Theses/Dissertations from 1959
Thesis: Ritual Aspects of the Far Eastern Secular Arts, William George Webster McConnell
Thesis: Ways to Mental Health: West and East, George F. Melody
Thesis: Pulse measurement of the velocity of light using a Kerr cell, Ralph Drake Mills
Thesis: The external morphology of the first zoeal stages of Cancer magister (Dana), Cancer antennarius (Stimpson), and Cancer anthonyi (Rathbun), Robert Dotson Mir
Thesis: The Agricultural Production of China, Japan and Asiatic Russia, James Mudra
Thesis: The Administration of Justice in Communist China, John Joseph Mullane Jr.
Thesis: The development of a program of family life education, Napa Public Schools, 1953-1958, Virginia Flint Murdoff
Thesis: A five month experimental study on the therapeutic use of music with mentally deficient children, Sara Mae Peterson
Thesis: The uniform in boys' physical education, James W. Pilkington
Thesis: The Philosophy of Ramdas, James Weldon Plaugher
Thesis: Yoga A Guide to Harmonious Self Development, Hari D. Ponkshe
Thesis: The concept of liberation in the Yoga Sutras of Patañjali, Anna Rebecca Price
Thesis: The Democratization of Japan and Educational Reform, James Franklin Revard
Thesis: Suggested guide for the establishment of the office of public relations in Seventh-Day Adventist colleges, James Nelson Scott Jr.
Thesis: The correlation of various factors with the speech attitudes of students enrolled at Lodi Academy during 1952-1953, Lucile Sherrig-Roth
Thesis: The effects of anticholinergic drugs on sea anemones, Kenneth Robert Shortridge
Thesis: Setting of five Korean folk songs for solo voice and string orchestra, Young Yi Kim Sihn
Thesis: An introduction to the study of chromatography of aureomycin ..., Øistein Skjellum
Thesis: Embryological development of Cucumaria curata, Edmund Hobart Smith
Thesis: A study of factors involved in learning to read, Emma Jane Stewart
Dissertation: Some Active Techniques of Whole Functioning, William Moyer Swartley
Thesis: An investigation of the effects of an in-service workshop on arithmetic achievement in the middle grades of the Mt. Diablo Unified School District, Lloyd Sylvester Teel
Thesis: An experimental study of the relation of language art to college marks, Irmah Best Van Vlack
Thesis: Selecting teachers for tenure in the East Whittier School District, Russell Palmer Vincent
Thesis: Teaching music in the junior high school to the Mono Indians of Madera County, California, Luella Catherine Ware
Thesis: A proposed non-credit art program for the College of the Pacific based on a survey of objectives, Earl Junior Washburn
Thesis: Guide for governing boards in developing school district policies, Phillip Alan Whaley
Dissertation: A critical study of Hu Shih's Thought, Kei Tin Wong
Theses/Dissertations from 1958
Thesis: A survey of parents, teachers, and pupils in the Stockton elementary summer school concerning the summer school program, Clifton Oliver Adcock
Dissertation: Diplomatic relations between the United States and Morocco, Robert Henry Bahnsen
Thesis: A study of youth choirs in the Presbyterian Churches, U.S.A. of the San Joaquin Presbytery, California Synod, Samuel J. Barkman
Thesis: A critical analysis and study of the problems of intonation in the band ensemble, Harold H. Bartlett
Thesis: Guidance histories of selected pupils of a minority group in the intermediate grades, Paul Gideon Berger
Thesis: The organization and administration of a program to interpret the first grade reading program to parents in the Modesto City Schools, Anthony Eugene Besio
Thesis: Personality differences of three groups of college freshmen rated high, average, and low on study habits and attitudes, Frederic Hamilton Busher
Thesis: A study of an offensive signal system using words rather than numbers and including automatics, Don Carlo Campora
Thesis: Separation of fission products from irradiated uranium by peroxide precipitation, John E. Cobb
Thesis: Shih-Tóu Hsi-ChÃen, Progenior of Soto Zen, Roy William Collier
Thesis: A survey of state laws and regulations regarding corporal punishment in the public schools, Frances Elizabeth Coolidge
Thesis: An Inquiry into the Social Structures of the Indo Aryan Community, William Gullbert Darling
Thesis: Physical education curriculum for high school boys in southern California, James Albert Faul
Thesis: A history of California teacher retirement laws, Ernest Kibbe Gowdy
Dissertation: Dialectic as a philosophical method, Pierre Grimes
Thesis: An investigation of criteria for the evaluation of audio-visual services provided at the county level in California, Claude Wilbur Hass
Thesis: Taxonomic studies on adult and larval ascidians from California, Robert Christian Haugsten
Thesis: Effect of age upon achievement of boys and girls in the seventh and eighth grades at the Needham School in Lodi, California, Aaron Clemens Heinrich
Thesis: An experiential course in exploring music for the academies of the Seventh-Day Adventists : with syllabus and student reports, Yvonne Caro Howard
Thesis: A guide for planning the comprehensive general shop, Robert Edward Jennings
Thesis: An analysis of correlation scores of factors which contribute to success in the study of algebra, Ray Irvine Johnson Jr.
Thesis: Overture to a Dance, Samuel Theodore Kamilos
Dissertation: Conceptions of Formative Processes in Western Science and Eastern Philosophy, Glenn E. Kaufmann
Thesis: Supervisory techniques employed by San Joaquin County consultants in elementary education, Edwin Paul Lamoreau
Thesis: Reactions of carbonyl compounds with Amberlite IR-45, Nathaniel Joseph Lane Jr.
Thesis: A study of administrative factors in establishing an outdoor education program for Mill Valley, William Edward Lovvorn
Thesis: A kinetic study of the base catalyzed esterification of acetic anhydride with ethyl alcohol using a high frequency oscillometer, William E. Lowery
Dissertation: Personality differences between academically successful and unsuccessful college students as measured by the thematic apperception test, Leland Emil Mach
Thesis: A historical study of the development of the Bracero Program,with special emphasis on the Coachella and Imperial Valleys, Margaret Breed MacKaye
Thesis: A brief history of Formosa, Ben Warren Mattison
Thesis: An analysis of teacher turnover in the Stockton Unified School District for the school years 1954-56, Robert Earl Maxwell
Thesis: Music Theory in Junior Colleges of Northern California: A Survey and Analysis in Terms of the Terminal and Transfer Functions, Robert Lawrence Meadows
Thesis: Li and law, the perennial dichotomy in Chinese society : a historical survey, Willard Perry Norberg
Thesis: Arithmetic manipulative devices used by first grade of San Joaquin County schools, Sylvia Fern Osborne
Thesis: Liquor control in California and certain of its political-legislative aspects, Saburo Oshita
Thesis: A study of health services provided the Stockton Unified School District by the San Joaquin Local Health District, Cyril Revella Owen
Thesis: The development and evaluation of a curricular activity program at Galt Joint Union High School, William Dole Owen
Thesis: A psychometric study of student attitudes as a measure of academic motivation, J. Kenneth Rowland
Thesis: Revolt and tradition in the thought of Emily Dickinson, Peter Randall Runkel
Thesis: A survey and analysis of the athletic and non-athletic award systems of fifty-one high schools of the Central Section, California Interscholastic Federation, Clare Slaughter
Thesis: The concept of Brahmacarya, Evelyn Vrat
Dissertation: A History of Morocco in Anglo-American Literature 1892-1957, Robert G. Wagner
Dissertation: A comparative study of the problem of abstraction versus experience between East and West (as exemplified in selected Eastern and Western sages), Leo Jacob Zeff
Theses/Dissertations from 1957
Thesis: A survey of bond campaign procedures followed by a selected number of California school districts, John William Adamson
Thesis: An analytical study of the Ravel orchestration of Mussorgsky's Pictures at an exhibition, Maclyn Ball
Thesis: The loss ratio as a factor in the present financial support and future development of classes for exceptional children in the central and central coast counties of the state of California, August Frank Blanchard
Thesis: The Basques, Henry Camille Blaud
Thesis: A study of methods of preparation of phthalaldehyde, Harold Leon Chambers
Thesis: A diversified instructional reading program in the fourth grade using a single basic text, Mae Josephine Chambers
Thesis: The rabbit : an illustrated anatomical guide, Edwin Chin Jr.
Thesis: Stability and progress in the aircraft industry : an inquiry into the factors, favorable and unfavorable, to stability and progress, Robert Carl Clark
Thesis: A 120 megacycle self-contained high-frequency titrimeter, John Kyle Clinkscales Jr.
Thesis: Church-home relationships in church schools of the Central District of the California-Nevada Conference of the Methodist Church, Virginia Florence Curtis
Thesis: Symphony in Three Movements, Robert Lester Davis
Thesis: Desirable budget making procedures for elementary school districts in Marin County having over six hundred A.D.A., Harold Rowell DePue
Thesis: A survey of conservation education in the high schools of Stanislaus, Merced, and San Joaquin Counties with enrollments of five hundred or more students, Donald Marling Drake
Thesis: Q technique applied to changes in self-concepts and ideal self-concepts in a high school class, Robert Edward Eaton
Thesis: A Survey of Moorish Marriage, Mary Louise Faught
Thesis: A proposed course of study for boys' physical education in senior high school, John M. Giannoni
Thesis: Use of tape recorder in Modesto elementary schools and other California schools, Virgle Louis Giddens
Thesis: The EPIC movement and the California election of 1934, Robert Matteson Gordon
Thesis: The development of the San Mateo Junior College District policy manual, Gilbert Barton Gossett
Thesis: A critical survey of the most common errors of technique in eight track and field events, Arner Eugene Gustafson
Thesis: Studies on gametogenesis in the Echiuroid worm, Urechis caupo, James Charles Hanson
Thesis: The organization of a library for the John Gill Elementary School, Redwood City, California, Ian Loring Hutcheon
Thesis: Unification of the elementary school districts in the Lodi Union High School District, Newell Walter Johnson
Thesis: The Life and Teaching of Lin-Chi I-Shuan, Kazumitsu W. Kato
Thesis: Does smoking produce an emotional relaxation?, Louis Allen Kreiss Jr.
Thesis: New polychrome methods in microtechnique, Celestino Nera Macabales
Thesis: A comparative analysis of the characters of two dramatic King Lears : Shakespeare and Bottomley, Doyne Joseph Mraz
Thesis: An investigation of the relationship between certain parental characteristics and musical interest of students in high school bands, Carroll E. Nickels
Thesis: A program for reporting pupil progress to parents in the San Pablo elementary school district, John Soloman Odell