"Academic Consequences of Suspension" by Jennifer Medel and Finn-Agge Esbensen

Academic Consequences of Suspension

Document Type

Conference Presentation

Conference Title

Western Society of Criminology


Honolulu, HI

Conference Dates

February 7-9, 2019

Date of Presentation



Seven million public-school students are given either an in-school or out-of-school suspension each year. The resulting time out-of-the-classroom has serious consequences for suspended students, including lower test scores and higher dropout rates. Prior research also suggests that minority, particularly black, students are disproportionately suspended and bear the brunt of these deleterious consequences, which some argue contribute to the school-to-prison pipeline. There is also evidence that school suspension rates may also have a negative impact on non-suspended students' academic performance. Relying on data from two waves of the UMSL CSSI project, we examine the following three topics: 1) the academic consequences (i.e., grades, school commitment and perceptions of school climate) of suspension on individual students; 2) the differential effects of suspensions by race; and 3) the extent to which school suspension rates affect the consequences of suspensions reported by students.

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