Pacific Faculty Work | University of the Pacific


Submissions from 1994


From Star to Supernova to Dark, Cold Neutron Star: The Early Life, the Explosion and the Collapse of Arbitration, Michael Hunter Schwartz


Recombinant Human Erythropoietin vs Transfusions in the Treatment of Anemia of Prematurity: A Cost-benefit Analyis, Theresa Shireman, Peter E. Hilsenrath, Ronald G. Strauss, John A. Widness, and A. H. Mutnick


An Environmental Critique of Adverse Possession, John G. Sprankling


Commentary on the Cost-Effectiveness of Preoperative Autologous Blood Donation in Coronary Bypass Surgery, Ronald G. Strauss and Peter E. Hilsenrath


Separate metabolic pathways leading to DNA fragmentation and apoptotic nuclear chromatin condensation, D. Sun, Shibo Jiang, Li-Mou Zheng, David M. Ojcius, and John Ding-E. Young


The contribution of hospitals to a local economy: a case study in Iowa and Illinois, Mary M. A. Vaughan, Peter E. Hilsenrath, and Robert L. Ludke


Payne v. Tennessee: A Stunning Ipse Dixit, Michael Vitiello


The Role of Environmental Law in the California Water Allocation and Use System: An Overview, Gregory S. Weber


Linking written language to cognitive development: reading, writing, and concrete operations, Linda Webster and P. Ammon


Synthesis and radioiodination of a nido-1,2-carboranyl derivative of 2-nitroimidazole, D. Scott Wilbur, Donald K. Hamlin, John C. Livesey, Rajiv R. Srivastava, George E. Laramore, and Thomas W. Griffin


Real-Time Frequency and 2-D Angle Estimation with Sub-Nyquist Spatio-Temporal Sampling, Michael D. Zoltowski and Cherian P. Mathews

Submissions from 1993


A soluble, single-chain Kd molecule produced by yeast selects a peptide repertoire indistinguishable from that of cell-surface-associated Kd, Jean-Pierre Abastado, David M. Ojcius, Amanda Casrouge, Patrice Yeh, Ton N. M. Schumacher, Hidde L. Ploegh, and Philippe Kourilsky


The impact of input: Language acquisition in the visually impaired, Elaine S. Andersen, Anne Dunlea, and Linda Kekelis


Harmless Error in the Penalty Phase of a Capital Case: A Doctrine Misunderstood and Misapplied, Linda Carter

Phase Separation Inhibitors and Lens Transparency, John I. Clark, John C. Livesey, and Jeannette E. Steele


Politics, Corruption and the Sherman Act After City of Columbia's Blighted View, Franklin A. Gevurtz

Respiratory modulation of the activity in postganglionic neurons supplying skeletal muscle and skin of the rat hindlimb., H. J. Häbler, W. Jänig, M. Krummel, and Ove A. Peters


Antagonism of GABAA receptors by 4-quinolones, Robert F. Halliwell, P. G. Davey, and J. J. Lambert


Doing Well While Doing Good? The Investment Performance of Socially Responsible Mutual Funds, Sally A. Hamilton, Hoje Jo, and Meir Statman

Eastaugh, Steven R. Health Economics: Efficiency, Quality and Equity, Peter E. Hilsenrath


Stages of Growth Revisited, Peter E. Hilsenrath


Health services management manpower and education: outlook for the future, Peter E. Hilsenrath, S. Levey, Weil Tp, and Robert L. Ludke

Not so fast- Iron and coronary heart disease, Adam M. Kaye

Obesity affects the efficacy of antihypertensive drugs, Adam M. Kaye

Commercial Torts--1992 Developments, J. Clark Kelso


Introduction: Psychology and Psychiatry in the Law, J. Clark Kelso


Review of the Supreme Court's 1992-93 Term for the Transnational Practitioner, J. Clark Kelso


False Light Privacy: A Requiem, J. Clark Kelso and Todd Brown


Citistates and Regional Governance, John J. Kirlin


Anionic liposomes inhibit human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) infectivity in CD4+ A3.01 and H9 cells, Krystyna Konopka, B. R. Davis, C. E. Larsen, and Nejat Düzgüneş


Long-Term Noncytopathic Productive Infection of the Human Monocytic Leukemia Cell Line THP-1 by Human Immunedeficiency Virus Type 1 (HIV-1IIIB), Krystyna Konopka, Elizabeth Pretzer, Barbara Plowman, and Nejat Düzgüneş


Equal Educational Opportunity: The Rehnquist Court Revisits Green and Swann, Brian K. Landsberg

The 'racist' caricature of Guinier, Brian K. Landsberg


The Role of Civil Service Attorneys and Political Appointees in Making Policy in the Civil Rights Division of the U.S. Department of Justice, Brian K. Landsberg


Human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) fusion with model membranes: kinetic analysis and the role of lipid composition, pH and divalent cations, Charles E. Larsen, Shlomo Nir, Dennis R. Alford, Myra Jennings, Kyung Dall Lee, and Nejat Düzgüneş


Treatment of rheumatoid arthritis with gammalinolenic acid, Lawrence J. Leventhal, Eric G. Boyce, and Robert B. Zurier


The essentiality of the three carboxy-terminal amino acids of the plasmid RK2 replication initiation protein TrfA for DNA-binding and replication activity, Joan Lin-Cereghino and Donald R. Helinski


Laboratory Experiments Evaluating the Transport and Fate of DBCP in Hanford Sandy Loam, Gary M. Litton and G. L. Guymon


Colloid Deposition Rates on Silica Bed Media and Artifacts Related to Collector Surface Preparation Methods, Gary M. Litton and T. M. Olson


Synthesis of Sterically Hindered Imines, Brian E. Love and Jianhua Ren


An Empirical Method for Measuring the Aesthetic Experience to Music, Clifford K. Madsen, Ruth V. Brittin, and Deborah A. Capperella-Sheldon


Aesthetic response to music: musicians versus nonmusicians, Clifford K. Madsen, Suzanne R. Byrnes, Deborah A. Capperella-Sheldon, and Ruth V. Brittin


Can 10b-5 for the Banks? The Effect of an Antifraud Rule N the Regulation of Banks, Michael P. Malloy


Scaleable stagnation-flow reactors for uniform materials deposition: Application to combustion synthesis of diamond, K. F. McCarty, E. Meeks, R. J. Kee, and Andrew E. Lutz

Preliminary study of autonomy as a factor influencing medication-taking by elderly patients, J. McCrea, P. L. Ranelli, Eric G. Boyce, and W. G. Erwin


Connecting Education, Work, and Citizenship: How assessment can help, Marcia Mentkowski and Glen Rogers


Is the Rule of Law Possible in a Postmodern World?, Francis J. Mootz III


Rethinking the Rule of Law: A Demonstration That the Obvious Is Plausible, Francis J. Mootz III


Expert Testimony Describing Psychological Syndromes, John E.B. Myers


Investigative Interviews of Children: Should They Be Videotaped, John E.B. Myers

Evolution of severe aphasia, M. L. Nicholas, N. Helm-Estabrooks, Jeannene M. Ward-Lonergan, and A. R. Morgan

Dissociation of the peptide-MHC class I complex limits the binding rate of exogenous peptide, David M. Ojcius, Jean-Pierre Abastado, Amanda Casrouge, E. Mottez, L. Cabanie, and Philippe Kourilsky


Binding of alanine-substituted peptides to the MHC class I protein Kd, David M. Ojcius, Jean-Pierre Abastado, F. Godeau, and Philippe Kourilsky


Dissociation of the peptide/MHC class I complex: pH dependence and effect of endogenous peptides on the activation energy, David M. Ojcius, L. Gapin, and Philippe Kourilsky


Real-time measurement of antigenic peptide binding to empty and preloaded single-chain MHC class I molecules, David M. Ojcius, Francois Godeau, Jean-Pierre Abastado, Jean-Laurent Casanova, and Philippe Kourilsky


A Common Mechanism for Influenza Virus Fusion Activity and Inactivation, João Ramalho-Santos, Shlomo Nir, Nejat Düzgüneş, Arsélio Pato de Carvalho, and Maria Conceição Pedroso De Lima


Triangulating the Boundaries of the Pentagon Papers, John Cary Sims

Land Ownership in the CERCLA Era, John G. Sprankling


Simian immunodeficiency virus (SIV(mac)251) membrane lipid mixing with human CD4+ and CD4- cell lines in vitro does not necessarily result in internalization of the viral core proteins and productive infection, L. Stamatatos and Nejat Düzgüneş


Mean and Volatility Spillovers Across Major National Stock Markets: Further Empirical Evidence, Panayiotis Theodossiou and Unro Lee


Does Culpability Matter?: Statutory Construction Under 42 U.S.C. § 6928, Michael Vitiello


Distribution of perforin-containing cells in normal and pregnant mice, Li-Mou Zheng, David M. Ojcius, and John Ding-E. Young


Perforin-containing cells during spontaneous abortion, Li-Mou Zheng, David M. Ojcius, and John Ding-E. Young


Beamspace Root-MUSIC for Minimum Redundancy Linear Arrays, Michael D. Zoltowski, Seth D. Silverstein, and Cherian P. Mathews

Submissions from 1992

Pharmacology of antiarthritic drugs, Eric G. Boyce


Employer’s New Age Training Program Fail to Alter the Consciousness of the EEOC, Thomas D. Brierton

A private enterprise. Hill v. NCAA was widely seen as a major setback for NCAA drug testing. Now, the California Supreme Court will review the case, Margaret E. Ciccolella

Full court press. Challenges of the NCAA's drug testing program reflect an uncertainty over its place in education and ultimately, its constitutionality, Margaret E. Ciccolella


"Right to privacy" challenges to NCAA drug testing, Margaret E. Ciccolella


The emergence process: Conceptual and linguistic influences on morphological development, Anne Dunlea and Elaine S. Andersen

Targeted drug delivery., Nejat Düzgüneş


Fusion activity and inactivation of influenza virus: Kinetics of low pH-induced fusion with cultured cells, Nejat Düzgüneş, Maria C. Pedroso de Lima, L. Stamatatos, D. Flasher, D. R. Alford, Daniel S. Friend, and S. Nir


Membrane destabilization by N-terminal peptides of viral envelope proteins, Nejat Düzgüneş and Sergei A. Shavnin

Follow guidelines for your tax deduction, Cynthia F. Eakin


Percutaneous needle biopsy of musculoskeletal lesions. 2. Cost-effectiveness, Margaret A. Fraser-Hill, Donald L. Renfrew, and Peter E. Hilsenrath


Purification and ligand binding of a soluble class I MHC molecule consisting of the first three domains of H-2Kd fused to b2-microglobulin expressed in the baculovirus/insect cell system, Francois Godeau, Immanuel F. Luescher, David M. Ojcius, Cecile Saucier, Estelle Mottez, Lucien Cabanie, and Philippe Kourilsky


Appropriate care and the market for physician services, Peter E. Hilsenrath

Cost-Effectiveness of Teleradiology for Rural Hospitals, Peter E. Hilsenrath, Wilbur L. Smith, Edmund A. Franken, David A. Owen, and P. Chang


California’s Constitutional Right to Privacy, J. Clark Kelso

Commercial Torts--1991 Developments, J. Clark Kelso


One Lesson From the Six Monsanto Lectures on Tort Law Reform and Jurisprudence: Recognizing the Limits of Judicial Competence, J. Clark Kelso


Review of the Supreme Court's 1991-92 Term and Preview of the 1992-93 Term for the Transnational Practitioner, J. Clark Kelso


Significant Cases Interpreting Proposition 8, J. Clark Kelso and Brigitte A. Bass


The Victims' Bill of Rights: Where Did It Come From and How Much Did It Do?, J. Clark Kelso and Brigitte A. Bass


Race and the Rehnquist Court, Brian K. Landsberg


Do stock prices follow random walk?: Some international evidence, Unro Lee


Analysis of mutations in trfA, the replication initiation gene of the broad-host-range plasmid RK2, Joan Lin-Cereghino and Donald R. Helinski


Magnetic resonance spectroscopic measurement of cellular thiol reduction-oxidation state, John C. Livesey, Robert N. Golden, Eric G. Shankland, Zdenka Grunbaum, M. Wyman, and Kenneth A. Krohn


Efficacies of liposome-encapsulated streptomycin and ciprofloxacin against Mycobacterium avium-M. intracellulare complex infections in human peripheral blood monocyte/macrophages, S. Majumdar, Diana L. Flasher, Daniel S. Friend, P. Nassos, D. Yajko, W. K. Hadley, and Nejat Düzgüneş


Bumper Cars: Themes of Convergence in International Regulation, Michael P. Malloy


Postmodern Constitutionalism as Materialism, Francis J. Mootz III

Peptide binding to MHC class I proteins measured with a novel fluorescent technique, David M. Ojcius, Jean-Pierre Abastado, F. Godeau, and Philippe Kourilsky


Channel forming activity of the perforin N-terminus and an a-helical region homologous with complement C9, P. M. Persechini, David M. Ojcius, S. C. Adeodato, Paulo C. Notaroberto, C. B. Daniel, and John Ding-E. Young


The role of the generalist in health administration education programs, James E. Rohrer and Peter E. Hilsenrath


Moving Toward Equal Treatment of Homosexuals, John Cary Sims

The Proposed Changes to the California Foreclosure Process: Reform or Retreat?, John G. Sprankling and Mertens


Total internal reflection fluorescence microscopy (TIRFM) ii. Topographical mapping of relative cell/substratum separation distances, George A. Truskey, Jeffrey S. Burmeister, E. Grappa, and William M. Reichert

Reminiscences by Judge John J. Hawkins, Michael J. Wurtz

Submissions from 1991


Activity of free and liposome encapsulated streptomycin against mycobacterium avium complex (MAC) inside peritoneal macrophages, D. Ashtekar, Nejat Düzgüneş, and P. R.J. Gangadharam


An Unjustified Hostility Toward Religion in the Workplace, The Catholic Lawyer, Thomas D. Brierton