A selection of published journal articles from faculty members of Benerd College at University of the Pacific.


Submissions from 2025


COVID-19 in California Community Colleges: College Responses, College Resources, and Student Outcomes, Cassandra M.D. Hart, Di Xu, Emily Alonso, and Michael Hill

Submissions from 2024


“I Don’t Think the System Will Ever be the Same”: Distance Education Leaders’ Predictions and Recommendations for the Use of Online Learning in Community Colleges Post-COVID, Cassandra M.D. Hart, Michael Hill, Emily Alonso, and Di Xu


Spouses of First Responders: Support for Living With Posttraumatic Stress, Jennifer D. Heiger


Understanding Student Beliefs and Choices Related to Cross-Enrollment to Square Practice with Theory, Michael S. Hill, Rachel B. Baker, Elizabeth S. Park, and Loris Fagioli

Submissions from 2022


"I Wish I Knew About This 5 Years Ago": How Getting Involved Reinvigorated My Love for the Field, Belkis Choiseul-Praslin


Profile of students attending cohort 2 TPSID program: Enrollment and completion by gender, race, and ethnicity, Belkis Choiseul-Praslin, Clare Papay, and Meg Grigal


Annual report of the cohort 3 TPSID model demonstration projects (Year 1, 2020–2021), Meg Grigal, Debra Hart, Clare Papay, Belkis Choiseul-Praslin, and Rebecca Lazo


Unpacking the criminogenic aspects of stress over the life course: Foreground and background strain in a high-risk sample of women, Lee Ann Slocum, Jennifer Medel, Elaine Doherty, and Sally Simpson


Humanizing online STEM: Preliminary research findings, Di Xu, J. Perez Lopez, Y. Liu, Michael Hill, X. Li, M. Bañuelos, M. Pacansky-Brock, M. Smedshammer, K. Vincent-Layton, and J. White

Submissions from 2021


Highlighting Benerd college’s special education MA program, Belkis Choiseul-Praslin


Mothers' Perceptions of Satisfaction, Trust, and Power in the Individualized Education Program Process, Belkis Choiseul-Praslin, Malarie E. Deardorff, and Kristopher Hawk Yeager


Teacher Knowledge in Transition Planning: Does Locale Matter?, Malarie E. Deardorff, Corey Peltier, Belkis Choiseul-Praslin, Kendra Williams-Diehm, and Melissa Wicker


Effectiveness of music interventions to reduce test anxiety in pharmacy students, Suzanne M. Galal, Deepti Vyas, Rachelle K. Hackett, Edward L. Rogan, and Chloe U. Nguyen


Using Narrative Inquiry to Explore Critical Reflection and Self-Awareness in Equity Leadership Development, Laura Hallberg and Louise J. Santiago


COVID-19 and Community College Instructional Responses, Cassandra M.D. Hart, Di Xu, Michael Hill, and Emily Alonso


The Heart of Assessment, Justin A. Low


Communicating our way out of higher ed's bureaucratic black box, Jonathan S. Toccoli


A multidimensional examination of Chinese family involvement in early childhood education: Validation of the Chinese version of the Family Involvement Questionnaire, Xiaoying Xia, Rachelle Kisst Hackett, and Linda Webster

Submissions from 2020


Increasing Work Skills for Students With Significant Disabilities: A Six-Step Model for Transition Worksite Programs, Belkis Choiseul-Praslin and Amber McConnell


Opening Oz's curtain: who’s really running the annual IEP meeting to discuss secondary transition issues?, Jamie L. L. Doronkin, James E. Martin, Barbara A. Greene, Belkis Choiseul-Praslin, and Faye Autry-Schreffler


University of Missouri- St. Louis Comprehensive School Safety Initiative (UMSL CSSI), Finn-Agge Esbensen, Stephanie A. Wiley, Timothy McCuddy, Elaine Doherty, Lee Ann Slocum, Terrence J. Taylor, Kyle Thomas, Matt Vogel, and Jennifer Medel


Aligning employee learning with organizational strategy, Rod P. Githens


Dreaming of the perfect marriage: Learning and organizational strategy, Rod P. Githens


Giving up control to build a learning culture in a healthcare system, Rod P. Githens


Six ways to be ready for a campus shutdown, Rod P. Githens


Designing powerful online meeting experiences, Rod P. Githens and Nileen Verbeten


Bosesko … Learning to Be a Filipina in Higher Ed, Laura Hallberg


The Process of Academic Validation Within a Comprehensive College Transition Program, Ronald E. Hallett, Robert D. Reason, Jonathan Toccoli, Joseph A. Kitchen, and Rosemary J. Perez


Developmental implications of child maltreatment: Rorschach assessment of object relations, David Joubert and Linda Webster


Significant Relationships Exist between Perceived and Objective Diet Quality in Young Adults, Caitlin Woglom, Virginia Gray, Michael Hill, and Long Wang


Chinese Parental Involvement and Children’s School Readiness: The Moderating Role of Parenting Style, Xiaoying Xia, Rachelle Kisst Hackett, and Linda Webster

Submissions from 2019


Effects of single versus multiple staff music notation on wind chamber group performance outcomes and rehearsal procedures, Deborah A. Confredo and Ruth V. Brittin


How to respond to employee activism, Rod P. Githens


Picking the perfect location for an off-site retreat or meeting, Rod P. Githens


Still separate and still unequal: Race in America's schools, Laura Hallberg and L. J. Santiago

Qualitative Campus Report: Thompson Scholar Learning Community—University of Nebraska Kearney, Ronald E. Hallett, J. A. Kitchen, R. J. Perez, K. C. Culver, E. Swanson, R. D. Reason, and Jonathan S. Toccoli

Qualitative Campus Report: Thompson Scholar Learning Community—University of Nebraska Lincoln, Ronald E. Hallett, J. A. Kitchen, R. J. Perez, K. C. Culver, E. Swanson, R. D. Reason, and Jonathan S. Toccoli

Qualitative Campus Report: Thompson Scholar Learning Community—University of Nebraska Omaha, Ronald E. Hallett, J. A. Kitchen, R. J. Perez, K. C. Culver, E. Swanson, R. D. Reason, and Jonathan S. Toccoli

Emerging recommendations for TSLC program: Qualitative team Insights May 2019, Ronald E. Hallett, J. A. Kitchen, R. J. Perez, R. D. Reason, and Jonathan S. Toccoli


Online Learning, Offline Outcomes: Online Course Taking and High School Student Performance, Cassandra M.D. Hart, Dan Berger, Brian Jacob, Susanna Loeb, and Michael Hill


DCDT fast facts: Teacher hidden bias, Joshua M. Pulos, Belkis Choiseul-Praslin, and Kendra L. Williams-Diehm

Submissions from 2018


Comments from the Co-Editors, Ruth V. Brittin


Editorial Comments, Ruth V. Brittin


Online Course-taking and Student Outcomes in California Community Colleges, Cassandra M.D. Hart, Elizabeth Friedmann, and Michael Hill


Strategic Human Resource Development Alignment from the Employee's Perspective: Initial Development and Proposition Testing of a Measure, Ann M. Herd, Brad M. Shuck, and Rod P. Githens


Suspensions, School Commitment, and Perceptions of School Climate, Jennifer Medel, Elaine Doherty, and Finn-Agge Esbensen


An Unconventional Collaboration at the College Level To Improve STEM Student Success, Amy N. Scott, Eileen Kogl Camfield, Alex Miller, and Kirkwood M. Land


Sequential Latent Structure Analysis of Segregated System Material in the Doll Play of Maltreated Children, Linda Webster and David Joubert


The Psychology of Diversity Resistance and Integration, Christine A. Wiggins-Romesburg and Rod P. Githens

Submissions from 2017


What women know: Perceptions of seven female superintendents, Polly D. Allred, Gerri M. Maxwell, and Linda E. Skrla


Student support networks in online doctoral programs: Exploring nested communities, Sharla Berry


Comments from the editors, Ruth V. Brittin


Aggressive Drive Derivatives in the Rorschachs of Maltreated Children and Adolescents: Latent Structure and Clinical Correlates, David Joubert and Linda Webster

Submissions from 2016


Capacity and Capability Building for National HRD A Multi-Level Conceptual Framework, Meera Alagaraja and Rod P. Githens


Doubled-up homeless: Comparing educational outcomes to low-income students, Justin A. Low, Ronald E. Hallett, and Elaine Mo


Attention and Executive Functions as Mediators of Attachment and Behavior Problems, Justin A. Low and Linda Webster


Adolescent BMI trajectories with clusters of physical activity and sedentary behavior: An exploratory analysis, K. Nesbit, Justin Low, and S. B. Sisson

Submissions from 2015


Comments from the Editors, Ruth V. Brittin


Fifth-grade students’ digital retellings and the Common Core: Modal use and design intentionality, Bridget Dalton, Kristin H. Robinson, Jason F. Lovvorn, Blaine E. Smith, Tara Alvey, Elaine Mo, Paola Uccelli, and C. Patrick Proctor


Critical Action Research in Human Resource Development, Rod P. Githens


Learning Through Cases, Rod P. Githens


Empowering parents in the college planning process: An action inquiry case study, Ronald E. Hallett and Jacalyn M. Griffen


Beyond backpacks and bus passes: Next steps for a district homeless student initiative, Ronald E. Hallett, Justin A. Low, and Linda E. Skrla


Homeless and highly mobile students: equity, access and institutional response, Ronald E. Hallett, Peter M. Miller, and Linda E. Skrla


That is not what homeless is: A school district’s journey toward serving homeless, doubled-up, and economically displaced children and youth, Ronald E. Hallett, Linda E. Skrla, and Justin A. Low


Foster youth: Supporting invisible students through visibility, Ronald E. Hallett and Melinda A. Westland


Differential effects of a systematic vocabulary intervention on adolescent language minority students with varying levels of English proficiency, Jin Kyoung Hwang, Joshua F. Lawrence, Elaine Mo, and Catherine E. Snow


The influence of auditory short-term memory on behavior problem development, Justin A. Low and Timothy Z. Keith


What Predicts Method Effects in Child Behavior Ratings, Justin A. Low, Timothy Z. Keith, and Megan Jensen


Where there is no hope: A teacher’s experience with homelessness, Veena Nath and Ronald E. Hallett

Understanding superintendents’ self-efficacy influences on instructional leadership and student achievement, K. Whitt, James J. Scheurich, and Linda E. Skrla

Submissions from 2014


Editorial, Ruth V. Brittin


Young listeners' music style preferences: Patterns related to cultural identification and language use, Ruth V. Brittin


Editorial, Ruth V. Brittin and Bo Wah Leung


Globalization and Outcomes - Focus are Changing the Face of Graduate Education, Patricia J. Campbell


Know What to Expect When Taking Online Courses, Patricia J. Campbell


Managing Expectations: How to Make Sure You are Ready for College, Patricia J. Campbell


Organization Development Through Franchise Advisory Boards A Model for Governance Relationships, Denise Cumberland and Rod P. Githens


Using needs assessment as a learning tool in the product development process: A case study of a quick service restaurant chain, Denise Cumberland and Rod P. Githens


Online Workforce Development in Community Colleges Connection With Community, Institutional, and Governance Factors, Rod P. Githens, Timothy Sauer, Fashaad Crawford, Denise Cumberland, and Kristin Wilson


Homelessness and higher education, Ronald E. Hallett


Ethnographic research in a cyber era, Ronald E. Hallett and Kristen Barber


Abraham the Missionary? The Call of Abraham in Judaism, Christianity, and Islam, Joel N. Lohr

Review of Law and Narrative in the Bible and in Neighbouring Ancient Cultures (edited by Klaus-Peter Adam, Friedrich Avemarie, and Nili Wazana; Forschungen zum Alten Testament 2. Reihe 54; Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck, 2012), Joel N. Lohr


Absent voices: Intersectionality and first-generation college students with disabilities, Tenisha L. Tevis and Jacalyn M. Griffen

Submissions from 2013


Editorial, Ruth V. Brittin and Beatriz Ilari


Choosing the Right Graduate Program, Patricia J. Campbell


How to Excel in Graduate School, Patricia J. Campbell


Should You Go to Graduate School?, Patricia J. Campbell


Social Discourse is Valuable to Online Grad-Student Experience, Patricia J. Campbell


Welcome to Graduate School. Now What?, Patricia J. Campbell


Introduction - TED Studies: Government and Politics: Cyber-Influence & Power, Patricia J. Campbell and Christy R. Stevens


Book review: Disrupting the school-to-prison pipeline. Teachers College Record, Ronald E. Hallett


Interrupting life history: Evolution of a relationship within the research process, Ronald E. Hallett

Undocumented student success: Navigating restraints related to retention, Ronald E. Hallett


Highlighting the importance of researching family homelessness, Ronald E. Hallett and William G. Tierney

Exploring the factor structure and psychometric properties of the Children’s Shyness Questionnaire with an American sample, Amy N. Scott and Justin Low


Connecting Multiculturalism, Sustainability, & Teacher Education: A Case for Linking Martin Luther King Streets & the Power of Place, Charlane Starks


Understanding the Contribution of a Father's Warmth on His Child's Social Skills, Linda L. Webster, Justin Low, Christina Siller, and Rachelle K. Hackett

Submissions from 2012


The Role of Students' Professional Experience in Online Learning: Analysis of Asynchronous Participation, Edgard B. Cornacchione, Rod P. Githens, Scott Johnson, and Oenardi Lawanto