Benerd College Faculty Presentations | Benerd College | University of the Pacific
A selection of conference presentations, lecture and symposia from faculty members of Benerd College at University of the Pacific.


Presentations from 2023

Liberatory Design: Taking Action to Learn and Liberate, Karen M. Sarafian

What do we know about supporting part-time education-related credential faculty?, Jonathan S. Toccoli, Belkis Choiseul-Praslin, and Brittany Auernig-Roan

Presentations from 2022

Psychometric properties of the Spanish-translated transition assessment and goal generator, Belkis Choiseul-Praslin

Transition planning for bilingual students, Belkis Choiseul-Praslin

Parent perceptions of satisfaction, trust, and power in the IEP process, Belkis Choiseul-Praslin, M. Deardorff, and K. Yeager

Using national data to understand and prepare students with intellectual disability for inclusive higher education, Belkis Choiseul-Praslin, M. Grigal, and C. Papay

Veteran teacher perspectives, Belkis Choiseul-Praslin, C. McInnis, and Brittany Auernig-Roan

Transition planning for bilingual students with disabilities, Belkis Choiseul-Praslin and I. Plasencia De Alba

What can Think College do for you?, Belkis Choiseul-Praslin, D. L. Roberts-Dahm, and S. Miller-Raines


Impact of a community-based worksite program for students with significant disabilities, Belkis Choiseul-Praslin, C. A. Tennell, and W. R. Mitchell

Impact of a community-based worksite program for students with significant disabilities, Belkis Choiseul-Praslin, C. Tennell, and W. Mitchell

What I wish I knew conversation series, Belkis Choiseul-Praslin and R. Williams

Assessing the relationship between typologies of domestic violence and protection order violations, Jennifer Medel and Kristin Carbone-Lopez


What’s Next: Action Research for Continuous Program Improvement and Positive Social Emotional Outcomes, Karen M. Sarafian

Dental Students' Educational Experiences and Attitudes Toward Treating Patients with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities, Alya Sarkhouah, Rachelle Kisst Hackett, and Allen Wong

What is a faculty coordinator?: Boundary spanning to connect faculty with campus resources, Jonathan S. Toccoli and Ronald E. Hallett

Password & security workshop, Jonathan S. Toccoli and A. Hubbard

Benerd College’s Fall 2021 grade distribution and retention, Jonathan S. Toccoli and V. Sa

Presentations from 2021

Exploring the Impact of a Corequisite Model on Academic Performance in Precalculus: Who Benefits When?, Savita Bhagi and Rachelle Kisst Hackett

The relationship between mentoring and instructional leadership effectiveness: Gender differences between school site leaders, Kristi Britton and Rachelle Kisst Hackett

Dyslexia Screening and MTSS: Are These Two Policy Paths to the Same Goal?, Amy Scott Brown

Connecting TAGG results to the general curriculum/standards, Belkis Choiseul-Praslin

Don’t break the bank: Free transition education tools, Belkis Choiseul-Praslin

How to get the most out of the TAGG, Belkis Choiseul-Praslin

Parent perceptions of IEP meetings: An update, Belkis Choiseul-Praslin

Parent Perceptions of Satisfaction, Trust, and Power in the IEP Process, Belkis Choiseul-Praslin

TAGG results + IEP compliance, Belkis Choiseul-Praslin

Virtual teaching and transition assessments? No problem!, Belkis Choiseul-Praslin

Special education mentor training, Belkis Choiseul-Praslin and B. Auernig

Tips for the job search process, Belkis Choiseul-Praslin, V. Contesse, and V. VanUitert

Using TAGG and TAGG-A to write meaningful transition plans, Belkis Choiseul-Praslin, M. E. Deardorff, and Kendra L. Williams-Diehm

Division D in-progress research gala, Belkis Choiseul-Praslin, C. C. Esiaka, and J. Deng

Division D fireside chat - Provocations in qualitative research: Problematizing the post-qualitative research, Belkis Choiseul-Praslin and Cynthia C. Esiaka

Using Creativity Tools to Adapt, Rod P. Githens

Peer-reporting of academic dishonesty in classroom and online examinations, Myo-Kyoung Kim, Rachelle Kisst Hackett, Miki S. Park, and Justin Low

What affects pharmacy students' likelihood of reporting peers' academic dishonesty?, Myo-Kyoung Kim, Rachelle Kisst Hackett, Miki S. Park, and Justin Low

Data analysis and presentation: Introduction to PowerBI and other analytic tools, Jonathan S. Toccoli

Enterprise communication in a remote environment: Slack, Jonathan S. Toccoli

File management, sharing, and archives: SharePoint and OneDrive, Jonathan S. Toccoli

Information management: Introduction to OneNote, Jonathan S. Toccoli

Skills of success: Research based practices for graduate student success, Jonathan S. Toccoli and S. Buenrostro

Benerd College’s 10-year retention rates, graduation rates, and grade distribution, Jonathan S. Toccoli and V. Sa

Benerd Present and 10-year grade distribution, Jonathan S. Toccoli and V. Sa

Presentations from 2020

Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Dialogue: Cultivating Transformative Leaders, Laura Aguada-Hallberg

Equicentricity: From Awareness to Commitment, Laura Aguada-Hallberg


Inclusive Practices for Students with Emotional and Behavioral Disorders, Brittany Auernig-Roan

Don’t break the bank: Free transition education tools, Belkis Choiseul-Praslin

Independent living options for youth with disabilities, Belkis Choiseul-Praslin

Parent perceptions of satisfaction, trust, and power in the IEP process, Belkis Choiseul-Praslin, M. Deardorff, and K. Yeager

Post-school career and education options for youth with disabilities, Belkis Choiseul-Praslin and M. Lingo

Are you sure? Using design thinking to find the right problem, Rod P. Githens

Building Virtual Capacity for Collaboration, Rod P. Githens

Creating Inclusive and Effective Online Meetings, Rod P. Githens

Design Thinking: An Innovation Tool for Turbulent Times, Rod P. Githens

Framing programs for clarity and impact, Rod P. Githens

Using evaluation to measure our impact, Rod P. Githens

Zoom Facilitation Lab for Benerd Faculty, Rod P. Githens

Zoom Facilitation Lab for Benerd Faculty, Rod P. Githens

Equicentricity, Laura Hallberg

Leading for Equity: From Critical Reflection to Critical Analysis to Critical Action, Laura Hallberg

LGBTQ+ Community, Laura Hallberg

Skills of success: Research based practices for graduate student success, Jonathan S. Toccoli

Supporting instructors to support at-promise students: Faculty coordinators and instructors in an ecology of validation, Jonathan S. Toccoli and Ronald E. Hallett

An Ecology of Validation: Structuring Opportunities to Validate Students in a Comprehensive College Transition Program, Jonathan S. Toccoli, Rosemary J. Perez, Ronald E. Hallett, Joseph A. Kitchen, and Robert D. Reason

Presentations from 2019

Action Research for Program Evaluation and Improvement, Laura Aguada-Hallberg

Building Rome: Creating a worksite program for CLD students with severe/profound needs, Belkis Choiseul-Praslin

Career search: Finding the right job for me, Belkis Choiseul-Praslin

Don’t break the bank: Free transition education tools, Belkis Choiseul-Praslin

Don’t break the bank: Free transition education tools, Belkis Choiseul-Praslin

Effect of a worksite program for students with severe/profound needs, Belkis Choiseul-Praslin

It’s okay to be a show-off: Creating and presenting portfolios for academic success, Belkis Choiseul-Praslin

Power in IEPs: Perspectives from Black/African American and Hispanic/Latinx Females, Belkis Choiseul-Praslin

Struggle with power: Parent perceptions of IEP team dynamics, Belkis Choiseul-Praslin

Validation of the Transition Assessment and Goal Generator (TAGG) in Chinese and Spanish, Belkis Choiseul-Praslin

Validation of the Transition Assessment and Goal Generator (TAGG) in Chinese and Spanish, Belkis Choiseul-Praslin

Vocational voices: Perceptions of vocational rehabilitation counselors on employment outcomes for students with significant disabilities, Belkis Choiseul-Praslin

Work experience, what is it good for? Student job readiness after 8-month work experience, Belkis Choiseul-Praslin

Transition assessments, Belkis Choiseul-Praslin, M. Deardorff, and Kendra L. Williams-Diehm

Parent perceptions of satisfaction, trust, and power in the IEP process, Belkis Choiseul-Praslin, M. Deardorff, and K. Yeager

Parent perceptions of satisfaction, trust, and power in the IEP process, Belkis Choiseul-Praslin, M. Deardorff, and K. Yeager

Parent perceptions of satisfaction, trust, and power in the IEP process, Belkis Choiseul-Praslin, M. Deardorff, and K. Yeager

Overcoming teacher hidden bias when working with students with disabilities from culturally and linguistically diverse populations, Belkis Choiseul-Praslin, J. M. Pulos, and Kendra L. Williams-Diehm

Increasing student involvement in the IEP and transition process, Belkis Choiseul-Praslin and T. Sinclair

Education on the Edge: Conversations on Leading for Social Change, Laura Hallberg

Using Action Research to Evaluate Your Academy, Laura Hallberg

When Civil Proceedings Aren’t Enough: Initiating Indirect Criminal Contempt Proceedings for Civil Protection Order Violations, Jennifer Medel

Academic Consequences of Suspension, Jennifer Medel and Finn-Agge Esbensen

WIOA – What teachers know and what they need to know, A. Suk, T. Sinclair, and Belkis Choiseul-Praslin

High Impact Practices and Student Outcomes, Jonathan S. Toccoli

How teaching in a compressive college transition program facilitates instructor self-efficacy, Jonathan S. Toccoli, Ronald E. Hallett, J. A. Kitchen, and R. J. Perez

How validation in shared academic courses fosters student engagement within a comprehensive college transition program, Jonathan S. Toccoli, Ronald E. Hallett, J. A. Kitchen, and R. J. Perez

Neighborhood Homicide and Adolescent Well-Being, Matt Vogel and Jennifer Medel

Presentations from 2018

Building Rome: Creating a worksite program for CLD students with severe/profound needs, Belkis Choiseul-Praslin

Don’t break the bank: Free transition education tools, Belkis Choiseul-Praslin

Work experience, what is it good for? Student job readiness after 8-month work experience, Belkis Choiseul-Praslin

All that and more: University of Oklahoma Zarrow Center transition resources for educators, Belkis Choiseul-Praslin and M. Deardorff

Stepping-up transition: A framework for writing meaningful, effective and compliant transition services plans, Belkis Choiseul-Praslin and M. Deardorff

Transition assessments, Belkis Choiseul-Praslin, M. Deardorff, and Kendra L. Williams-Diehm

Transition training, Belkis Choiseul-Praslin and M. Lingo

Transition assessment: Driving the transition planning for students with significant cognitive disabilities, Belkis Choiseul-Praslin, J. Pulos, T. Sinclair, and A. Suk