Theses/Dissertations from 1941
Thesis: Phylogenetic studies on the blood-inhabiting trematodes, Harold Frederick Dieckmann
Thesis: The influence of the Book of Common Prayer on the prose style of Samuel Johnson's prayers, Walter E. Dodds
Thesis: The development and evaluation of an outline of a course in physical science for eleventh and twelfth year students, Arthur Wilson Everett
Thesis: Problems of Hawaiian adolescence, Ruth E. Fitch
Thesis: Lodi recreation survey, Ralph B. Francis
Thesis: The educational program in the national parks with particular reference to those in the western states, John S. Germain
Thesis: A critical evaluation of the music curriculum in representative high schools of California, Oregon and Washington and a suggested program based upon the possibilities of post school musical activities, James Atkinson Lewis
Thesis: The Dyer bill in Congress : a history of the first major attempt to curb lynching in the United States by federal legislation, Ernest George Poletti
Thesis: The development of a better understanding by the child of his natural environmental resources in the rural elementary schools of Sacramento County, California, Orville James Sipe
Thesis: Trees and shrubs of Kings Canyon National Park, Kenneth M. Stocking
Thesis: Group guidance in the junior high school with particular reference to a course developed at the Sutter Junior High School in Sacramento, California, and an evaluation of its results, May D. Sturges
Theses/Dissertations from 1940
Thesis: A survey of band practice incentives and rehearsal techniques in California Central Coast Counties high schools, Earl Marshall Alcorn
Thesis: Aldous Huxley : a study in a changing philosophy, Lee Quellen Charette
Thesis: Radio Education at Junior High School Level with Particular Reference to the Use of Radio in the Lincoln Junior High School Area Sacramento, California, Edna Theresa Conrad
Thesis: The Vocascope - An Experimental Study in the Visual Measurement of Pitch and Quality, John C. Crabbe
Thesis: A unified course in advanced high school mathematics, Theodore Michael dePolo
Thesis: A study of non-attendance in Miguel Hidalgo School of Brawley, California, W. G. La Berge
Thesis: A survey, critical analysis, and comparison of current beginning band methods, Paul G. Lutz
Thesis: A follow-up study of one hundred and nine delinquent children in the San Joaquin County Junvenile Court, 1932-1933, Jack Ramsey Parsons
Thesis: The use and improvement of class methods for beginning school band instruction, Alfred P. Sessions
Thesis: A study of the deviations of voice articulation and rhythm of the students of the Stockton Junior College, Andrew W. Shook
Thesis: A history of the third term tradition, 1789-1928, Elmer Ellsworth Stevens
Thesis: A study of the interrelations between Dos Passos' personal philosophy, objectives, and techniques and the influence of the zeitgeist on them, James R. Wilson
Thesis: A Critical Health Survey of the College of the Pacific Campus from 1936 to 1940 with Particular Emphasis on the Personal and Group Health Facilities, Thomas David Wilson
Theses/Dissertations from 1939
Thesis: An analytical study of the character of Sir John Falstaff, Robert Eley
Thesis: Bolivar : a biographical play in eight scenes, Arthur Randolph Farey
Thesis: Music in California State Institutions, David L. Harms
Thesis - Pacific Access Restricted: The Equations and Constructions of Certain Higher Plane Curves, Harold L. Hutchinson
Thesis: The selection and professional training of teachers : a study based upon questionnaire returns from selected teachers and school administrators in California, as collected by the State Department of Education, Peter G. Jacobs
Thesis: A survey of the Boy Scout movement in its relation to the development of character, Arthur C. Kincaid
Thesis: Projects, devices and activities for teaching of social science in the junior high school, Virginia Meline
Thesis: The place of music-drama in the curriculum of the American colleges and universities, Erwin Ruff
Theses/Dissertations from 1938
Thesis: Prototypes of Meredithian characters, Esther N. Herseth
Thesis: The Public Relations Program of the Alameda City Schools, Harold V. LaJeunesse
Thesis: Creative music, Marjorie McLennan
Thesis: The Home Room Aid and its Sponsor in the Junior High School, Eva E. Meline
Thesis: The character building influences of the school music program, James W. Riley
Thesis: The effect of European festivals on American entertainment, Florence Veall
Thesis: A survey of ethical standards in business with a course of study in business ethics for the junior college, Louis L. Windmiller
Thesis: An Appraisal of the Roosevelt Monetary Policy, Robert J. Wright
Theses/Dissertations from 1937
Thesis: Weeds in Sacramento County of California, Ross Clover
Thesis: The presidential campaign of 1936, Mason A. Johnston
Thesis: The significance of the work of Colonel Francis Wayland Parker in the progressive educational movement with special reference to his influence on John Dewey, Lea Bevan Moore
Thesis: The Third International, Helen Gertrude Sayles
Thesis: A study of the native trees of Amador County, Guy V. Towsley
Thesis: The importance of the study of anatomy to the figure artist, Dorothy Young
Theses/Dissertations from 1936
Thesis: Explosive property of aluminum powder liquid oxygen mixture, David S. Bruce
Thesis: The 1928 salary schedule of the City of Alameda and its effect upon the improvement of teachers in service, James Mathews Bryan
Thesis: Tendencies of the generation of '98 as exhibited in the dramatic works of Jacinto Benavente and Gregorio Martinez Sierra, Helen Danner
Thesis: The modern Spanish theatre : with particular emphasis upon the works of Jacinto Benavente, Eunice Vivian Fitch
Thesis: Mexican arts and crafts since the conquest of Cortes, Marjorie I. Graham
Thesis: A Study of methods of Determining the Rate of Acid Hydrolysis of Wheat Gluten, Angus V. Henrickson
Thesis: A Study of Methods of Determining the Rate of Acid Hydrolysis of Wheat Gluten, Angus V. Honrickson
Thesis: The Christian thought of Doctor Toyohiko Kagawa and his social works and movements, Eiichi Iimura
Thesis: The determination of the deuterium oxide content of various samples of water, Douglas R. Macintyre
Thesis: William Taylor : Organizer and Statesman, Thomas Mee
Thesis: Dr. Alexis F. Lange, his influence on education in California with particular reference to the establishment of the junior high school and the junior college, Lowell W. Mell
Thesis: Tipos y costumbres satirizados en Los Sueños de Quevedo, Mary G. Phillips
Thesis: A preliminary study of the characteristic physical properties of chlorinated asphalt, Ernest Clifford Spafford
Thesis: A Study of the Products of the Reaction Between Stannous and Arsenate Ions in Silicic Acid Gels, Frank K. Thompson
Thesis: The development of Mexican music, Edith M. K. Tibbets
Thesis: A microscopic study of cross-sections of woody dicotyledonous stems with reference to their use in courses in elementary botany, Nancy Jane Toms
Theses/Dissertations from 1935
Thesis: Pottery in Fifteen Lessons, Agnes Daponte Berne
Thesis: A History of the Productions of the Little Theatre, 1933-1935, DeMarcus Brown
Thesis: Some contributions to iodometric technique, Justin Kimber Dyche
Thesis: Probolitrema tomalis sp. nov. (Trematoda) from Dasyatis dipterura and Brachylaemus virginianus (Dickerson) (Trematoda) from Didelphys virginiana, Elsie Mae Graves
Thesis: A Statistical Study of Economic Changes in Japan, Kasakazu Hotta
Thesis: The Big Navy Idea in the United States Since the World War, Ray Gladstone Lawrence
Thesis: A History of the United States Air Mail Service, Floyd M. Lawson
Thesis: Projects to stimulate appreciation of literature in secondary schools, Emily B. Jacob McCain
Thesis: The birth and growth of Indo-Anglian literature and its contributions to English literature, Marie O'Loughlin
Thesis: New trematodes from birds : Plagiorchis noblei (Plagiorchidae) from Agelaius phoeniceus californicus: Galactosomum humbargari (Heterophidae) from Larus californicus, James T. Park
Thesis: The public life and achievements of James Duval Phelan, Jean Tully
Thesis: The financing of education in homestead areas, Lester Turnbaugh
Thesis: An outline course of study for the seventh and eighth grades in the social studies, George Ellsworth Walston
Theses/Dissertations from 1934
Thesis: The ethical criteria apparently assumed as valid by various economic theories of wages, Herbert L. Abbott
Thesis: Captain Charles Maria Weber, pioneer, J. T. Aungst
Thesis: A search for a universally valid criterion as a basis for musical criticism, Allan Bacon
Thesis: Football injuries at the College of the Pacific 1924 to 1933, Robert L. Breeden
Thesis: The early history of Tuolumne County, California, Frank C. Coates
Thesis: The Airplane as a Factor in Modern Transportation, Robert Fenix
Thesis: Food for children with special reference to dietaries for Chinese children, Dzi-chi Gin
Thesis: An experiment in supervision by the conference method, Wendell R. Hoar
Thesis: School Music Education in California, Beatrice Marjorie Hunt
Thesis: Education of the American Indian by the United States, Florence Barbee Lundquist
Thesis: Handbook on teacher reading in junior and senior high school, Reba Galvin Mack
Thesis: A history of Elko, Nevada : a frontier town, 1868-1890, Lester W. Mills
Thesis: A study of religious legislation in California, Daniel A. Ochs
Thesis: A Comprehensive Study of the Elementary School Districts Comprising the Orland, California, Joint Union High School District, Charles K. Price
Thesis: The production of oxalic, citric, and gluconic acids from plantation molasses, John A. Ruth
Thesis: The Oberammergau passion play as a survival of the medieval miracle play, Carolyn Pulciver Timm
Thesis: Papal sovereignty and the creation of the Vatican State, Harry E. Westermeyer
Theses/Dissertations from 1933
Thesis: A short history of the labors and accomplishments of the Protestant missionaries in Hawaii, Margaret Adsit
Thesis: A history of education in Mexico since 1857, Alma S. Andrews
Thesis: A report of a five year experiment in the formulation and operation of a character education program in a small rural secondary school, Mable William Barron
Thesis: The influence of British literature upon pre-Raphaelite painting, Veola Leona Bohnert
Thesis: What certain libraries and schools are doing towards encouraging and directing the summer reading of boys and girls in elementary and junior high schools, Julia Bray
Thesis: A survey of Adult Education in Northern Europe since the World war, Eva McConnell Cook
Thesis: A history of the bounty system used during the Civil War, Oren Ford