
John Muir


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Circa Date

circa 1887


That I may count ye, and get the true statistics to give the Master and myself some notion How fare these flocks supernal and infernal In this section of [the] His backwoods pastures.” Then halting suddenly to blow his nose and spit, and bite off some fresh [plug] tobacco, He waves his hand and says [cries], “Now all be seated, and mix up as Ye will, But pray remember when all your hardened cases come to trial in the upper court, I fairly warned ye To settle here with me as Heavens agent, To get a ticket by the gospel route, The only route through our denomination.

And thou proud man who hath refused to stand on either side, remember thou this night in the Old Log Schoolhouse, this night of grace, When thou art sunken in the fires of [hell] Tophet. Soon thou wilt die, and soon thou’lt rise again. And next time thou art called to judgement thou shalt come to hear thy doom, “Depart ye cursed”, and when thou’rt with the devil camping thou then may wish thou hadn’t not laughed to [scorned] the high command of good Old Deacon Jones this night. See 2d pg ahead

Yet none the less, through all these pious antics, Christian words have wafted pure and holy As are the dews of heaven that bathed thy logs

when they stood green and still beneath the stars.

Universalism, much loved of sinners, Hath flourished here in all its hollow glory, soothing many a restless sin-sick conscience. For fire eternal, coolness eternal preaching for all alike, just and unjust. Proclaiming downy comfort for the thugs and harriers of mankind in heaven Beside the good whose lives are only love. Yet healing in the telling, growing red in face, like fiery orthodoxy [fighting] in a fit, dispensing brimstone. Others with voices turned to harmony celestial, and kindly eyes soft glancing Preach thus the same good sinners gospel sweet. “Oh friends and neighbors, fellow sinners, all well beloved, come to the waters, come, oh come ye good, and ye unfortunate, come ye, Bathe with me in this ocean God, this ocean of unbounded, never changing love. Saying thou, “I’m vile”, no matter darlings, For even now thou art ingulphed [engulfed] forever Deep in this conquering sea. Dost thou resist? Saying, “I seek no bath of love so lasting”. “I prefer my own good carnal comforts

Date Occurred

1856; 1860

Contributing Institution

Holt-Atherton Special Collections, University of the Pacific Library

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