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Date of Award
Document Type
Dissertation - Pacific Access Restricted
Degree Name
Doctor of Education (Ed.D.)
Curriculum and Instruction
First Advisor
Marilyn Draheim
First Committee Member
Linda Webster
Second Committee Member
Vivian Snyder
Third Committee Member
John Borba
This study attempted to investigate and describe the implementation and evaluation of meta-cognitive reading comprehension strategies taught in the context of the Success For All Reading Wings program. Five teachers of fourth and fifth grade classrooms, with limited experience in a Success For All Reading Wings program at a Northern California elementary school, were sampled on a Literacy Orientation Survey (LOS), a survey of their beliefs and practices in their teaching of reading, individually interviewed about reading instruction and practices, and observed instructing students in reading comprehension using two reading strategies: clarification and summarization. The findings of the study revealed that teaching style, beliefs and practices are determined through the Literacy Orientation Survey (LOS), as well as through teacher interviews and classroom observations. Direct instruction, modeling, cooperative learning, and reciprocal teaching were used. Students were observed using meta-cognitive reading strategies, particularly clarification and summarization. Also, students improved during the ten week study in the quality of their discussions of expository text, used more questions at a higher critical level of thinking, based on Bloom's taxonomy, and achieved higher comprehension test scores on reading selections as determined by district norm-referenced tests. Implications for teaching and research are presented.
Recommended Citation
Hess, Patricia M.. (2004). A study of teachers' selection and implementation of meta-cognitive reading strategies for fourth/fifth grade reading comprehension from a Success For All reading program perspective: Moving beyond the fundamentals. University of the Pacific, Dissertation - Pacific Access Restricted.
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