Circa Date
circa 1887
another child had beautiful eyes. The McCloud Indians are manly looking. They show deep wrinkles when midaged about the eye angles like [sketch of eyes with] flutings of a hillside coming to focus. Or ravines [ ] at the confluence of a river with many tributaries.
One mile above Allen’s there is a fine embowered road reach, with lavish vines & Alder[s], maple[s], ashe[s] and all the shrubbery that belongs to them. With openings beyond where the sun sheds a yellow light which falls in bars across the road on brown volcanic soil. A purling stream on the right.
Found Pellaea densa at Salt Creek at an elevation of 1000 ft. Saw Pellaea mucronata, Gymnogramme, Polypodium, adiantum and Aspidium on one rock. Two new mints. One covers the ground in pale grayish patches. Low & pressed, and has spikes 8 or 10 inches long. Perhaps a sage. The other is probably a Monardella – finely fragrant. The Judas tree is common [very abundant]. In fading the leaves & pods are of a rusty dull brown.
Ash is common on streams – has gray bright bark.
The mosses of the McCloud river are in beds 3 inches thick.
Flycatchers Darlingtonia are very abundant in bogs. Leaves are 15 inches long, twisted. The true leaves are divergent, and of a red color-opening beneath. The contracted edges of the opening recurved to prevent the escape of beetles. Also the lower portion of the throat is covered with transparent bristles pointing downward. Easy to get in. Hard to get out. The top of the hood is curiously dotted with the transparent portion of [ ] and mottled with purple and roughened with glandular bristles. All beautiful to the eye, palate, and nose, above-Terrible beneath. Worms well fed on etc. -small, white jointed. Water 4 inches deep. Grasshoppers, butterflies, lady birds, ants, small flies, beetles, variously digested, and destroyed.
Legs, heads, wings in a ruinous mass. No better [set] of insect destroying conditions - of color, form, taste & mechanism could be invented.
Oct. 29. A new tree. Lawson cypress [Thuja Gigantea?] By a brookside near [Sotherns/Southems] Also the yew and flowering
Date Occurred
Resource Identifier
MuirReel32 Notebook04 Img007.Jpeg
Contributing Institution
Holt-Atherton Special Collections, University of the Pacific Library
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