Submissions from 1991
The Effect of Overtly Categorizing Music on Preference for Popular Music Styles, Ruth V. Brittin
A Beyond a Reasonable Doubt Standard in Death Penalty Proceedings: A Neglected Element of Fairness, Linda Carter
Gender differences in body composition changes in moderately obese individuals, Margaret E. Ciccolella
Negligence liability and the injured athlete, Margaret E. Ciccolella
Unrelated business income tax and the educationally based sports medicine clinic, Margaret E. Ciccolella
An educationally based sports medicine clinic: A familiar game with new rules, Margaret E. Ciccolella and L. Koehler
Phospholipid studies of marine organisms: 26. Interactions of some marine sterols with 1-stearoyl-2-oleoyl phosphatidylcholine (SOPC) in model membranes, Meilleko C. Dai, Huong Bich Chiche, Nejat Düzgüneş, Eser Ayanoglu, and Carl Djerassi
Chemotherapeutic potential of free and liposome encapsulated streptomycin against experimental mycobacterium avium complex infections in beige mice, Pattisapu R.J. Gangadharam, Dilip A. Ashtekar, Naheed Ghori, Jayne A. Goldstein, Robert J. Debs, and Nejat Düzgüneş
Cell death mechanisms and the immune system, Pierre Golstein, David M. Ojcius, and John Ding-E. Young
Multi-authors: a case for information management, D. S. Gordon, Robert F. Halliwell, L. M. Hartley, E. E. Heeger, J. M. Horobin, R. D. Murch, J. M. Pocock, and M. L. Thomas
The effects of quinolones and NSAIDs upon GABA-evoked currents recorded from rat dorsal root ganglion neurones, Robert F. Halliwell, P. G. Davey, and J. J. Lambert
Economics in the medical curriculum, Peter E. Hilsenrath
Monopolistic Competition and the Health Care Sector, Peter E. Hilsenrath
Phillips, David R. Health and Health Care in the Third World, Peter E. Hilsenrath
Implementing EACHs (essential access community hospitals) and RPCHs (rural primary care hospitals) on a statewide basis: a preliminary analysis, Peter E. Hilsenrath, Rong-Nan Chien, and James E. Rohrer
Health Economics: Issues for South Africa, Peter E. Hilsenrath and H. Joseph
Assessing Hospital Radiology Productivity, Peter E. Hilsenrath, M. Robnett, and Wilbur L. Smith
Analysis of the Cost Effectiveness of PACS, Peter E. Hilsenrath, Wilbur L. Smith, Edmund A. Franken, Kevin S. Berbaum, and David A. Owen
Review of the Supreme Court's 1990-91 Term and Preview of the 1991-92 Term for the Transnational Practitioner, J. Clark Kelso
Enhancement of human immunodeficiency virus type 1 infection by cationic liposomes: The role of CD4, serum and liposome-cell interactions, Krystyna Konopka, L. L. Stamatatos, C. E. Larsen, B. R. Davis, and Nejat Düzgüneş
Stochastic Expected Stock Returns: Some International Evidence, Unro Lee and Gregory Koutmos
Environment-related work of the international law commission at its 1990 session, Stephen C. McCaffrey
International organizations and the holistic approach to water problems, Stephen C. McCaffrey
A Limited Role for the Legal System in Responding to Maternal Substance Abuse During Preganacy, John E.B. Myers
A Two-Dimensional Self-Consistent Numerical Model for High Electron Mobility Transistor, Sze Him Ng, Rahim Khoie, and R. Venkat
Cytoplasts from cytotoxic T lymphocytes are resistant to perforin-mediated lysis, David M. Ojcius, Shibo Jiang, Pedro M. Persechini, Patricia A. Detmers, and John Ding-E. Young
Plasma membrane-associated proteins with the ability to partially inhibit perforin-mediated lysis, David M. Ojcius, Sylviane Muller, Cynthia S. Hasselkus-Light, John Ding-E. Young, and Shibo Jiang
Cytolytic and ion channel forming properties of the N-terminus of lymphocyte perforin, David M. Ojcius, Pedro M. Persechini, Li-Mou Zheng, Paulo C. Notaroberto, Sandro C. Adeodato, and John Ding-E. Young
Cytolytic peptides and proteins: Is there a common structural motif?, David M. Ojcius and John Ding-E. Young
Subcellular localization of perforin and serine esterase in lymphokine-activated killer (LAK) cells and cytotoxic T cells by immunogold labelling, David M. Ojcius, L. M. Zheng, E. C. Sphicas, A. Zychilinsky, and John Ding-E. Young
Ionophore-induced apoptosis: role of DNA fragmentation and calcium fluxes, David M. Ojcius, Arturo Zychlinsky, Li-Mou Zheng, and John Ding-E. Young
Fusion of Sendai virus with human HL-60 and CEM cells: different kinetics of fusion for two isolates, Maria C. Pedroso de Lima, Shlomo Nir, Diana L. Flasher, Karin Klappe, Dick Hoekstra, and Nejat Düzgüneş
Toward Information Literacy – Innovative Perspectives for the 1990s, Mary M. Somerville
Journal Wars, Michael Vitiello
Reconsidering Rehabilitation, Michael Vitiello
The Historical Geography of the Colorado Plateau, 1539-1991, Michael J. Wurtz
Expression of lymphocyte perforin in the mouse uterus during pregnancy, Li-Mou Zheng, Chau-Ching Liu, David M. Ojcius, and John Ding-E. Young
Immunogold labelling of perforin and serine esterases in granulated metrial gland cells, Li-Mou Zheng, David M. Ojcius, Chau-Ching Liu, M. D. Kramer, M. M. Simon, E. L. Parr, and John Ding-E. Young
Role of granulated metrial gland cells in the immunology of pregnancy, Li-Mou Zheng, David M. Ojcius, and John Ding-E. Young
Extracellular ATP as a trigger for apoptosis or programmed cell death, Li-Mou Zheng, Arturo Zychlinsky, Chau-Ching Liu, David M. Ojcius, and John Ding-E. Young
Submissions from 1990
Cholesterol Interactions with Tetracosenoic Acid Phospholipids in Model Cell Membranes: Role of the Double-Bond Position, Eser Ayanoglu, Bich Huong Chiche, Mark Beatty, Carl Djerassi, and Nejat Düzgüneş
Persistent metronidazole-induced peripheral neuropathy, Eric G. Boyce, E. T. Cookson, and W. S. Bond
Surveying the availability of home testing products, Eric G. Boyce, R. Spera, and Calvin H. Knowlton
Fetal Protection Policies: Balancing the Interests of the Employee, Employer, and the Unborn under Title VII, Thomas D. Brierton and Laurie Lichter-Heath
In situ mapping of the muscle-specific form of phosphoglycerate mutase gene to human chromosome 7p12-7p13, Judit Castella-Escola, M. G. Mattei, David M. Ojcius, E. Passage, C. Valentin, and M. Cohen-Solal
A clinic of innovation, Margaret E. Ciccolella and M. Wilborn
Regulation of gene expression in vivo by liposome-mediated delivery of a purified transcription factor, Robert J. Debs, L. P. Freedman, S. Edmunds, K. L. Gaensler, Nejat Düzgüneş, and K. R. Yamamoto
Immunomodulatory and Toxic Effects of Free and Liposome-encapsulated Tumor Necrosis Factor a in Rats1, Robert J. Debs, Henry J. Fuchs, Ramila Philip, Elisa N. Brunette, Nejat Düzgüneş, Judd E. Shellito, Denny Liggitt, and John R. Patton
Monocyte-Mediated Lysis of HIV-Infected Tumor Cells, Robert J. Debs, John Krowka, Daniel Stites, Elisa N. Brunette, Nejat Düzgüneş, and Ramila Philip
Molecular control of vesicle aggregation and membrane fusion: Hypotheses on bile vesicles, Nejat Düzgüneş
Planning, Expectation and Image Evaluation for PACS at The University of Iowa Hospitals and Clinics, Edmund A. Franken, Wilbur L. Smith, Kevin S. Berbaum, David A. Owen, and Peter E. Hilsenrath
GABA-evoked currents are potently antagonised by a combination of biphenyl acetic acid and ciprofloxacin or ofloxacin, Robert F. Halliwell, P. G. Davey, and J. J. Lambert
Managed care and the reorganization of navy medicine, Peter E. Hilsenrath
A flow cytometric comparison of DNA content and glutathione levels of hepatocytes in English sole (Parophyrs vetulus) from areas of differing water quality, Norma K. Jenner; Gary K. Ostrander; Terence J. Kavanagh; John C. Livesey; Michael W. Shen; S. Chong Kim; and Eric H, Holmes
Purification of a membrane-associated serine esterase from murine cytotoxic T lymphocytes by a single reverse phase column, Shibo Jiang, Cynthia S. Hasselkus-Light, David M. Ojcius, and John Ding-E. Young
Resistance of cytolytic lymphocytes to perforin-mediated killing: Inhibition of perforin binding activity by surface membrane proteins, Shibo Jiang, David M. Ojcius, Pedro M. Persechini, and John Ding-E. Young
Perforin binding to cells and lipid membranes determined by a simple competition assay, Shibo Jiang, David M. Ojcius, and John Ding-E. Young
Review of the Supreme Court's 1989-90 Term and Preview of the 1990-91 Term for the Transnational Practitioner, J. Clark Kelso
Differential effects of free and liposome encapsulated amikacin on the survival of Mycobacterium avium complex in mouse peritoneal macrophages, L. Kesavalu, Jayne A. Goldstein, Robert J. Debs, Nejat Düzgüneş, and Pattisapu R.J. Gangadharam
Liposomes modulate human immunodeficiency virus infectivity, Krystyna Konopka, B. R. Davis, C. E. Larsen, D. R. Alford, Robert J. Debs, and Nejat Düzgüneş
Lymphocyte proliferative responses to soluble and liposome-conjugated envelope peptides of HIV-1, J. Krowka, D. Stites, Robert J. Debs, C. Larsen, Jane Fedor, E. Brunette, and Nejat Düzgüneş
Fusion of simian immunodeficiency virus with liposomes and erythrocyte ghost membranes: Effects of lipid composition, pH and calcium, Charles E. Larsen, D. R. Alford, L. J.T. Young, T. P. McGraw, and Nejat Düzgüneş
Binding of aminoalkylphosphorothioate radioprotective drugs to rodent tissue proteins, John C. Livesey, Zdenka Grunbaum, and Kenneth A. Krohn
Fusion of enveloped viruses with cells and liposomes - Activity and inactivation, Shlomo Nir, Nejat Düzgüneş, Maria C. Pedroso De Lima, and Dick Hoekstra
Resistance to the pore forming protein of cytotoxic T cells: comparison of target cell membrane rigidity, David M. Ojcius, Shibo Jiang, Pedro M. Persechini, Judith Storch, and John Ding-E. Young
Restriction factors of homologous complement: A new candidate?, David M. Ojcius, Shibo Jiang, and John Ding-E. Young
A role for pore-forming proteins in the pathogenesis by parasites?, David M. Ojcius and John Ding-E. Young
Cell-mediated killing: effector mechanisms and mediators, David M. Ojcius and John Ding-E. Young
Characterization of the inhibitory effect of lysolipids on perforin-mediated hemolysis, David M. Ojcius and John Ding-E. Young
Cytotoxic effector mechanisms, David M. Ojcius and John Ding-E. Young
Molecular mechanisms of calcium-induced membrane fusion, Demetrios Papahadjopoulos, Shlomo Nir, and Nejat Düzgüneş
Interaction of antimycobacterial and anti-pneumocystis drugs with phospholipid membranes, Maria C. Pedroso de Lima, Bich Huong Chiche, Robert J. Debs, and Nejat Düzgüneş
Metabolic responses to controlled frequency breathing in competitive swimmers, Glenn P. Towne and J. Mark Van Ness
Metabolic responses to controlled frequency breathing in competitive swimmers; Implications for hypoxic training, Glenn P. Towne and J. Mark Van Ness
Physiological responses to plyometric exercising on trained volley players, J. Mark Van Ness, J. Avalos, C. A. Trampe, and Glenn P. Towne
Submissions from 1989
Creatinine Clearance Estimation in Protein-Malnourished Patients, Eric G. Boyce, R. N. Dickerson, G. F. Cooney, Gene A. Gibson, and J. L. Mullen
Comparison of gentamicin immunoassays using univariate and multivariate analyses, Eric G. Boyce, Lisa A. Lawson, Gene A. Gibson, and Irving Nachamkin
A cross-sectional study of the ethics of pharmacy students, Eric G. Boyce, Michael Montagne, William A. Reinsmith, Sean Hennessy, and Calvin H. Knowlton
Computer-simulated effects of errors in infusion duration and blood sampling times on pharmacokinetic calculations for gentamicin, Eric G. Boyce and C. B. Pugh
Statutory Construction of Title VII and 42 USC 1983 in Employment Discrimination Actions, Thomas D. Brierton
Exercise in hot weather, Margaret E. Ciccolella
Facts about cholesterol, Margaret E. Ciccolella
Liposome-associated tumor necrosis factor retains bioactivity in the presence of neutralizing anti-tumor necrosis factor antibodies, Robert J. Debs, Nejat Düzgüneş, E. N. Brunette, B. Fendly, J. Patton, and Ramila Philip
The Impact of the New Uniform Capitalization Rules on Real Estate, Christine Dentino
Fusion of Liposomes Containing a Novel Cationic Lipid, N-[2,3-(Dioleyloxy)propyl]-N,N,N-trimethylammonium: Induction by Multivalent Anions and Asymmetric Fusion with Acidic Phospholipid Vesicles, Nejat Düzgüneş, Jayne A. Goldstein, Daniel S. Friend, and Philip L. Feigner
Preventing Partnership Freeze-Outs, Franklin A. Gevurtz
The mechanism of action and pharmacological specificity of the anticonvulsant NMDA antagonist MK‐801: a voltage clamp study on neuronal cells in culture, Robert F. Halliwell, John A. Peters, and Jeremy J. Lambert
The Development of Synthetic Fuels in South Africa, Peter E. Hilsenrath
Lectin-carbohydrate interactions in model and biological membrane systems., Dick Hoekstra and Nejat Düzgüneş
Review of the Supreme Court's 1988-89 Term and Preview of the 1989-90 Term for the Transnational Practitioner, J. Clark Kelso
Book review: The Tenth Justice. By Lincoln Caplan., Brian K. Landsberg
Judicial Backpedaling: Putting the Brakes on California's Law of Wrongful Termination, Lawrence C. Levine
Measurement of Tissue Oxidation-Reduction State with Carbon-13 Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy, John C. Livesey, Robert N. Golden, Eric G. Shankland, Zdenka Grunbaum, Todd L. Richards, Robert A. Wade, and Kenneth A. Krohn
Dynamic effects of autoignition centers for hydrogen and C1,2-hydrocarbon fuels, Andrew E. Lutz, Robert J. Kee, James A. Miller, Harray A. Dwyer, and Antoni K. Oppenheim
Cellular gene expression in papillomas of the choroid plexus from transgenic mice that express the simian virus 40 large T antigen, Jeffrey R. Marks, Joan Lin-Cereghino, Philip Hinds, Douglas Miller, and Arnold J. Levine
1989 session: Environment-related work, Stephen C. McCaffrey
United nations activies: 1989 session: Environment-related work, Stephen C. McCaffrey
Synaptic plasticity and learning II: Do different kinds of plasticity underlie different kinds of learning?, Richard G.M. Morris, Robert F. Halliwell, and N. Bowery