Theses/Dissertations from 1952
Thesis: A study of problems presented by elementary school buildings and facilities, Robert Louis Whitt
Theses/Dissertations from 1951
Thesis: A study of the legal provisions for tort liability by schools and private parties engaged in off-campus activity, James Maurice Alexander
Thesis: A survey of the effectiveness of the business curriculum in selected small high schools of California, John Webster Anderson
Thesis: Campaign songs as a factor in American politics, A. Eugene Anthony
Thesis: An organized guidance and counseling program for high schools enrolling less than one hundred fifty pupils, Frank Balogh
Thesis: A study of the rehabilitation programs of certain sanatoria, Carol Walter Elmer Bond
Thesis: The origin and development of the art of oral interpretation of verse in the United States, Haig Aram Bosmajian Jr.
Thesis: The duties and responsibilities of the counselor in the secondary schools of Modesto, Dorothy Alice Boylan
Thesis: A study of the influence of alumni contacts upon the educational program of medium-sized California high schools, Arch Alexander Brown Jr.
Thesis: An analysis of attitudes of members of the Church of the Brethren in the Pacific Coast Region, Merlin Leroy Clark
Thesis: The Historicity of Shakespeare's English Queens, Winifred Constance Clink
Thesis: The status of sex education in the public elementary schools of California, Will Shippee Cluff Jr.
Thesis: The status of beavers in the delta area of the San Joaquin River, San Joaquin County, California, 1950-1951, Delbert David Cram
Thesis: Hebraism and Hellenism as seen in Sartor resartus and Wilhelm Meister's apprenticeship, Robert Roy Dutton
Thesis - Pacific Access Restricted: A Comparative Study of a Public Opinion Poll of the College of the Pacific, Stockton, California, Alfred Philip Fain
Thesis: Language training for missionaries, Laurence McPherson Farr
Thesis: Aria da Capo : An Opera in One Act, Burdette Marion Fore
Thesis: Intermediate compounds in the synthesis of lignin, Paul Spencer Gakle
Thesis: Industrial arts programs in high schools, grades 9-12, with an average daily attendance of 300 or less, Edward Milton Grassell
Thesis: A survey of the techniques of football line play in selected colleges, F. Sheldon Harden
Thesis: A study to determine the value of music as a therapeutic agent in the rehabilitation of a schizophrenic, Orval Zane Harpham
Thesis: A Study to Determine the Value of music as a Therapeutic Agent in the Rehabilitation of a Schizophrenic, Orval Zane Harpham
Thesis: NON CARBORUNDUM WHIMSICALI, Thomas Stanley Haynes
Thesis: A study of the Psychology of Perfume Advertising as used in Five Popular Magazines, Raymond Albert Herwitz
Thesis: A comparison of two methods of teaching English in selected classes of the same high school, Richard Louis Hughes
Thesis: A study of selected films as an aid in an eighth grade occupational orientation program, Russell Rex Kircher
Thesis: The development of radio station KRJC at Modesto Junior College, Edward L. McClarty
Thesis: A survey of the articulation of the children of the Madison School, Stockton, California, James Robertson McDearmon
Thesis: Ascendance : submission traits as correlated with some aspects of the authoritarian personality, Leo A. Moore
Thesis: An evaluation of piano literature written originally for four hands--one piano, Frederick Farnam Owens
Thesis: An Education Index for the California Education Code of 1949, Herndon Carroll Ray
Thesis: A history of the reclamation of the delta lands of California, Doyle Loman Roberts
Thesis: A survey of the health practices of the boys and girls of Stockton High School, Kenneth W. Rogers
Thesis: An analysis of the oil of echinocystis fabacea seeds, Francis Warren Sayre
Thesis: A handbook of fundamentals of music, Jane Claire Scott
Thesis: The adjustment of eighty correspondence club members as indicated by two adjustment inventories, Maurice R. Seaquist
Thesis: A study of the relationship between hand preference and motor ability in secondary school pupils, James Lynn Shannon
Thesis: Children's reactions to one hundred thirty-seven visual items, Robert James Tufts
Thesis: An annotated bibliography of the material on stuttering writen by American authorities and published in American periodicals, 1925-1950, Dorothy Brenton Van Camp
Thesis: A study of Corcoran Joint Union High School drop-outs for the school year of 1949-1950, Emmit Rowland Wheat
Thesis: A study of junior sportsman clubs throughout the United States with special reference to the Lodi Junior Sportsmen, Joseph Allen Wilson
Thesis: A study of interdistrict attendance agreements in the elementary school districts of Calaveras, Merced, and Solano Counties, Harold Basil Youngblood
Theses/Dissertations from 1950
Thesis: A plan for the reorganization of attendance areas in Calaveras County, Melvin Bernasconi
Thesis: Crop damage by wildlife in California ; with special emphasis on deer and waterfowl, Earl Roy Biehn
Thesis: An index to the literature on digenetic trematodes from fishes, Richard William Bond
Thesis: Studies on the ecological distribution of the genus Tegula at Bodega Bay, California, Allen Emmert Breed
Thesis: Factors relating to unification in the Galt area, Martin Anthony Cabalzar
Thesis: Symphony No. 1, Albert Irving Chance
Thesis: Certain coloring matters derived from vanallin and methyl salicylate, Thompson James Coe
Thesis: The Interior Plan of a Workable Little Theater for Napa College, Dayton Coffey
Thesis: Observations on a new cystophorous cercaria from marine snails, Jack Edward Copsey
Thesis: A survey of the course content in sixteen state courses of study in health education for the secondary school, Ella Ida Cutkosky
Thesis: The place of the cowboy novel in American literature : a study of its development from 1900 to 1940, Ferol Egan
Thesis: An analysis of the humanism of Euripides as expressed in his plays and reflected in selected plays of modern drama, Robert Henry English
Thesis: Survey of the Play Therapy Clinic at the College of the Pacific from February, 1948 to February, 1949, Donald Leong Fong
Thesis: A comparison of the nineteenth and twentieth century criticism of Shakespeare's heroines, Grace McLeod Gartman
Thesis: Social adjustment of foster-home children in San Joaquin Valley elementary schools, Helen Haschak Green
Thesis: The presidential campaign of 1948, Edward John Hallauer
Thesis: An evaluation of the nature and scope of released-time religious education in California, Henry W. Jantzen
Thesis: The senior high school boys' glee club : a study of its organization, maintenance, vocal problems and selections of music, Harrill Dean Johnson
Thesis: The effectiveness of the teacher education program of secondary school teachers at the College of the Pacific, Lester Romaine Johnson
Thesis: An analysis of Romain Rolland, Mildred Lagomarsino
Thesis: Trypanosoma barbari, a new species from the newt Triturus torosus, Donald Lewis Lehmann
Thesis: The selection and evaluation of social studies audio-visual materials for the elementary schools of the Alameda Unified School District, Paul A. Liebhart
Thesis: A survey of the English language in the Philippines and the various Filipino dialects and the development of Tagalog as a national language, Vidal Serrano Mata
Thesis: Andre Gide, the nonconformist, Edwa Langdon McDonald
Thesis: A plan for eighth-grade reading improvement, Marvin Merle McDow
Thesis: A study of the mental attitudes of Lodi Union High School girls toward the physical education program, Elvera Giorgi Melby
Thesis: An analysis of sixth grade arithmetic in the Alameda school system, Robert K. Ray
Thesis: A critical approach to Homiletic literature, Winthrop H. Richardson
Thesis: An investigation of parental influence on the speech development of the child, Margaret Bradshaw Ropolo
Thesis: A survey of selected business offices in Modesto with implications for curriculum and guidance at Modesto Junior College, Carol Kent Savage
Thesis: A study of the speech abilities of 150 teacher credential candidates, Yvonne Pearson Schoell
Thesis: Advanced techniques in women's field hockey with emphasis on teaching aids, Harriet Louise Sheldon
Thesis: An experimental study with college men to determine the effects of teaching method on the ability to learn volleyball skills, Eugene Marion Stagnaro
Thesis: The College of the Pacific Seal in pebble mosaic, Elaine Brink Stanley
Thesis: A survey of the judging standards in high school speech contests of northern and central California, Thomas Walwyn Stephens
Thesis: A study of the adequacy of high school physics laboratory work for general education, Robert F. Stone
Thesis: A history of the Stockton Recreation Department, 1910 to 1947, including its early background, and the development of its program and facilities, Bert Edward Swenson
Thesis: A historical study of the theatre of the Mother Lode during the Gold Rush period, Berton Everett Trulsson
Thesis: Value in an Age of Crisis, W H. Werkmeister
Theses/Dissertations from 1949
Thesis: An Economic Comparison of Short Span Bridges, Glenn B. Armstrong
Thesis: An experimental study of the effect of caffeine upon athletic performance, Roger Youngdal Baer
Thesis: Drug plants of California, Frederick Louis Beauchamp
Thesis: A study of distributive occupations in Stockton, California : for puposes of secondary school counseling, Allen Douglas Blim
Thesis: The history of the viola and an analysis of its literature, Clifford A. Brau
Thesis: The historical progress of violin technique from Paganini to Heifetz, Horace I. Brown
Thesis: An evaluation of teacher-constructed tests, Eano Joseph Canepa
Thesis: The application of the law of virtual work in the solution of civil engineering structures, Martin Trester Dyke
Thesis: A study of the availability and use of certain learning aids in the teaching of social studies in Yuba County elementary schools, Harold Godfrey Engstrom
Thesis: The development of character education through the social studies and school activities in the junior high schools : with particular reference to Stanford Junior High School curriculum and student government in Sacramento, Lena Barnum Everett
Thesis: Studies on larval trematodes from Tomales Bay, California, Leroy H. Fisk
Thesis: A scheme of analysis for the ceric rare earths, Herschel Gordon Frye
Thesis: A study of nutrition as a mass educational movement during World War II : with particular reference to the work done in San Joaquin County, Maxine V. Garrigan
Thesis: A Study Rigid-Frame Design versus Truss-and-Column Design, Stephen H. Goodman
Thesis: Radio broadcasting equipment : a short textbook for students of radio production, Robert Bethell Holmes
Thesis: An experimental investigation of speech therapy for the hard-of-hearing pre-school child, Florence Beatrice Hubbard
Thesis: A suggested program for extended sessions to be incorporated into the general program for Christian education of juniors in the Evangelical Mission Covenant Church, Alva M. Johanson
Thesis: A survey of the adult trematodes from fishes of the Pacific Marine Station area, William Franklin Johnson
Thesis: A study of the social functions of the skidrow rooming house in Stockton, George William Korber