"Assessing the relationship between typologies of domestic violence and" by Jennifer Medel and Kristin Carbone-Lopez

Assessing the relationship between typologies of domestic violence and protection order violations

Document Type

Conference Presentation

Conference Title

Western Society of Criminology


Honolulu, HI

Conference Dates

February 3-5, 2022

Date of Presentation



Despite considerable evidence suggesting that domestic violence (DV) is multi-dimensional, many justice system responses, including civil protection orders (POs), are 'one-size-fits-all.' It is unclear, however, how the risk of reported PO violations may be related to particular types of violence (i.e., intimate terrorism or situational couple violence). Moreover, research often fails to disentangle primarily technical violations (e.g., non-threatening communication) from violations involving allegations of continued abuse. Data come from 305 cases from the St. Louis County DV Court. Case and party characteristics, including indicators of intimate terrorism, are used to identify points of distinction between cases in which PO violations are and are not reported to the Court. Cases involving reported PO violations are not only more likely to involve intimate terrorism than are cases in which no PO violations are reported, but cases involving intimate terrorism are also significantly more likely to include threat-based violations than are cases involving other forms of violence.

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