Pacific Faculty Work | University of the Pacific


Submissions from 1995

Stepped-care guide to osteoarthritis therapy, Eric G. Boyce, D. K. Norden, and H. Ralph Schumacher


Religious Harassment Under Title VII, Thomas D. Brierton

Geographic variation in primary care visits in Iowa, Lebaron W. Briggs, James E. Rohrer, Robert L. Ludke, Peter E. Hilsenrath, and Kirk T. Phillips


Comparing Continuous versus Static Measurements in Music Listeners' Preferences, Ruth V. Brittin and Deborah A. Sheldon


Rich flammability limits in ch3oh/co/diluent mixtures, M. N. Bui-pham, Andrew E. Lutz, James A. Miller, M. Desjardin, D. M. Oshaughnessey, and R. J. Zondlak


Further thoughts on the pitfalls of partition: a response to Mosey., M. Carlson and Anne Dunlea


Growth rate, labeling index, plating efficiency, and radiation survival of cells grown in the Matrigel thread in vitro tumor model, J. J. Casciari, Lay K. Chin, John C. Livesey, R. G. Steen, and Janet S. Rasey

Activating response codes by stimuli in the neglected visual field, Asher Cohen, Richard B. Ivry, Robert D. Rafal, and Carolynn S. Kohn


Vindicating the Promise of Brown -- School Desegregation and the Civil Rights Act — Past, Present, and Future - Symposium: The Department of Justice and the Civil Rights Act of 1964, Drew Days, Minor Wisdom, Gary Orfield, and Brian K. Landsberg


Liposome-mediated therapy of human immunodeficiency virus type-1 and mycobacterium infections, Nejat Düzgüneş, Diana L. Flasher, Elizabeth Pretzer, Krystyna Konopka, Vladimir A. Slepushkin, Gerhard Steffan, Isam I. Salem, M. Venkata Reddy, and Pattisapu R.J. Gangadharam

Book Review of Federal Corporate Taxation by H. E. Abrams and R. L. Doernberg, Cynthia F. Eakin


A cost analysis comparing erythropoietin and red cell transfusions in the treatment of anemia of prematurity, J. Fain, Peter E. Hilsenrath, John A. Widness, Ronald G. Strauss, and A. H. Mutnick

On C5-saturated graphs with minimum size, David C. Fisher, Kathryn Fraughnaugh, and Larry L. Langley


Therapy of Mycobacterium avium complex infections in beige mice with streptomycin encapsulated in sterically stabilized liposomes, Pattisapu R.J. Gangadharam, D. R. Ashtekar, Diana L. Flasher, and Nejat Düzgüneş


Squeeze-Outs and Freeze-Outs in Limited Liability Companies, Franklin A. Gevurtz


A patch clamp study of the effects of ciprofloxacin and biphenyl acetic acid on rat hippocampal GABAA and ionotropic glutamate receptors, Robert F. Halliwell, P. G. Davey, and J. J. Lambert


A Passage Through India (and Beyond) or a Case of Love Thy Neighbour?, Christopher Hare and Jarrod Wong


The Massive multi - flavor Schwinger model, James E. Hetrick, Y. Hosotani, and S. Iso

Government Can Be More Active In Promoting Growth, Peter E. Hilsenrath

Monetary Policy and Civil Society, Peter E. Hilsenrath


Adding Complexity to Confusion and Seeing the Light: Feminist Legal Insights and the Jurisprudence of the Religion Clauses, Leslie Gielow Jacobs


Even More Honest Than Ever Before: Abandoning Pretense and Recreating Legitimacy in Constitutional Interpretation, Leslie Gielow Jacobs


Time, Place, and Manner Restrictions on Extrajudicial Speech by Judges, J. Clark Kelso

Computer simulation of quantum transport in high electron mobility transistor part 1: the Boltzmann-Poisson-Schrodinger solver, Rahim Khoie

Computer simulation of quantum transport in high electron mobility transistor part II: the full quantum transport, Rahim Khoie

Protecting Species and Ecosystems within Planning Processes, John J. Kirlin

The potential to reframe regional policies and institutions in ways that improve governance and address disadvantage, John J. Kirlin


A monoclonal antibody to the gp120-CD4 complex has differential effects on HIV-induced syncytium formation and viral infectivity, Krystyna Konopka, Elizabeth Pretzer, F. Celada, and Nejat Düzgüneş


Differential effects of a hydrophobic tripeptide on human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1)-induced syncytium formation and viral infectivity, Krystyna Konopka, Elizabeth Pretzer, and Nejat Düzgüneş


Balanced Scholarship and Racial Balance, Brian K. Landsberg


Introduction - Symposium: The Department of Justice and the Civil Rights Act of 1964, Brian K. Landsberg


The Federal Government and the Promise of Brown, Brian K. Landsberg


A recognition algorithm for orders of interval dimension two, Larry L. Langley


Irreexive and reexive dimension, Larry L. Langley


The cytoplasmic tail domain of the vacuolar protein sorting receptor Vps10p and a subset of VPS gene products regulate receptor stability, function, and localization, Joan Lin-Cereghino, Eric G. Marcusson, and Scott D. Emr


Inhibition of Radiation Cataractogenesis by WR-77913, John C. Livesey, L. W. Wiens, D. J. Von Seggern, W. B. Barlow, and A. Arnold


Synthesis of Camphor-Based Chiral Quinolines, Brian E. Love and Jianhua Ren

The Contribution Of Non-myelinated and Myelinated Vagal Afferents To Breathing Pattern In Rats With Bleomycin Induced Lung Fibrosis, Jim K. Mansoor

The Effect Of Vagal C-Fiber Blockade On Breathing Pattern In Anesthetized Rats, Jim K. Mansoor


The International Law Commission Adopts Draft Articles on International Watercourses, Stephen C. McCaffrey


Size effects for multi-axial tension testing of HDPE and PVC geomembranes, Scott M. Merry and Jonathan D. Bray

The competition graphs of interval digraphs, Sarah K. Merz, J. Richard Lundgren, and Larry L. Langley


Desperately Seeking Science, Francis J. Mootz III

Les mille et une ruses des microbes intracellulaires, David M. Ojcius and Alice Dautry-Varsat


pH and calcium dependence of hemolysis due to Rickettsia prowazekii: comparison with phospholipase activity, David M. Ojcius, M. Thibon, C. Mounier, and Alice Dautry-Varsat

Acute exercise attenuates alpha-adrenoceptor responsiveness in Dahl-salt sensitive rats, J. Michael Overton, Hiro J. Takata, and J. Mark Van Ness


Target cell membrane sialic acid modulates both binding and fusion activity of influenza virus, Maria C. Pedroso de Lima, João Ramalho-Santos, Diana L. Flasher, Vladimir A. Slepushkin, Shlomo Nir, and Nejat Düzgüneş


Possible role of protein kinase C in regulation of 5-hydroxytryptamine 2A receptors in rat brain, Roshanak Rahimian and Pavel D. Hrdina


Influence of background vagal c-fiber activity on eupneic breathing pattern in anesthetized dogs, E. S. Schelegle, Jim K. Mansoor, and J. F. Green


Apparatus for Rotational Motion, Said Shakerin


Toxicity, biodistribution and radioprotective capacity of L-homocysteine thiolactone in CNS tissues and tumors in rodents: Comparison with prior results with phosphorothioates, Alexander M. Spence, Janet S. Rasey, Lori Dwyer-Hansen, Zdenka Grunbaum, John C. Livesey, Lay K. Chin, Norma J. Nelson, Donna Stien, Kenneth A. Krohn, and Francis Ali-Osman


International Environmental Law and World Order (book review), John G. Sprankling

Central beta-2 adrenoceptor antagonism attenuates heart rate and glucose responses to exercise., Hiro J. Takata, J. Mark Van Ness, and J. Michael Overton


Relationship between Volatility and Expected Returns Across International Stock Markets, Panayiotis Theodossiou and Unro Lee

Cardiovascular effects of daily volitional exercise in Dahl-salt sensitive rats, J. Mark Van Ness, J. Michael Overton, and Hiro J. Takata


Has the Supreme Court Really Turned RICO Upside Down? An Examination of NOW v. Scheidler, Michael Vitiello


More Noise from the Tower of Babel: Making "Sense" Out of Reves v. Ernst & Young, Michael Vitiello

Drawing to communicate: A case study of an adult with global aphasia, Jeannene M. Ward-Lonergan and M. L. Nicholas

Submissions from 1994

New classes of p-competition graphs and phi-tolerance competition graphs, C. A. Anderson, J. Richard Lundgren, Patricia A. McKenna, Larry L. Langley, and Sarah K. Merz

Adverse drug experiences: as a component of pharmaceutical care, Eric G. Boyce


An Examination of the ADA’s Direct Threat Defense, Thomas D. Brierton


Enhancement of fast neutron beams with Boron Neutron Capture Theory: A mechanism for achieving a selective, concomitant tumor boost, Thomas A. Buchholz, George E. Laramore, Peter Wootton, John C. Livesey, Donald Scott Wilbur, Rudolph Risler, Mark H. Phillips, John Jacky, and Thomas W. Griffin


Concomitant boron neutron capture therapy during fast neutron radiation of a rat glioma, Thomas A. Buchholz, Janet S. Rasey, George E. Laramore, John C. Livesey, Lay K. Chin, Rudolph Risler, Donald K. Hamlin, Peter Wootton, Donald Scott Wilbur, Mark H. Phillips, Alexander M. Spence, and Thomas W. Griffin


Quantitative analysis of variable angle total internal reflection fluorescence microscopy, Jeffrey S. Burmeister, George A. Truskey, and William M. Reichert


Imaging of cell/substrate contacts on polymers by total internal reflection fluorescence microscopy, Jeffrey S. Burmeister, George A. Truskey, J. L. Yarbrough, and William M. Reichert

CISD notes, P. Clore and Linda E. Skrla


Picosecond fluorescence spectroscopy of a single-chain class I major histocompatibility complex-encoded protein in its peptide loaded and unloaded states, Kerstin Dittes, D. Gakamsky, Elisha Haas, David M. Ojcius, Philippe Kourilsky, Israel Pecht, and Gilad Haran

Cytolysis mediated by ionophores and pore-forming agents: role of intracellular calcium in apoptosis, Richard C. Duke, R. Z. Witter, P. B. Nash, John Ding-E. Young, and David M. Ojcius


Liposome targeting to human immunodeficiency virus type 1-infected cells via recombinant soluble CD4 and CD4 immunoadhesin (CD4-IgG), Diana Flasher, Krystyna Konopka, Steven M. Chamow, Paul Dazin, Avi Ashkenazi, Elizabeth Pretzer, and Nejat Düzgüneş


The Business Judgment Rule: Meaningless Verbiage or Misguided Notion?, Franklin A. Gevurtz

Reflex patterns in postganglionic neurons supplying skin and skeletal muscle of the rat hindlimb., H. J. Häbler, W. Jänig, M. Krummel, and Ove A. Peters

Preventing Insulin Dependent Diabetes Mellitus., Adam M. Kaye


Reports: Introduction, J. Clark Kelso

Sixty Years of Torts: Lessons for the Future, J. Clark Kelso


Time-varying betas and volatility persistence in International Stock markets, Gregory Koutmos, Unro Lee, and Panayiotis Theodossiu

A note on bipartite interval tolerance graphs, Larry L. Langley


Boron neutron capture therapy: a mechanism for achieving a concomitant tumor boost in fast neutron therapy radiotherapy, George E. Laramore, Peter Wootton, John C. Livesey, Donald Scott Wilbur, Rudolph Risler, Mark H. Phillips, John Jacky, Thomas A. Buchholz, Thomas W. Griffin, and Stanley Broussard


The Impact of Financial Deregulation on the Relationship between Stock Prices and Monetary Policy, Unro Lee


Treatment of rheumatoid arthritis with blackcurrant seed oil, Lawrence J. Leventhal, Eric G. Boyce, and Robert B. Zurier


Isolation and Characterization of DNA-Binding Mutants of a Plasmid Replication Initiation Protein Utilizing an in Vivo Binding Assay, Joan Lin-Cereghino, Donald R. Helinski, and Aresa E. Toukdarian


Anomalous deposition rates of latex microspheres near the isoelectric point of granular quartz beds, Gary M. Litton and T. M. Olson


Colloid Deposition Kinetics With Surface-Active Agents: Evidence for Discrete Surface Charge Effects, Gary M. Litton and T. M. Olson


Role of the CDR1 of the TCR β chain in the binding to a MHC-peptide complex, Yu-Chun Lone, Maria Bellio, Ada Prochnicka-Chalufour, David M. Ojcius, Nicolas Boissel, Tom H. M. Ottenhoff, Richard D. Klausner, Jean-Pierre Abastado, and Philippe Kourilsky

Major contribution of the Vb chain to the antigen specificity of a TCR, Yu-Chun Lone, David M. Ojcius, M. Bellio, Philippe Kourilsky, and J.-P. Abastado

The Repealed Investment Tax Credit: Your 'Life' Depends on It, Christine Manolakas


The sorting receptor for yeast vacuolar carboxypeptidase Y is encoded by the VPS10 gene, Eric Marcusson, Bruce Horazdovsky, Joan Lin-Cereghino, Editte Gharakhanian, and Scott Emr


Eigenstructure Techniques for 2-D Angle Estimation with Uniform Circular Arrays, Cherian P. Mathews and Michael D. Zoltowski


Performance Analysis of the UCA-ESPRIT Algorithm for Circular Ring Arrays, Cherian P. Mathews and Michael D. Zoltowski

Monosynaptic excitation of preganglionic vasomotor neurons by subretrofacial neurons of the rostral ventrolateral medulla., R. M. McAllen, H. J. Häbler, M. Michaelis, Ove A. Peters, and W. Jänig


Law and Philosophy, Philosophy and Law, Francis J. Mootz III


Legal Classics: After Deconstructing the Legal Canon, Francis J. Mootz III


The New Legal Hermeneutics, Francis J. Mootz III


The Paranoid Style in Contemporary Legal Scholarship, Francis J. Mootz III

Stepped-care guide to osteoarthritis therapy, D. K. Norden, Eric G. Boyce, and H. Ralph Schumacher

Major histocompatibility complex class I molecules and resistance to infection by intracellular pathogens, David M. Ojcius, Christiane Delarbre, Philippe Kourilsky, and Gabriel Gachelin

Is antigen processing guided by major histocompatibility complex molecules?, David M. Ojcius, L. Gapin, Jean M. Kanellopoulos, and Philippe Kourilsky

Role for MHC class I molecules in selecting and protecting high affinity peptides in the presence of proteases, David M. Ojcius, P. Langlade-Demoyen, Gabriel Gachelin, and Philippe Kourilsky


Numerical Modeling Capabilities for the Simulation of Toxic By-Products Formation in Combustion Processes, William J. Pitz, Charles K. Westbrook, Andrew E. Lutz, Kee J. Robert, Selim Senkan, and James G. Seebold


Measurement and judgment in curriculum assessment systems, Glen Rogers


Ly-49-independent inhibition of NK cell-mediated cytotoxicity by a soluble MHC class I molecule, Claude Roth, Philippe Kourilsky, and David M. Ojcius