Theses/Dissertations from 1933
Thesis: A study of the acoustics of some Stockton auditoriums and rooms, Glen Halik
Dissertation: A two year course of study for secondary school music students, James Edgar Hogin
Thesis: A dictionary of mathematical terms for high school students, Matilda O. Iverson
Thesis: Hermann und Dorothea and Luise : a comparative analysis, Bettie Louise Kroeck
Thesis: Trichomonas fulicae sp. nov. from Fulica americana, Elizabeth G. Lash
Thesis: The problem of the permanent validity of the ethical teachings of Jesus of Nazareth, Dwayne Orton
Thesis: Chamber music as a factor in public school music, Irma Belle Studley
Thesis: Intramural athletics for the small high school, Maurice R. Wood
Theses/Dissertations from 1932
Thesis: The International Attitudes of Student in California High Schools, Paul M. Berry
Thesis: The assimilation of the Japanese in and around Stockton, Horace F. Chansler
Thesis: A critical study of 174 non-recommended, 139 recommended, and 139 recommended-disqualified students at the College of the Pacific : with special reference to the reliability of the standard upon which selection for admittance is based, 1924-1931, Robert Frederick Curran
Thesis: A Study of the Effect of Temperature Upon Reactions Between Stannous and Arsenate Ions in Silicic Acid Gels, Ellis Elder
Thesis: The Raisin Industry of California, John W. Farrar
Thesis: A study of teachers trained at the College of the Pacific in regard to mental ability, scholarship, and teaching success, Emma Pearson Fentzling
Thesis: Dielectric constant of absorbed water, Reiji Funabiki
Thesis: The Senate's veto power over presidential appointments to the Supreme Court, 1916-1930, Wallace Worthy Hall
Thesis: Art Appreciation as Applied to Art in Everyday Life Suitable for Ninth Year Pupils, Lottiellen Johnson
Thesis: Our California bird friends, Allen Keim
Thesis: The Electret - An Effort to Find the Cause of its Permanent Polarization, Ernest F. Lundeen
Thesis: The Distribution and Economic Significance of the Genus Polygonum in Sacramento County of California, Helen Keech McCarthy
Thesis: A History of the Secularization of the Missions of California, Mervyn V. Miller
Thesis: A pictorial outline on interior decoration for the average small home, Walter Murray
Thesis: The Growth and Development of Business Education in the Schools of the United States, Elmer w. Plaskett
Thesis: A study of the cluster novel as a development in contemporary fiction, Mary Salber
Thesis: Radio and a Public Address System for the High School, Kenneth H. Westlake
Thesis: A brief history of the peace movement, written for the junior high school student, Margaret Wibel
Theses/Dissertations from 1931
Dissertation/Thesis: Dramatization of Narrative Literature for Slow-Moving Groups in High School, Emma M. Baumgardner
Thesis: The Skepticism of Anatole France, Margaret E. Camp
Thesis: Secret Societies in the Secondary Schools of the United States, Harold E. Chastain
Thesis: The case for high school dramatics : including a survey of the status of dramatics in the high schools of California, Musa Evans Davis
Thesis: A study in child thought, language and logic : observations of a six-year-old child, individually at home, and together with his play and school groups : experimental tests and analysis of observations, in accordance with the theories of Piaget, Gertrude Allen Farley
Thesis: Reactions between the Stannous and Arsenate Ions in Silicic Acid Gels, Willard Merle Farr
Thesis: A preliminary study of electrical conductivity in silicic acid gels, Rudolph C. Ferguson
Thesis: Stammerers and their social adjustment as shown by means of eight case studies, Ida C. Green
Thesis: The history of Sutter's Fort, 1839-1931, Herbert D. Gwinn
Thesis: The application of Judd's theory of generalization to teaching situations in physical education for ninth grade girls, Helen Minerva Loveridge
Thesis: Pupil retardation in the elementary public schools of Stockton,California, Elsie Copeman McLerie
Thesis: Religious Dramatics in America Since the World War, Armine V. Poladian
Thesis: The Distribution and Economic value of the Chenopodiaceae of San Joaquin County, California, Ralph Stiles Raven
Thesis: Wind and Earthquake Stresses in Tall Buildings, Henry A. Reynolds
Thesis: A Bibliography of the Theory of Relativity, Ruth E. Richardson
Thesis: The works of George Sand as an interpretation of her life and personality, Bernita Salmon
Thesis: Poverty and problems of the Mexican immigrant, Joseph M. Santos
Thesis: A concept of the elements of juvenile criminality from a sociological aspect, Frank Burchard Smith
Thesis: The United States military occupation of the republic of Haiti, Thomas John Stevens
Thesis: The culture of the Mayas as shown by their ruins, Daniel James Stone
Thesis: The relation of French poetry and painting to the development of French impressionistic music, Phyllis Elaine Threlfall
Thesis: The Sociological Aspects of Mexican Immigration to the United States, Bert Ira Van Gilder
Thesis: The construction of conic sections by means of Pascal's and Brianchon's theorems, Benjamin Lee Welker Jr.
Thesis: Source Materials on the History and Development of the San Joaquin River and the Stockton Deep Water Project, J. Norman Wenger
Thesis: Friendships and family ties in Vergil, Lillian P. Williams
Theses/Dissertations from 1930
Thesis: Branch banking in California, Burrus Everett Claypool
Thesis: A study of the tragic elements in Shakespeare's Comedies, Dorothy Corson
Thesis: The Political career of Sun Yat-sen, Katherine Talbot Hodge
Thesis: Truancy as a factor in the delinquency of boys : a case-study of 300 boys in the Preston School of Industry at Ione, California, and comparisons with the truancy problem of the Sacramento City Schools, V. Pierpont Husband
Thesis: The Straits and Constantinople, 1914-1923, George Harmon Knoles
Thesis: A history of the proposed Nicaragua Canal, Gordon Elbert Knoles
Thesis: The effect of the Economic Development of Mexico upon her Treaties with the United States, Peter Walline Knoles
Thesis: Certain aspects of pioneer life as presented in the modern novel, Elta Louise Livoni
Thesis: An Introductory Course in the Reading of Simple Graphic and Statistical Material for Use in Junior High Schools, Annie McKenzie
Thesis: A comparison of American and Japanese of physical and physiological traits, Yone Okamura
Thesis: A survey of progressive education and its application to certain schools of California, William Wells Pratchner
Thesis: The creative writing of poetry in the California secondary schools, Wesley Mills Pugh
Thesis: The personification of abstract virtues as represented in four Roman goddesses : Concordia, Fides, Pietas, and Spes, Dorothea Quitzow
Thesis: A study of the principle of poetic justice in the tragedies of the age of Elizabeth exclusive of Shakespeare, Alberta Amalia Reibenstein
Thesis: Changing conceptions of sacred music, Marion Virginia Rice
Thesis: A measurement of the extent of the color-sensitive areas of the retina and of the wavelengths of light stimulating the respective receptor mechanisms, Charles A. Rinde
Thesis: The place of the fine arts in a democratic education, Ivine Shields
Thesis: A syllabus of line geometry, Alice Willmarth
Theses/Dissertations from 1929
Thesis: Anhydrous Alcohol and the Vapor Phase Method of Preparing It, Cleetis Brown
Thesis: A Study of the Vocational Placement of Pupils of the Elementary and High Schools, Robert Louie Colthart
Thesis: A Proposed Course in General Science for the Portola High School, Homer Dewitt Hildebrant
Thesis: A Psychological and educational study of the language factors of the American Research Council. Psychological examinations administered to freshmen at the College of the Pacific in the years 1925, 1926, and 1928, Chester Livingston Hoar
Thesis: The history of the American fruit industry in the Caribbean, Oliver Eller Irons
Thesis: Articulation of Junior and Senior High School Curricula, Belle Joachims
Thesis: Jealousy in Shakespeare's Tragedies, Harold M. Kimball
Thesis: Economic aspects of the Boulder Canyon Project, Leonard McKaig
Thesis: The new in music, Alma Lowry Williams
Theses/Dissertations from 1928
Thesis: The Social and Economic Basis for Child Welfare Standards, Margaret Anderson
Thesis: Experimental and observational geometry, Albert D. Field
Thesis: The Tacna-Arica dispute, Edith Eileen Knoles
Thesis: A history of education in Porto Rico, Elna Mae Miller
Thesis: Modern youth and literature (with emphasis upon creative education), Ralph Westerman
Thesis: Biological and Psychological Study of Twenty Pairs of Twins Ranging from Seven to Eighteen Years of Age, Albert C. Worden
Theses/Dissertations from 1927
Thesis: The function of the priest and of the prophet in the propatation of religion, Charles Ernest Davis
Thesis: Skill and Accuracy Test in the Use of Hand Woodworking Tools, Warren Prescott Dayton
Thesis: Intervention of the United States in Nicaragua since 1909, Louise Floyd
Thesis: American oil interests in Mosul, John S. Landrum
Thesis: Development of Selected Mathematical Instruments Representing Angular, Logarithmic and Arithmetic Computation, Lillian L. Troxell
Thesis: The drama as a factor in Americanization, Florence Scott Van Gilder
Thesis: A Study of High School and College Grades, Ivy Bernice Wilkinson
Theses/Dissertations from 1926
Thesis: National traits as revealed in the revenge theme in tragedy, Hazel Pauline Glaister
Thesis: Some of Goethe's youthful figures viewed today : Einige von Goethes jugendlichen Gestalen heute betrachtet, Ruth H. Landrum
Thesis: The Celt and Shelley : a study of certain contrasts and resemblances between Welsh literature and Shelley's poetry, Benjamin Harrison Lewis
Thesis: The Russians in California (prior to 1842), Kenneth D. MacKenzie
Thesis: A history of the Japanese in California, Harold P. Milnes
Theses/Dissertations from 1913
Thesis: The Child's Bible, Leonidas Latimer Loofbourow
Theses/Dissertations from 1912
Thesis: The rights of access of an upland owner to navigable waters, Marshall John Rutherford