Pacific Faculty Work | University of the Pacific


Submissions from 1997

NOE-Difference Experiments on Rotationally Biased Ferrier-Dimers, Michael J. Minch, Andreas H. Franz, and Paul H. Gross


Insurance Coverage of Employment Discrimination Claims, Francis J. Mootz III


Birt-Hogg-Dubé syndrome: A review and presentation of the first case with oral lesions, Nader A. Nadershahi, William B. Wescott, and Barbara Egbert


Distribution of endosomal, lysosomal and MHC markers in a monocytic cell line infected with Chlamydia psittaci, David M. Ojcius, Raymond Hellio, and Alice Dautry-Varsat


Food restriction reduces sympathetic support of blood pressure in spontaneously hypertensive rats, J. Michael Overton, J. Mark Van Ness, and R. Michael Casto

Aufbereitung gekrümmter Wurzelkanäle mit der Lightspeed-Methode, Ove A. Peters, C. Eggert, and Fred Barbakow

Wurzelkanaloberflächen nach Lightspeed-Präparation im REM dargestellt-eine Pilotstudie, Ove A. Peters, C. Eggert, and Fred Barbakow


Inhibition of human immunodeficiency virus type-1 replication in macrophages and H9 cells by free or liposome-encapsulated L-689,502, an inhibitor of the viral protease, Elizabeth Pretzer, Diana L. Flasher, and Nejat Düzgüneş

Estrogen and selective estrogen receptor modulator LY117018 enhance release of nitric oxide in rat aorta, Roshanak Rahimian, Ismail Laher, Gregory Dube, and Cornelis Van Breemen


Estrogen augments cyclopiazonic acid-mediated, endothelium-dependent vasodilation, Roshanak Rahimian, Cornelis Van Breemen, Delara Karkan, Gregory Dube, and Ismail Laher


Enhanced α-CH Acidity and Reactivity of Lewis Acid-Base Complexes in the Gas Phase, Jianhua Ren, Derek B. Workman, and Robert R. Squires


Pirfenidone attenuates bleomycin-induced changes in pulmonary functions in hamsters, Edward S. Schelegle, Jim K. Mansoor, and Shri Giri


Power Outage: Amplifying the Analysis of Power in Legal Relations (With Special Application to Unconscionability and Arbitration), Michael Hunter Schwartz


Endosome to Golgi Retrieval of the Vacuolar Protein Sorting Receptor, Vps10p, Requires the Function of the VPS29, VPS30, and VPS35 Gene Products, Matthew N. J. Seaman, Eric G. Marcusson, Joan Lin-Cereghino, and Scott D. Emr


The anti-HIV-1 activity associated with saliva, Nancy R. Shine, Krystyna Konopka, and Nejat Düzgüneş

Effect of recombinant secretory leukocyte protease inhibitor on hiv infection in human macrophages, Nancy R. Shine, Krystyna Konppka, and Nejat Düzgüneş

Enhancement of cationic liposome-mediated gene delivery by transferrin and fusogenic peptides, Sérgio Simoes, Vladimir Slepushkin, R. Gaspar, Maria C. Pedroso de Lima, and Nejat Düzgüneş

Transfection of human blood monocyte-derived macrophages by transferrin-cationic lipid-DNA complexes, Sérgio Simões, Vladimir Slepushkin, Elizabeth Pretzert, Rogério Gaspar, Maria C. Pedroso De Lima, and Nejat Düzgüneş


Sterically stabilized pH-sensitive liposomes. Intracellular delivery of aqueous contents and prolonged circulation in vivo, Vladimir A. Slepushkin, Sérgio Simões, Paul Dazin, Mary S. Newman, Luke S. Guo, Maria C. Pedroso De Lima, and Nejat Düzgüneş

Hypothalamic administration of NPY antagonist raises blood pressure in food restricted hypertensive rats, J. Mark Van Ness, R. Michael Casto, Melaney A. Jones, and J. A. Hackmeyer

Food restriction attenuates the blood pressure response to PVN lesions in aortic coarctation hypertension, J. Mark Van Ness, R. Michael Casto, Melaney A. Jones, and J. Michael Overton

Antihypertensive effect of food restriction in aortic coarctation hypertension, J. Mark Van Ness, R. Michael Casto, and J. Michael Overton


"Three Strikes" and the Romero Case: The Supreme Court Restores Democracy, Michael Vitiello


Three Strikes: Can We Return to Rationality?, Michael Vitiello

Kodak, FIGHT, and Civil Rights in Rochester, New York, 1966-1967, R. Daniel Wadhwani

Reading difficulties and disruptive behavior: an unhappy alliance, Linda Webster and S. E. Trotter


1914: Thanksgiving Day was Warm and Wonderful, Michael J. Wurtz


Do You Recognize This Place?, Michael J. Wurtz


Merle Allen Left a Legacy of Success, Michael J. Wurtz


Old Timers or Newcomers: Sharlot Hall’s for You, Michael J. Wurtz

Submissions from 1996


Dynorphin-phospholipid membrane interactions: Role of phospholipid head-group and cholesterol, Dennis R. Alford, V. Renugopalakrishnan, and Nejat Düzgüneş


Commentary: Orange, J.B. & Purves, B. (1996). Conversational discourse and cognitive impairment: Implications for Alzheimer’s disease, Larry Boles


Listeners' preference for music of other cultures: Comparing response modes, Ruth V. Brittin


Effect of fibronectin amount and conformation on the strength of endothelial cell adhesion to HEMA/EMA copolymers, Jeffrey S. Burmeister, J. D. Vrany, William M. Reichert, and George A. Truskey

Food restriction lowers sympathetic support of blood pressure in aortic coarctation hypertension, R. Michael Casto, J. Mark Van Ness, and J. Michael Overton

Food restriction reduces sympathetic support of blood pressure in spontaneously hypertensive rats (SHR), R. Michael Casto, J. Mark Van Ness, and J. Michael Overton

Influence of food restriction on blood pressure regulation in normotensive rats, R. Michael Casto, J. Mark Van Ness, and J. Michael Overton


Delay or inhibition of rat lens opacification using pantethine and WR77913, John I. Clark, John C. Livesey, and Jeannette E. Steele

Cell suicide in health and disease, Richard C. Duke, David M. Ojcius, and John Ding-E. Young


Treatment of intracellular Mycobacterium avium complex infection by free and liposome-encapsulated sparfloxacin, Nejat Düzgüneş, Diana L. Flasher, M. Venkata Reddy, Julieta Luna-Herrera, and Pattisapu R.J. Gangadharam

A Comprehensive Analysis of the Adoption of SFAS 96, 'Accounting for Income Taxes', Cynthia F. Eakin


Introduction: novel specific immunity functioning alongside classical specific immunity, G. Gachelin, I. Apostolou, and David M. Ojcius


California's New Limited Liability Company Act: A Look at the Good, the Bad, and the Ambiguous, Franklin A. Gevurtz


High density QCD with static quarks, James E. Hetrick, T. Blum, and D. Toussaint

Classical Economic Prescriptions May Not Suit South Africa, Peter E. Hilsenrath

Growth, Employment and Redistribution: A Comment, Peter E. Hilsenrath

Health Care Insurance Benefits the Rich Most, Peter E. Hilsenrath


Reekie, W.D. Health-Care Options for South Africa: Lessons from the UK and the USA. The Free Market Foundation, 1995, Peter E. Hilsenrath


Reekie, W.D. Prescribing the Price of Pharmaceuticals. London: The Institute of Economic Affairs, 1995, Peter E. Hilsenrath

Social Concerns Factor in U.S. Election, Peter E. Hilsenrath

Weakening of the Rand Should be Welcomed, Peter E. Hilsenrath


Oligopsony, health insurance and antitrust, Peter E. Hilsenrath and M. Destigter

Put South Africa to Work: A Seven-Point Framework for South Africa, Peter E. Hilsenrath and S. Levey

South Africa Could Grow by Investing in Human Capital, Peter E. Hilsenrath and S. Levey


Health Care Reform in South Africa: Comparisons with the United States, Peter E. Hilsenrath and Mark Meyer


User Empowerment during a Coercive Organizational Transformation Enabled by Information Systems Change, Albert Huang, Leon Kappleman, Victor Prybutok, and G. Maples


Nonviolent Abortion Clinic Protests: Reevaluating Some Current Assumptions About the Proper Scope of Government Regulations, Leslie Gielow Jacobs


Supplementing the Assumed Definitions: A Commentary on Professor Brownstein's Analysis of Abortion Protest Restrictions, Leslie Gielow Jacobs


A Tribute to Retiring Chief Justice Malcolm M. Lucas, J. Clark Kelso


Introduction: To Devolve, Or Not to Devolve: The (D)Evolution of Environmental Law, J. Clark Kelso


A Self-Consistent Numerical Method for Simulation of Quantum Transport in High Electron Mobility Transistor; Part II: The Full Quantum Transport, Rahim Khoie


A Self-Consistent Numerical Method for Simulation of Quantum Transport in High Electron Mobility Transistor; Part I: The Boltzmann-Poisson-Schrodinger Solver, Rahim Khoie


The Big Questions of Public Administration in a Democracy, John J. Kirlin


What government must do well: Creating value for society, John J. Kirlin


Human immunodeficiency virus type-1 (HIV-1) infection increases the sensitivity of macrophages and THP-1 cells to cytotoxicity by cationic liposomes, Krystyna Konopka, Elizabeth Pretzer, Philip L. Felgner, and Nejat Düzgüneş

Further Empirical Test of the Proxy-Effect Hypothesis: Some International Evidence, Unro Lee


Particle Size Effects on Colloid Deposition Kinetics: Evidence of Secondary Minimum Deposition, Gary M. Litton and T. M. Olson


The Internet: Changing the Way Corporations Tell Their Story, Timothy Louwers, William R. Pasewark, and Eric W. Typpo


Performance analysis of closed-form, ESPRIT based 2-D angle estimator for rectangular arrays, Cherian P. Mathews, Martin Haardt, and Michael D. Zoltowski


An assessment of the work of the International Law Commission, Stephen C. McCaffrey


The Harmon Doctrine One Hundred Years Later: Buried, Not Praised, Stephen C. McCaffrey


The International Law Commission's draft articles on international watercourses: an overview and commentary, Stephen C. McCaffrey and R. Rosenstock


Geomembrane response in the wide strip tension test, Scott M. Merry and Jonathan D. Bray


Principles of Insurance Coverage: A Guide for the Employment Lawyer, Francis J. Mootz III




A Decade of International Legal Reform Regarding Child Abuse Investigation and Litigation: Steps Toward a Child Witness Code, John E.B. Myers


Psychological Research on Children as Witnesses: Practical Implications for Forensic Interviews and Courtroom Testimony, John E.B. Myers, Karen J. Saywitz, and Gail S. Goodman


Presentation of antigens derived from microorganisms residing in host-cell vacuoles, David M. Ojcius, Gabriel Gachelin, and Alice Dautry-Varsat


Immunology and the confocal microscope, David M. Ojcius, F. Niedergang, A. Subtil, Raymond Hellio, and Alice Dautry-Varsat

Diet and exercise-associated negative energy balance decreases blood pressure of spontaneously hypertensive rats, J. Michael Overton, J. Mark Van Ness, R. Michael Casto, and Melaney A. Jones

Greater stimulated and basal release of nitric oxide in the presence of estradiol, Roshanak Rahimian, Cornelis Van Breemen, J. Ruscko, L. Li, B. Bolzen, Gregory Dube, and I. Laher


A Modified Ruler Experimental Apparatus, Said Shakerin


Experimental study of vortex diffusers, Said Shakerin and Paul L. Miller


Targeting of liposomes to HIV-1-infected cells by peptides derived from the CD4 receptor, Vladimir A. Slepushkin, Isam Ismail Salem, Sergei M. Andreev, Paul Dazin, and Nejat Düzgüneş


The Antiwilderness Bias in American Property Law, John G. Sprankling

Effect of central 6-hydroxydopamine administration on cardiovascular and metabolic responses to treadmill running in rats, Hiro J. Takata, J. Mark Van Ness, R. Michael Casto, and J. Michael Overton


High incidence of Coxiella burnetii markers in a rural population in France, Monique Thibon, Veronique Villiers, Philippe Souque, Alice Dautry-Varsat, Regis Duquesnel, and David M. Ojcius

Enhanced cardiac baroreflex and attenuated isoproterenol responsiveness following food restriction in aortic coarctation hypertension, J. Mark Van Ness, F. E. Freeman, and J. Michael Overton


Attenuated blood pressure responsiveness during post-exercise hypotension, J. Mark Van Ness, Hiro J. Takata, and J. Michael Overton


Baby Jane Doe: Stating a Cause of Action Against the Officious Intermeddler, Michael Vitiello


The Firm Revisited: Somebody at The Justice Department Has Been Reading John Grisham, Michael Vitiello


Contextual strategy training: Socially/emotionally maladjusted adolescents with language impairments, Jeannene M. Ward-Lonergan, Betty Z. Liles, and Steven V. Owen


Interleukin-10 inhibits tumor metastasis through an NK-cell dependent mechanism, Li-Mou Zheng, David M. Ojcius, F. Garaud, C. Roth, E. Maxwell, Z. Li, H. Rong, J. Chen, X. Y. Wang, J. J. Catino, and I. King


Closed-form 2-D angle estimation with rectangular arrays in element space or beamspace via unitary ESPRIT, Michael D. Zoltowski, Martin Haardt, and Cherian P. Mathews

Submissions from 1995

The relationship between performance variables and 10K race time in elite wheelchair athletes, Fred D. Baldini, Ann G. Soulle-Miller, J. Mark Van Ness, and Rose A. Cooper

Lactate and metabolic responses to exercise in competitive wheelchair athletes, Fred D. Baldini, J. Mark Van Ness, Irvin E. Faria, and B. Edwards

Effects of second line drugs on progression or regression of rheumatoid nodules, Brigid B. Bautista, Eric G. Boyce, and H. Ralph Schumacher


Proper and unit tolerance graphs, Kenneth P. Bogart, Peter C. Fishburn, Garth Isaak, and Larry L. Langley


Three-dimensional dynamic response analyses of Cogswell Dam, R. W. Boulanger, Jonathan D. Bray, Scott M. Merry, and L. H. Mejia


Comment: Effect of lithium in water handling, Eric G. Boyce