Circa Date
circa 1887
X Trees 1-8 (56 seeds) 23 134 139
X Thunder storms – the Sierra clock 1 & 8 (good)
X Mosquitoes etc 9
X Tamias 11 good
X Woodchuck 13
X Birds 13 – 18
X Yo [Yosemite] 29-32 fishing (51 strength & frailty Yo [Yosemite])
X Camp fire 36, 126
X Tenaya 38 (Yo [Yosemite])
X Cathedral Peak 40, 122
XX Tuolumne Meadows 40, 46 Yosemite
X Lakes 42 [Fish] [frogs], etc.
X Days weather 43, 47, 56 Rocks Yosemite views 104
X 2 leafed pine & deer 45, 134
X workshops of Nature 48 Indians
X Occasionally meet Inds [Indians] here 49
X Yosemite 51 rocks & [front] flrs [flowers]
X Blood Canyon 78, 79
X Dwarf willow etc.
Prof Butler telepathy 18
Falls 28 32
Bears 36, 53
Sheep & water 44
Brightness of the Sierra 100
Clouds frost etc 101
The flux of Nature 102
Autumn 102-104
Mt Dana 105 Yosemite
Denudation 128-9
General view 132
Silver fir 136
Sequoia 137
Hazel Green 139 sugar pine
Bower Cave 140
[Back inside cover]
21275 141 140 26
28200 200 400
49475 28200 250
28200 400
77675 100,000
Date Occurred
Resource Identifier
MuirReel31 Notebook 009 Img062.jpg
Contributing Institution
Holt-Atherton Special Collections, University of the Pacific Library
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