Envisioning a Better World: Using Real-Life Scenarios to Promote Inclusivity and Information Agency Amongst First-Generation Students

Document Type

Conference Presentation

Conference Title

L’Association des bibliothécaires du Québec - Quebec Library Association (ABQLA) 2018 Conference, All Inclusive: Leading, Inspiring, Empowering


Quebec Library Association (ABQLA)


Montreal, Canada

Conference Dates

Friday, May 4th, 2018

Date of Presentation



This presentation will share an innovative library / writing programs partnership established at the University of the Pacific to support first-generation college students enrolled in a “transition to university” program. A real world, career/internship scenario approach is utilized, with particular emphasis on issues of social diversity, as well as social and environmental justice. Library component data shows a positive impact, especially beneficial given known risk factors to first-gen success. Writing centers are natural library partners; effective writing at the college level (and in the workplace) requires the ability to research, analyze and synthesize high-quality sources, to find the gems, among the detritus.

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