"Exploring the Impact of a Corequisite Model on Academic Performance in" by Savita Bhagi and Rachelle Kisst Hackett

Exploring the Impact of a Corequisite Model on Academic Performance in Precalculus: Who Benefits When?

Document Type

Conference Presentation

Conference Title

Annual Meeting of the American Education Research Association



Conference Dates

April 8-12, 2021

Date of Presentation

Spring 4-12-2021


Since Fall 2019, California community colleges (CCCs) have devised corequisite courses in response to Assembly Bill 705. While controlling for gender, generational status, prior academic achievement level (based on high school grade point average, HSGPA), and ethnicity, this study compares the academic performance of CCC students enrolled in a STEM gateway course (precalculus) when taken with traditional versus corequisite sequencing. Statistically significant findings, coupled with effect size estimates, using whole samples, suggests a positive impact of corequisite courses on grades in just one of two CCCs. However, when investigating whether the effect of course type on grades varies by HSGPA, the results from both colleges suggest that students with lower prior achievement performed worse, on average, in corequisite precalculus courses.

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