Theses/Dissertations from 2016
Dissertation - Pacific Access Restricted: The effects of peer tutoring on first-grade middle school students' English reading achievement and self-esteem in China, Binbin Wu
Dissertation - Pacific Access Restricted: Parenting Styles, Parental Involvement and Kindergarten Children's Readiness for Elementary School in Shanghai, China, Xiaoying Xia
Thesis - Pacific Access Restricted: Alternative splicing of the zebrafish myosin phosphatase targeting subunit, MYPT1, produces a novel isoform, Kyle E. Young
Thesis - Pacific Access Restricted: The role of music: Coping with cancer, Maya Zebley
Theses/Dissertations from 2015
Dissertation: Suicide postvention plans: Are schools prepared to adjust to the new normal, Wendi Aghily
Thesis - Pacific Access Restricted: Evaluation of faculty perceptions of online dental education in the Kuwait University Faculty of Dentistry, Hanadi Alenezi
Dissertation - Pacific Access Restricted: Sensitive fathering as a moderator between maternal depression and adolsecent internalizing and externalizing behavior, Abigail N. Allen
Thesis - Pacific Access Restricted: Twitter usage by professional sports teams: A content analysis, Megan Allen
Dissertation - Pacific Access Restricted: Pre-doctoral implant dentistry education: Trends, issues, and perspectives, Fawaz Alzoubi
Dissertation - Pacific Access Restricted: Sports as a moderator of the effect of parent marital status and belongingness on achievement and behavior, Joelle E. Aud
Thesis - Pacific Access Restricted: Characterizing the Role of Cysteine Protease 2 in Trichomonas Vaginalis, Shaina-Jill S. Balayan
Thesis - Pacific Access Restricted: Smaller class size, tutoring, physical education, and professional development: Perception of Saudi Arabia female teachers for improving the academic achievement of Saudi Arabia high school girls, Nada Y. Beati
Thesis - Pacific Access Restricted: A Between and Within Subjects Measure of Preference for Similar Others, Katrina Bettencourt
Thesis - Pacific Access Restricted: Choice making to promote physical activity in young children, Verena Boga
Thesis - Pacific Access Restricted: Development and characterization of a novel drug dissolution test method using a quartz crystal microbalance, Janpierre A. Bonoan
Dissertation - Pacific Access Restricted: The Brotherhood of Blackness: A Phenomenological Investigation Into the Lived Experiences of African American Male High School Graduates in a Northern California City, Roxanne Brown-Garcia
Dissertation: Students and Faculty Indivisible: Crafting a Higher Education Culture of Flourishing, Eileen K. Camfield
Dissertation - Pacific Access Restricted: Characterization and application of human pluripotent stem cell-derived neurons to evaluate the risk of developmental neurotoxicity with antiepileptic drugs in vitro, William Sam Cao
Dissertation: Developing individualized education programs with culturally and linguistically diverse families from low-income homes : a heuristic inquiry of special education teachers, Kristen E. Clark
Thesis - Pacific Access Restricted: Time-out for sibling aggression: An analysis of effective durations for typically developing children in a natural setting, Samantha M. Corralejo
Dissertation - Pacific Access Restricted: An experimental study of methods to teach college students standard drink measures and pouring accuracy using the red cup, Heather C. Dunn Carlton
Thesis - Pacific Access Restricted: Implementing Sink Mobility and Recharging Policies Using an Unmanned Aerial Vehicle, Michael James Armando Eiskamp
Thesis - Pacific Access Restricted: Effect of rutaecarpine on caffeine pharmacokinetics in rats, Rohit Kumar Estari
Thesis - Pacific Access Restricted: The Role of Alcohol in US Intercollegiate Athletics (ICA) Socialization Processes, Evelyn E. Eyles
Thesis - Pacific Access Restricted: A critical analysis and comparison of historical and emerging stereotypes of African American females on television, Kelli An Fritsche
Thesis - Pacific Access Restricted: The Effects of Peer-Directed Attention on the Physical Activity of Young Children, Spencer B. Gauert
Dissertation - Pacific Access Restricted: School counselors in action reframing professional development to engage families, Jacalyn M. Griffen
Dissertation - Pacific Access Restricted: Examining the role of instructional rounds as a catalyst in building a learning organization, Jill Kikuye Hatanaka
Thesis - Pacific Access Restricted: The edge of reality: A contemporary analysis of the video game culture, Benjamin A. Herrera
Thesis - Pacific Access Restricted: Twitter and the comic book fan community: Building identities and relationships in 140 characters, Laura Hong
Dissertation - Pacific Access Restricted: Forensic Participation as a Contributor to Students' Critical Thinking Skills at the College Level in China: A Multiple Case Study, Yanan Hu
Thesis - Pacific Access Restricted: Computational prediction of enhanced solubility of poorly aqueous soluble drugs prepared by hot melt method, Karthik Chalam Kondepudi
Thesis - Pacific Access Restricted: Influences of group composition on physical activity in young children, Cynthia P. Livingston
Dissertation - Pacific Access Restricted: The teaching of Shanghainese in Shanghai kindergartens, Yanyan Li
Thesis - Pacific Access Restricted: Development of a codon-optimized Latrodectus hesperus MaSp1 synthetic gene for bacterial protein expression using a seamless cloning strategy, J. Alexander Hoang Mendoza
Dissertation - Pacific Access Restricted: Acquisition development and demonstration of grit among latina teachers from the central San Joaquin Valley, Jane Virginia Mitchell
Thesis - Pacific Access Restricted: Intercultural intervention in a U.S. corporate internship program for college graduates from Rwanda: An exploratory study, Shelley Morrison
Thesis - Pacific Access Restricted: Muscular control of vocal complexity in the túngara frog (Engystomops pustulosus), Ramson Albert Mulhim
Thesis - Pacific Access Restricted: "Loosey goosey" liberation: A critical feminist ethnographic study of the community created through the safe spaces of book clubs, Ashley M. Nuckels Cuevas
Thesis - Pacific Access Restricted: Equivalence-based instruction for a critical thinking skill, Triton Ong
Thesis - Pacific Access Restricted: High school counselor knowledge of NCAA regulations for prospective student-athlete transition to college, Carmenita C. Padilla
Thesis - Pacific Access Restricted: Radio propagation analysis for improved UAV data muling of surfaced underwater sensor nodes, Jacob N. Palmer
Thesis: Predicting aqueous solubility of pharmaceutical agents by solid dispersion prepared by solvent evaporation method, Karthik Reddy Patlolla
Thesis - Pacific Access Restricted: Variables influencing the self-report of physical activity, Leigh A. Pratt
Thesis - Pacific Access Restricted: A component analysis of behavioral skills training (BST) procedures in parent training, Patricia F. Quan
Dissertation - Pacific Access Restricted: The impact of educational policy changes upon elementary school teachers' instructional practices, Merced Romero Jr.
Dissertation - Pacific Access Restricted: Design and applications of antibody mimics against epidermal growth factor receptor, Sameer Sachdeva
Thesis - Pacific Access Restricted: College students' alcohol use, sexual aggression, and beliefs about sexual consent, Justin R. Schultz
Dissertation - Pacific Access Restricted: The academic effect of an intensive reading intervention program at a rural California middle school using data from a one year program, Kenneth D. Spencer
Dissertation - Pacific Access Restricted: Rational design, characterization and in vivo studies of antibody mimics against HER2, Dan Su
Thesis - Pacific Access Restricted: Assessing the potential implications of personal leadership: A case study of CIEE's intercultural competency program, Adrienne E. Sweetwater
Dissertation: Peer mentorship and cultural capital among high school students, Crescentia Fatima Thomas
Thesis - Pacific Access Restricted: Critical encounters: How some Japanese students understand and adapt to the practice of critique in the U.S. design studio, Mariette L. Thomas
Thesis - Pacific Access Restricted: Analysis of the interaction between the co-chaperone p23 and the aryl hydrocarbon receptor, John D. Thompson
Thesis - Pacific Access Restricted: A measurement of self-esteem and social comparison among Facebook users, Sonia M. Toledo
Dissertation - Pacific Access Restricted: Factors influencing perceptions of teachers : the role of locus of control and academic perceptions of self, Eugenia P. Villalpando
Thesis - Pacific Access Restricted: Apparent dissolution rate enhancement of poorly-water soluble drugs by adsorption technique, Naresh Kumar Reddy Vutukuru
Thesis - Pacific Access Restricted: Creating better pairwork: Salient cultural variables in adult TESOL classroom interaction, Jennifer D. Weaver
Thesis: Nurturing global leaders: The influence of global education culture at international house, Leslie A. Weigl
Thesis - Pacific Access Restricted: The structural characterization of the Saccharomyces cerevisiae alpha mating factor secretion signal for recombinant protein secretion in Pichia pastoris, Peter Wei
Thesis - Pacific Access Restricted: Long term effects of reverse culture shock in study abroad, Addison E. Welsh
Thesis - Pacific Access Restricted: An examination of Ugandan and U.S. American communication styles and value orientations, Rose Wilder
Dissertation - Pacific Access Restricted: The development of assessment literacy in Chinese pre-service primary teachers, Bing Yan
Dissertation - Pacific Access Restricted: Voices of male teachers in Shanghai public kindergarten: A phenomenological study, Yan Yang
Dissertation - Pacific Access Restricted: The effectiveness of a creativity course on developing Chinese design students' creative thinking, Hua Zhu
Theses/Dissertations from 2014
Dissertation - Pacific Access Restricted: Study of DNA damage on DNA G-quadruplexes and biophysical evaluation of the effects of modified bases (lesions) on their conformation and stability, Manali Aggrawal
Thesis - Pacific Access Restricted: The effect of frustration reduction techniques on self-reported mood scales and physiological responses, Emily H. Broadhurst
Dissertation - Pacific Access Restricted: An analysis of the relationship between teacher trust and achievement for students of Latino and White ethnicities, Debra Bukko
Dissertation - Pacific Access Restricted: Entrepreneurial high school: An evaluation and feasibility study of a conceptual school model, Bradley J. Butcher
Thesis - Pacific Access Restricted: Characterization of zebrafish zipper-interacting protein kinase, Brandon W. Carr
Thesis - Pacific Access Restricted: Calcium homeostasis in Pichia pastoris, Pegah M. Chaharmahali
Dissertation - Pacific Access Restricted: Exploring the molecular architecture of proteins: Method developments in structure prediction and design, Archana G. Chavan
Dissertation - Pacific Access Restricted: An analysis of the industry employment intentions of undergraduate freshmen in Shanghai majoring in tourism and hospitality management utilizing motivation and demographic information, Baoqing Cheng
Thesis - Pacific Access Restricted: Characterization of a family of cysteine rich proteins and development of a MaSp1 derived miniature fibroin, Tyler Casey Chuang
Dissertation - Pacific Access Restricted: Exploration of the interaction between risk and protective factors within the cultural construct of five male academically resilient Latino college graduates, Jesse Angel Coronado
Dissertation - Pacific Access Restricted: To Whom It May Concern: A Peer Support Group on Facebook™, Carrie A. Davenport
Thesis - Pacific Access Restricted: Assessing the effects of negative reinforcement on parent integrity when implementing time out, Megan J. Doerr
Thesis - Pacific Access Restricted: Compound discovery and expression of a putative cathepsin D-like protease in Trichomonas vaginalis, Padraick J. Dornbush
Dissertation - Pacific Access Restricted: Conformationally Controlled Chiral Phenanthrolines for Asymmetric Catalysis, Irina Dotsenko
Dissertation - Pacific Access Restricted: The pedagogical characteristics of advanced technology education-funded professional development for community college faculty, Cassandra Dulin
Dissertation - Pacific Access Restricted: The effect of cognitive bias video instruction on high school biology student acceptance of evolution: Implications for teachers and educational leaders, Ansel Eayrs
Thesis - Pacific Access Restricted: A novel intracellular protein delivery system - Magnesium phosphate nanoparticles with cationic lipid coating for catalase intracellular delivery, Yunzhou Fang
Thesis - Pacific Access Restricted: Treatment of oil-water emulsion from the machinery industry by Fenton's reagent, Chao Feng
Thesis - Pacific Access Restricted: Preparation of glass-ceramics largely using steelmaking slags and study on the effect of iron content on properties of glass-ceramics, Huan Feng
Dissertation - Pacific Access Restricted: The role of teacher-child relationships in characterizing early mother-child attachment influences on behavior problems in preschool, Yuehui Fu
Thesis - Pacific Access Restricted: The effects of a student focused print intervention on the physical activity habits of freshmen college students, Michael Habura
Thesis - Pacific Access Restricted: Intercultural learning for international students: Designing a pre-departure orientation, LaRita D. Hagar
Thesis - Pacific Access Restricted: Assessment of the need for cultural competency training within crisis negotiation training in the State of Arizona, Amanda Leigh Fry Halla
Dissertation - Pacific Access Restricted: Sex differences in aortic endothelial function of diabetic rats: Possible involvement of superoxide and nitric oxide production, Xiaoyuan Han
Dissertation - Pacific Access Restricted: Former foster youth in the college setting: Bridging the gaps on the road to success, Stacy Heldman-Holguin
Dissertation - Pacific Access Restricted: Students' experience and perceived learning outcomes in international collaborative programs in Shanghai, China, Zhen Hu
Dissertation - Pacific Access Restricted: Female teachers, whiteness, and the quest for cultural proficiency, Ann M. Jayne
Thesis - Pacific Access Restricted: Optimizing network lifetime in sensor networks with limited recharging capabilities, Jennifer Nichole Johnson
Thesis - Pacific Access Restricted: Examining the MOVE Program: Exploring program impact and perceptions of the concept of leadership, Kristina M. Juarez
Dissertation - Pacific Access Restricted: How the quality of the early mother-infant relationship Influences decision making in risky situations later in life, Melissa Keane
Thesis - Pacific Access Restricted: Microarray analysis of Trichomonas vaginalis strains T1 and G3: Identifying genes that may contribute to virulence and metronidazole resistance, Katelin E. Kehoe
Thesis - Pacific Access Restricted: Phylogeography of a highly variable butterfly species in Western North America: Speyeria callippe (Lepidoptera: Nymphalidae), Evan B. Kristiansen
Thesis - Pacific Access Restricted: Characterizing small molecular weight proteins from Latrodectus hesperus dragline and tubuliform silks, Albert Lin
Thesis - Pacific Access Restricted: Synthesizing motion sequences from sample motions to satisfy environmental constraints, Yanrui Liu
Dissertation - Pacific Access Restricted: A study on the self-efficacy and competence of approved clinical instructors on Athletic Training educational competencies, Christopher M. Ludwig