Theses/Dissertations from 1955
Thesis: Establishing criteria for developing a program of science instruction in elementary schools of the Stockton Unified School District, Jefferson Bryan West
Thesis: A history of Mount Whitney, Crispin Melton Wood
Thesis: An Exegetical Translation of a Section of the Vimalakirti-Nirdesa Sutra Together with the Commentary of SENG-CH'ÄO, Charles Yick and Frederick Hong
Theses/Dissertations from 1954
Thesis: The electrolytic reduction of osmium tetroxide in perchloric acid solution, Donald Lloyd Brunner
Thesis: The effect of mobility on the scholastic achievement of students at Sacramento Senior High School, James Percy Catterall
Thesis: A personality study of athletes who participate in competitive intercollegiate personal contact sports, Leonard John Clark
Thesis: The contributions of John Swett to free public education in California, Will Shippee Cluff Jr.
Thesis: A brief history of the development of the football headgear, George Edwin Corson
Thesis: Biological factors involved in the absenteeism of children from Stockton public schools, Fae-Belle Coudeyre
Thesis: Safety education in California elementary schools, Maxwell Alexander Cunninghame
Thesis: An investigation of contemporary dramatic art programs, theater plants, and production attitudes in one hundred and sixty-six public high schools of California, Curtis Cureton
Thesis: Population trends and school building needs in the Merced city school district, James Lafayette Daniel
Thesis: An investigation of relationship between personality adjustment and disparity of verbal and performance intelligence, Herman Edward Frick
Thesis: A study of continuation education practices in small California secondary schools, Clarence Joseph Golomb
Thesis: The mosaic test as a diagnostic indicator of schizophrenia, Irvin Arthur Hansen Jr.
Thesis: An experimental study to determine the effectiveness of functional music with blind children, William Samuel Hartley
Thesis: A survey to determine whether the eighth grade students of San Joaquin County are working up to their ability in language arts, John Hamilton Hodgson
Thesis: Electric shock therapy and the Word Association Test, Lowell Franklin Jennings
Thesis: Reorganization of the elementary schools in the Linden Union High School District, William Richard Johnsen
Thesis: The development and justification of a course in alcohol education for secondary schools, Ernest E. Kaster
Thesis: The Steel Industry of India: Its historical background and present development, Glenn Kaufmann
Thesis: The West That's Gone, Alma Cochran Kidd
Thesis: The use of standardized test results in elementary schools of the Lutheran Church, Missouri Synod in the United States, 1950-1951, Melvin Kieschnick
Thesis: Plankton studies of the Tomales Bay, California, Andrew William McClain
Dissertation: A Comparative Study of the Prasada Complex and the Grace of God, Jay R. McCullough
Thesis: Spermatogenesis in the sand crab Emerita Analoga, Mario Martin Menesini
Thesis: How the Spanish culture can contribute more significantly to the social studies program of California elementary schools, Samuel EncÃnas Renteria
Thesis: An item analysis of Wechsler-Bellevue intelligence scale form I subtests, Wayne Allen Rhoderick
Thesis: A study of ministers' salaries in the California-Nevada Conference of the Methodist Church, 1941-1952, Robert Bryce Sanford
Thesis: A comparative study of a public opinion poll of the parents of the Stockton Unified School District, Stockton, California, Ray Calvin Stevens
Thesis: Effect of environment on athletic ability, Carroll Clinton Stowell
Thesis: Ceremonial music of Japan, Setsuko Sugihara
Thesis: The Relation of the Concept of the Function of the Analytical Psychologist and the Function of the "Guru" or Spiritual Guide of Hinduism, William Swartley
Thesis: Whither Geyserville, a problem in school district reorganization : a theses ..., Cyril Graham Vassar
Thesis: A study of the essential drills and fundamental skills for a pass offense in high school T formation football, Vernon John Warkentin
Thesis: A syllabus for a course in analytical projective geometry, Herbert Richard Warne
Thesis: A comparative study of attendance problem students and students of regular attendance at Arvin High School, 1952-1953, Earlene Patricia Waters
Thesis: An investigation of the imaginative productions of a selected group of college students, Harlan Wesley Wayne
Thesis: Types of behavior during labor and delivery and scores on the Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory, Bette Gloria Winthers
Thesis: A survey of selected parents of pupils in the Sacramento City Unified School District relating to their opinions concerning four all-year school plans, Henry Merrill Wulff
Theses/Dissertations from 1953
Thesis: No Song, No Supper, Joseph S. Axup
Thesis: A history of the College of the Pacific Speech and Hearing Clinic, Winnie Mae Cooper
Thesis: Building Inscriptions from the Aspect of Art, Dana Dodge Corrough
Thesis: A recommended intramural sports program for senior high school boys : based on results of a study of fifty-four senior high school programs and additional research, Albert Adolph Dauth
Thesis: Incarnation : Hindu and Christian thought, Benjamin Anthony Francis
Thesis: An Analysis of Enrollments in Business Subjects in Public Secondary Schools of California for 1951 : with Comparisons for 1948 and 194, Alvina Graupman
Thesis: An evaluation of the nature, scope, and effects of federal aid for school lunch programs in California, James Maneval Hemphill
Thesis: Cordell Hull and the Good Neighbor Policy, Mackey Wilbur Hill
Thesis: The new flute of the eighteenth century, Forrest Lamont Honnold
Thesis: The urea adducts of certain esters containing twenty carbons, Donald Eugene Johnson
Thesis: Graduate Record Examination scores and grade-point averages of graduate students at the College of the Pacific, Delbert Wesley King
Thesis: A proposal to restudy school district budget procedure in California, Robert Lee
Thesis: Some concepts of recreation and relative character building values, Albert George Lynch
Thesis: An evaluation of teachers' ability to recognize behavior problems in children, Eugene Frederick Maxwell
Thesis: A study of school housing facilities in small rural school districts of San Joaquin County, Donald Elmo Moss
Thesis: The effect of cross-linkage on internal diffusion in Dowex-50 ion exchange resin, John Paul Peterson Jr.
Thesis: An analysis of the Methodist Junior Group Graded Curriculum to discover its adequacy for rural children, Edna Annis Quinn
Thesis: An inquiry into the rise of communism in China, Edward Augustine Raleigh
Thesis: A survey of the articulation of consonant sounds by the students of the Lincoln School, Tulare, California, Dorothy Naill Stephens
Thesis: Coloring matter in camillia japonica flowers, Robert James Stoner
Thesis - Pacific Access Restricted: Tannin Content of Certain California Eucalyptus Trees, Lawrence Stringari
Thesis: Thiocyanate complexes of osmium, Craig Albert Townsend Jr.
Thesis: Maritime labor unions and certain other factors affecting the shipping industry in the Port of San Francisco, 1931-1952, George Tway
Thesis: Personality changes among sex offenders at San Quentin, Leon Philip Wahler
Thesis: Certain significant characteristics of various sizes of California school districts for the fiscal year 1950-1951, Clifford Putman Weimer
Theses/Dissertations from 1952
Thesis: Pastoral counseling : a survey and analysis of the practices in the California Nevada Conference of the Methodist Church, Elliott Adkisson
Thesis: A content-procedure outline for the beginning speech course of Lodi Union High School, George Harold Barrett
Thesis: The expousal, examination through experience, and renunciation of communism by Emma Goldman, Benjamin Gitlow, Max Eastman and Louis Budenz, Clarence A. Bitts
Thesis: A comparison of scores of negro and white children on the Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children, John Robert Blakemore
Thesis: Tannin content of certain California oaks, Arthur Carton
Thesis: A study of the degree of articulation in the language arts curricula of San Joaquin County schools, Minna Lee Coughlin
Thesis: An investigation to determine the extent to which speech influences the selection of employees, Paul Eugene Elam
Thesis: A survey to determine the status of health teaching in the elementary schools of the Stockton Unified School District, Howard Franklin Evans
Thesis: A study of the ability of the Wechsler-Bellevue sub-tests to descriminate between the mental levels of delinquent negro boys, William Lee Gainer
Thesis: Aromatic acetals : their synthesis and alkylation, Robert Conner Gass
Thesis: The problem of remedial instruction in the elementary schools of California, Earl Edward Gates
Thesis: The superintendent as curriculum director in a small unified school district, Earl Angus Goodell
Thesis: Urea adducts of the esters of stearic acid, Paul Elliott Greene
Thesis: A study of the Relationship between the Financial Status and the Certificated Personnel of Selected Elementary School Districts of San Joaquin County, John William Hartnett Jr.
Thesis: Chalcones derived from m-nitroacetophenone, Richard Allan Hendry
Thesis: Life cycle studies on Stephanostomum pacificum, a new species of trematode, from the Pacific Marine Station area, James Frank Hughes
Thesis: A reinterpretation of the Yalta Conference with particular emphasis on the role of Franklin D. Roosevelt, M. Dudley Igo
Thesis: A parallel group experiment in mental hygiene with school children, Ernest Herman Jackson Jr.
Thesis: Symphony no. 1, Danys Jemison
Thesis: Evaluation of Oakdale Union High School commercial curriculum, Earl Kirby Johnson
Thesis: The freshman orientation course in the Oakdale Union High School, Gladys McCammon Johnson
Thesis: "Short-term" business courses for California junior colleges, Wayne Edward Johnson
Thesis: A study of the relationship between the financial status and the certificated personnel of selected secondary school districts of San Joaquin County, Earl Loren Klapstein
Thesis: Montan wax from California lignites, Robert John Kvick
Thesis: The seventh and eighth grade library at Stockton High School under the Six-Four-Four" plan, Esther Laura Lipsey
Thesis: A Critical Analysis of Methods and materials used in training drum majors and majorettes in secondary schools in California, Raymond McCall
Thesis: A study of the proposals to divide the state of California from 1860 to 1952, Roberta Blakley McDow
Thesis: The life of Franklin Knight Lane, Jack Lee Molini
Thesis: A study of elementary teachers' reactions to certain supervisory techniques, Morton Murov
Thesis: A status study of school building costs in California under the 1947 state aid program, Milford Sherman Olson
Thesis: A comparison of the scholastic attainment of athletes and non-athletes at Modesto High School, Mark C. Parsons
Thesis: The American punitive expedition into Mexico, 1916-1917, Frank William Shadley
Thesis: An analysis of the controls of participation in extra class activities in a large senior high school, James A. Stivers
Thesis: An organization of study units for listening lessons based on selected material from the RCA Victor Record Library for elementary schools, Bessie R. Swanson
Thesis: An investigation of the value of auditory training in the education of deaf children, Martha Yattaw Walker