"Division D fireside chat - Provocations in qualitative research: Probl" by Belkis Choiseul-Praslin and Cynthia C. Esiaka

Division D fireside chat - Provocations in qualitative research: Problematizing the post-qualitative research

Document Type

Conference Presentation

Conference Title

Annual Meeting of the American Education Research Association



Conference Dates

April 8-12, 2021

Date of Presentation

Spring 4-10-2021


In the past years, Division D Fireside Chat has centered on quantitative research and methodology. This year, we will focus on various forms of and approaches to qualitative research, mainly the post-qualitative research. With the target audience being graduate students at AERA, we want to organize a workshop for Dr. Katie Strom to share her experience as a qualitative methodologist, researcher and writer. The topics include qualitative inquiry inspired by the post-philosophies (posthumanism, affect theory and feminist new materialism etc.), and writing qualitative research for public audience. This workshop is designed to help graduate students be acquainted with different traditions and approaches within qualitative research in hopes that it will inform their own research design and practice.

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