weber
Roles of endoplasmic reticulum stress in etiology of common diseases, Pavithra Saikumar, Paul Kim, Miroslav Tolar, and Marie Tolarova
Root analogue implant creation: Establishing procedures for the general dentist, Alicia Hazdovac, Sarah Osborne, and Gary D. Richards
Rotary Versus Reciprocation Root Canal Preparation: Initial Clinical Quality Assessment in a Novice Clinician Cohort, Hamid R. Hamid, Alan H. Gluskin, Ove A. Peters, and Christine I. Peters
Route 66: From Beale to Bypassed, Michael J. Wurtz
Route 66: From Beale to Bypassed, Michael J. Wurtz
rsthread: A Safe Parallel Threading Library for Python, Obaid Z. Rehman
Russia in the WTO: Will It Give Full Direct Effect to WTO Law?, Elena A. Wilson
Safe Disinfection of Potable Water: Design of the North Stockton Pipeline Sodium Hypochlorite Facility, Stefanos Word, Khalid Bafakih, Hana Owaidat, and Khuong Tran
Safeguard Mechanism in Korea under the WTO World, Eun Sup Lee
Saint Francis Statue, Bernard J. Cassidy
Salton Sea Restoration: Can There be Salvation for the Sea?, Kim Delfino
Sandra Cisneros: Caramelo and The House on Mango Street, Traci Roberts-Camps
Sandra Cisneros, Caramelo: (In)visibility and the Female Body, Traci Roberts-Camps
Sandra Day O'Connor: A Justice Who Has Made a Difference in Constitutional Law, Charles D. Kelso and R. Randall Kelso
Sands v. Morongo Unified School District: Graduates, Will We Stand and Join in Prayer, Michaelle S. DiGrazia
San Francisco Magazine Article, George Moscone
San Joaquin County teachers' perceptions of collective bargaining, Richard Kent Rogers
Saponification of Triglycerides and Sodium Hydroxide in the Soap-Making Process, Faith Ching, Danni Li, and Mingheng Ling
Sargent ‘Saw the Forest for the Trees’, Michael J. Wurtz
[Sargent's Silva], [ca. 1903], John Muir
SB 10: Punishment Before Conviction? Alleviating Economic Injustice in California with Bail Reform, Kyle Harrison
Scalable Data Servers for Large Multivariate Volume Visualization, Markus Glitter, Colin Mollenhour, Jian Huang, and Jinzhu Gao
Schizophrenia: Treating deficits in facial emotion expression and recognition, Margarita Marie Ortega
Schizophrenic Recall Performance in a Naturalized Setting, Peter C. Patch
Scholarly Commons and You, Michele Gibney
Scholarly Commons and You, Michele Gibney
Scholarly Commons and You, Michele Gibney
Scholarly Commons and You, Michele Gibney
School assemblies: The purposes, practices, and values as perceived by principals in California public high schools, Flora Ann Mae Young
School attendance following cancer diagnosis: A report based on the childhood cancer survivor study, Eric G. Waldon
School District Reorganization For Calaveras County, California., Henry Schiffman
School of Engineering and Computer Science, Diploma and Hooding Ceremony, University of the Pacific
School of International Studies, Diploma and Hooding Ceremony, University of the Pacific
School’s Out Forever: The Applicability of International Human Rights Law to Major League Baseball Academies in The Dominican Republic, Ryan S. Hanlon
School violence: Parent and school official perceptions and responses, Marianne Michelle Kabour
Scientia Navalis, volume 1, Leonhard Euler
Scientia Navalis, volume 2, Leonhard Euler
Scientific Jury Selection and the Equal Protection Rights of Venire Persons, Jeffrey J. Rachlinski
Scientist as a sailor: The importance of scientific exploration and practice, Corey S. Stocco
Sculpin Out a Fishy Situation: Bioinformatic Analysis of Fish in the McCloud River, California, Erica Chien and Jamie Lam
Searching for Certainty in a State of Flux: How Administrative Procedures Help Provide Stability in Water Rights Law, Samantha K. Olson and Erin K.L. Mahaney
Searching for the right word: Muir Journal Transcription Project, Michael J. Wurtz
Secondary principals' self-perceptions of their responsibilities and competencies for instructional supervision, Noreen Gail Whyte Kellough
Secondary Use of Articles in Online Databases under U.K. Law, Tim Naprawa
Second Chances, Kim Acoba
Second year teachers perceptions of induction program training and support and their level of teacher efficacy when working with diverse students, Sharmila Sohl Kraft
Secrets of the Past: Hermanas by Julia Solomonoff and Amu by Shonali Bose, Traci Roberts-Camps
Section 301: The Privatization of Retaliation, N. David Palmeter
Section 504: The attitudes and perceptions of elementary school administrators, Noreen Marie Williams
Sectio prima de statu aequilibrii fluidorum, Leonhard Euler
Sectio quarta de motu aeris in tubis, Leonhard Euler
Sectio secunda de principiis motus fluidorum, Leonhard Euler
Sectio tertia de motu fluidorum lineari potissimum aquae, Leonhard Euler
Secure Online Scientific Visualization of Atmospheric Nucleation Processes, Huaguang Song, Weichao Wang, Jinzhu Gao, Aidong Lu, and Lican Huang
Securing the Future of Our Past: Current Efforts to Protect Cultural Property, Stephanie O. Forbes
Securities Collective Action and Private International Law Issues in Dutch WCAM Settlements: Global Aspirations and Regional Boundaries, Xandra E. Kramer
Security in the Concert Industry, Rebeca Zepeda
Seed germination in Viola pedunculata and Viola purpurea subsp. quercetorum (Violaceae), critical food plants for two rare butterflies, Sarah Franklin, Leanne B. Tran, Danish Farzad, and Ryan I. Hill
Seeking a Good Society at University of the Pacific, Lou Matz
Seeking an Answer: Questioning the Validity of Forcible Medication to Ensure Mental Competency of Those Condemned to Die, Brent W. Stricker
Segmentation of complex scenes and object classification using neural networks, Mark G. Miller
Selected Aspects of Japanese Intellectual Property Law, Frank X. Curci and Tamotsu Takura
Selected Aspects of Japanese Intellectual Property Law, Frank X. Curci and Tamotsu Takura
Selected Factors Which Influence Church-Related Education In Developing Countries, Stuart Paul Berkeley
Selection criteria used by site administrators for preparation practices for California Standards Tests in mathematics, Carla J. Frost
Selection of reinforcement schedule type for an adolescent with fragile-x syndrome, Elisabeth Golini, Corey S. Stocco, and Stacie L. Bancroft
Self-Adaptive Configuration of Visualization Pipeline Over Wide-Area Networks, Qishi Wu, Jinzhu Gao, Mengxia Zhu, Nageswara Rao, Jian Huang, and Sitharama Iyengar
Self Portrait, Danielle Thomasson
Self Portrait, Olubori Babaoye
Senate Bill 2: The Safe, Clean, and Reliable Drinking Water Supply Act of 2012, Claire Calvert and Adam Yakira
Senate reelection pamphlet, Committee to reelect George R. Moscone
Senator Moscone Argues SB 400, Moscone Newsmaker
Senator Moscone at San Rafael High School, Tim Thompson
Senator Moscone For Governor endorsement, The Daily Bruin
Senior Citizen Gold Card, George Moscone
Sense and Sensibilities of Lawyers: Lawyering in Literature Narratives Film and Television and Ethical Choices Regarding Career and Craft, The, Carrie Menkel-Meadow
Sensory Nerve Activity In The Rat Following Induced Swelling And Inflammation., Jeffrey Stephen Bohrman
Separation, Andrea Lara
Sept chapitres d'un ouvrage de dioptrique, Leonhard Euler
Sequoia Notes, 1873-1877 [ca. 1900], John Muir
Sequoia Notes, 1873-1877 [ca. 1900], Image 1, John Muir
Sequoia Notes, 1873-1877 [ca. 1900], Image 10, John Muir
Sequoia Notes, 1873-1877 [ca. 1900], Image 11, John Muir
Sequoia Notes, 1873-1877 [ca. 1900], Image 12, John Muir
Sequoia Notes, 1873-1877 [ca. 1900], Image 13, John Muir
Sequoia Notes, 1873-1877 [ca. 1900], Image 14, John Muir
Sequoia Notes, 1873-1877 [ca. 1900], Image 2, John Muir
Sequoia Notes, 1873-1877 [ca. 1900], Image 3, John Muir
Sequoia Notes, 1873-1877 [ca. 1900], Image 4, John Muir
Sequoia Notes, 1873-1877 [ca. 1900], Image 5, John Muir
Sequoia Notes, 1873-1877 [ca. 1900], Image 6, John Muir
Sequoia Notes, 1873-1877 [ca. 1900], Image 7, John Muir
Sequoia Notes, 1873-1877 [ca. 1900], Image 8, John Muir
Sequoia Notes, 1873-1877 [ca. 1900], Image 9, John Muir
Series maxime idoneae pro circuli quadratura proxime invenienda, Leonhard Euler
Settling Business Disputes with North Koreans in the Advent of the External Economic Arbitration Law, Kwang-Rok Kim
Seven-Layer Assessment: All the Sweetness, Half the Calories, Eileen K. Camfield
Seventeen letters from Euler to Johann I Bernoulli, 1727-1740, Leonhard Euler
Several lines of a letter from Euler to Johann I Bernoulli, dated 27 August 1737, Leonhard Euler
Several lines of a letter from Euler to the Royal Society dated 21 October/1 November 1768, Leonhard Euler
Sex differences in the expression of high sodium figure-8 renal wrap hypertension, Joseph R. Haywood, Teresa Craig, Carmen Hinojosa-Laborde, and J. Mark Van Ness
Sex litterae ad Nicolaum Bernoullium II, Basileensem J. U. D. datae 1742 ad 1745, Leonhard Euler
Sex roles, career aspirations, child care expectations, and birth intentions of selected college freshmen, Pamila Joan Fisher
Sex-Role Stereotyping As A Function Of Counselors' Judgments, Susanna Nieman Grossman
Sexual abuse prevention for developmentally disabled women, Kimberly Jane Feicht
Sexual Freedom for Consenting Adults--Why Not?, Thomas T. Couris
Sharp, Francis Michael Oral History Interview, Doris Meyer
Shasta, Yosemite, Dead Rivers, 1874 [ca. 1887], John Muir
Shasta, Yosemite, Dead Rivers, 1874 [ca. 1887], Image 1, John Muir
Shasta, Yosemite, Dead Rivers, 1874 [ca. 1887], Image 10, John Muir
Shasta, Yosemite, Dead Rivers, 1874 [ca. 1887], Image 11, John Muir
Shasta, Yosemite, Dead Rivers, 1874 [ca. 1887], Image 12, John Muir
Shasta, Yosemite, Dead Rivers, 1874 [ca. 1887], Image 13, John Muir
Shasta, Yosemite, Dead Rivers, 1874 [ca. 1887], Image 14, John Muir
Shasta, Yosemite, Dead Rivers, 1874 [ca. 1887], Image 15, John Muir
Shasta, Yosemite, Dead Rivers, 1874 [ca. 1887], Image 16, John Muir
Shasta, Yosemite, Dead Rivers, 1874 [ca. 1887], Image 17, John Muir
Shasta, Yosemite, Dead Rivers, 1874 [ca. 1887], Image 18, John Muir
Shasta, Yosemite, Dead Rivers, 1874 [ca. 1887], Image 19, John Muir
Shasta, Yosemite, Dead Rivers, 1874 [ca. 1887], Image 2, John Muir
Shasta, Yosemite, Dead Rivers, 1874 [ca. 1887], Image 20, John Muir
Shasta, Yosemite, Dead Rivers, 1874 [ca. 1887], Image 21, John Muir
Shasta, Yosemite, Dead Rivers, 1874 [ca. 1887], Image 22, John Muir
Shasta, Yosemite, Dead Rivers, 1874 [ca. 1887], Image 23, John Muir
Shasta, Yosemite, Dead Rivers, 1874 [ca. 1887], Image 3, John Muir
Shasta, Yosemite, Dead Rivers, 1874 [ca. 1887], Image 4, John Muir
Shasta, Yosemite, Dead Rivers, 1874 [ca. 1887], Image 5, John Muir
Shasta, Yosemite, Dead Rivers, 1874 [ca. 1887], Image 6, John Muir
Shasta, Yosemite, Dead Rivers, 1874 [ca. 1887], Image 7, John Muir
Shasta, Yosemite, Dead Rivers, 1874 [ca. 1887], Image 8, John Muir
Shasta, Yosemite, Dead Rivers, 1874 [ca. 1887], Image 9, John Muir
Shattering Copyright Law: Will James Stewart's Rear Window Become a Pane in the Glass, Barbara A. Allen and Susan R. Swift
Shear Bond Strength of Nine Dual Cured Build-Up Materials and a Light-Curing Adhesive System on Dentin, Deepali Malla, Karen Schulze, and Patrick Roetzer
She Searches for a River, Madeleine Guekguezian
Short Story Illustration - One Friday Morning, Delany Na'imah Carr
Short-term certificates: Case studies of three California community colleges, D. Stan Mattoon
Short-term food deprivation reduces blood pressure of spontaneously hypertensive rats, Melaney A. Jones, J. Mark Van Ness, and J. Michael Overton
Should I stay or should I go? Complex environments drive the developmental plasticity of flight capacity and flight-related tradeoffs, Jordan R. Glass
Should Small and Medium-Size American Businesses "Going Global" Use International Commercial Arbitration?, William S. Fiske
Should the Victims' Rights Movement Have Influence over Criminal Law Formulation and Adjudication?, Paul H. Robinson
"Show me your mad faces!": Preschool teachers’ emotion talk in the classroom, Jillian Yelinek and Jessica Stoltzfus Grady
Shyness trajectories in slow-to-warm-up infants: Relations with child sex and maternal parenting, Jessica Stoltzfus Grady, Katherine Karraker, and Aaron Metzger
Side chain requirements for affinity and specificity in D5, an HIV-1 antibody derived from the VH1-69 germline segment, Alex Stewart, Joseph S. Harrison, Lauren K. Regula, and Jonathan R. Lai
Siege Mentality: How the Defensive Attitude of the Long-Term Care Industry Is Perpetuating Poor Care and an Even Poorer Public Image, Eric M. Carlson
Sierra Journal, Summer of 1869, v. 1, 1869 [ca. 1887], John Muir
Sierra Journal, Summer of 1869, v. 1, 1869 [ca. 1887], Image 1, John Muir
Sierra Journal, Summer of 1869, v. 1, 1869 [ca. 1887], Image 10, John Muir
Sierra Journal, Summer of 1869, v. 1, 1869 [ca. 1887], Image 11, John Muir
Sierra Journal, Summer of 1869, v. 1, 1869 [ca. 1887], Image 12, John Muir
Sierra Journal, Summer of 1869, v. 1, 1869 [ca. 1887], Image 13, John Muir
Sierra Journal, Summer of 1869, v. 1, 1869 [ca. 1887], Image 14, John Muir
Sierra Journal, Summer of 1869, v. 1, 1869 [ca. 1887], Image 15, John Muir
Sierra Journal, Summer of 1869, v. 1, 1869 [ca. 1887], Image 16, John Muir
Sierra Journal, Summer of 1869, v. 1, 1869 [ca. 1887], Image 17, John Muir
Sierra Journal, Summer of 1869, v. 1, 1869 [ca. 1887], Image 18, John Muir
Sierra Journal, Summer of 1869, v. 1, 1869 [ca. 1887], Image 19, John Muir
Sierra Journal, Summer of 1869, v. 1, 1869 [ca. 1887], Image 2, John Muir
Sierra Journal, Summer of 1869, v. 1, 1869 [ca. 1887], Image 20, John Muir
Sierra Journal, Summer of 1869, v. 1, 1869 [ca. 1887], Image 21, John Muir
Sierra Journal, Summer of 1869, v. 1, 1869 [ca. 1887], Image 22, John Muir
Sierra Journal, Summer of 1869, v. 1, 1869 [ca. 1887], Image 23, John Muir
Sierra Journal, Summer of 1869, v. 1, 1869 [ca. 1887], Image 24, John Muir
Sierra Journal, Summer of 1869, v. 1, 1869 [ca. 1887], Image 25, John Muir
Sierra Journal, Summer of 1869, v. 1, 1869 [ca. 1887], Image 26, John Muir
Sierra Journal, Summer of 1869, v. 1, 1869 [ca. 1887], Image 27, John Muir
Sierra Journal, Summer of 1869, v. 1, 1869 [ca. 1887], Image 28, John Muir
Sierra Journal, Summer of 1869, v. 1, 1869 [ca. 1887], Image 29, John Muir
Sierra Journal, Summer of 1869, v. 1, 1869 [ca. 1887], Image 3, John Muir
Sierra Journal, Summer of 1869, v. 1, 1869 [ca. 1887], Image 30, John Muir
Sierra Journal, Summer of 1869, v. 1, 1869 [ca. 1887], Image 31, John Muir
Sierra Journal, Summer of 1869, v. 1, 1869 [ca. 1887], Image 32, John Muir
Sierra Journal, Summer of 1869, v. 1, 1869 [ca. 1887], Image 33, John Muir
Sierra Journal, Summer of 1869, v. 1, 1869 [ca. 1887], Image 34, John Muir
Sierra Journal, Summer of 1869, v. 1, 1869 [ca. 1887], Image 35, John Muir
Sierra Journal, Summer of 1869, v. 1, 1869 [ca. 1887], Image 36, John Muir
Sierra Journal, Summer of 1869, v. 1, 1869 [ca. 1887], Image 37, John Muir
Sierra Journal, Summer of 1869, v. 1, 1869 [ca. 1887], Image 38, John Muir
Sierra Journal, Summer of 1869, v. 1, 1869 [ca. 1887], Image 39, John Muir
Sierra Journal, Summer of 1869, v. 1, 1869 [ca. 1887], Image 4, John Muir
Sierra Journal, Summer of 1869, v. 1, 1869 [ca. 1887], Image 40, John Muir
Sierra Journal, Summer of 1869, v. 1, 1869 [ca. 1887], Image 41, John Muir
Sierra Journal, Summer of 1869, v. 1, 1869 [ca. 1887], Image 42, John Muir
Sierra Journal, Summer of 1869, v. 1, 1869 [ca. 1887], Image 43, John Muir
Sierra Journal, Summer of 1869, v. 1, 1869 [ca. 1887], Image 44, John Muir
Sierra Journal, Summer of 1869, v. 1, 1869 [ca. 1887], Image 45, John Muir
Sierra Journal, Summer of 1869, v. 1, 1869 [ca. 1887], Image 46, John Muir
Sierra Journal, Summer of 1869, v. 1, 1869 [ca. 1887], Image 48, John Muir
Sierra Journal, Summer of 1869, v. 1, 1869 [ca. 1887], Image 49, John Muir
Sierra Journal, Summer of 1869, v. 1, 1869 [ca. 1887], Image 5, John Muir
Sierra Journal, Summer of 1869, v. 1, 1869 [ca. 1887], Image 50, John Muir
Sierra Journal, Summer of 1869, v. 1, 1869 [ca. 1887], Image 51, John Muir
Sierra Journal, Summer of 1869, v. 1, 1869 [ca. 1887], Image 53, John Muir
Sierra Journal, Summer of 1869, v. 1, 1869 [ca. 1887], Image 54, John Muir
Sierra Journal, Summer of 1869, v. 1, 1869 [ca. 1887], Image 55, John Muir
Sierra Journal, Summer of 1869, v. 1, 1869 [ca. 1887], Image 56, John Muir
Sierra Journal, Summer of 1869, v. 1, 1869 [ca. 1887], Image 57, John Muir
Sierra Journal, Summer of 1869, v. 1, 1869 [ca. 1887], Image 58, John Muir
Sierra Journal, Summer of 1869, v. 1, 1869 [ca. 1887], Image 59, John Muir
Sierra Journal, Summer of 1869, v. 1, 1869 [ca. 1887], Image 6, John Muir
Sierra Journal, Summer of 1869, v. 1, 1869 [ca. 1887], Image 60, John Muir
Sierra Journal, Summer of 1869, v. 1, 1869 [ca. 1887], Image 61, John Muir
Sierra Journal, Summer of 1869, v. 1, 1869 [ca. 1887], Image 62, John Muir
Sierra Journal, Summer of 1869, v. 1, 1869 [ca. 1887], Image 63, John Muir
Sierra Journal, Summer of 1869, v. 1, 1869 [ca. 1887], Image 64, John Muir
Sierra Journal, Summer of 1869, v. 1, 1869 [ca. 1887], Image 65, John Muir
Sierra Journal, Summer of 1869, v. 1, 1869 [ca. 1887], Image 66, John Muir
Sierra Journal, Summer of 1869, v. 1, 1869 [ca. 1887], Image 67, John Muir
Sierra Journal, Summer of 1869, v. 1, 1869 [ca. 1887], Image 68, John Muir
Sierra Journal, Summer of 1869, v. 1, 1869 [ca. 1887], Image 69, John Muir
Sierra Journal, Summer of 1869, v. 1, 1869 [ca. 1887], Image 7, John Muir
Sierra Journal, Summer of 1869, v. 1, 1869 [ca. 1887], Image 70, John Muir
Sierra Journal, Summer of 1869, v. 1, 1869 [ca. 1887], Image 71, John Muir
Sierra Journal, Summer of 1869, v. 1, 1869 [ca. 1887], Image 72, John Muir
Sierra Journal, Summer of 1869, v. 1, 1869 [ca. 1887], Image 73, John Muir
Sierra Journal, Summer of 1869, v. 1, 1869 [ca. 1887], Image 74, John Muir
Sierra Journal, Summer of 1869, v. 1, 1869 [ca. 1887], Image 75, John Muir
Sierra Journal, Summer of 1869, v. 1, 1869 [ca. 1887], Image 8, John Muir
Sierra Journal, Summer of 1869, v. 1, 1869 [ca. 1887], Image 9, John Muir
Sierra Journal, Summer of 1869, v. 2, 1869 [ca. 1887], John Muir
Sierra Journal, Summer of 1869, v. 2, 1869 [ca. 1887], Image 1, John Muir
Sierra Journal, Summer of 1869, v. 2, 1869 [ca. 1887], Image 10, John Muir
Sierra Journal, Summer of 1869, v. 2, 1869 [ca. 1887], Image 11, John Muir
Sierra Journal, Summer of 1869, v. 2, 1869 [ca. 1887], Image 12, John Muir
Sierra Journal, Summer of 1869, v. 2, 1869 [ca. 1887], Image 13, John Muir
Sierra Journal, Summer of 1869, v. 2, 1869 [ca. 1887], Image 14, John Muir
Sierra Journal, Summer of 1869, v. 2, 1869 [ca. 1887], Image 15, John Muir
Sierra Journal, Summer of 1869, v. 2, 1869 [ca. 1887], Image 16, John Muir
Sierra Journal, Summer of 1869, v. 2, 1869 [ca. 1887], Image 17, John Muir
Sierra Journal, Summer of 1869, v. 2, 1869 [ca. 1887], Image 18, John Muir
Sierra Journal, Summer of 1869, v. 2, 1869 [ca. 1887], Image 19, John Muir
Sierra Journal, Summer of 1869, v. 2, 1869 [ca. 1887], Image 2, John Muir
Sierra Journal, Summer of 1869, v. 2, 1869 [ca. 1887], Image 20, John Muir
Sierra Journal, Summer of 1869, v. 2, 1869 [ca. 1887], Image 21, John Muir
Sierra Journal, Summer of 1869, v. 2, 1869 [ca. 1887], Image 22, John Muir
Sierra Journal, Summer of 1869, v. 2, 1869 [ca. 1887], Image 23, John Muir
Sierra Journal, Summer of 1869, v. 2, 1869 [ca. 1887], Image 24, John Muir
Sierra Journal, Summer of 1869, v. 2, 1869 [ca. 1887], Image 25, John Muir
Sierra Journal, Summer of 1869, v. 2, 1869 [ca. 1887], Image 26, John Muir
Sierra Journal, Summer of 1869, v. 2, 1869 [ca. 1887], Image 27, John Muir
Sierra Journal, Summer of 1869, v. 2, 1869 [ca. 1887], Image 28, John Muir
Sierra Journal, Summer of 1869, v. 2, 1869 [ca. 1887], Image 29, John Muir
Sierra Journal, Summer of 1869, v. 2, 1869 [ca. 1887], Image 3, John Muir
Sierra Journal, Summer of 1869, v. 2, 1869 [ca. 1887], Image 30, John Muir
Sierra Journal, Summer of 1869, v. 2, 1869 [ca. 1887], Image 31, John Muir
Sierra Journal, Summer of 1869, v. 2, 1869 [ca. 1887], Image 32, John Muir
Sierra Journal, Summer of 1869, v. 2, 1869 [ca. 1887], Image 33, John Muir
Sierra Journal, Summer of 1869, v. 2, 1869 [ca. 1887], Image 34, John Muir
Sierra Journal, Summer of 1869, v. 2, 1869 [ca. 1887], Image 35, John Muir
Sierra Journal, Summer of 1869, v. 2, 1869 [ca. 1887], Image 36, John Muir
Sierra Journal, Summer of 1869, v. 2, 1869 [ca. 1887], Image 37, John Muir
Sierra Journal, Summer of 1869, v. 2, 1869 [ca. 1887], Image 38, John Muir
Sierra Journal, Summer of 1869, v. 2, 1869 [ca. 1887], Image 39, John Muir
Sierra Journal, Summer of 1869, v. 2, 1869 [ca. 1887], Image 4, John Muir
Sierra Journal, Summer of 1869, v. 2, 1869 [ca. 1887], Image 40, John Muir
Sierra Journal, Summer of 1869, v. 2, 1869 [ca. 1887], Image 41, John Muir
Sierra Journal, Summer of 1869, v. 2, 1869 [ca. 1887], Image 42, John Muir
Sierra Journal, Summer of 1869, v. 2, 1869 [ca. 1887], Image 43, John Muir
Sierra Journal, Summer of 1869, v. 2, 1869 [ca. 1887], Image 44, John Muir
Sierra Journal, Summer of 1869, v. 2, 1869 [ca. 1887], Image 45, John Muir
Sierra Journal, Summer of 1869, v. 2, 1869 [ca. 1887], Image 46, John Muir
Sierra Journal, Summer of 1869, v. 2, 1869 [ca. 1887], Image 48, John Muir
Sierra Journal, Summer of 1869, v. 2, 1869 [ca. 1887], Image 49, John Muir
Sierra Journal, Summer of 1869, v. 2, 1869 [ca. 1887], Image 5, John Muir
Sierra Journal, Summer of 1869, v. 2, 1869 [ca. 1887], Image 50, John Muir
Sierra Journal, Summer of 1869, v. 2, 1869 [ca. 1887], Image 51, John Muir
Sierra Journal, Summer of 1869, v. 2, 1869 [ca. 1887], Image 53, John Muir
Sierra Journal, Summer of 1869, v. 2, 1869 [ca. 1887], Image 54, John Muir
Sierra Journal, Summer of 1869, v. 2, 1869 [ca. 1887], Image 55, John Muir
Sierra Journal, Summer of 1869, v. 2, 1869 [ca. 1887], Image 56, John Muir
Sierra Journal, Summer of 1869, v. 2, 1869 [ca. 1887], Image 57, John Muir
Sierra Journal, Summer of 1869, v. 2, 1869 [ca. 1887], Image 58, John Muir
Sierra Journal, Summer of 1869, v. 2, 1869 [ca. 1887], Image 59, John Muir
Sierra Journal, Summer of 1869, v. 2, 1869 [ca. 1887], Image 6, John Muir
Sierra Journal, Summer of 1869, v. 2, 1869 [ca. 1887], Image 60, John Muir
Sierra Journal, Summer of 1869, v. 2, 1869 [ca. 1887], Image 61, John Muir
Sierra Journal, Summer of 1869, v. 2, 1869 [ca. 1887], Image 62, John Muir
Sierra Journal, Summer of 1869, v. 2, 1869 [ca. 1887], Image 63, John Muir
Sierra Journal, Summer of 1869, v. 2, 1869 [ca. 1887], Image 64, John Muir
Sierra Journal, Summer of 1869, v. 2, 1869 [ca. 1887], Image 65, John Muir
Sierra Journal, Summer of 1869, v. 2, 1869 [ca. 1887], Image 66, John Muir
Sierra Journal, Summer of 1869, v. 2, 1869 [ca. 1887], Image 67, John Muir
Sierra Journal, Summer of 1869, v. 2, 1869 [ca. 1887], Image 68, John Muir
Sierra Journal, Summer of 1869, v. 2, 1869 [ca. 1887], Image 69, John Muir
Sierra Journal, Summer of 1869, v. 2, 1869 [ca. 1887], Image 7, John Muir
Sierra Journal, Summer of 1869, v. 2, 1869 [ca. 1887], Image 70, John Muir
Sierra Journal, Summer of 1869, v. 2, 1869 [ca. 1887], Image 71, John Muir
Sierra Journal, Summer of 1869, v. 2, 1869 [ca. 1887], Image 72, John Muir
Sierra Journal, Summer of 1869, v. 2, 1869 [ca. 1887], Image 73, John Muir
Sierra Journal, Summer of 1869, v. 2, 1869 [ca. 1887], Image 74, John Muir
Sierra Journal, Summer of 1869, v. 2, 1869 [ca. 1887], Image 8, John Muir
Sierra Journal, Summer of 1869, v. 2, 1869 [ca. 1887], Image 9, John Muir
Sierra Journal, Summer of 1869, v. 3, 1869 [ca. 1887], John Muir
Sierra Journal, Summer of 1869, v. 3, 1869 [ca. 1887], Image 1, John Muir
Sierra Journal, Summer of 1869, v. 3, 1869 [ca. 1887], Image 10, John Muir
Sierra Journal, Summer of 1869, v. 3, 1869 [ca. 1887], Image 11, John Muir
Sierra Journal, Summer of 1869, v. 3, 1869 [ca. 1887], Image 12, John Muir
Sierra Journal, Summer of 1869, v. 3, 1869 [ca. 1887], Image 13, John Muir
Sierra Journal, Summer of 1869, v. 3, 1869 [ca. 1887], Image 14, John Muir
Sierra Journal, Summer of 1869, v. 3, 1869 [ca. 1887], Image 15, John Muir
Sierra Journal, Summer of 1869, v. 3, 1869 [ca. 1887], Image 16, John Muir
Sierra Journal, Summer of 1869, v. 3, 1869 [ca. 1887], Image 17, John Muir
Sierra Journal, Summer of 1869, v. 3, 1869 [ca. 1887], Image 18, John Muir
Sierra Journal, Summer of 1869, v. 3, 1869 [ca. 1887], Image 19, John Muir
Sierra Journal, Summer of 1869, v. 3, 1869 [ca. 1887], Image 2, John Muir
Sierra Journal, Summer of 1869, v. 3, 1869 [ca. 1887], Image 20, John Muir
Sierra Journal, Summer of 1869, v. 3, 1869 [ca. 1887], Image 21, John Muir
Sierra Journal, Summer of 1869, v. 3, 1869 [ca. 1887], Image 22, John Muir
Sierra Journal, Summer of 1869, v. 3, 1869 [ca. 1887], Image 23, John Muir
Sierra Journal, Summer of 1869, v. 3, 1869 [ca. 1887], Image 24, John Muir
Sierra Journal, Summer of 1869, v. 3, 1869 [ca. 1887], Image 25, John Muir
Sierra Journal, Summer of 1869, v. 3, 1869 [ca. 1887], Image 26, John Muir
Sierra Journal, Summer of 1869, v. 3, 1869 [ca. 1887], Image 27, John Muir
Sierra Journal, Summer of 1869, v. 3, 1869 [ca. 1887], Image 28, John Muir
Sierra Journal, Summer of 1869, v. 3, 1869 [ca. 1887], Image 29, John Muir
Sierra Journal, Summer of 1869, v. 3, 1869 [ca. 1887], Image 3, John Muir
Sierra Journal, Summer of 1869, v. 3, 1869 [ca. 1887], Image 30, John Muir
Sierra Journal, Summer of 1869, v. 3, 1869 [ca. 1887], Image 31, John Muir
Sierra Journal, Summer of 1869, v. 3, 1869 [ca. 1887], Image 32, John Muir
Sierra Journal, Summer of 1869, v. 3, 1869 [ca. 1887], Image 33, John Muir
Sierra Journal, Summer of 1869, v. 3, 1869 [ca. 1887], Image 34, John Muir
Sierra Journal, Summer of 1869, v. 3, 1869 [ca. 1887], Image 35, John Muir
Sierra Journal, Summer of 1869, v. 3, 1869 [ca. 1887], Image 36, John Muir
Sierra Journal, Summer of 1869, v. 3, 1869 [ca. 1887], Image 37, John Muir
Sierra Journal, Summer of 1869, v. 3, 1869 [ca. 1887], Image 38, John Muir
Sierra Journal, Summer of 1869, v. 3, 1869 [ca. 1887], Image 39, John Muir
Sierra Journal, Summer of 1869, v. 3, 1869 [ca. 1887], Image 4, John Muir
Sierra Journal, Summer of 1869, v. 3, 1869 [ca. 1887], Image 40, John Muir
Sierra Journal, Summer of 1869, v. 3, 1869 [ca. 1887], Image 41, John Muir
Sierra Journal, Summer of 1869, v. 3, 1869 [ca. 1887], Image 42, John Muir
Sierra Journal, Summer of 1869, v. 3, 1869 [ca. 1887], Image 43, John Muir
Sierra Journal, Summer of 1869, v. 3, 1869 [ca. 1887], Image 44, John Muir
Sierra Journal, Summer of 1869, v. 3, 1869 [ca. 1887], Image 45, John Muir
Sierra Journal, Summer of 1869, v. 3, 1869 [ca. 1887], Image 46, John Muir
Sierra Journal, Summer of 1869, v. 3, 1869 [ca. 1887], Image 48, John Muir
Sierra Journal, Summer of 1869, v. 3, 1869 [ca. 1887], Image 49, John Muir
Sierra Journal, Summer of 1869, v. 3, 1869 [ca. 1887], Image 5, John Muir
Sierra Journal, Summer of 1869, v. 3, 1869 [ca. 1887], Image 50, John Muir
Sierra Journal, Summer of 1869, v. 3, 1869 [ca. 1887], Image 51, John Muir
Sierra Journal, Summer of 1869, v. 3, 1869 [ca. 1887], Image 53, John Muir
Sierra Journal, Summer of 1869, v. 3, 1869 [ca. 1887], Image 54, John Muir
Sierra Journal, Summer of 1869, v. 3, 1869 [ca. 1887], Image 55, John Muir
Sierra Journal, Summer of 1869, v. 3, 1869 [ca. 1887], Image 56, John Muir
Sierra Journal, Summer of 1869, v. 3, 1869 [ca. 1887], Image 57, John Muir
Sierra Journal, Summer of 1869, v. 3, 1869 [ca. 1887], Image 58, John Muir
Sierra Journal, Summer of 1869, v. 3, 1869 [ca. 1887], Image 59, John Muir
Sierra Journal, Summer of 1869, v. 3, 1869 [ca. 1887], Image 6, John Muir
Sierra Journal, Summer of 1869, v. 3, 1869 [ca. 1887], Image 60, John Muir
Sierra Journal, Summer of 1869, v. 3, 1869 [ca. 1887], Image 61, John Muir
Sierra Journal, Summer of 1869, v. 3, 1869 [ca. 1887], Image 62, John Muir
Sierra Journal, Summer of 1869, v. 3, 1869 [ca. 1887], Image 63, John Muir
Sierra Journal, Summer of 1869, v. 3, 1869 [ca. 1887], Image 7, John Muir
Sierra Journal, Summer of 1869, v. 3, 1869 [ca. 1887], Image 8, John Muir
Sierra Journal, Summer of 1869, v. 3, 1869 [ca. 1887], Image 9, John Muir
Sifting Out The Past, Ken Albala
Significant Cases Interpreting Proposition 8, J. Clark Kelso and Brigitte A. Bass
Sign Stealer, Nate Verlin
Silberg v. California Life Insurance Company: A New Dimension in the Tort of Insurer Bad Faith?, Craig C. Hunter
Similarity-Based 3D Atmospheric Nucleation Data Visualization and Analysis, Kai Zhu, Yanrui Liu, Aseda Gyeke Aboagye, Huaguang Song, and Jinzhu Gao
Sinoaortic denervation reduces mRNA expression of the NMDAR1 and GABAa-a1 receptor subunits in the PVN of renal wrap hypertensive rats, J. Mark Van Ness, Vijayender R. Durgam, Teresa Craig, and Steve W. Mifflin
Sister, Joslynn Howard
Site principals' leadership strategies for changing high school staff cultures to support successful restructuring of curriculum and instruction, Jeanne Ellen Akin
Skeletal Muscle Physiology: Size Principle and Cell Signaling, Courtney D. Jensen
Sketches of Fossil Flora..., [ca. 1906], John Muir
Skill of Evaluation As an Explicit Goal of Clinical Training, The, Nina W. Tarr
Skills, duties, and responsibilties of regional campus leaders, David Dean Gualco
Skill sets required for environmental engineering and where they are learned, Kathaleen Reed
Sleep Right, Sleep Tight: A Pneumatic Pillow with Active Adjustment, Nicholas Heredia, Yodit Hiabu, Eric J. Martin, and Austin Shima
Small learning communities versus small schools: Describing the difference in the academic achievement of African American high school students, Carol L. Owens
Social and Emotional Effects of a School Lottery on Gifted Adolescents: A Retrospective, Adrianne Michelle Go-Miller
Social judgment research applied toward estimating factors relevant to DUI offenders' intentions to drink and drive: A factorial survey approach, Daniel Elvin Dunlap
Social memory and aging: Lifespan theory, memory strategies and social cognition and aging, Carla M. Strickland-Hughes
Social memory and aging: Lifespan theory, memory strategies and social cognition and aging, Carla M. Strickland-Hughes
Social problem solving ability and classroom social functioning in learning disabled adolescents and comparison peers, Karen Coleen Steele
Social skills training in conjunction with parent training: The effects, Lisa Grimes
Social skills training to help increase support networks for the mentally ill, Todd Fred Fabian
Social Vocalizations of Humpback Whales, Jessica Niccum, Ben Nguyen, Devon Le, Derrick Dao, and Jordan Minor
Socio-economic factors that may contribute to etiology of orofacial clefts., Shubdeep Kaur, Mahsa Mortazavi, Geethapriya Kumar, and Marie M. Tolarova
Soft Money: The Weapon of Choice for the Runaway Productions, Christopher H. Lytton
Soleus motor neuron excitability before and after standing, Preeti Deshpande Oza and Richard K. Shields
Solid Phase Peptide Synthesis and Mass Spectrometry analysis Ac3-P3-D, Celine M. Chandler and I-Ting (David) Lee
Solstice, Joslynn Howard
Solubility and dissolution behavior of etoposide from solid dispersion of Xylitol or PEG 8000, Jie Du
Solutio completa problematis de quadrisectione trianguli per duas rectas inter se normales, Leonhard Euler
Solutio duorum problematum, Astronomiam mechanicam spectantium, Leonhard Euler
Solutio facilior problematis Diophantei circa triangulum, in quo rectae ex angulis latera opposita bisecantes rationaliter exprimantur, Leonhard Euler
Solutio facilis problematis, quo quaeritur circulus, qui datos tres circulos tangat, Leonhard Euler
Solutio facilis problematis, quo quaeritur sphaera, quae datas quatuor sphaeras utcunque dispositas contingat, Leonhard Euler
Solutio facilis problematum quorundam geometricorum difficillimorum, Leonhard Euler
Solutio gemina problematis, quo motus corporis, filo alicubi alligati, super plano horizontali quaeritur, Leonhard Euler
Solutio generalis quorundam problematum Diophanteorum, quae vulgo nonnisi solutiones speciales admittere videntur, Leonhard Euler
Solution d'une question curieuse que ne paroit soumise à aucune analyse, Leonhard Euler
Solution d'une question tres difficile dans le calcul des probabilités, Leonhard Euler
Solution succincta et elegans problematis, quo quaeruntur tres numeri tales, ut tam summae quam differentiae binorum sint quadrata, Leonhard Euler
Solutio problematis ad analysin infinitorum indeterminatorum referendi, Leonhard Euler
Solutio problematis ad geometriam situs pertinentis, Leonhard Euler
Solutio problematis analytici difficillimi, Leonhard Euler
Solutio problematis arithmetici de inveniendo numero, qui per datos numeros divisus relinquat data residua, Leonhard Euler
Solutio problematis catoptrici in his actis A. 1745 Mense Septembri P. I pag. 523 propositi, Leonhard Euler
Solutio problematis catoptrici in Novis Actis Eruditorum Lipsiensibus pro mense Novembri A. 1745 propositi, Leonhard Euler
Solutio problematis cuiusdam a Celeberrimo Daniele Bernoullio propositi, Leonhard Euler
Solutio problematis de invenienda curva, quam format lamina utcunque elastica in singulis punctis a potentiis quibuscunque sollicitata, Leonhard Euler
Solutio problematis de inveniendo triangulo, in quo rectae ex singulis angulis latera opposita bisecantes sint rationales, Leonhard Euler
Solutio problematis de investigatione trium numerorum, quorum tam summa quam productum nec non summa productorum ex binis sint numeri quadrati, Leonhard Euler
Solutio problematis difficillimi a Fermatio propositi, Leonhard Euler
Solutio problematis difficillimi, quo hae duae formulae aaxx+bbyy et aayy+bbxx quadrata reddi debent, Leonhard Euler
Solutio problematis geometrici, Leonhard Euler
Solutio problematis geometrici circa lunulas a circulis formatas, Leonhard Euler
Solutio problematis in Actis Lipsiensibus A. 1745 propositi, Leonhard Euler
Solutio problematis in Novorum Actorum Eruditorum mense novembri A. 1743 propositi, Leonhard Euler
Solutio problematis mechanici, Leonhard Euler
Solutio problematis mechanici, Leonhard Euler
Solutio problematis mechanici non parum curiosi, Leonhard Euler
Solutio problematis ob singularia calculi artivicia memorabilis, Leonhard Euler
Solutio problematis, quo duo quaeruntur numeri, quorum productum tam summa quam differentia eorum sive auctum sive minutum fiat quadratum, Leonhard Euler
Solutio problematum quorundam astronomicorum, Leonhard Euler
Solutio problematum rectivicationem ellipsis requirentium, Leonhard Euler
Solutio quaestionis curiosae ex doctrina combinationum, Leonhard Euler
Solutio quarundam quaestionum difficiliorum in calculo probabilium, Leonhard Euler
Solutio quorundam problematum Diophanteorum, Leonhard Euler
Solutio singularis casus circa tautochronismum, Leonhard Euler
Solutio trium problematum difficiliorum ad methodum tangentium inversam pertinentium, Leonhard Euler
Solving the Proposition 13 Puzzle: From Amador to Nordlinger--Judicial Challenges and Alternatives, Steven T. Lawrence
Some microtechnical experiments and recommendations of new prestaining techniques, Edward D. Wood
Some Spectrophotometric Studies Of Molecular Complexes For Phenanthrene, Anthracene, Pyrene, Chrysene, And Benzanthracene With Iodine Monochloride, Joe Boyd Coacher
Something for Everyone? - The Future of Comprehensive Criminal Justice Initiatives after Senate v. Jones and Manduley v. Superior Court, Mary-Beth Moylan
Some tricks in parameter selection for extreme learning machine, Weipeng Cao, Jinzhu Gao, Zhong Ming, and Shubin Cai
Some Unused Notes on Camps, Walks, Death…, [ca. 1899], John Muir
Sophia, Maria F. MacDonald
Sources of Legislative Intent in California, Bertha R. White
Soviet Foreign Investment Laws and Practices, 1987-1990: A Practitioner's Perspective, Brian L. Zimbler
Soviet Legislation on Cooperatives: Private Enterprises within a Non-Market Economy, William G. Frenkel
Spanish Law of Waters in the United States: From Alfonso the Wise to the Present Day, The, Eric B. Kunkel
Sparta Testing and Vertical Jump Co-Predict Fastball Speed in Collegiate Pitchers, William P. Lydon, J. Mark Van Ness, John Mayberry, Joey Rossi, and Courtney D. Jensen
Spatial and temporal dynamics of Batesian mimicry between Adelpha californica and Limenitis lorquini, Louis Albert Prusa
Speaking East, Lettrism Now and Then, Cosana Maria Eram
Special challenges in parenting slow-to-warm-up infants, Jessica Stoltzfus Grady and Katherine Karraker
Special Challenges of Transboundary Coordination in Restoring Freshwater Ecosystems, Lee P. Breckenridge
Special Commentary on Legislative Action for Environmental Protection, University of the Pacific; McGeorge School of Law
Special Considerations in International Licensing Agreements, Elmer J. Stone and Kenneth H. Slade
Species, Season, and Sex - Effects on Hematological Characteristics in a Snake Community, Jacquelyn Louie and Garrett Masuda
Specimen aequationum differentialium indefiniti gradus earumque integrationis, Leonhard Euler
Specimen algorithmi singularis, Leonhard Euler
Specimen alterum methodi novae quantitates transcendentes inter se comparandi; de comparatione arcuum ellipsis, Leonhard Euler
Specimen de constructione aequationum differentialium sine indeterminatarum separatione, Leonhard Euler
Specimen de usu observationum in mathesi pura, Leonhard Euler
Specimen integrationis abstrusissimae hac formula ∫∂x/((1+x)∙(2xx–1)1/4) contentae, Leonhard Euler
Specimen novae methodi curvarum quadraturas et rectificationes aliasque quantitates transcendentes inter se comparandi, Leonhard Euler
Specimen singulare analyseos infinitorum indeterminatae, Leonhard Euler
Specimen transformationis singularis serierum, Leonhard Euler
Spectroscopic studies of rhodamine 6G with mercury(II) and iodide and with beta-cyclodextrin, Gayle Banister Jarpe
Speculationes analyticae, Leonhard Euler
Speculationes circa quasdam insignes proprietates numerorum, Leonhard Euler
Speculationes super formula integrali ∫(xndx)/√(aa–2bx+cxx), ubi simul egregiae observationes circa fractiones continuas occurrunt, Leonhard Euler
Spider Dragline Silk Contains Water Soluble Proteins, Dong Chan Lee, Bright Test, Jacob Phen, Cindy Kim, Ik Kyun Kwon, and Hayoung Kim
Spirit of Freedom Monument, Charles W. Warburton
Sports Quiz, University of the Pacific
Staffed Open Textbook Display, Michele Gibney
Staffed Open Textbook Display, Tara Bunag
Staffed Open Textbook Display, Michele Gibney
Staffed Open Textbook Display, Tara Bunag
Stages of affirmative action and diversity policy in the California State University system, Armand George Brett
STAHL: Compressing Data for Easy Random Access, Peter T. Rogers
Stangvik v. Shiley and Forum Non Conveniens Analysis: Does A Fear of Too Much Justice Really Close California Courtrooms to Foreign Plaintiffs?, Emma Suarez Pawlicki
Staple Foods and Undernourished Children in Uganda, William E. Herrin
Stars, Alexandra McBride
Starting over: From consortial chat to instant messaging, Michelle M. Maloney
State Farm Mutual Automobile Insurance Company v. Partridge: Expanding the Scope of Insurance Liability in California, James J. Marchiano
Statement to National League, George Moscone
Statica, Leonhard Euler
Statin Use Predicts Fall Risk Among Older Adults: 1506 Board #181 June 1 8, Jessica Lopez, Lewis Jacobson, Kathy L. Leslie, Jonathan M. Saxe, and Courtney D. Jensen
Statue of Justice Monument, Fredric Fosshage
Staying Up-To-Date with Research, Michael Ladisch
Staying Up-To-Date with Research, Michael Ladisch
Sterilization Effects On Couples Measured By MMPI, CPI, PVA And Leary ITP, Joan Sweetland Cottrell
[Stickeen], [ca. 1895], John Muir
[Stickeen, etc.], [ca.1887], John Muir
Stimulating Discussion in the Classroom, Eileen K. Camfield
Stimulus preference assessment methods with preschool children: Computer paired stimulus vs. traditional paired stimulus, Heidi Okamoto
Stockton Revamped-Oak Park Skate Park, Joseph Prescott, Alisha Rodriguez, Jose Ruvalcaba, and Tamara Turton
Stockton State General Hospital and Insane Asylum: Documented, Michael J. Wurtz
Stories from the Brubeck Collection, Michael J. Wurtz
Strained Cycloallenes And Silver Ion Assisted And Unassisted Solvolysis Of Some N,N-Dibromobicyclo(N-3.1.0)Alkanes, Franklin Maurice Boyden
Strategies for Identifying Sources of Foreign Law: An Integrated Approach, Susan Van Syckel
Strategies to secure philanthropic gifts and legislative dollars, Mary M. Somerville
Strategy and Organization Design, Tim N. Carroll
Strawberry Fields Forever? United Kingdom Copyright Duration for Sound Recordings, Daniel Houston Drummy
Stress, coping, and recurrent abdominal pain in adolescents, Sonja C. Nelson
Stress management training: Massed versus distributed practice for child care workers, Sandra S. Washburn
Stress-omics: A multi-omics approach to discriminate stress states in a marine mammal, Jared S. Deyarmin, Molly McCormley, Cory Champagne, Alicia Stephan, Dorian Houser, Daniel Crocker, and Jane Khudyakov
Stress reduction, immune response, and human immunodeficiency virus: Treatment combining biofeedback, music, relaxation, and guided imagery, Annette Maree Kearl
Strict, Stricter, and Strictest: An Analysis of Prison Sentencing in California Before and After “Three Strikes”, Vallerye Mosquera and Drew Wagner-Weir
Structural Characterization of Black Widow Spider Dragline Silk Proteins CRP1 and CRP4, Mikayla Camille Shanafelt, Caroline Williams, Ryan Hekman, Alisa Arata, Taylor Rabara, Camille Larracas, Simmone Dyrness, and Craig Vierra
Structural characterization of the glycoprotein GP2 core domain from the CAS virus, a novel arenavirus-like species, Jayne F. Koellhoffer, Zhou Dai, Vladimir N. Malashkevich, Mark D. Stenglein, Yanyun Liu, Rafael Toro, Joseph S. Harrison, Kartik Chandran, Joseph L. DeRisi, Steven C. Almo, and Jonathan R. Lai
Structure, characterization and kinetics of nickel complexes and reactions with biomolecules, Chang-Nan Chen
Structured Exercise in the Cancer Patient Improves Insomnia and Fatigue, but Not Depression: 1940 Board #201 May 31 3, Chandee Pressnall, Cynthia Villalobos, Justin Brown, Paul Vosti, and Courtney D. Jensen
Structuring Mexican Exports to the United States: A Checklist of Objectives, Problems, and Strategies Under United States Law, Ewell E. Murphy Jr.
Strumsky And the Source of California Chartered City Powers, John E. Fischer
Student led instruction on select aspects of dentistry, Kevin Kai
Student peer conflict management in California high schools: A survey of programs and their efficacy as perceived by disciplinarians, Michael William Sherrod
Student perceptions of good teaching practices, Shelly Jeanne Moreira
Student Perceptions of Instructor Humor as a Predictor of Student Intellectual Stimulation, Academic Interest and Engagement, Tiffany Marie Freitas
Student retention in the comprehensive public high school: A study of female at -risk students, Lorena Annette Spitzer
Student Senate, University of the Pacific
Student services and academic support needs of Hmong students at California State University, Sacramento: A case study, Harriet Sue Agena Taniguchi
Students' perceptions of the admissions process for a program for internationally -trained dentists, Patricia Ann King
Studies In The Behavior Of Certain Cyclic Olefins Toward Divalent Platinum And Palladium, Ernest Sam Juljian
Studies of CyP40 and β-tubulin in the Arnt-dependent signaling pathways, Xiaodong Wang
Studies Of The Cleavages And Stabilities Of Carbohydrate Epoxides And Epimines, Curtis Alvin Johnson
Studies on development in Euphilomedes ostracods: Embryology, nervous system development, and the genetics of sexually dimorphic eye development, Kristina Koyama
Studies on thermochemical properties of small organic molecules by mass spectrometry in relation to computational chemistry, Sumit Mukherjee
Studies Yosemite, etc., 1873 [ca. 1887], John Muir
Studies Yosemite, etc., 1873 [ca. 1887], Image 1, John Muir
Studies Yosemite, etc., 1873 [ca. 1887], Image 10, John Muir
Studies Yosemite, etc., 1873 [ca. 1887], Image 11, John Muir
Studies Yosemite, etc., 1873 [ca. 1887], Image 12, John Muir
Studies Yosemite, etc., 1873 [ca. 1887], Image 13, John Muir
Studies Yosemite, etc., 1873 [ca. 1887], Image 14, John Muir
Studies Yosemite, etc., 1873 [ca. 1887], Image 15, John Muir
Studies Yosemite, etc., 1873 [ca. 1887], Image 16, John Muir
Studies Yosemite, etc., 1873 [ca. 1887], Image 17, John Muir
Studies Yosemite, etc., 1873 [ca. 1887], Image 18, John Muir
Studies Yosemite, etc., 1873 [ca. 1887], Image 19, John Muir
Studies Yosemite, etc., 1873 [ca. 1887], Image 2, John Muir
Studies Yosemite, etc., 1873 [ca. 1887], Image 20, John Muir
Studies Yosemite, etc., 1873 [ca. 1887], Image 21, John Muir
Studies Yosemite, etc., 1873 [ca. 1887], Image 22, John Muir
Studies Yosemite, etc., 1873 [ca. 1887], Image 23, John Muir
Studies Yosemite, etc., 1873 [ca. 1887], Image 24, John Muir
Studies Yosemite, etc., 1873 [ca. 1887], Image 25, John Muir
Studies Yosemite, etc., 1873 [ca. 1887], Image 26, John Muir
Studies Yosemite, etc., 1873 [ca. 1887], Image 27, John Muir
Studies Yosemite, etc., 1873 [ca. 1887], Image 28, John Muir
Studies Yosemite, etc., 1873 [ca. 1887], Image 29, John Muir
Studies Yosemite, etc., 1873 [ca. 1887], Image 3, John Muir
Studies Yosemite, etc., 1873 [ca. 1887], Image 30, John Muir
Studies Yosemite, etc., 1873 [ca. 1887], Image 31, John Muir
Studies Yosemite, etc., 1873 [ca. 1887], Image 32, John Muir
Studies Yosemite, etc., 1873 [ca. 1887], Image 33, John Muir
Studies Yosemite, etc., 1873 [ca. 1887], Image 34, John Muir
Studies Yosemite, etc., 1873 [ca. 1887], Image 35, John Muir
Studies Yosemite, etc., 1873 [ca. 1887], Image 36, John Muir
Studies Yosemite, etc., 1873 [ca. 1887], Image 37, John Muir
Studies Yosemite, etc., 1873 [ca. 1887], Image 38, John Muir
Studies Yosemite, etc., 1873 [ca. 1887], Image 39, John Muir
Studies Yosemite, etc., 1873 [ca. 1887], Image 4, John Muir
Studies Yosemite, etc., 1873 [ca. 1887], Image 40, John Muir
Studies Yosemite, etc., 1873 [ca. 1887], Image 41, John Muir
Studies Yosemite, etc., 1873 [ca. 1887], Image 42, John Muir
Studies Yosemite, etc., 1873 [ca. 1887], Image 43, John Muir
Studies Yosemite, etc., 1873 [ca. 1887], Image 44, John Muir
Studies Yosemite, etc., 1873 [ca. 1887], Image 45, John Muir
Studies Yosemite, etc., 1873 [ca. 1887], Image 46, John Muir
Studies Yosemite, etc., 1873 [ca. 1887], Image 48, John Muir
Studies Yosemite, etc., 1873 [ca. 1887], Image 49, John Muir
Studies Yosemite, etc., 1873 [ca. 1887], Image 5, John Muir
Studies Yosemite, etc., 1873 [ca. 1887], Image 50, John Muir
Studies Yosemite, etc., 1873 [ca. 1887], Image 51, John Muir
Studies Yosemite, etc., 1873 [ca. 1887], Image 53, John Muir
Studies Yosemite, etc., 1873 [ca. 1887], Image 54, John Muir
Studies Yosemite, etc., 1873 [ca. 1887], Image 55, John Muir
Studies Yosemite, etc., 1873 [ca. 1887], Image 56, John Muir
Studies Yosemite, etc., 1873 [ca. 1887], Image 57, John Muir
Studies Yosemite, etc., 1873 [ca. 1887], Image 58, John Muir
Studies Yosemite, etc., 1873 [ca. 1887], Image 59, John Muir
Studies Yosemite, etc., 1873 [ca. 1887], Image 6, John Muir
Studies Yosemite, etc., 1873 [ca. 1887], Image 60, John Muir
Studies Yosemite, etc., 1873 [ca. 1887], Image 61, John Muir
Studies Yosemite, etc., 1873 [ca. 1887], Image 62, John Muir
Studies Yosemite, etc., 1873 [ca. 1887], Image 63, John Muir
Studies Yosemite, etc., 1873 [ca. 1887], Image 64, John Muir
Studies Yosemite, etc., 1873 [ca. 1887], Image 65, John Muir
Studies Yosemite, etc., 1873 [ca. 1887], Image 7, John Muir
Studies Yosemite, etc., 1873 [ca. 1887], Image 8, John Muir
Studies Yosemite, etc., 1873 [ca. 1887], Image 9, John Muir
Study of Arnt-interacting proteins on Arnt-dependent signaling pathways, Yi Li
Study of pharmacological and physiological factors regulating store operated calcium channels in a neuronal cell line, Diptiman Dipen Bose
Study of Physical Protein-Protein Interactions Between the MaSp1 C-Terminal Domain and Small Cysteine-Rich Proteins Found in the Major Ampullate Gland of Latrodectus hesperus, Taylor Renee Rabara
Stung, Madeleine Guekguezian
Subclassifying Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Through Exercise Testing, J. Mark Van Ness, Christopher R. Snell, W. Line Dempsey, and David R. Strayer
Subject Matter Index, University of the Pacific; McGeorge School of Law
Subject Matter Index, University of the Pacific, McGeorge School of Law
Subject Matter Index, University of the Pacific, McGeorge School of Law
Subject Matter Index, University of the Pacific; McGeorge School of Law
Subject Matter Index, University of the Pacific; McGeorge School of Law
Subject-Matter Index, University of the Pacific; McGeorge School of Law
Subject-Matter Index, University of the Pacific; McGeorge School of Law
Sublingual drug delivery: In vitro characterization of barrier properties and prediction of permeability, Tarun Goswami
Submerged in the Yuba River: The State Water Resources Control Board's Prioritization of the Governor's Commissions Proposals, Ryan S. Bezerra and Yvonne M. West
Subsiding Away II: Will the Effects of Garvey v. State Farm Slip and Slide, Jeff Katofsky
Subsidium calculi sinuum, Leonhard Euler
Sulfite reduction in mycobacteria, Rachel Pinto, Joseph S. Harrison, Tsungda Hsu, William R. Jacobs Jr., and Thomas S. Leyh
Summary of the Japanese Military Procurement Process, A, Rexford L. Coleman
Summatio progressionum sin(φλ) + sin(2φλ) + sin(3φλ) + ... + sin(nφλ); cos(φλ) + cos(2φλ) + cos(3φλ) + ... + cos(nφλ), Leonhard Euler
Summit on Student Writing in the Disciplines, Eileen K. Camfield
Sunlight give me life, Dustin S. McPhillips
Sunny Day Sunflowers in Mendocino, Kaelani Valdez-Nawatani
Sunrise Seaport Initiative, Alexandra E. McBride
Superintendent and school board relations: A comparative study of collaborative governance preferences by superintendents and school board presidents, Kenneth K. Geisick
Superintendents' And Legislators' Perceptions Of Effective Lobbying Practices In California, Carol L. McElroy
Superintendents' Perceptions Of Competencies Required For The Superintendency, Clifford E. Tyler
Supertree and supermatrix methods compared: a case study with damselflies (Odonata: Zygoyptera), E. A. Perotti, N. M. Hallinan, S. N. Sponberg, Ryan I. Hill, and C. L. Nunn
Supplément aux recherches sur la propagation du son, Leonhard Euler
Supplementum ad dissertationem praecedentem circa integrationem vormulae ∫(zm-1 ∂z)/(1–zn) casu quo ponitur z = v(cos(ϕ) + √(-1)∙sin(ϕ)), Leonhard Euler
Supplementum calculi integralis pro integratione formularum irrationalium, Leonhard Euler
Supplementum quorundam theorematum arithmeticorum, quae in nonnullis demonstrationibus supponuntur, Leonhard Euler
Supporting campus diversity initiatives: Making connections via LibraryThing, Michelle M. Maloney
Supporting elementary science education for English learners: An evaluation instrument to promote constructivist teaching, Beatrice Lowney Gibbons
Supreme Court and Courts of Appeals En Bancs, The, Stephen L. Wasby
Sur l'accord des deux dernières éclipses du soleil et de la lune avec mes tables pour trouver les vrais momens des pléni-lunes et novi-lunes, Leonhard Euler
Sur la confusion que cause dans les instrumens dioptriques la diverse réfrangibilité des rayons, Leonhard Euler
Sur l'action des scies, Leonhard Euler
Sur la diminution de la résistance du frottement, Leonhard Euler
Sur la force des colonnes, Leonhard Euler
Sur la perfection des lunettes astronomiques qui représentent les objets renversés, Leonhard Euler
Sur la perfection des verres objectfs des lunettes, Leonhard Euler
Sur la probabilté des séquences dans la lotterie Génoise, Leonhard Euler
Sur l'atmosphère de la lune prouvée par la dernière eclipse annulaire du soleil, Leonhard Euler
Sur l'avantage du banquier au jeu de Pharaon, Leonhard Euler
Sur la vibration des cordes, Leonhard Euler
Sur l'effet de la réfraction dans les observations terrestres, Leonhard Euler
Sur le frottement des corps solides, Leonhard Euler
Sur le mouvement de l'eau par des tuyaux de conduite, Leonhard Euler
Sur le mouvement d'un corde, que au commencement n'a ete ebranlee que dans un partie, Leonhard Euler
Sur le point de rebroussement de la seconde espèce de Mr. le Marquis de l'Hôpital, Leonhard Euler
Sur le principe de la moindre action, Leonhard Euler
Sur le roulis et le tangage, Leonhard Euler
Sur les avantages des verres objectifs composés de deux verres simples, Leonhard Euler
Sur les logarithmes des nombres négatifs et imaginaires, Leonhard Euler
Sur les rentes viagères, Leonhard Euler
Sur quelques proprietés des sections coniques, qui conviennent à une infinité d'autres lignes courbes, Leonhard Euler
Sur une contradiction apparente dans la doctrine des lignes courbes, Leonhard Euler
Survey of Distribution and Sales Methods Commonly Used to Enter the United States Market, Kenneth H. Slade and Anne E. Stone
Susceptibility genes in the etiology of nonsyndromic cleft lip and palate anomalies, Serin Lee, Shubdeep Dhillon, Julian Shen, Ashley Kim, Mirek Tola, and Marie M. Tolarova
Sustaining synergy in an intersegmental partnership, Elisa Marie Orosco
Sydney Scott, Sydney Scott
Symposium: Biotechnology and the Law - Introduction, Franklin A. Gevurtz
Symposium Editor's Note, University of the Pacific, McGeorge School of Law
Symposium Introduction / A Conversation and Colloquia Concerning "Who Owns Your Digital Creations?", Jed Scully
Symposium—Regulating Marijuana at Home and Abroad Introduction, Michael Vitiello
Symposium—Regulating Marijuana at Home and Abroad: Introduction, Michael Vitiello
Symptoms of attention deficit disorder, substance abuse, and comorbid correlates in adolescents, Jana Leigh Price-Sharps
Synthesis And Opioid-Related Activities Of Some Cis - And Trans -3-(Mono- Or Dialkylamino)-7-(Methoxy Or Hydroxy)-1-Phenyl-1,2,3,4-Tetrahydronaphthalenes, Herbert Ebiom Essien
Synthesis and studies of carbohydrate mimetics as glycosidase inhibitors and molecular switches, Barbora Brazdova
Synthesis, characterization, and application of novel multifunctional oligosaccharide tags, Nandkishor S. Chindarkar
Synthesis of AG10 analogs and optimization of TTR ligands for Half-life enhancement (TLHE) of Peptides, Raghavendra Jampala
Synthesis Of Benzyl Beta D-Gulopyranosiduronic Acid-(2',3': 4,5)-Oxazolidone-2, Gerald Duane Shryock
Synthesis Of N-Methyl-D-Gulosamine And Methyl Ethers Of N-Methyl-D-Gulosamine, Hazrat Mohammed Noorzad
Synthesis of Oligopeptides for Magnetic Bead Application, Jessica Chan and Nuha Haque
Synthesis of saccharomimetic fucopyranosyl -substituted urethanes and ureas from glycopyranosyl nitromethanes and cyanides, Pasit Phiasivongsa
Systematic review of marijuana and effects on dentistry, Jason Lim, Nader Mehra, and Thay Lay
Systolic blood pressure variability in four models of hypertension, Carmen Hinojosa-Laborde, Darrell L. Lange, J. Mark Van Ness, and Joseph R. Haywood
Table of Bill Numbers, University of the Pacific, McGeorge School of Law
Table of Bill Numbers, University of the Pacific; McGeorge School of Law
Table of Bill Numbers, University of the Pacific; McGeorge School of Law
Table of Bill Numbers, University of the Pacific; McGeorge School of Law
Table of Bill Numbers, University of the Pacific; McGeorge School of Law
Table of Bill Numbers, University of the Pacific; McGeorge School of Law
Table of Bill Numbers, University of the Pacific; McGeorge School of Law
Table of Bill Numbers, University of the Pacific; McGeorge School of Law
Table of Bill Numbers, University of the Pacific; McGeorge School of Law
Table of Bill Numbers, University of the Pacific; McGeorge School of Law
Table of Chapter Numbers, University of the Pacific, McGeorge School of Law
Table of Chapter Numbers, University of the Pacific; McGeorge School of Law
Table of Chapter Numbers, University of the Pacific; McGeorge School of Law
Table of Chapter Numbers, University of the Pacific; McGeorge School of Law
Table of Chapter Numbers, University of the Pacific; McGeorge School of Law
Table of Chapter Numbers, University of the Pacific; McGeorge School of Law
Table of Chapter Numbers, University of the Pacific; McGeorge School of Law
Table of Chapter Numbers, University of the Pacific; McGeorge School of Law
Table of Code Sections, University of the Pacific, McGeorge School of Law
Table of Code Sections Affected, University of the Pacific, McGeorge School of Law
Table of Code Sections Affected, University of the Pacific; McGeorge School of Law
Table of Code Sections Affected, University of the Pacific; McGeorge School of Law
Table of Code Sections Affected, University of the Pacific; McGeorge School of Law
Table of Code Sections Affected, University of the Pacific; McGeorge School of Law
Table of Code Sections Affected, University of the Pacific; McGeorge School of Law
Table of Code Sections Affected, University of the Pacific; McGeorge School of Law
Table of Code Sections Affected, University of the Pacific; McGeorge School of Law
Table of Code Sections Affected, University of the Pacific; McGeorge School of Law
Table of Code Sections Affected, University of the Pacific; McGeorge School of Law
Table of Code Sections Affected Review of Selected 1971 California Legislation, University of the Pacific; McGeorge School of Law
Table of Contents, University of the Pacific, McGeorge School of Law
Table of Contents, University of the Pacific, McGeorge School of Law
Table of Contents, University of the Pacific, McGeorge School of Law
Table of Contents, University of the Pacific; McGeorge School of Law
Table of Contents, University of the Pacific; McGeorge School of Law
Table of Contents, University of the Pacific, McGeorge School of Law
Table of Contents, University of the Pacific; McGeorge School of Law
Table of Contents, University of the Pacific; McGeorge School of Law
Table of Contents, University of the Pacific; McGeorge School of Law
Table of Contents, University of the Pacific; McGeorge School of Law
Table of Contents, University of the Pacific; McGeorge School of Law
Table of Contents, University of the Pacific; McGeorge School of Law
Table of Contents, University of the Pacific; McGeorge School of Law
Table of Contents, University of the Pacific; McGeorge School of Law
Table of Contents, University of the Pacific; McGeorge School of Law
Table of Contents, University of the Pacific; McGeorge School of Law
Table of Contents--Issue 1, University of the Pacific; McGeorge School of Law
Table of Contents--Issue 1, University of the Pacific; McGeorge School of Law
Table of Contents -- Issue 2, University of the Pacific; McGeorge School of Law
Table of Contents--Issue 2, University of the Pacific; McGeorge School of Law
Table of Contents--Issue 2, University of the Pacific; McGeorge School of Law
Table of Contents - Review of Selected 1975 California Legislation, University of the Pacific; McGeorge School of Law
Table of Contents, Volume 16, Issue 1, University of the Pacific, McGeorge School of Law
Table of Contents, Volume 16, Issue 2, University of the Pacific, McGeorge School of Law
Table of Contents-Volume 2, Issue #1, University of the Pacific; McGeorge School of Law
Table of Contents-Volume 2, Issue #2, University of the Pacific; McGeorge School of Law
Tabulae astronomicae solis et lunae, Leonhard Euler
Tackling Workers' Compensation in California: The Margolin-Bill Greene Workers' Compensation Reform Act of 1989, Kathleen Orchik
“Take a solo”: An analysis of gender participation and interaction at school jazz festivals, Ella Nora Parks Steinberg
Taking Advantage of Federal Money: Chapter 11 Allows California Schools to Unambiguously Issue Qualified School Construction Bonds, Carissa Bouwer
Takings Analysis of Police Destruction of Innocent Owners' Property in the Course of Law Enforcement: The View from Five State Supreme Courts, Charles E. Cohen
Taking Steps Toward Marine Wilderness Protection - Fishing and Coral Reef Marine Reserves in Florida and Hawaii, Robin Kundis Craig
Taking Stock of Sustainable Development at 20: What We Have Accomplished and What Comes Next, Gro Harlem Brundtland
Targeting the EGF receptors on oral cancer cells with EGF, Jennifer Cheung, Takahiro Chino, Krystyna Knopka, and Nejat Düzgüneş
Taxation, University of the Pacific; McGeorge School of Law
Taxation, University of the Pacific, McGeorge School of Law
Taxation, University of the Pacific; McGeorge School of Law
Taxation, University of the Pacific; McGeorge School of Law
Taxation Review of Selected 1970 California Legislation, University of the Pacific; McGeorge School of Law
Taxation Review of Selected 1972 California Legislation, University of the Pacific; McGeorge School of Law
Tax Issues in Planning Transnational Transactions: The U.S. Perspective, Karl William Viehe and Donald T. Williamson
Tax Reform--1970, William T. Bagley and Arthur V. Azevedo
Tax Reform Interrupted: The Chaotic State of Tax Policy in 2003, Robert J. Peroni
Teacher and administrator perceptions of the Committee on Assignments as a teacher assignment option in California, Chet Jensen
Teacher Evaluation Process In Evangelical Christian Schools, John Alvin Farris
Teacher induction: A case study of the Lodi New Teacher Project, Deborah Elaine Erickson
Teacher Influence Upon Economic And Civil Liberties Attitudes Of High School Students, Robert Lee Silvis
Teachers, faith, and coping: An investigation, Rebecca Lynn Fawns
Teachers' perceptions of elementary school principals as instructional leaders in reading, Cindy Cheree Brownell
Teacher-student ethnicity, suspension/expulsion, and referrals to special education: Implications for African-American males, James Frank Thrasher
Teacher Tenure, George Moscone
Teaching and Contemplative Practice, Eileen K. Camfield and Leslie Bayers
Teaching history facts to learning and behaviorally disordered youngsters: A comparison of two instructional procedures, Kathleen Ann Madigan
Teaching laundry skills to individuals with mental illness: A comparison of three task analyses, Nirupa Ruth Fenn
Teaching medication knowledge to participants diagnosed with a mental illness, Holly A. White
Teaching tacting of private events based on public accompaniments: Effects of contingencies, stimulus complexity, and audience control, Corey S. Stocco, Rachel H. Thompson, and John M. Hart
Teaching tacting of private events based on public accompaniments: Effects of contingencies, stimulus complexity, and audience control, Corey S. Stocco, Rachel H. Thompson, Adam Burger, Stephen Rodriguez, and Hannah Vantassel
Teaching tacting of private events based on public accompaniments: Public-private correspondence, contingencies, and audience control, Corey S. Stocco, Rachel H. Thompson, and John M. Hart
Television without Frontiers: A Case Study of Turner Broadcasting's New Channel in the Community--Does it Violate the Directive?, Jamie Shelden
Temperature-dependent oxygen limitation in insect eggs, H. Arthur Woods and Ryan I. Hill
Temperature-oxygen interactions in developing eggs of a moth, H. A. Woods and Ryan I. Hill
Tentamen de sono campanarum, Leonhard Euler
Tentamen explicationis phaenomenorum aeris, Leonhard Euler
Tentamen novae theoriae musicae, Leonhard Euler
Tentamen theoriae de frictione fluidorum, Leonhard Euler
Termination of Parental Rights on the Basis of Mental Disability: A Problem in Policy and Interpretation, Paul Bernstein
Ternary Phase Diagram Determinations Concerning Potassium Electrolyte Influence On Aqueous Solutions Of Dioxane Or Tetrahydrofuran, John Albert McNaney
Terrorism Insurance Market After September 11: The Case for Limited Federal Intervention, The, Lucien J. Dhooge
Testimonio of a Migrant English Language Learner (ELL), Steven Thomas Hoy
Testing for cryptic species within Adelpha basiloides (H. W. Bates, 1865), Nina Sanjay Chachad, Kathleen Nguyen, and Kayla Pham
Testing Students for Pregnancy: How Far Will the Courts Allow Schools to Go?, Megan A. Lewis
Testing the adaptive hypothesis of Batesian mimicry among hybridizing North American admiral butterflies: BATESIAN MIMICRY, Evan B. Kristiansen, Susan D. Finkbeiner, Ryan I. Hill, Louis Prusa, and Sean P. Mullen
Testing the Standard Urban Model of Residential Choice: An Implicit Markets Approach, William E. Herrin and Clifford R. Kern
That Distant Autumn Morn, Domenic Suntrapak
The 1980 U.N. Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods: A Comparative Analysis of Consequences of Accession by the Republic of Korea, James M. West and John K.M. Ohnesorge
The 1997 U.N. Watercourses Convention: Retrospect and Prospect, Stephen C. McCaffrey
The 1st - Willow, Olivia Valentino
The Abolition of the Mandatory Death Penalty in India and Bangladesh: A Comparative Commonwealth Perspective, Andrew Novak
The accuracy of dental students' perception of their learning in relation to their actual conceptual learning, Gitta Radjaeipour
The Accuracy Of Interpersonal Perception Of Junior High Age Adolescents And Their Fathers Of Mothers' Personality As Measured By The Taylor-Johnson Temperament Analysis., Wayne Howard Hill
The Adjustment Problems Of Latin American Students Attending Selected California Universities, Maria Victoria Ramirez Better
The Aesthetics of John Muir’s Natural World, Michael J. Wurtz
The Alberta Franchises Act, a Change in Approach for the First Provincial Regulation of the Franchising Industry in Canada, Chad E. Coleman
The American Indian As Metaphor: William Carlos Williams And Hart Crane, Douglas Manning Tedards
The Animal's Kingdom, Leila Valencia
The application of ethical principles in decision making between beginning, intermediate, and journeyman educational administrators, Timothy J. Fulenwider
The Appropriateness Of Selected Inservice Education Practices As Perceived By Secondary School Educators., Dushan Angius
The Appropriateness Of Selected Inservice Education Programs As Perceived By Seventh-Day Adventist Educators, George Alvah Bronson Jr.
The Assessment Initiative: Changing California community college perceptions through professional development, Bonnie C. Suderman
The Avant-Garde Logic of Dispute, Cosana Maria Eram
The Backgrounds, Achievements, Aspirations, And Attitudes Of Educators In Tehran (Iran)., Mohssen Ghandi
The Bank for International Settlements: Keeping a Low Profile, G. Boyd Tarin
The Binary Halides Of Molybdenum(IV) And Tungsten(IV) And The Oxochlorides Of Tungsten(VI), Edward Roy Epperson
The Biochemistry Of Vascular Smooth Muscle In The Spontaneously Hypertensive Rat, John Edward Taylor
The biology, prevention, diagnosis and conservative treatment of dental caries: A review of newer advances in the field, Aparna Manikkath, Udeeksha Sankaran, Lakshmi Vishwanat, Chandana Vundavalli, and Gitta Radjaeipour
The Black Box: Portable Network Monitoring Device, Mark Bely, Jaskaran Virk, and Lonny Rasberry
The Business of Climate Change: What's Ethics Got to Do with It?, Prue Taylor
The California Grand Jury System: A Review and Suggestions for Reform, A. Wells Peterson
The California Legislature's Response to the Environmental Threat, J Michael McCloskey and John H. Zierold
The California Public Records Act: The Public's Right of Access to Governmental Information, Stephan A. Barber
The California Sales Tax: An Analysis of the "Occasional Sale", Edward H. Stetson
The California Teacher Association as a legislative lobby, Liston Fred Sabraw
The Capture of Corruption: Complexity and Corporate Culture, Janet M. Dine
The Cartegena Protocol--A First Step to a Global Biosafety Structure?, Thomas Jacob
The Change In Status Of The Special Music Teacher In The Elementary Schools Of California - 1966 To 1971., Algin Columbus Hurst
The Changing Structure of International Organization, Christoph Schreuer
The Chaos of International Insolvency -- Achieving Reciprocal Universality under Section 304 or MIICA Universality under Section 304 or MIICA, Tandi A. Panuska
The Circles of Apollonius, Christopher D. Goff
The Coevolution of New Organizational Forms, Arie Y. Lewin, Chris P. Long, and Tim N. Carroll
The Coevolution of New Organizational Forms, Arie Y. Lewin, Chris P. Long, and Tim N. Carroll
The Coevolution of New Organization Forms, A. Y. Lewin, Chris P. Long, and Tim N. Carroll
The Coevolution of New Organization Forms, A. Y. Lewin, Chris P. Long, and Tim N. Carroll
The Commerce of Surrogate Motherhood: A Selected Interdisciplinary Bibliography, Evelyn Posamentier and Sue Welsh
The Commission's Evaluation of Joint Ventures under Article 85 of the Treaty of Rome: Economic Background and Legal Analysis, Antonio Braggion
The comparability between the recorded group interview and the standard personal interview in teacher recruitment for parochial schools, Ervin Hadley Bigham
The comparative effects of single and yoked learning channel sets under overlearning and fluency training conditions on the retention of paired associate information, Steven Elliott Pedego
The Compatability of Economic and Environmental Objectives in Governmental Decision Making, John M. Higginbotham
The Composite Art Of Blake'S "Laughing Song.", William Robert Warner
The connection between teacher preparation and the retention of beginning teachers, Felicia Anne-Marie Rodoni-Wilson
The Constitutionality of California's Public Entity Tort Claim Statutes, Roberta A. Leslie
The correlation of defensive responses between mothers and sons: An attachment perspective, Scott Howard
The Creation of Blaster Boy, Justin Sy, Jeremy Songster, and Mitchell Chang
The Crisis in International Trade: Remarks at the 20th Annual McGeorge International Law Symposium, Ronald F. Lipp
The CRISPR/Cas9 gene editing system to inactivate HIV: Non-specific effects, Demi Pham, Dong Song, Jennifer Cheung, and Nejat Düzgüneş
The Definition of a Security under the California Corporate Securities Law of 1968: The Risk Capital Test, David Merritt Roberts
The Delta's Perennial Drought: Instream Flows for an Over-Allocated River, Michael Cohen
The Department of Justice and the Civil Rights Act of 1964: A Symposium - Symposium Participants, University of the Pacific; McGeorge School of Law
The Determinants Of Curricular Offerings In Selected Public Adult High Schools In California., Vernon Stanley Jaquith
The development and experience of the secondary emotion of pride in six- and seven-year-old children in a social context, Brian K. Huff
The development and testing of an interactive listening guide system for instructors of music appreciation, Derrill George Bodley
The development and validation of the preschool language-cognitive skills assessment for curriculum entry, John O. Lofgren
The Development Of A Consensus Model To Select, Establish And Implement Minimal Competencies In California Unified School Districts, Ralph Lee Blumenthal
The Development Of A Model For Administration Of Intercollegiate Athletic Programs In California Community Colleges., Donald Fairfield Bennett
The Development Of A Model For Preparation Of Educational Administrators With Implications For Iran, Sadegh Farzanegan
The development of an everyday problem solving instrument in the educational assessment of incarcerated late adolescent and young adult males, Vanessa K. Adams
The Development Of An Oral Inhalation Dosage Form Antinauseant, Kit Michael Mills
The development of English academic language proficiency by language minority students learning English as a Second Language in school settings, James Dennis Stack
The Development of Laws to Regulate Foreign Trade in the Republic of Korea, Eun Sup Lee
The Development of Modern Trademark Legislation and Protection in Arab Countries of the Middle East, Amir H. Khoury
The development of reading instruction competence in preservice teacher candidates during three stages of field experience in a university -based teacher preparation program, Jean Nanney Buller
The development of teachers' reflectivity: Theory into practice, Kellie J. Cain
The dialysis of caffeine through selected semi-permeable membranes, Paul James Perry
The difference in the academic achievement of Hispanic high school students based on the theme of the small learning community, Beate M. Winter Martinez
The differential predictive validity of the Spanish and English versions of the Peabody Picture Vocabulary Test, Judith Ellen Smalley
The Dig: Granite Street's Red Light District and Chinese, Anita Nordbrock, Mike Ruddell, Norm Tessman, and Michael J. Wurtz
The Discipline of Evaluation: Teaching Students Expert Level Reading Skills, Eleanor Wittrup
The Downfall of Native American Culture within Louise Erdrich’s The Round House, Kendall Victoria Mead
The Dutch Act on Collective Settlement of Mass Damages, Bart Krans
The Educational Impact Of American Church Missionaries On The Educational Programs Of Iran (1834-1925 C.E.), Mansoor Soleimani
The Educational Sojourn Of The Returned Iranian Alumni From University Of California, 1963-64--1973-74, Hutan Yassai Ardakani
The education and empowerment of immigrant Latinos through talk radio, Graciela Leon Orozco
The Effectiveness Of Administrative Pre-Service Training As Perceived By Public School Principals Trained Under The Ryan Act, Paul Michael Hewitt
The Effectiveness Of Computer Assisted Instruction In Mathematics At The Middle School, Samuel Ruben Romero
The Effectiveness Of Contacting Nonattending Adult Students As Measured By Return Attendance, Dropouts And Reenrollment, Ralph Leland Moody
The effectiveness of cross year peer tutoring on academic performance of at-risk DPT students, T. C. Bush and Preeti Deshpande Oza
The Effectiveness Of Principals As It Is Related To Interpersonal Behavior And Bilingual/Crosscultural Education., Raymond Tom
The Effectiveness Of Rational-Emotive Therapy In The Reduction Of Trait Anxiety Of College Undergraduate Students, Thomas Stanley Golabek
The Effectiveness Of Supplementary Computer-Assisted Instruction In Reading At The 4-6 Grade Level (Four-Six), Lois Nentwich Ortmann
The Effectiveness Of Two Types Of Visual Aid Treatments On Eye Movement Performance Of Educationally Handicapped Pupils In The Elementary School, Jeffrey C. Lee
The effect of an informational program on the inclination of adolescents to report knowledge of abuse and suicidal intention, Therese Marie Zylla
The effect of cognitive group therapy in the treatment of depression among residents of senior communities, Charleen L. Schultz
The effect of estrogen on intracellular calcium homeostasis in human endothelial cells, Der Thor
The Effect Of Feedback Of Quiz Results On Achievement In Introductory College Economics., William Guilbert Darling
The effect of feedback on predictions of fear, Denise Marie Gonzalez
The effect of gender and communication style on student apprehension regarding classroom participation on the college level, Marjorie Ann Jaasma
The Effect Of Kindergarten Nonpromotion Of The Developmentally Immature Child On Self-Concept, Peer Acceptance, Academic Attitude, Classroom Adjustment And Academic Achievement, Betty M. Carlson McCarty
The effect of manipulating movement-illusion-inducing stimuli on reducing traffic speed on horizontal curves, David Langton Clarke
The effect of maternal warmth and encouragement on shy toddlers’ responses in a novel social setting, Jessica Stoltzfus Grady and Katherine Karraker
The effect of maternal warmth and encouragement on shy toddlers’ responses in a novel social setting, Jessica Stoltzfus Grady and Katherine Karraker
The Effect Of Methodology On The Self-Concept Of Students, George William Boyko
The effect of paraprofessional assistance on the academic achievement of migrant children, Lelia Mccain Veaco
The Effect of Radiation Therapy on Cancer Patients Participating in Structured Exercise, Amber Huang, Cynthia Villalobos, Justin C. Brown, J. Mark Van Ness, Jeremy P. McConnell, Paul D. Vosti, and Courtney D. Jensen
The effect of “restricted interests” on caregiver presentation of items, Corey S. Stocco, Rachel H. Thompson, Nicole M. Rodriguez, and Kevin J. Schlichenmeyer
The effect of “restricted interests” on caregiver presentation of items, Corey S. Stocco, Rachel H. Thompson, Nicole M. Rodriguez, and Kevin J. Schlichenmeyer
The effect of “restricted interests” on caregiver presentation of items, Corey S. Stocco, Rachel H. Thompson, Nicole M. Rodriguez, and Kevin J. Schlichenmeyer
The Effect Of Selected Adjuvants On The In Vitro Percutaneous Penetration Of Benzocaine, See-Yan Lam
The effect of sinoaortic deafferentation on renal wrap hypertension, J. Mark Van Ness, Teresa Craig, Carmen Hinojosa-Laborde, and Joseph R. Haywood
The effect of sinoaortic denervation on renal wrap hypertension, J. Mark Van Ness, Carmen Hinojosa-Laborde, Teresa Craig, and Joseph R. Haywood
The Effect Of The Benen Reading Skills Instructional Approach To The Reading Achievement Of Gifted Fourth Graders, Elaine Carol Benen
The Effect Of The Language Of Instruction On The Reading Achievement Of Limited English Speakers In Secondary Schools, William Anselmo Melendez
The Effect Of The Severely Mentally Retarded Child On His Family, Carolyn Mary Fowle
The Effect of Token Reinforcement on Moderate-to-Vigorous Physical Activity Exhibited by Young Children, Rutvi R. Patel
The effect of touch on recovery following a physical stressor, Doreen Zavis
The Effect Of Tungsten(0)Pentacarbonyl On Coordinated Ligands, Janice Imada Byington
The effect of visual warm-up tasks upon Rorschach color responses of incarcerated male delinquents, John Anthony Giehl
The effect of vitamins associated with bone development on túngara frog larvae, Jessica Sheu
The effect of work specialty, demographic variables, and social support upon the perceived job stress of military nurses, Ruth M. Graham
The effects of academic stress on force output, N. Laskosky, V. C. Chia, S. Gee, Mark Morozumi, A. Wei, and Courtney D. Jensen
The effects of age, race, and question format on racial identification, attitudes, and preference, Tracy Anne Premo
The Effects Of An Enriched Educational Program On The Academic, Intellectual, And Behavioral Functioning Of Underachieving, Culturally Disadvantaged, Mentally Gifted Minors, Douglas Charles Widdup
The effects of a Reading Styles program on historically underachieving Hispanic-American and African-American elementary school students, Cheryl Collins Meeker
The effects of biofeedback-assisted relaxation on high and low anxious diabetics, Monica L. Foster
The effects of child behavior on parent behavior, Avery E. Goldstein
The Effects Of Chinese Character Recognition Instruction On The English Reading Readiness Skills Of Chinese- And Non-Chinese-Speaking Kindergarten Students, Victoria Wai Jew
The Effects Of Classroom And Counseling Intervention On The Moral Development Of Junior High School Students, Paul Romualino Madarang
The effects of corporate intranet use on employee self-concept and organizational commitment, Janell Christine Bauer
The Effects Of Counseling Involvement On Elementary School Student Behavior., Rosanne Marie Perry
The effects of deprivation and satiation on preference assessment outcomes in adults with schizophrenia, Carrie Melissa Dempsey
The Effects Of Differential Reinforcement Structures On Computer-Assisted Instructional Learning, Michael J. Jaeger
The effects of differential verbal feedback given to collegiate volleyball players practicing the skill of passing, Joseph James Wortmann
The effects of dual-task training during straight line gait compared to nonlinear gait on gait parameters in individuals with Parkinson’s disease, J. Bufete, K. Brooks, J. Hata, P. D. Oza, P. Trueblood, and K. Voelz
The Effects of EMG Biofeedback and False Feedback on Self-Reported Anger in Young Incarcerated Males, Catherine Murray
The effects of extrinsic rewards on high school student attendance, Lawrence Michael Freise
The effects of feedback on learning in discrete trial teaching of children with autism, Sara Jay White
The Effects Of Group Bibliocounseling On Selected Fourth-Grade Students Who Are Underachieving In Reading, Norman Anthony King
The Effects Of Individual And Peer Group Counseling On A Sample Of Disruptive High School Students, Norman C. Creange
The Effects Of Indomethacin On A Strain Of Fibroblasts Cultivated In Vitro, John Thomas Mccloskey
The effects of internal and external turbulence on firm reorganization, Samina Karim and Tim N. Carroll
The effects of internal and external turbulence on structural reorganization, Samina Karim and Tim N. Carroll
The effects of internal and external turbulence on structural reorganization, Samina Karim and Tim N. Carroll
The Effects of Internal and External Turbulence on Structural Reorganization, Samina Karim and Tim N. Carroll
The effects of internal and external turbulence on structural reorganization, Samina Karim and Tim N. Carroll
The Effects Of Leadership Training On Inter-Personal And Intra-Personal Development, James Mitchell Perry
The effects of parent effectiveness training on parents' personal and child rearing values, James Lee Witty
The Effects Of Peer Administered Methods For Increasing Social Interaction Between Young Handicapped And Nonhandicapped Children, Marilyn Kathleen Errett
The effects of peer leaders and social cognitive skills components in a safer sex intervention on a college campus, Patricia Kate Stegall-Harris
The effects of performance feedback on job performance and attendance in a volunteer program for adults with mental illness, Cynthia J. Lopez
The effects of personological aptitudes and method of instruction on cognitive and affective learning of interpersonal relationship skills, James Joseph Lynn
The effects of respiration biofeedback on participants with irritable bowel syndrome: A multiple-baseline design study, Natalie Louise Baccelli
The effects of sentence combining on the written expression skills of students with serious emotional disturbances, Cynthia Gargan First
The effects of stimulus complexity on the verbal behavior of individuals with chronic schizophrenia, Shannon Lisa Nichols
The effects of student study team training on the number of referrals and placement of students in special education, Larry A. Mozes
The Effects Of Teacher In-Service Training In Values Clarification On Attitudes Of Elementary School Students Toward Themselves, School, And The Teacher, Michael Nathan Coy
The effects of the Lions-Quest "Skills for Adolescence" program on self-esteem development and academic achievement at the middle school level, Gloria Hermanson Heinemann
The effects of therapeutic morning meetings as a socio-emotional, behavioral, and academic intervention on middle school students with emotional disturbance, Bryan A. Pfitzer
The Effects Of The Wise Self-Esteem Project Upon The Development Of Self-Esteem In Primary Grade Children, Wendy E. Wise
The Effects Of Two Types Of Group Counseling Upon The Academic Achievement And Self-Concept Of Mexican-American Pupils In The Elementary School, Paul Frank Leo
The Effects Of Using A Cooperative Group Meeting System To Improve Socially Relevant Behaviors Of Delinquent Boys, Darel Floyd Sorensen
The Effects of Water Quality on Tadpole Development, Rebecca Lee and Lillian Phan
The effects of word processing and two common instructional methods on the essay revisions of twelfth grade students, Jon Louis Walther
The efficacy of the Das Naglieri Cognitive Assessment System to discriminate between children with reading disabilities and children without reading disabilities, Randhir S. Bains
The elementary and middle school principals' role in the involvement of Mong parents in their children's education, Xue Wang Lee
The Emerging Framework of China's Business Organizations Law, Guanghua Yu
The Endangered Species Act Applies Extraterritorially. Defenders of Wildlife v. Lujan, 911 F.2d 117 (8th Cir. 1990), Bradley J. Epstein
The Epistemology Of John Amos Comenius, William Edward Geffrey
The equalizing effects of federal aid among California elementary and unified school districts, Lyndon Gerald Furst
The Equivalence Test and Sarbanes-Oxley: Accommodating Foreign Private Issuers and Maintaining the Vitality of U.S. Markets, Matthew M. Benov
The Ethical and Religious in Kierkegaard, Lou Matz
The European Commission's Antitrust Analysis of High-Technology Joint Ventures and Strategic Alliances: A Diverging Analysis?, David S. Barrett
The evolution of student engagement: Writing improves teaching in introductory biology courses, Eileen K. Camfield and Kirkwood M. Land
The exploration of teacher methods in student engagement, Christine Curlee Whitaker
The expression of the BDNF family of neurotrophic factors in dental pulp stem cells within adult teeth, Patrick Suezaki, Der Thor, and Nan (Tori) Xiao
The FCSM Corporate Governance Code for Russian Companies, Roswell B. Perkins
The Fed's New Model of Supervision for "Large Complex Banking Organizations": Coordinated Risk-Based Supervision of Financial Multinationals for International Financial Stability, Cynthia Crawford Lichtenstein
The Female Body as Makeover Project in Vapor by Julieta García González, Traci Roberts-Camps
The Female Body as Project in Julieta García González’s Vapor, Traci Roberts-Camps
The Female Body as Spectacle: Ángel de fuego and La mujer del pueblo: Otilia Rauda by Dana Rotberg, Traci Roberts-Camps
The Female Body as Spectacle: Ángel de fuego by Dana Rotberg, Traci Roberts-Camps
The Female Image In The Caldecott Medal Award Books, Patricia Lee Brighton Roberts
The Financial Cost of Obesity in Thoracic Trauma: 1489 Board #164 June 1 8, Alexis King, Lewis Jacobson, Jonathan Saxe, and Courtney D. Jensen
The First of Many Steps: The EU Unitary Patent, Software, and What the United Kingdom Should Do Next, Ronak Patel
The Five Old Testament Plays Of The Chester Cycle: A Paradigm Of Salvation-History, Richard Floyd Norlin
The Fog of Nation Building: Lessons from Kosovo?, Edwin Villmoare
The Future Continuing Professional Development Needs Of School Principals As Viewed By Principals, Superintendents, Teachers, And Boards Of Education, Nicholas Joseph Gennaro
The Future of Downtown Stockton: A Multi-Use Development, Jayanne V. Asuncion, Amer Alamoudi, Mauricio Arias, and Chengyao Wang
The Genesis and Development of "Parker's Back", Kara Pratt Brewer
The Ghana Free Zone Act, Kofi Oteng Kufuor
The Giants Will Stay - Now What?, Nick Labash
The Globalization of Corporate and Securities Law: An Introduction to a Symposium, and an Essay on the Need for a Little Humility When Exporting One's Corporate Law, Franklin A. Gevurtz
The Globalization of Insider Trading Prohibitions, Franklin A. Gevurtz
The Golden State’s ‘High’ Expectations: Will California Realize the Fiscal Benefits of Cannabis Legalization?, George Theofanis
The Gold Fish, Viktoria Tamas
The Governor's Office, University of the Pacific; McGeorge School of Law
The Grand Jury and Capital Punishment: Rethinking the Role of an Ancient Institution under the Modern Jurisprudence of Death, James R. Acker
The Gulf of Mexico: A Binational Lake Shared by the United States and Mexico. A Proposal, Jorge A. Vargas
The Historical Geography of the Colorado Plateau, 1539-1991, Michael J. Wurtz
The History, Development and Changing Environment of Protecting Computer Software against Copyright Violation in Brazil, Theodore G. Bryant
The Human Right to Water in the United States: Why So Dangerous?, Emily M. Thor
The Identification And Analysis Of Certain Value Orientations Of Two Generations Of East Indians In California, Lawrence Allen Wenzel
The Identification Of Culturally-Different Gifted And Talented Children (California), Narcisa Ann C. Tuliao
The immature stages and natural history of Veladyris pardalis (Salvin, 1869) in eastern Ecuador (Lepidoptera, Nymphalidae, Ithomiinae), H. F. Greeney, Ryan I. Hill, M. R. Hualinga, W. R. Simbana, and G. Gentry
The Impact Of Back-To-Basics Education Upon Creativity, Affectivity, And Achievement Of Elementary School Children, Judith Sleppy Ladner
The impact of cohort support on learning to teach within California's District Intern Programs, Catherine Ann Lemmon
The Impact of Donald Trump’s Tweets on College Student Civic Engagement in Relation to his Perceived Credibility and Expertise, Thalia Bobadilla
The impact of increased graduation requirements on the high school population of Stockton Unified School District, Donald Lee Bradstreet
The impact of library information literacy instruction on the subsequent academic performance of community college students in online courses, Evia Briggs Moore
The Impact Of Parent Effectiveness Training On Parent Attitudes And Children'S Behavior., Alice Gates Lewis
The Impact Of Programed Tutoring On The Reading Achievement Of Lower Achieving Second Grade Children From Low-Income Areas, Keith Eugene Hartwig
The Impact of Public School Attributes on Home Sale Prices in California, William E. Herrin and David E. Clark
The Impact Of S.B. 90 On Fiscal Equity, Equalization Of Educational Opportunity, And The Purposes Of Expenditures Among California Schools., Louis Paul Martini
The impact of the 2003 California Preliminary Administrative Services credential requirements on educational administration programs in institutions of higher education, Michele Tamamian Cole
The impact of the "C" average policy on the academic achievement and attendance of student-athletes at Stagg High School between 1981 and 1983, Jean Katherine Fitzgibbons
The Impact Of The Introductory Year Program At The College Of Pacific On Students' Intellectual Orientation, Michael Charles Bouchard
The Implementation and Adoptability of Behavioral Skills Training in a Career Center, Vinthia Wiryananda Wirantana
The implementation and adoptability of behavioral skills training in a career center, Vinthia Wiryananda Wirantana, Corey S. Stocco, and Carolynn S. Kohn
The implementation of California's Senate Bill 1969: A case study of one school district's approach to the staff development and alternative certification, Sheilla Suzonn Meinyer Rocha
The Implications of the New "Old" Federalism in Climate-Change Legislation: How to Function in a Global Marketplace When States Take the Lead, Robert B. McKinstry Jr. and Thomas D. Peterson
The Importance of Adiposity to the Cancer Patient Initiating Exercise: 2879 Board #162 June 1 2, Alexia Amo, Cynthia Villalobos, Justin Brown, Paul Vosti, and Courtney D. Jensen
The Importance of Corporate Law: Some Thoughts on Developing Equity Markets in Developing Economies, Troy Paredes
The importance of having warm and caring teachers for children with behavior problems, Joseph B. Miller
The Indeterminate International Law of Jurisdiction, the Presumption Against Extraterritorial Effect of Statutes, and Certainty in U.S. Criminal Law, Kenneth S. Gallant
The Indian Captivity Narrative: An American Genre, Richard Van Der Beets
The inequity of Title I: A study of congressional education policy formation, Frank Frank Kardos
The influence of a freshman orientation course on the academic performance and retention of new community college students, Stacey Yolanda Robles
The influence of bimodal combinations of audio, visual, and textual components on recall of content material, Shann Ethelbert Sagles
The influence of charter school organization and governance on curriculum and assessment: A case study, Brenda Jane Chapman
The Influence of Physical Activity Level on Quality of Life and Global Index of Medical Problems in HIV-Positive Substance Users, Courtney D. Jensen, T. J. Waler, J. C. Brown, N. M. Petry, and Linda S. Pescatello
The Influence Of The Reliability Of The Dependent Variable On Statistical Power, Theresa M. Housden
The influence of the superintendent on principal instructional leadership, Deborah Tamara Walker
The Influence of Yoga and Stress Management Intervention on Physical Activity and Function among College Students: 952 Board #367 May 28, 2, Ji Jung, Hyungyu Suh, Courtney D. Jensen, Tosca Braun, Kristen Riley, Crystal Park, and Linda S. Pescatello
The Influences Affecting Curriculum Change In Selected Educational Agencies Employing Consultants In The Social Sciences Through Ndea Title Iii-B, Madge Arlene Young
The Influences of a Mariachi Education on Student Perceptions of Academic Achievement, Academic Attainment, and Student Engagement, Victoria Lynn Smith
The Interior Plan of a Workable Little Theater for Napa College, Dayton Coffey
The International Rule of Law: Coordination and Collaborationin Global Justice / 2012 Report, Brandeis Institute for International Judges (BIIJ)
The interrelationship and diagnostic utility of memory and reaction time in concussed students, Maggie E. Bristow, Cali A. VanValkenburg, Gianna D. Maragliano, Vincent C. Nittoli, Adam W. Shunk, Courtney D. Jensen, and J. Mark Van Ness
The Interrelationship and Diagnostic Utility of Memory and Reaction Time in Concussed Students: 971 Board #232 May 30 3, Margaret Bristow, Cali VanValkenburg, Gianna Maragliano, Vincent Nittoli, Adam Shunk, and Courtney D. Jensen
The Interrelationship Between Depression and Hemoglobin: Men Are Affected More Than Women, Tina Bhateja, Jonathan Saxe, Lewis Jacobson, and Courtney D. Jensen
The Intersection of Intellectual Property and Antitrust Law: In re Independent Service Organizations Antitrust Litigation, Matthew G. Jacobs and Michael S. Mireles
The Kidney as a Hub for pH Modulation: The Interrelationship of Lactate, Pulse, and Blood Pressure, Roman Musselman, J. Mark Van Ness, Greg Roberts, Jonathan M. Saxe, Lewis E. Jacobson, and Courtney D. Jensen
The Killers at The Staples Center, Rebeca Zepeda
The Kinetics And Mechanism Of The Reaction Of Chromium(II) With Pentaaquodiiodomethyl Chromium(III) And Pentaaquomonoiodomethyl Chromium(III) Ions., Ronald Sinclair Nohr
The Landmark Abortion Decisions: Justifiable Termination or Miscarriage of Justice?--Proposals for Legislative Response, Arthur G. Scotland
The Law And Survival In A Technological Era, John W. Gofman and Arthur R. Tamplin
The Law of Hazardous Wastes and Toxic Substances in a Nutshell, John G. Sprankling and Rachael E. Salcido
The Lawyer as Charitable Fiduciary: Public Trustor Private Gain?, Ronald Chester
The leadership styles of principals involved in a change process and their perceptions of bilingual education, Catherine E. Nichols
The Legacy of Dave and Iola Brubeck, Michael J. Wurtz
The Legal Framework for Regulating the Global Enterprise Going into the New WTO Trade Round - A Backward and a Forward Glance, Cynthia Day Wallace
The Legislative Action Coalition for Arts Education (LACAE): Emergence of an alliance for political influence in California, Karolyn J. "Kandy" Kanne
The Legislature's Response to Serrano v. Priest, Alan A. Post and Richard W. Brandsma
The Lessons of Seattle: Learning from the Failed Third WTO Ministerial Conference, Ewell E. Murphy, Jr.
The library and student life: Activist partnerships in first year experience programs, Michelle M. Maloney, Joanna Royce-Davis, and Elizabeth Griego
“The light in which we are”: Evolution of Indian identity in the schooling of Native Americans in the United States, Michael Philip Capurso
"The Long Arm of the Law" --European Merger Regulation and Its Application to the Merger of Boeing and(&) McDonnell Douglas, Thomas P. O'Toole
The Lower Colorado River Multi-Species Conservation Program, Jeffrey Kightlinger
The Major Projects Arrangements -- Is it a Solution to Japan's Closed Construction Market?, R. Allen Ennis Jr.
The Maquiladoras and Hazardous Waste: The Effects under NAFTA, Stephen M. Lerner
The Match Of Style And Conceptual Level Of University Supervisors With Student Teachers In Relationship To Supervisor Effectiveness, Joyce Burton Shahzade
The meaning and perceived effects of a spiritual retreat for adolescent males with personal/interpersonal problems, Paul C. Seishas
The Measurement And Analysis Of Iranian Student Satisfaction In Selected California Universities, Valiollah Farzad
The mobility strategies of successful Hispanic high school students, Maria J. Chairez
The moral and academic tacit curriculum in higher education, Linda Sue Thomas
The Mortgage Banker-Industrial Loan Company: A New Exempt Lender, J Mark Waxman
The Moscone Democrat, George Moscone Campaign
The Moscone Insider, Moscone's Campaign for Governor
The NAFTA's Rules of Origin, Certificate of Origin, and Record-Keeping Requirements: The Disadvantage to Small Business, William J. Kovatch, Jr.
The Napster Case: The Whole World is Listening, Grace J. Bergen
The need for (em)powerful teaching, Eileen K. Camfield
The Nestle Infant Formula Controversy: Restricting the Marketing Practices of Multinational Corporations in the Third World, Nancy Ellen Zelman
The New Chinese Export: Orphaned Children--An Overview of Adopting Children From China, Robert S. Gordon
The New Euro: The Legal Continuity of Contracts Based on the Franc When France Converts to the Euro, Ted Karr
The New Law of Product Liability in the Federal Republic of Germany, Michael A. Veltins
The Next "Little Tiger": Manufacturing and Intellectual Property Rights in Thailand, Into Bo Champon
The Omnibus Hearing: A Proposal for California Criminal Pretrial Motion Procedure, James F. Geary
Theorema arithmeticum eiusque demonstratio, Leonhard Euler
Theorema maxime memoragile circa formulam integralem ∫dϕ cos(λϕ)/(1+aa–2acos(ϕ))n+1, Leonhard Euler
Theoremata arithmetica nova methodo demonstrata, Leonhard Euler
Theoremata circa divisores numerorum, Leonhard Euler
Theoremata circa divisores numerorum in hac forma paa±qbb contentorum, Leonhard Euler
Theoremata circa reductionem formularum integralium ad quadraturam circuli, Leonhard Euler
Theoremata circa residua ex divisione potestatum relicta, Leonhard Euler
Theoremata quaedam analytica, quorum demonstratio adhuc desideratur, Leonhard Euler
Theorematum quorundam ad numeros primos spectantium demonstratio, Leonhard Euler
Theorematum quorundam arithmeticorum demonstrationes, Leonhard Euler
Theoria motus corporum solidorum seu rigidorum, Leonhard Euler
Theoria motus lunae exhibens omnes eius inaequalitates, Leonhard Euler
Theoria motuum lunae, Leonhard Euler
Theoria motuum planetarum et cometarum, Leonhard Euler
Theoria parallaxeos, ad figuram terrae sphaeroidicam accomodata, Leonhard Euler
Théorie complette de la construction et de la manoeuvre des vaisseaux, Leonhard Euler
Théorie générale de la Dioptrique, Leonhard Euler
Théorie plus complette des machines qui sont mises en mouvement par la réaction de l'eau, Leonhard Euler
The Pacific Alumni April 1924, Pacific Alumni Association
The Pacific Alumni December 1923, Pacific Alumni Association
The Pacific Alumni February 1924, Pacific Alumni Association
The Pacific Alumni February 1925, Pacific Alumni Association
The Pacific Alumni February 1929, Pacific Alumni Association
The Pacific Alumni January 1924, Pacific Alumni Association
The Pacific Alumni July 1924, Pacific Alumni Association
The Pacific Alumni July 1928, Pacific Alumni Association
The Pacific Alumni June 1925, Pacific Alumni Association
The Pacific Alumni March 1924, Pacific Alumni Association
The Pacific Alumni March-April 1925, Pacific Alumni Association
The Pacific Alumni May 1924, Pacific Alumni Association
The Pacific Alumni May 1927, Pacific Alumni Association
The Pacific Alumni May 1929, Pacific Alumni Association
The Pacific Alumni November 1923, Pacific Alumni Association
The Pacific Alumni November 1924, Pacific Alumni Association
The Pacific Alumni November 1926, Pacific Alumni Association
The Pacific Alumni November-December 1928, Pacific Alumni Association
The Pacific Alumni October 1928, Pacific Alumni Association
The Pacific Alumni October 1929, Pacific Alumni Association
The Pacific Alumni September 1928, Pacific Alumni Association
The Pacifican April 26, 2018, University of the Pacific
The Pacifican December 6, 2018, University of the Pacific
The Pacifican November 8, 2018, University of the Pacific
The Pacifican October 11, 2018, University of the Pacific
The Pacifican October 25, 2018, University of the Pacific
The Pacifican September 13, 2018, University of the Pacific
The Pacifican September 21, 2017, University of the Pacific
The Pacifican September 27, 2018, University of the Pacific
The Pacific Seminars and LEAP, Lou Matz
The Painter’s Pallet, Kimberly Jackson
The Penal Ombudsman: A Step toward Penal Reform, Brian Taugher
"The People Could Fly": An original musical composition to enhance the learning environment of African-American school students and provide an additional resource for elementary multicultural education, Marvin Vernell Curtis
The Perceived Effect Of Collective Bargaining On The Role Of High School Principals In California, Marsha Kay Speck
The perceived impact of campus beautification in middle school students' behavior and academic performance, Kirk S. Nicholas
The perceived transformational leadership traits of principals of restructuring elementary schools in California, Kathleen McLaughlin Boomer
The Perception Of Musical Intervals: The Theory Of Property Arrays, Aikin Orange Connor
The perceptions and experiences of principals in increasing student achievement on the Stanford 9 Achievement Test at the middle school level, Shelly Danette Long
The perceptions of African American fourth grade students about their school experience, Katie Coleman Peters
The perceptions of at risk students regarding their experiences in educational settings, Merrily Ruth Worrell
The Philosophy Of Sri Ramana Maharshi, David Benjamin White
The Prediction Of University Residence Counselor Effectiveness Utilizing The Criterion Referenced Leaderless Group Interview, Rotter Internal/External Locus Of Control Scale And The California Psychological Inventory, Richard Edward Harkness
The Preparation And Characterization Of The Palladium(Ii) And Platinum(Ii) Chelates Of Three Cyclic Tertiary Amino Acids., Floyd Michael Hogue
The Preparation And Determination Of Some Of The Properties Of The Dicarboxylic Amino Acid Chelates Of Platinum(Ii) And Palladium(Ii), Gordon Harold Williams
The Preschool Language-Cognitive Skills Assessment for Curriculum Entry Test: Predictive validity in relation to academic school achievement of early grade level boys and girls, Judy Basta-Brislain
The presentation of gender images in reading textbooks for early elementary school children, Hanna Zofia Nowakowska
The Price of Cotton: The San Joaquin Valley Cotton Strike of 1933, Katelyn Patricia Getchel
The Principal And Principalship Of Seventh-Day Adventist Elementary Schools In The Southwestern United States, Donald Ross Sahly
The Procedure for Obtaining Evidence in England and Wales for Use in United States Proceedings, Peter Summerfield and Steven Loble
The Progressivist Origins of the 2003 California Gubernatorial Recall, Kira L. Klatchko
The Promise of the Brundtland Report: Honored or Betrayed?, Alberto Szekely
The provision of social support to injured high school football players: The role of the head coach, Valerie Jane O'Carroll
The Quality Schools initiative: Analysis of an educational reform as perceived by principals K-12 consortium schools, John L. Dryden
Therapeutic Communities, Tim N. Carroll
Therapeutic interventions for individuals with Alzheimer’s disease and dementia, Preeti Deshpande Oza
Therapeutic Volunteering to Improve Participation and Physical Activity for Survivors of Brain Injury: A Community-based Initiative, Preeti Deshpande Oza and Rachel K. Stark
Therapeutic Volunteering to Improve Participation and Physical Activity for Survivors of Stroke and Brain Injury: A Community-based Initiative, Preeti Deshpande Oza and Rachel K. Stark
The Rational Investigation of Anti-Cancer Peptide Specificity using the Knob-Socket Model, Shivarni Patel
The reciprocal relationships among the school culture, leadership, and innovations in seven California model continuation high schools, Jorge Octavio Ayala
The Recognition and Enforcement of Foreign Judgments under Brazilian Law and the Uniform Foreign Money-Judgments Recognition Act, Chin Kim and Gretchen Cowen
The Relation between Child Temperament and Mothers' Response to Children's Emotions: The Role of Child Age and Child Gender, Hilary Renee Bougher, Jessica Stoltzfus Grady, Amy Elizabeth Root, and Stephanie Clarke
The Relationship Between Academic Stress and Skeletal Muscle Performance: 3367 Board #272 June 2 3, Voon Chia, Angie Wei, Cynthia Villalobos, Nicole Laskosky, and Courtney D. Jensen
The Relationship Between A Kindergarten Screening Test And Other Measures, Mary Page Mcguire
The relationship between attachment, behavior problems, and parental stress in language delayed and non-language delayed children, Jodi Deeann Snyder
The relationship between body dysmorphic symptoms measure and social anxiety symptoms measures in a sample of ethnically diverse adolescents, Sheava Tania Zadeh
The Relationship Between Children's Personal-Social Adjustment And Their Perception Of Adults' Nonverbal Behavior: An Exploratory Study, Madeline Jeanette Bunning
The relationship between early maladaptive schemas and job burnout among public school teachers, George John Rittenmyer
The relationship between home environment and reading achievement among Filipino-American grade three and grade five pupils, Evelyn V. Guiang
The relationship between interpersonal competence, participation in student government, and the learning goals of a university, Gregory Rahn Lehr
The Relationship Between Perceived Locus Of Control And Achievement Among Filipino-American Students In The Elementary Grades., Estela Guevara Pinga
The relationship between performance variables and 10K race time in elite wheelchair athletes, Fred D. Baldini, Ann G. Soulle-Miller, J. Mark Van Ness, and Rose A. Cooper
The relationship between principal perceived success in the implementation of shared decision-making programs and personality type for elementary school principals from a rural northern California county, Hardl Alan Matthewson
The relationship between runners' environmental paradigm and their motives to participate in an urban or rural marathon, Melissa J. Davies, Eric Hungenberg, and T. Aicher
The Relationship Between Selected Home Experiences Of Iranian Preschool Children And Their Level Of Achievement In Language Skills And Learning Of Basic Concepts., Parvin Boroumand
The relationship between self-concept and locus of control and patterns of eating, exercise, and social participation in older adults, Alice G. Bonds
The Relationship of Androgyny and Self-Esteem in Women including the Demographic Aspects of Marital Status, Educational Level and Age, Edwina R. F. Serventi
The relationship of coping style, depression and functional impairment in stroke patients and their caregivers, Cynthia L. Anderson
The Relationship Of Location To The Effectiveness Of Marriage Enrichment Retreats And Workshops, Lavon W. Rupel
The relationship of placement in Spanish/English bilingual classrooms to the achievement of native-English speakers, Elmano Martins Costa
The Relationship Of Reading Achievement To Visual And Auditory Perceptual Recall For Elementary School Pupils In A Multi-Ethnic Setting, Vicki L. Brummel Barber
The relationship of self-adequacy, language proficiency and truancy among Laotian immigrant high school students, Daisy Man Ching Lee
The relationship of self-concept and and academic achievement of educationally handicapped pupils, Violet Dolores Quimby
The Relationship Of Socio-Economic Status To Attitude Toward Music And Home Musical Interest In Intermediate-Grade Children., James Darrell Crawford
The relationship of Tech Prep programs to student enrollment and retention in a California community college, Sheila Denise White-Daniels
The relationship of type of placement and program duration to the academic self-esteem of learning-handicapped elementary students, Jack B. Taylor
The relationships among gifted program placement, self -concept, and academic achievement of gifted ninth-grade students, Jose Manuel Avila
The relationships among psychosocial developmental status, self -esteem, locus of control, and teacher efficacy for teachers from preservice to experienced, Sharon Ann Marie Senior
The Relationships Between Housing Quality and Occupant Health in Uganda, William E. Herrin, Michelle M. Amaral, and Arsene M. Balihuta
The reported shared experiences of six single mothers raising sons, Karen G. Twaddell
The Resource Specialist Role In California: An Analysis Of Perceptions, Eleanor Marie Landon
The responsibilities and leadership attributes of principals in opening newly constructed schools, Joseph Santos
The Risks and Rewards of Renegotiating the North American Trade Relationship, David Gantz
Thermochemical Bond Energy Studies Of Various Transitional-Metal Bis-Beta-Diketone Compounds And Their Inner Orbital Splittings By Bomb Calorimetry, Charles Irvin Drew
Thermochemistry of the Smallest QOOH Radical from the Roaming Fragmentation of Energy Selected Methyl Hydroperoxide Ions, Kyle Covert, Judit Zádor, Andras Bodi, Krisztián Torma, Krisztina Voronova, and Bálint Sztáray
Thermoregulation, Strokes, and Dementia: A Healthy Heart Begets a Healthy Brain, Saejel G. Mohan, J. Mark Van Ness, Jonathan M. Saxe, Greg Roberts, Lewis E. Jacobson, and Courtney D. Jensen
The Road Less Traveled: a Bifunctional Molecular Approach to Cancer Medicine, Amy D. Xiao
The Rock 2017, School of Engineering and Computer Science
The Rock 2018, School of Engineering and Computer Science
The Role And Primary Responsibilities Of The Program Specialist In The California Special Education Local Plan Areas: A Consensus Model, Cheryl Ann Mcelhany
The role of adenosine receptors in the osteoblast differentiation – preliminary results, Soroush Ghaffarpour, Michael Pedram, Erivan Schnaider Ramos-Junior, David M. Ojcius, and Ana Carolina Morandini
The role of Aryl Hydrocarbon Receptor (AhR) signaling pathway in oral squamous cell carcinoma (OSCC): preliminary results., Renee Lee, Cui Xu, Leticia Ferreira, Ana Carolina Morandini, and Erivan Ramos-Junior
The role of beliefs among community college teachers working in culturally diverse classrooms, Ana Maria de Barling
The Role Of Directors Of State And Federal Categorical Programs In California School Districts, Wanda Celesta Cusumano
The Role Of Educational Leadership In Managing A Change Process., Burnell Evart Johnson
The Role of Ethnicity in Developing Cardiovascular Disease in At-Risk Populations: 1457 Board #265 May 31 9, Nguyen Nguyen, Cynthia Villalobos, Natalie Figueroa, Tristan Kittinger, Paul Vosti, and Courtney D. Jensen
The role of IL-1β in ectonucleotidases and adenosine receptors expression by human gingival fibroblasts – preliminary results, Michael Pedram, Soroush Ghaffarpour, Erivan Schnaider Ramos-Junior, Miroslav Tolar, and Ana Carolina Morandini
The Role of Inhibitory Control in Shy Toddlers' Adjustment, Jocelyn Camargo
The role of inhibitory control in shy toddlers’ adjustment, Jocelyn Camargo and Jessica Stoltzfus Grady
The Role of Judicial Independence, Brian K. Landsberg
The Role of Law, Science, and the Public Process: Practical Lessons from Lake Champlain (USA and Canada) and Lake Ohrid (Macedonia and Albania), Mary C. Watzin
The role of neurotrophic factors in dental pulp stem cells, Kamille Mercado and Nan (Tori) Xiao
The Role of Party-Appointed Arbitrators in International Arbitration: The Experience of the Iran-United States Claims Tribunal, Richard M. Mosk
The role of self-efficacy in goal-related and intervention-based memory change, Robin Lea West, K. A. Smith, and Carla M. Strickland-Hughes
The role of support groups on the Internet for those suffering from chronic kidney disease, Ben Gordon Quick
The role of the Campus Technologist in diffusing innovation at a Central Texas high school, Sandra J. Melendez
The role of the principal in reducing teacher isolation, promoting collegiality, and facilitating beginning teacher induction, Randall Glenn Baker
The Role Of The Student Activities Administrator In The California Public High School, Joseph Roberts
The role of the university library in supporting international student transition: Insights from an Australian-American case study, Hilary Hughes, Liz Cooper, Michael Flierl, Mary M. Somerville, and Niraj Chaudhary
The roles of elementary school administrators and the obstacles they encounter in the process of implementing and maintaining dual immersion programs in California, Anel-Janeth Ramirez
The Russian Federation Law on Regulation of the Securities Markets, Karl William Viehe, Richard P. Bernard, Allan Roth, and Yan Melkumov
The Secondary Market: A Model of Misdirection, Joe DeMars
The Secrets of Success: Confidential Business Information in the Czech and Slovak Republics, Jennifer Felicia Swiller
The Sex Discrimination Provisions of Title VII: A Maturing Controversy, Jonathan J. Wilcox
The Shrinking Dead Sea and the Red-Dead Canal: A Sisyphean Tale?, Stephen C. McCaffrey
The Sixth Fractured Rib: A Threshold for Treatment Decisions, Courtney D. Jensen, Michelle M. Amaral, William E. Herrin, Lewis E. Jacobson, Kathy L. Leslie, Lariel J. Mateo, and Jonathan M. Saxe
The Social Climate Of The American Roman Catholic High School Seminary With Special Reference To The Generation Of Group Value Orientations, Martin Winfrid Davis
The Social Responsibility of Large Multinational Corporations, Douglas M. Branson
The Sovereign Should Be Liable for the Wrongful Injury of Prisoners, Charles W. Sanders
The Status of the Cable Antenna Television Industry in California and a Proposal for State Regulation, George E. Danielson and Robert J. Wheeler
The stories of public school teachers who hold doctorates: A narrative study, Christine Marie Kerfoot
The Story of the Stained Glass Window in the Alumni House, Michael J. Wurtz
The Structural Properties of Sustainable, Continuous Change: Achieving Reliability through Flexibility, Dorthe Dejbak Håkonsson, Peter Klaas, and Tim N. Carroll
The Subangelic Vision Of Saul Bellow: A Study Of His First Six Novels, 1944-1964, Robert Roy Dutton
The Sultry Queens of ‘King’ Have Arrived, Mellany Dotson
The Supreme Court's 1987-88 Term: Implications for the Transnational Practitioner, J. Clark Kelso
The Suspended Landscape: Celan's Spatial Trauma and the Poetic Abyss, Domenic A. Suntrapak
The Synthesis Of 2-(3-Furyloxymethyl) 1,3-Dioxolane., Carl Everette Cripe
The Synthesis Of 2,6-Diamino-2,6-Dideoxy-D-Galactose., Lester Vern Smith Jr.
The Synthesis Of Benzyl N-Carbobenzoxy Beta-D-Glucosaminid Uronic Acid Derivatives, Stuart Martin Block
The Synthesis of Small Oligopeptides Containing Cysteine Residues, Danny Luu and Shelley Park
The Taking of Evidence in France, Rosemary A. Bruckner
The Teaching Of Social Values In Pre-Engineering Programs At California Public Community Colleges, Wayne Douglas Barton
The Teaching Of Ten Functional Piano Skills To Undergraduate Music Education Majors At Selected West Coast Four-Year Colleges And Universities, Robert John Hunter Jr.
The Theme Of Social Decay In The Last Five Novels Of James Fenimore Cooper, Cecil John Miller
The Thermal Rearrangement Of Triarylacetonitrile Oxides., Leslie Wayne Gibbs
The thin ideal and its relationship to depression and eating disorders: A cross-sectional study of 5th, 8th, and 12th graders, Peter J. Adams
The Time Charter in Japan: A Comparison, Hideo Yoshimoto
The total synthesis of C-glycosides by cycloaddition reactions, Jun Lu
The Traditional art of China, YiFei Di
The Training Of Human Voluntary Torsion: Tonic And Dynamic Cycloversion., Richard Balliet
The Tramp’s Web Site is Revamped, Michael J. Wurtz
The Transfer Function of a Circular Membrane Using Laser Vibrometry, Katherine Anne Ram
The transformation and development of Christian institutions of higher education, Mark Stewart
The Transformation of the Role of the State in Monitoring Large Firms in Russia: From the State's Supervision to the State's Fiduciary Duties, Andrei A. Baev
The Transition Metal Complexes Of Anthranilic Acid And Its Derivatives, Jesse Smith Decker
The Transnational Lawyer, Volume 1, 1988, University of the Pacific, McGeorge School of Law
The Transnational Lawyer, Volume 1, Issue #1, 1988, University of the Pacific, McGeorge School of Law
The treatment effectiveness of Parent -Child Interaction Therapy with depressed mother -child dyads, Lareina K. L. Ho
The Tunnel at the End of the Light: Privatization in Eastern Europe, Stephen S. Cohen and Andrew Schwartz
The Unfinished Story of Annie L. Muir, Michael J. Wurtz
The Uniform Residential Landlord and Tenant Act: Effect of Adoption on California Law, David W. Van Horne
The United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods: Encouraging the Use of Uniform International Law, Dennis J. Rhodes
The United States as a Forum for Human Rights Litigation: Is This the Best Solution, Eric Gruzen
The United States Court of International Trade: Will It Ever Be Understood, Karl Richard Tucker
The United States-Russian Federation Tax Treaty, Karl William Viehe
The U.S.-Canada Tax Treaty: Its Impact on the Cross Border Transfer of Technology, Catherine Brown
The use of a culturally sensitive video in presenting AIDS information to a Hispanic population, Elvia Barboa
The Use of Civil RICO in International Arbitration: Some Thoughts after Shearson/American Express v. McMahon, Robert M. Jarvis
The Use of Coarsened Exact Matching to Evaluate Treatment Mode in the Rib Fracture Patient, William E. Herrin, Michelle M. Amaral, Courtney D. Jensen, Jonathan M. Saxe, and Lewis E. Jacobson
The use of functional assessment and frequency building procedures to increase internal product knowledge and data entry skills among foremen in a large construction organization, Ralph N. Pampino Jr.
The Use of Mapping as an Instructional Technique with Difference Model Readers, Anne Louise Dasch
The use of prompting strategies to teach skills to children diagnosed with autism, Sara M. Weinkauf, Julie A. Ackerlund, Corey S. Stocco, Jennifer Lynn Bechtold, Claire Anderson, Nicholas R. Vanselow, Carrie Haessly, and Kevin P. Klatt
The Use of Public Funds by Private Schools via Educational Vouchers: Some Constitutional Problems, Steven R. Van Sicklen
The use of respiratory biofeedback on anxiety disorder patients with hyperventilation symptoms, Blair Frances Cardinal
The use of technology in relation to community college faculty characteristics and instructional environments, Kimberly A. Perry
The Use Of The Wechsler Intelligence Scale For Children In Differentiating Among Three Types Of Mental Defectives, Edward Gerald Tava
The utility of philately in comparative education and the analysis of higher education systems, Debra Jean Luff
The Utility of Religious Illusion: A Critique of J.S. Mill’s Religion of Humanity, Lou Matz
The utilization of value self-confrontation in increasing employment opportunities for the mentally ill, Erik Andrew Mayville
The Value of Cablevision and Its Implications on International Copyright Law and the Internet, Ernesto Omar Falcon
The Vienna Convention on Consular Relations in the United States Courts, Kelly Trainer
The Visible Self-Concept, Meghan E. Lacombe
The Voiceless Dog to the Silenced Human: Congress Incentivizing States to Report Data on the Nation’s Unprioritized Crime, Kelci S. Binau
The voices of the disenfranchised: An investigation of the perceptions of African American high school students, Shawnterra Angelique Moore-Thomas
The Year 2000 Problem: A Chilean Perspective, Octavio Gutierrez Lopez and Steven C. Bennett
The Yearly Two Foot Shelf: Suggestions for Changing our Reviewing Court Procedures, Jack Leavitt
The Zukofsky Era: Modernity, Margins, and the Avant‐Garde, Ruth Jennison. Baltimore, MD: Johns Hopkins University Press, 2012, Cosana M. Eram
Thicker Than Water: The Inequality of Water Distribution in California's Central Valley, Nicole Rosillo
Thinking and writing development in the freshman year of a general education program, Sandra Lea Mahoney
Thin Layer Chromatography Of The Platinum Metal Ions, Anthony Paul Trujillo
Thomas J. Long School of Pharmacy and Health Sciences, Diploma and Hooding Ceremony, University of the Pacific
Thoreau's Civil Disobedience: A Reassessment, Thomas Aquinas Murawski
Three case studies of female transformational elementary school administrators who facilitate change, Barbara Jeane Davis
Three letters from Euler to Daniel Bernoulli, 1734-1740, Leonhard Euler
Threshold Photoelectron Photoion Coincidence Spectroscopy of Toluene and Cycloheptatriene, Krisztian Gabor Torma, Krisztina Voronova, Andras Bodi, Patrick Hemberger, and Balint Sztaray
Through the eyes of a teacher: Teacher change in response to professional development, Debi Molina-Walters
Through the Looking Glass--Cultural Factors Affecting the Perception of the East Asian Business Partner, Duan Aline DeVore
Through the Looking Glass--Cultural Factors Affecting the Perception of the East Asian Business Partner, Duan Aline DeVore
Ticketmaster Verified Fan, Nicole Wasnock
Tiger Pathways Creating a Cohort Experience to Support First Year Students, Anne Eastlick and Jesus Margarito
Tigers in Action, University of the Pacific
Time-Critical Distributed Visualization with Fault Tolerance, Jinzhu Gao, Huadong Liu, Jian Huang, Micah Beck, Qishi Wu, Terry Moore, and James Kohl
Tired Library, Ashley Pham
Title Assurance in Sales of California Residential Realty: A Critique of Title Insurance and Title Covenants with Suggested Reforms, Jerome J. Curtis Jr.
Title Index, University of the Pacific, McGeorge School of Law
Title Index, University of the Pacific, McGeorge School of Law
Title Index, University of the Pacific; McGeorge School of Law
Title Index, University of the Pacific; McGeorge School of Law
Title Index, University of the Pacific; McGeorge School of Law
Title Index, University of the Pacific, McGeorge School of Law
Title Index, University of the Pacific, McGeorge School of Law
Title Index, University of the Pacific; McGeorge School of Law
Title Index, University of the Pacific; McGeorge School of Law
Title Index, University of the Pacific; McGeorge School of Law
Title Index to Comments/Legislative Notes/Subject Matter Index, University of the Pacific; McGeorge School of Law
Title Index to Volume 26, University of the Pacific; McGeorge School of Law
Title Page, University of the Pacific; McGeorge School of Law
Title Page, University of the Pacific; McGeorge School of Law
Title Page, University of the Pacific; McGeorge School of Law
Title Page, University of the Pacific; McGeorge School of Law
Title Page, University of the Pacific; McGeorge School of Law
Title Page, University of the Pacific; McGeorge School of Law
Title Page, University of the Pacific; McGeorge School of Law
Title Page, University of the Pacific; McGeorge School of Law
Title Page, University of the Pacific; McGeorge School of Law
Title Page, University of the Pacific; McGeorge School of Law
Title Page, University of the Pacific; McGeorge School of Law
Title Page, University of the Pacific; McGeorge School of Law
Title Page, University of the Pacific; McGeorge School of Law
Title Page, University of the Pacific; McGeorge School of Law
Title Page, University of the Pacific; McGeorge School of Law
Title Page, University of the Pacific; McGeorge School of Law
Title Page, University of the Pacific; McGeorge School of Law
Title Page, University of the Pacific; McGeorge School of Law
Title Page, University of the Pacific; McGeorge School of Law
Title Page, University of the Pacific; McGeorge School of Law
Title Page - 2002-2003, University of the Pacific, McGeorge School of Law
Title Page - 2002-2003, University of the Pacific, McGeorge School of Law
Title Page, Volume 15, 2002, University of the Pacific, McGeorge School of Law
Title Page, Volume 15, 2002, University of the Pacific, McGeorge School of Law
Title Page - Volume 4 - 1991, University of the Pacific, McGeorge School of Law
Title Page - Volume 7 - 1994, University of the Pacific, McGeorge School of Law
Title Page, Volume 7, 1994, University of the Pacific, McGeorge School of Law
Title VII Protections Do Not Extend to Americans Working Overseas. EEOC v. Arabian American Oil Co., 111 S. Ct. 1227 (1991), Jacueline E. Bailey
Together we can! Academic libraries and first-generation student success, Michelle M. Maloney
To Know the Truth Might Cast My World Away, Mia Arostigui
To Know the Truth Might Cast My World Away, Mia Arostigui
Torch of Peace, Dan Oliveri
Torts, University of the Pacific; McGeorge School of Law
Torts, University of the Pacific; McGeorge School of Law
Torts, University of the Pacific; McGeorge School of Law
Torts, University of the Pacific; McGeorge School of Law
Torts, University of the Pacific; McGeorge School of Law
Torts, University of the Pacific; McGeorge School of Law
Torts, University of the Pacific; McGeorge School of Law
Torts, University of the Pacific; McGeorge School of Law
Torts, University of the Pacific; McGeorge School of Law
Torts Review of Selected 1970 California Legislation, University of the Pacific; McGeorge School of Law
Torts Review of Selected 1972 California Legislation, University of the Pacific; McGeorge School of Law
Total Cost Method of Calculating Damages in Construction Cases, The, Bernhard A. Aaen
Total synthesis of β-aminomethyl C-glycosides and their quinoyl amides, Dmitriy Y. Gremyachinskiy
Tour idea, Wayne J. Quint
Toward a Common U.S.-Mexican Cultural Heritage: The Need for a Regional Americas Initiative in the Recovery and Return of Stolen Cultural Property, Leslie S. Potter and Bruce Zagaris
Toward a Consumer Code for California, Richard Wright
Toward Greater Certainty in Water Rights? - Public Interests Require Inherent "Uncertainty" to Support Constitutional Governance of Our State's Waters, Michael Warburton
Towards An Interactional Theory Of Educational Therapy, Johanna R. Goldsmith Bauer
Towards Effective Collaborative Analysis for Distributed Intrusion Detection, Xianlin Hu, Huaguang Song, Lane Harrison, Aidong Lu, Jinzhu Gao, and Weichao Wang
TrackHub, Edgar Eduardo Oregel, Clement Uriel Garcia, Kyle Anthony-Scott Hartman, Drew Christian Overgaard, and Ryan Tan Espinosa
Tractatus de numerorum doctrina capita XVI, quae supersunt, Leonhard Euler
Trade: The Buck Stops Here, Alan Cranston
Training low -income parents of first-grade students in paired reading: The effects on reading fluency and attitudes toward reading and school, Kathleen Hermsmeyer
Training mentally disabled individuals for effective nurse-patient communication, Ronald Dial Magno
Training Unloading During Winter Break Improves Fitness in Male Rugby Players, Jeremy P. McConnell, J. Mark Van Ness, Derrick Gleason, and Courtney D. Jensen
Train the trainer: Memory training for seniors, Robin Lea West and Carla M. Strickland-Hughes
Transactional Immunity under the California Water Code: Advance Pardon for Crimes Revealed, Tamara L. Boeck
Transboundary Movement of Hazardous Waste from the United States to Mexico, Barbara Scramstad
Transbuccal drug delivery: In vitro characterization of transport pathway of buspirone and bioadhesive drug delivery system, Kondamraj Birudaraj
Trans Diequatorially Fused Blocking Groups For Glucopyranose Derivatives, Basharat Ali Khan
Transformational Technique In Gabriel Fielding's "In The Time Of Greenbloom", May Grant Robbie
Transition, Jiachun (Vicky) Wang
Transnational Business Law in the Twenty-First Century--Introduction, John G. Sprankling
Transnational Litigation in Comparative Perspective: Theory and Application, Stephen C. McCaffrey and Thomas O. Main
Transparent Faculty Development to Promote Transparent Teaching for a New American Dream, Eileen K. Camfield, Lott Hill, Leslie Bayers, and Susan Mannon
Transportation, University of the Pacific; McGeorge School of Law
Transportation, University of the Pacific; McGeorge School of Law
Transportation and Motor Vehicles, University of the Pacific; McGeorge School of Law
Transportation and Motor Vehicles, University of the Pacific; McGeorge School of Law
Transportation and Motor Vehicles, University of the Pacific; McGeorge School of Law
Transportation and Motor Vehicles, University of the Pacific; McGeorge School of Law
Transportation and Motor Vehicles, University of the Pacific; McGeorge School of Law
Transvestite Cowboys, Thieving Brokers, and the Securities Litigation Uniform Standards Act: SLUSA's Trap for the Unwary Plaintiff, Cameron S. Matheson
Trash or Recycle: The Influence of Product Characteristics on Recycling Plastic Bottles, Mary Witkowski and Celeena Joseph
Travel in the Films of Suzana Amaral, Traci Roberts-Camps
Travis Part 1, Autumn Vancil
Treatment at a transitional residential facility: Effects on positive and negative symptomology, Maria L. Gokim
Treatment effectiveness of parent-child interaction therapy with physically abusive parent-child dyads, Sherri Yukiko Terao
Treatment of attention-maintained off-topic speech of individuals with autism during conversation, Jessica A. Sauter, Corey S. Stocco, and Rachel H. Thompson
Treatment Planning: Facially Generated, Digitally Guided, Manually Fabricated Smile Design, Neal Atul Patel
Treewise and Sequoical: John Muir and Giant Sequoia, Michael J. Wurtz
Trends in Own Recognizance Release: From Manhattan to California, Mark V. Pettine
Tria capita ex opere quodam majori inedito de theoria lunae, Leonhard Euler
Trial Court Unification: Proposed Constitutional Amendments and Commentary As Amended and Adopted by the Judicial Council, J. Clark Kelso
Trident - August 2017, Dugoni School of Dentistry
Trident - August 2018, Arthur A. Dugoni School of Dentistry
Trident - March 2018, Dugoni School of Dentistry
Trigonometria sphaerica universa, ex primis principiis breviter et dilucide derivata, Leonhard Euler
Trini to de Bone: The Impact of Migration on the Cultural Identities of Trinidadian Immigrants in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, Stephanie Zukerman
Trochoidal Milling of AlSiCp with CVD Diamond Coated End Mills, Tony Nguyen
Troilus And Criseyde: A Study In Chaucer'S Narrative Technique, Eugene Henri Soules
Truth in Evidence and the Privilege Clause--A Compromised Relationship, James R. McCall
‘Tuesday Siesta’ and ‘One of These Days’ by García Márquez, Traci Roberts-Camps
Tufas, Kyle Sabbatino
Turning the Paddlewheel Towards Inorganic Synthesis, Luis F. Leal
Twelve Mexican-Americans In Higher Education: Their Mobility Process, Karen Carlquist-Hernandez
TXO v. Alliance: Due Process Limits and Introducing a Defendant's Wealth When Determining Punitive Damages Awards, Michael J. Pepek
Typescript of Autobiography by Edmund Booth (Deaf Pioneer and California Gold Miner), Edmund Booth
Typescript of Harriet Emma (Booth) Le Clere's Remembrances of Father (Edmund Booth Deaf Pioneer and California Gold Miner), Harriet Emma Le Clere (Booth)
Typescript of Thomas Eyre Booth's Remembrances of Father (Edmund Booth Deaf Pioneer and California Gold Miner), Thomas Eyre Booth
U(1) Lattice Gauge Theory, Johnson Liu
Uberior evolutio comparationis, quam inter arcus sectionum conicarum instituere licet, Leonhard Euler
Uberior explicatio methodi singularis nuper expositae integralia alias maxime abscondita investigandi, Leonhard Euler
UbSRD: The Ubiquitin Structural Relational Database, Joseph S. Harrison, Tim M. Jacobs, Kevin Houlihan, Koenraad Van Doorslaer, and Brian Kuhlman
UbSRD: the ubiquitin structural relational database, Joseph S. Harrison
UbSRD: the ubiquitin structural relational database, Joseph S. Harrison
Ugandan immigrant students' perceptions of barriers to academic achievement in American high schools, Denis Ssekannyo
Ulterior disquitio de formulis integralibus imaginariis, Leonhard Euler
Unaccustomed Love and Grief, Nadia A. Monroy
Uncertain Future of Water Rights in California: Reflections on the Governor's Commission Report, The, Brian E. Gray
Uncertainty and Markets in Water Resources, Barton H. Thompson Jr.
Understanding and treating lying, Corey S. Stocco
Understanding the Research Perspective: Basic, Applied, and Clinical Investigations, C. R. Denegar and Courtney D. Jensen
Unit dose packaging to increase the frequency of blood glucose testing in patients with diabetes, Julie Ann Wagner
United States Foreign Banking and Investment Opportunities: Branching out to the Russian Federation, Susanna V. Pullen
United States Foreign Banking and Investment Opportunities: Branching out to the Russian Federation, Susanna V. Pullen
United States-Mexico Income Tax Treaty: Relief from Double Taxation, The, Christian A. Ameri
United States-Mexico Income Tax Treaty: Relief from Double Taxation, The, Christian A. Ameri
United States of America v. Robert Chestman: Construing the Fiduciary Relationship Element under the Insider Trading Rules, George Jensen Kunzelman
United States v. Williams: What the Grand Jury Doesn't Know Won't Hurt the Prosecutor, Timothy 35132004268603 Talbot
University College, Diploma and Hooding Ceremony, University of the Pacific
University Libraries: Looking Ahead, Mary M. Somerville
University Libraries: Research Services, Michele Gibney and Michael Ladisch
University of the Pacific 2018 Commencement, University of the Pacific
University of the Pacific Hall of Fame, University of the Pacific
University of the Pacific Lavender Graduation 2018, University of the Pacific
University of the Pacific Tweet, University of the Pacific
Unknown and Cryptic Diversity in the Adelpha serpa-group, Cassidi Rush
Unlocking the Black Box of Writing Instruction and Finding the Hope Within, Eileen K. Camfield
Unlocking the Japanese Rice Market: How Far Will the Door be Opened?, James R. Moore
"UOP Students Recreate Little Manila Neighborhood in Virtual Reality", Pedro Rivera and Fox 40 News
Up a Creek: An Introduction to the Commission's Final Report Discussion of Uncertainty in California Water Rights Law, Nirav K. Desai
Upper Market Street Flyer, [circa 1977], Bert Schwarzschild
Urban Scrawl: Satire as Subversion in Banksy's Graphic Discourse, Joshua Carlisle Harzman
U.S. Biotechnology Intellectual Property Rights as an Obstacle to the UNCED Convention of Biological Diversity: It Just Doesn't Matter, Adam L. Streltzer
Use of a performance feedback package to modify behaviors of certified nursing assistants in a psychiatric facility, Wendy M. Kale
Use of contingent monetary reinforcement and feedback to reduce smoking for adults diagnosed with schizophrenia, Eric Sandquist
Use of Project Implicit to Teach Cultural Competency to Physical Therapy Students, Preeti Deshpande Oza and J. Robel
Use of Project Implicit to Teach Cultural Competency to Physical Therapy Students, Preeti Deshpande Oza and J. Robel
Use of Stereoscopic Virtual Reality for Online Atmospheric Nucleation Research and Education, Jinzhu Gao, Logan Herche, Zeshawn Shaheen, Michael Morelli, and Dehui Qiu
Using American Medical Association guidelines for classification of disability in chronic fatigue syndrome, Christopher R. Snell, J. Mark Van Ness, Staci R. Stevens, and W. Line Dempsey
Using arbitrary reinforcers to treat the off-topic speech of an individual with autism, Kortney Katherine Classen and Corey S. Stocco
Using arbitrary reinforcers to treat the off-topic speech of an individual with autism, Kortney Katherine Classen and Corey S. Stocco
Using Behavioral Skills Training to Train Career Resource Center Staff to Use BST to Teach Job Interview Skills to College Students, Vinthia Wiryananda Wirantana, Corey S. Stocco, and Carolynn S. Kohn
Using Clickers to Gauge and Engage Students in Philosophy, Lou Matz
Using cross-disciplinary research to assess factors in STEM student success, Eileen K. Camfield, Amy Scott Brown, Delores McNair, Alex Miller, and Kirkwood M. Land
Using John Muir’s Archives in the Field to Enhance Observational Skills and Establish a Sense of Place, Michael J. Wurtz, Allison D. Jones, Kurtis C. Burmeister, and Laura K. Rademacher
Using ownership of exercise programs to enhance exercise adherence, Cathy Ann Lumb
Using Public Money to Influence the Electorate: Is There Corruption Which Needs Correction, John A. Lambeth
Using rules to improve the honest reports of children in environments with conflicting reinforcement contingencies, Jessica A. Sauter, Ingrid Saavedra, and Corey S. Stocco
Using rules to improve the honest reports of children in environments with conflicting reinforcement contingencies, Jessica A. Sauter, Ingrid Saavedra, and Corey S. Stocco
Using rules to improve the honest reports of children in environments with conflicting reinforcement contingencies, Jessica A. Sauter, Ingrid Saavedra, and Corey S. Stocco
Using Science to Build Better Learners: One School’s Successful Efforts to Raise its Bar Passage Rates in an Era of Decline, Louis Schulze
Using serial cardiopulmonary exercise tests to support a diagnosis of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, J. Mark Van Ness, Christopher R. Snell, Staci R. Stevens, and Lucinda Bateman
Using Simulation Tools to Develop Organization Designs for Fast-Track Project Teams, Tim N. Carroll
Using the constant prompt delay procedure to teach interverbal skills to young children with autism, Nicholas R. Vanselow, Jennifer Lynn Bechtold, Claire Anderson, and Corey S. Stocco
Using the 'Google Maps’ Approach for Peer Review Groups: Aligning Learning Goals with Teaching Practice, Eileen K. Camfield
Using the Medication Cabinet to Predict Fall Risk In Elderly Adults, Jessica Lopez
Using the Uganda National Panel Survey to Analyze the Effect of Staple Food Consumption on Undernourishment in Ugandan children, William E. Herrin, Michelle M. Amaral, and Graze Bulenzi Gulere
Using United States Antitrust Laws Against the Keiretsu as a Wedge into the Japanese Market., Julie A. Shepard
Using variable interval reinforcement and dependent group contingencies to increase on-task behavior in a general education classroom, Paul William Heering
Using VoiceThread to learn the endocrine system, Taylor Roemelt, Der Thor, and Nan Xiao
U.S.-Mexico Free Trade Agreement, Leonard P. Feldman
Utilization of new educational media in reading methods courses in California teacher education institutions, William Orville Woolley
Utilization Of The Illinois Test Of Psycholinguistic Abilities With Educationally Handicapped Children, Joan Melvin Smith
Utrum hic numerus 100009 sit primus necne inquiritur, Leonhard Euler
Validation Of Assessment Indicators Of General Patterns Of Psycholinguistic And Cognitive Abilities Of Young Spanish-Speaking Children (Bilingual, Translation, Tests, Language Development), Maria-Elena Sanchez
Validity Studies of the Leiter International Performance Scale for an International Middle School Population, Marvin E. Jones
Valuation of Partial Taking in Condemnation: A Need for Legislative Review, Edward J. Connor Jr.
van Bronkhorst, Warren, Doris Meyer
Varia artificia in serierum indolem inquirendi, Leonhard Euler
Variability of repeated exercise testing in patients with chronic fatigue syndrome, Christopher R. Snell, J. Mark Van Ness, Dean M. Fredrickson, David R. Strayer, E. LaRosa, and Staci R. Stevens
Variable impact by ambient temperature on fatigue resistance of heat-treated nickel titanium instruments, Ana Arias, S. Hejlawy, S. Murphy, Jose C. Macorra, Sanjay Govindjee, and Ove A. Peters
Variae considerationes circa series hypergeometricas, Leonhard Euler
Variae demostrationes geometriae, Leonhard Euler
Variae observationes circa angulos in progressione geometrica progredientes, Leonhard Euler
Variae observationes circa series infinitas, Leonhard Euler
Variae speculationes super area triangulorum sphaericorum, Leonhard Euler
Variation in and assessment of inferior alveolar nerve block landmarks in children and adolescents, Soi Park, Younjin Lee, Younyoung Lee, Tiffany Tran, and Gary D. Richards
Vaudeville was Quite the Attraction in the Roaring '20s, Jody Drake and Michael J. Wurtz
Vector Competence of Aedes sierrensis and Culex pipiens complex (Diptera: Culicidae) for Dirofilaria immitis (Spirurida: Onchocercidae) in Northern California, Jeffrey Allan Kurosaka
Vera aestimatio sortis in ludis, Leonhard Euler
Vera theoria refractionis et dispersionis radiorum rationibus et experimentis confirmata, Leonhard Euler
Vera vires existimandi ratio, Leonhard Euler
Vertical distribution, flight behavior, and evolution of wing morphology in Morpho butterflies, P. J. DeVries, Carla M. Penz, and Ryan I. Hill
Veteran teachers, innovation and change: A study of veteran teachers in a beginning technology staff development program, Randolph Kevin Schultz
Veteran teachers' perspectives on teacher evaluation and how they want to be evaluated, Fabio Robles
Victims' Bill of Rights: Where Did It Come From and How Much Did It Do, The, J. Clark Kelso and Brigitte A. Bass
Victims' Justice? Reflections on an Internship at the International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda, D. James Bjorkman
Victims' Rights and Services: A Historical Perspective and Goals for the Twenty-First Century, Aileen Adams and David Osborne
Victims' Rights Reform - Where Do We Go from Here? - More than a Modest Proposal, Glenn A. Fait
Victims' Rights Remedies, and Resources: A Maturing Presence in American Jurisprudence, George Nicholson
Victims Truth and Detention--The People Spoke, James R. Adams
VIDEO: Digital Delta program brings Stockton's Little Manila to life, University of the Pacific
Video games, aggression, and the new ESRB ratings system, Kelly Stephen Meyers
Videotape Modeling Of Self-Disclosing Behavior In Counselor Trainees In Practicum Experiences, Manouchehr Moshggou
Vierzehn Briefe oder Auszuge aus Briefen von L. Euler an W. J. G. Karsten, 1758-1765, Leonhard Euler
Vietnam's Labor Law: Can Labor Peacefully Coexist with Foreign Investment, Economic Development, and Structural Reform, Paul B. Walsh
Vietnam's Labor Law: Can Labor Peacefully Coexist with Foreign Investment, Economic Development, and Structural Reform, Paul B. Walsh
Virtual Professorship: Intellectual Property Ownership of Academic Work in a Digital Era, The, Jed Scully
Visibility Culling for Time-Varying Volume Rendering Using Temporal Occlusion Coherence, Jinzhu Gao, Jian Huang, Han-Wei Shen, and James Kohl
Visibility Culling Using Plenoptic Opacity Functions for Large Data Visualization, Jinzhu Gao, Jian Huang, Han-Wei Shen, and James Kohl
Visual Artists Rights Act of 1990--What It Does and What It Preempts, The, Joseph Zuber
Visual attention and aging: Effects of feedback on face-name memory, Carla M. Strickland-Hughes, Natalie C. Ebner, and Robin Lea West
Visualization: Seeing the Unsee-able, Jinzhu Gao
Visualization Viewpoints: Dynamic Sharing of Large-Scale Visualization, Jian Huang, Huadong Liu, Andrew Gaston, Micah Beck, Jinzhu Gao, and Terry Moore
Visual metaphors and the construction of meaning: An analysis of Baz Luhrmann's “Romeo + Juliet”, Damon I. Fugett
Vodka Tonic, Meghan Lacombe
VoiceThread promotes student centered learning by improving student discussion, Ruidan Ma, Jessie Yu, Meixun Zheng, Nan (Tori) Xiao, and Der Thor
Vollständige Anleitung zur Algebra, Erster Theil, Leonhard Euler
Vollständige Anleitung zur Algebra, Zweyter Theil, Leonhard Euler
Volume 10, Issue #1 - Table of Contents, University of the Pacific, McGeorge School of Law
Volume 10, Issue #2 - Table of Contents, University of the Pacific, McGeorge School of Law
Volume 10 - Title Page - 1997, University of the Pacific, McGeorge School of Law
Volume 10 - Title Page - 1997, University of the Pacific, McGeorge School of Law
Volume 11, Issue #1, Table of Contents, University of the Pacific, McGeorge School of Law
Volume 11, Issue #2, Table of Contents, University of the Pacific, McGeorge School of Law
Volume 11, Title Page - 1998, University of the Pacific, McGeorge School of Law
Volume 11, Title Page, 1998, University of the Pacific, McGeorge School of Law
Volume 12, Issue #1, Table of Contents, University of the Pacific, McGeorge School of Law
Volume 12, Issue #2, Table of Contents, University of the Pacific, McGeorge School of Law
Volume 12, Title Page, 1999, University of the Pacific, McGeorge School of Law
Volume 12, Title Page, 1999, University of the Pacific, McGeorge School of Law
Volume 13, Issue #1, Table of Contents, University of the Pacific, McGeorge School of Law
Volume 13, Issue #2, Table of Contents, University of the Pacific, McGeorge School of Law
Volume 13, Title Page, 2000, University of the Pacific, McGeorge School of Law
Volume 13, Title Page, 2000, University of the Pacific, McGeorge School of Law
Volume 14, Issue #1, Table of Contents, University of the Pacific, McGeorge School of Law
Volume 14, Issue #2, Table of Contents, University of the Pacific, McGeorge School of Law
Volume 14, Title Page, University of the Pacific, McGeorge School of Law
Volume 14, Title Page, University of the Pacific, McGeorge School of Law
Volume 15, Issue 1, Table of Contents, University of the Pacific, McGeorge School of Law
Volume 15, Issue 2, Table of Contents, University of the Pacific, McGeorge School of Law
Volume 17, Issue 1, Table of Contents, University of the Pacific, McGeorge School of Law
Volume 17, Issue 2, Table of Contents, University of the Pacific, McGeorge School of Law
Volume 17, Title Page, 2004, University of the Pacific, McGeorge School of Law
Volume 17, Title Page, 2004, University of the Pacific, McGeorge School of Law
Volume 18, Issue 1, Table of Contents, University of the Pacific, McGeorge School of Law
Volume 18, Issue 2, Table of Contents, University of the Pacific, McGeorge School of Law
Volume 18 - Title Page - 2004-2005, University of the Pacific, McGeorge School of Law
Volume 18 - Title Page - 2004-2005, University of the Pacific, McGeorge School of Law
Volume 1, Issue #1, Masthead, University of the Pacific, McGeorge School of Law
Volume 1, Issue #1, Preface, Gordon D. Schaber
Volume 1, Issue #1, Table of Contents, University of the Pacific, McGeorge School of Law
Volume 1, Issue #2, Table of Contents, University of the Pacific, McGeorge School of Law
Volume 21, Issue #1 - Table of Contents, University of the Pacific; McGeorge School of Law
Volume 21, Issue #2 - Table of Contents, University of the Pacific; McGeorge School of Law
Volume 21, Issue #3- Table of Contents, University of the Pacific; McGeorge School of Law
Volume 21, Issue #4- Table of Contents, University of the Pacific; McGeorge School of Law
Volume 22, Issue #1 - Table of Contents, University of the Pacific; McGeorge School of Law
Volume 22, Issue #2- Table of Contents, University of the Pacific; McGeorge School of Law
Volume 22, Issue #3- Table of Contents, University of the Pacific; McGeorge School of Law
Volume 22, Issue #4- Table of Contents, University of the Pacific; McGeorge School of Law
Volume 23, Issue #1 - Table of Contents, University of the Pacific; McGeorge School of Law
Volume 23, Issue #2- Table of Contents, University of the Pacific; McGeorge School of Law
Volume 23, Issue #3- Table of Contents, University of the Pacific; McGeorge School of Law
Volume 23, Issue #4 - Table of Contents, University of the Pacific; McGeorge School of Law
Volume 24, Issue #1 - Table of Contents, University of the Pacific; McGeorge School of Law
Volume 24, Issue #2 - Table of Contents, University of the Pacific; McGeorge School of Law
Volume 24, Issue #3- Table of Contents, University of the Pacific; McGeorge School of Law
Volume 24, Issue #4- Table of Contents, University of the Pacific; McGeorge School of Law
Volume 25, Issue #1, Table of Contents (1993), University of the Pacific; McGeorge School of Law
Volume 25, Issue 2, Table of Contents (1994), University of the Pacific; McGeorge School of Law
Volume 25, Issue 3, Table of Contents (1994), University of the Pacific; McGeorge School of Law
Volume 25, Issue 4, Table of Contents (1994), University of the Pacific; McGeorge School of Law
Volume 26, Issue 1, Masthead, University of the Pacific; McGeorge School of Law
Volume 26 Issue 1 Table of Contents, University of the Pacific, McGeorge School of Law
Volume 26, Issue 1 , Table of Contents (1994), University of the Pacific; McGeorge School of Law
Volume 26, Issue #2 - Masthead, University of the Pacific; McGeorge School of Law
Volume 26, Issue #2 - Table of Contents, University of the Pacific; McGeorge School of Law
Volume 26, Issue #3 - Masthead, University of the Pacific; McGeorge School of Law
Volume 26, Issue #3 - Table of Contents, University of the Pacific; McGeorge School of Law
Volume 26, Issue 4 - Masthead, University of the Pacific; McGeorge School of Law
Volume 26, Issue 4 - Table of Contents, University of the Pacific; McGeorge School of Law
Volume 26, Title Page, University of the Pacific, McGeorge School of Law
Volume 26 - Title Page - 1994-1995, University of the Pacific; McGeorge School of Law
Volume 27 Issue 2 Table of Contents, University of the Pacific, McGeorge School of Law
Volume 27, Title Page, University of the Pacific, McGeorge School of Law
Volume 28, Issue 2, Table of Contents, University of the Pacific, McGeorge School of Law
Volume 28, Title Page, University of the Pacific, McGeorge School of Law
Volume 2, Issue 1 - Masthead, University of the Pacific, McGeorge School of Law
Volume 2, Issue 1 - Table of Contents, University of the Pacific, McGeorge School of Law
Volume 2, Issue 2 - Table of Contents, University of the Pacific, McGeorge School of Law
Volume 2 - Title Page - 1989, University of the Pacific, McGeorge School of Law
Volume 2 - Title Page - 1989, University of the Pacific, McGeorge School of Law
Volume 31, Issue #1 - Table of Contents, University of the Pacific; McGeorge School of Law
Volume 31, Issue #2 - Board of Editors, University of the Pacific; McGeorge School of Law
Volume 31, Issue #2 - Review of the Selected 1999 California Legislation, University of the Pacific; McGeorge School of Law
Volume 31, Issue 3, Table of Contents (2000), University of the Pacific; McGeorge School of Law
Volume 31, Issue 4, Board of Editors, University of the Pacific; McGeorge School of Law
Volume 31, Issue 4, Table of Contents (2000), University of the Pacific; McGeorge School of Law
Volume 32, Issue 1, Table of Contents (2000), University of the Pacific; McGeorge School of Law
Volume 32, Issue 2, Table of Contents (2001), University of the Pacific; McGeorge School of Law
Volume 32, Issue 3, Table of Contents (2001), University of the Pacific; McGeorge School of Law
Volume 32, Issue 4, Table of Contents (2001), University of the Pacific; McGeorge School of Law
Volume 33, Issue 1,-Table of Contents, University of the Pacific; McGeorge School of Law
Volume 33, Issue 3, Table of Contents (2002), University of the Pacific; McGeorge School of Law
Volume 33, Issue 4, Table of Contents, University of the Pacific; McGeorge School of Law
Volume 34, Issue 1, Table of Contents, University of the Pacific; McGeorge School of Law
Volume 34, Issue 2, Table of Contents, University of the Pacific; McGeorge School of Law
Volume 34, Issue 3, Table of Contents, University of the Pacific; McGeorge School of Law
Volume 34, Issue 4, Table of Contents, University of the Pacific; McGeorge School of Law
Volume 35, Issue 1, Table of Contents (2004), University of the Pacific; McGeorge School of Law
Volume 35, Issue 2, Table of Contents (2004), University of the Pacific; McGeorge School of Law
Volume 35, Issue 3, Table of Contents (2004), University of the Pacific; McGeorge School of Law
Volume 35, Issue 4, Table of Contents (2004), University of the Pacific; McGeorge School of Law
Volume 36, Issue 1, Table of Contents (2005), University of the Pacific; McGeorge School of Law
Volume 36, Issue #2 - Table of Contents, University of the Pacific; McGeorge School of Law
Volume 36, Issue #3- Table of Contents, University of the Pacific; McGeorge School of Law
Volume 36, Issue #4 - Table of Contents, University of the Pacific; McGeorge School of Law
Volume 3 , Issue 1 - Table of Contents & Masthead, University of the Pacific, McGeorge School of Law
Volume 3 , Issue 2 - Table of Contents & Masthead, University of the Pacific, McGeorge School of Law
Volume 3 - Title Page - 1990, University of the Pacific, McGeorge School of Law
Volume 3 - Title Page - 1990, University of the Pacific, McGeorge School of Law
Volume 4, Issue 1, Table of Contents, University of the Pacific, McGeorge School of Law
Volume 4, Issue 2, Table of Contents, University of the Pacific, McGeorge School of Law
Volume 5, Issue 1, Table of Contents, University of the Pacific; McGeorge School of Law
Volume 5, Issue #2- Table of Contents, University of the Pacific; McGeorge School of Law
Volume 5, Title Page, 1992, University of the Pacific; McGeorge School of Law
Volume 6, Issue #1, Table of Contents, University of the Pacific; McGeorge School of Law
Volume 6, Issue #2, Table of Contents, University of the Pacific; McGeorge School of Law
Volume 6, Title Page, 1993, University of the Pacific; McGeorge School of Law
Volume 6, Title Page, 1993, University of the Pacific; McGeorge School of Law
Volume 7, Issue 1, Table of Contents, University of the Pacific, McGeorge School of Law
Volume 7, Issue 1, Table of Contents (1976), University of the Pacific; McGeorge School of Law
Volume 7, Issue 2, Table of Contents, University of the Pacific, McGeorge School of Law
Volume 7, Issue 2, Table of Contents (1976), University of the Pacific; McGeorge School of Law
Volume 8, Issue 1, Table of Contents, University of the Pacific, McGeorge School of Law
Volume 8, Issue 1, Table of Contents, University of the Pacific, McGeorge School of Law
Volume 8, Issue #2 - Table of Contents, University of the Pacific, McGeorge School of Law
Volume 8 - Title Page - 1995, University of the Pacific, McGeorge School of Law
Volume 8 - Title Page - 1995, University of the Pacific, McGeorge School of Law
Volume 8, Title Page, 1995, University of the Pacific, McGeorge School of Law
Volume 9, Issue 1, Table of Contents, University of the Pacific, McGeorge School of Law
Volume 9, Issue #2, Table of Contents, University of the Pacific, McGeorge School of Law
Volume 9 - Title Page - 1996, University of the Pacific, McGeorge School of Law
Volume 9 - Title Page - 1996, University of the Pacific, McGeorge School of Law
Volume I: The Life And Educational Contributions Of James William Harris. Volume II: Appendixes., James Edgar Hogin
Volunteer interactions at PGA Tour Events, Melissa J. Davies and Eric Hungenberg
Volunteers for Moscone, Volunteers for Moscone Orange County
Volunteers for Moscone meeting invite, Volunteers for Moscone
Von der Gestalt der Erden, Leonhard Euler
Von der Kraft der Rammen, Pfähle einzuschlagen, Leonhard Euler
Waiters or Instant Snackers?, Emily Zavalza and Jocelyn Camargo
Walker v. Superior Court: Religious Convictions May Bring Felony Convictions, Elizabeth R. Koller
Wal-Mart's agenda: “No community left behind.” A case study of Wal-Mart's communication success and lack thereof in California, Timothy Lent Howard
Walter Mondale to George Moscone, 15 November 1976, Walter Mondale
Warning Third Parties: The Ripple Effects of Tarasoff, D. L. Rosenhan and Terri Wolff Teitelbaum
Was Bedeutet "Terrorismus?", Michael P. Malloy
Watching Liability Limits under the Warsaw Convention Fly Away, and the IATA Initiative, James N. Fincher
Watching Returns, (circa 1977), Unknown
Watching the Throne: The American Reception of Jay-Z & Kanye, Ted Lin-Cereghino
Water Marketing in California Revisited: The Legacy of the 1987-92 Drought, Kevin M. O'Brien and Robert R. Gunning
Ways to Protect Your Hearing at Concerts, Monica Motta