Selection of reinforcement schedule type for an adolescent with fragile-x syndrome

Document Type

Conference Presentation



Conference Title

Association for Behavior Analysis


Denver, CO

Conference Dates

May 27-31, 2011

Date of Presentation



Contributing factors to treatment selection may include practicality, efficacy, and social acceptability (Hanley et al., 1997). These factors were considered when assessing the appropriateness of an FR versus RR schedule of reinforcement for task completion in an adolescent diagnosed with Fragile X Syndrome. In Experiment 1, within an alternating treatment design, FR and RR schedules were conducted throughout all waking hours in the participant's natural environment and alternated first weekly and then every two days. Although, larger PRP's were found in the FR schedules, overall rates of responding were found to be similar across the 2 schedules. In Experiment 2, the participant's preference for the FR and RR schedules was evaluated using a concurrent-chain procedure. Schedule selections were eventually allocated to the FR schedule. Implications and future research directions are discussed.

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