Theses/Dissertations from 1949
Thesis: Analysis of Stresses in a Three Span Continuous Concrete Beam Bridge, G K. Leptien
Thesis: An in-service education program for helping teachers to understand and counsel children, James G. Linn
Thesis: The function of imagery in Antony and Cleopatra, James Sebree Loveall
Thesis: Selected aspects of the use of simple instruments in the music curriculum of the elementary school, William Raymond Manning
Thesis: A comparative analysis of four types of psychotherapy used with children, Margaret P. Moore
Thesis: A statistical study of the contributions of certain Greek and Roman mythological terms to the modern English language, Chrysta Richards
Thesis: A Study of the Day School Program for Illiterate Prisoners at San Quentin Prison, Elmer E. Shafer
Thesis: Comparative study of Judaism and Shinto, Alice Elsa Smith
Thesis: A Study of Recent Advances in Drug Therapy for Use in Health Instruction, Loretta M. Stallings
Thesis: The relation between the poetic concept and autobiographical memory in the works of Thomas Wolfe, Douglas Carell Taylor
Thesis: A historical study of the Stilwell Road, Gordon Cornelius Thomas
Thesis: An analysis of production procedures in the stage play Harriet, Harold Harvey Ulrici
Theses/Dissertations from 1948
Thesis: A study of the development of the Recreation Department of Stockton, California, Margaret Fitzgerald Coston
Thesis: School district reorganization in Yolo County, Oral Mearl Custer
Thesis: Certain evidences of classical Greek influence on Shelley, George Robert Dietz
Thesis: "The people will live on" : from "The people, Yes", by Carl Sandburg : a composition for chorus, orchestra and narrator, Leighton M. Edelman
Thesis: A study of group-guidance activities together with their relationship to the over-all guidance program in twelve larger California public junior colleges, Reuel L. Fick
Thesis: The importance of the communal theatre as a civic institution and means by which it can be strengthened and improved, John J. Gemma
Thesis: Recreation in the church : an analysis and a prospectus, Lawton Delmar Harris
Thesis: An inquiry into the meaning of the phrase "In the public interest" as it applies to radio programs, Jim Hand Ludlow
Thesis: An investigation into the histories of theories and treatment of vocal registers in training the singing and speaking voice in relation to the recently published theories of Douglas Stanley, Edward Burger Lyon
Thesis: Speech attributes of Thomas Starr King, Elton F. Martin
Thesis: American public opinion relating to the Roosevelt court proposal of 1937, Alfred Irving Melcer Jr.
Thesis: A study of the littoral marine isopod Crustacea of the Dillon Beach area, Robert James Menzies
Thesis: Basques in Stockton : a study of assimilation, Carol Pagliarulo
Thesis: Workbook for Cuentos de la selva, Ethel Palacios
Thesis: Studies on the natural history of the limpets of the family Acmaedae, Ferdinand Stanley Ruth
Thesis: A study of the use of music in the religious education of children, Edith Myrtle Sergison
Thesis: A correlative study of the anti-literal in modern art, music, and literature, Alden Hervey Smith
Thesis: The history of the expropriation of the American oil companies in Mexico, Marie F. Stebbins
Thesis: The Value of Fundamentals and Fundamental Drills to the Coaching of Basketball, Van Sweet
Thesis: A survey of athletic training departments of 16 four year colleges in the state of California, Irving B. Thompson
Theses/Dissertations from 1947
Thesis: A study of the Relationship of Speech Ability and Success as a Minister in Northern California, John Edward Baird
Thesis: A study of frustration tolerance in handicapped children, Barbara Ellen Bower
Thesis: A method for the teaching of brass instruments in the public schools, Francis Cantu
Thesis: The technical development of the oboe as shown through the literature of the instrument from the eighteenth century to the present, Janet A. DeGroote
Thesis: The revival of the folk dance as social recreation in northern California, Grace Tener Frye
Thesis: Contributions to the study on helminth fauna of Dillon Beach, Francis C. Gale
Thesis: A survey of intestinal protozoa at the Stockton State Hospital : Stockton, California, Lawrence Melvin Gholz
Thesis: A school camping program for California, Willard Thomas Hancock
Thesis: Some principles, practices and techniques in musical therapy, Wilhelmina Keniston Harbert
Thesis: Book selection in junior high school libraries : with particular reference to Stanford Junior High School, Sacramento, California, Donna Marian Knaack
Thesis: Public speaking in California political history, 1850-1920, Marjorie Susan Larsen
Thesis: The sociological aspects of the wind-band in American community life, Clayton Augustus Long
Thesis: The California canning asparagus industry under government sponsored controls, Weldon Walter Lucot
Thesis: The history and enforcement of the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act since 1938, William Ebert Morrissey
Thesis: Small instrumental ensembles in the elementary school, John "Jack" William Murphy
Thesis: The use of audio-visual aids in music education in California, Peter B. Pinkerton
Thesis: The development of a course of orientation in the Sacramento High School, Sacramento, California, and the major problems of its administration, Alice Claxton Taggart
Thesis: The history of Tuolumne County during the gold rush, Harry C. Tremain
Thesis: Some microtechnical experiments and recommendations of new prestaining techniques, Edward D. Wood
Thesis: Special phases of the early history of Calaveras County, California, Ethelyn E. Wood
Theses/Dissertations from 1946
Thesis: A study of the occupational choices of senior students at Modesto High School and some of the salient factors affecting those choices, Alice Ahlberg
Thesis: A practical approach to the study of sound for musicians, Robert Lyle Beardsley
Thesis: Testing Practices, Purposes and Problems in Guidance Programs in California Secondary Schools ; a Survey of 187 Selected High Schools, Laurence L. Belanger
Thesis: Amos Alonzo Stagg's Contributions to Athletics, George Robert Coe
Thesis: Religion in the works of Heinrich Heine, Ellen Frances DeRuchie
Thesis: A study of Hiram W. Johnson's public speaking technique and of his speech composition : as manifested in five of his speeches on United States foreign policy, Carl W. Fuller
Thesis: Business Education in the California Secondary Schools, Naomi E. Fuqua
Thesis: An epic of water and power : a history of the Modesto Irrigation District, Robert Malcomb Graham
Thesis: The development and application of a test to detect certain habits of the scientific attitude among high school science students, Charles Edward Hamilton
Thesis: A Syllabus of Techniques for Correction of Speech Defects, William O. Pugh
Thesis: The development of stage lighting and its application to a problem in scenic design entailing the use of a unit set for the staging of six plays comprising a cross section of English drama, Anthony Reid
Thesis: The role of cooperatives in Chinese economic reconstruction since 1928, Alma Schocke
Thesis: An investigation of some problems affecting elementary schools of a small city in a defense area during World War II with particular reference to San Leandro, California, Harry E. Shaffer
Theses/Dissertations from 1945
Thesis: A study of elementary schools of California as they have been affected by the total war program, Margaret N. Deffterios
Thesis: From whaling days to cannery row : a survey of some aspects of the fishing industry at Monterey and vicinity from 1854 to 1920, John Markley Dennis
Thesis: The administration of a child care center during the war emergency, Laurence A. Farrar
Thesis: El ingenioso hidalgo Don Quijote de la Mancha, Dorothy Flammer
Thesis: The negro in California before 1890, A. Odell Thurman
Theses/Dissertations from 1944
Thesis: A study of the height and weight of Chinese school children in some northern Californian cities, Lillian Wai-chuen Chow
Thesis: A consideration of the qualities which contribute to the effectiveness of the speeches of Franklin Delano Roosevelt, Joanna Givan
Thesis: Some Significant Home and Community Factors Which Influence Juvenile Delinquency : with Particular Reference to Delinquency Problems of the city of Sacramento and the Sacramento city schools, Harlow Alfred Hanlon
Thesis: A study of speech deviations of the elementary school children of the Shasta County schools, school year 1941-1942, Ocea H. McMurry
Thesis: An Elementary Science Course of Study Developed for Use in the Stockton Unified School District, David H. Smith
Theses/Dissertations from 1943
Thesis: The life history of Cyclocoelum Microcotyleum, George Alfred Butler
Thesis: A history of public education in the City of Sacramento : with special emphasis upon the administration of Charles C. Hughes beginning in 1913, Bertram G. Chappell
Thesis: A Dictionary of Athletic Terms for Twelve Sports, Chris Lester Kjeldsen
Thesis: A science syllabus for the intermediate school grades especially adapted for rural schools in California, Jacob A. Misfeldt
Thesis: Student agricultural work experiences in San Joaquin County, with particular reference to the work experiences of students of Stockton and Lodi public schools in the summer of 1942, Frank L. Nash Jr.
Thesis: The Psychological Effects of Music Upon the People of the United States During Wartime, Howard Walter Sauers
Thesis: Original stories and tales emphasizing the theme of conservation for use with kindergarten children to which are attached a group of poems for children of the same age, Anne A. Simminger
Theses/Dissertations from 1942
Thesis: The history of the seat of government of California, Janet Elliott
Thesis: Theodore Roosevelt - Preacher Militant His Political Philosophy as Proclaimed in his Speeches, Evelyn Hanshaw
Thesis: An essay on character portrayal, style, and technique of writing in Maxwell Anderson's biographical plays in verse, Henry E. Hobson
Thesis: A study of the Relative Effectiveness of Certain Courses in Improving Language Processes, Virginia Hoessel
Thesis: A study of the flowering plants of the Plymouth-Bridgeport area of Amador and El Dorado counties, California, Eldridge P. Lawrence
Thesis: Boy transiency in the 1929 depression with a special study of a group of boy transients found in San Francisco, April 1936 to June 1937, Alden G. Olson
Thesis: Amos Alonza Stagg in wood, Richard Henry Reynolds
Thesis: A mechano-physical working model of the peripheral speech mechanism, Latta Alan Ross
Thesis: The use of obsessions and delusions as a tragic device in the major plays of Eugene O'Neill, Ruth Bartlett Thomas
Thesis: Determining the Prognostic Value of an Artificial Language Test, Alex Turkatte
Theses/Dissertations from 1941
Thesis: Health education in the public schools of Hawaii, Thelma F. Atkins
Thesis: A survey of post school opportunities for participation in instrumental music organizations in central California, Frederick Elmer Auch
Thesis: A semester course in motor safety for California high schools, Beverly Crocker Barron
Thesis: A survey of music education in the smaller high schools of California and a program of music courses, Carol C. Carter
Thesis: A problem in curriculum construction : a syllabus for the teaching of California history, Inez Irene Clark
Thesis: A Study of the Present and Possible Use of Radio in Secondary Schools in the Vicinity of Stockton, Bobbin Cay Peck Crabbe