Theses/Dissertations from 2014
Thesis - Pacific Access Restricted: Study on preparation of high performance CaO-MgO-Al2O3-SiO2 system glass-ceramic with industrial by-products, Haoyuan Ma
Dissertation - Pacific Access Restricted: Times are changing: Voices of adult learners' shared experiences, Heather Jane Maloy
Dissertation - Pacific Access Restricted: Exploring students' decisions to attend an early college high school, Arrickia McNeil-McDaniel
Thesis - Pacific Access Restricted: An evaluation of three free-pour training procedures for college students, Emily R. Metz
Thesis - Pacific Access Restricted: Iris categorization using texton representation and symbolic features, Rachel E. Meyer
Thesis - Pacific Access Restricted: Behavioral assessment of physical activity preferences of young children, Bryon G. Miller
Thesis - Pacific Access Restricted: A qualitative study of self-regulated learning in online learning environments, Stephanie A. Morris
Thesis - Pacific Access Restricted: The effects of cis- and trans-acting mutations on recombinant protein secretion in Pichia pastoris, Pachai Susan Moua
Thesis - Pacific Access Restricted: Investigating infant preference for prosocial others: Replication and extension using repeated measures, Tyler D. Nighbor
Thesis - Pacific Access Restricted: Characterication of aggregate gland silk factor 1, Ryan John Pacheco
Thesis - Pacific Access Restricted: Tuning of the middle ear in túngara frogs ( Engystomops pustulosus), Mary Elizabeth Paduano
Dissertation - Pacific Access Restricted: Social disorganization theory and crime rates on California community college campuses, Tamara M. Ravalin
Thesis - Pacific Access Restricted: Critical factors: Best practices for expatriate accompanying partners in successfully adjusting while living across cultures, Roni Richey
Dissertation - Pacific Access Restricted: Examining the influence of hyperactive-impulsive symptoms, self control and peer competence on peer victimization and engagement in bullying, Deidre M. Rubcich
Thesis - Pacific Access Restricted: Perceived intercultural impacts of tourism in the Dominican Republic: A rural host community perspective, Connie L. Rush Stemmerman
Dissertation - Pacific Access Restricted: RGD based peptide amphiphiles as drug carriers for cancer targeting, Poonam S. Saraf
Dissertation - Pacific Access Restricted: Predicting performance on the Physical Therapist Assistant licensure examination, Jonna K. Schengel
Thesis - Pacific Access Restricted: Reporting outside the lines: Examining the effects of feedback on self-reported drinking, Nicole R. Schultz
Thesis - Pacific Access Restricted: Examination of potential elicitors of operant and respondent behaviors in smokers, Valerie D. Segura
Thesis - Pacific Access Restricted: Complete Structure Assignment of Several Standard Glycosylated Polyphenols- A Basis for Structure Elucidation of Polyphenol Metabolites from Grape Plants Infected with Xylella Fastidiosa, Ilona Serebnitskaya
Dissertation - Pacific Access Restricted: Mechanism of tamoxifen resistance in breast cancer, Khyati Niral Shah
Dissertation - Pacific Access Restricted: Destination education: A place-based look at the influences of school gardens, Connor J. Sloan
Dissertation - Pacific Access Restricted: Can I get a witness?: The resilience of four Black women senior student affairs administrators at predominantly White institutions, Shauna Tamara Sobers
Dissertation - Pacific Access Restricted: Practices in alternative teacher preparation programs in California, Sharind Nadra Adine Sookhoo
Dissertation - Pacific Access Restricted: Perceptions and understandings of educators working in an MLK Street community school in the Central Valley of California, Charlane F. Starks
Thesis - Pacific Access Restricted: Role-play assessments as a measure of skill acquisition in a parenting program, Carolynn A. Steiner
Dissertation - Pacific Access Restricted: Mechanistic study of nanoemulsion absorption and its application for permeation enhancement, Yoshiko Katori Stowell
Thesis - Pacific Access Restricted: Fuzzy inference systems for iris biometrics to reduce search time in large databases, Gary L. Tang
Thesis - Pacific Access Restricted: Toxicity of Phenolics and Metabolism of their Esters in Lumbricus Terrestris, Willie Tang
Dissertation - Pacific Access Restricted: The organizational adaptation of online schools in traditional school districts, Brett D. Taylor
Dissertation - Pacific Access Restricted: Parental reading beliefs, home literacy practices, and children's development: Examination of a parental reading beliefs model in China, Wei Teng
Thesis - Pacific Access Restricted: Exerciser self-image and indices of health-related physical fitness, Jafra D. Thomas
Thesis - Pacific Access Restricted: Synthesis of poly(NIPAM-co-vmbpy) microspheres and transition metal monomers for metallopolymeric material construction, Carolyn Tran-Math
Thesis - Pacific Access Restricted: Two approaches to the design and synthesis of bimetallic complexes, Yi-Ju Tsai
Thesis - Pacific Access Restricted: Characterizing phenotypes of Pichia pastoris mutants that show enhanced secretion of recombinant proteins, Jun Eon Weaver
Dissertation - Pacific Access Restricted: College knowledge: Addressing college with middle school students, Logan Bruns Williams
Thesis - Pacific Access Restricted: International students' sense of belonging, Lauren Wolff
Dissertation - Pacific Access Restricted: Study of the aryl hydrocarbon receptor as a target for rational drug design, Jinghang Xie
Dissertation - Pacific Access Restricted: The status of and associations between professional development, job satisfaction and anticipated jobretention of young faculty members in China's private colleges, Yue Xu
Dissertation - Pacific Access Restricted: Synthesis and biophysical evaluation of thiazole orange derivatives as DNA binding ligands, Dazhou Yang
Thesis - Pacific Access Restricted: The characterization of cysteine protease 4 and superoxide dismutase 6 in Trichomonas vaginalis, Yuora Yelpaala
Thesis - Pacific Access Restricted: Characterizing the populaton biology and life history of Speyeria adiaste clemencei, Khuram Zaman
Thesis - Pacific Access Restricted: A comparative analysis of physical activity interventions for young children, Heather M. Zerger
Dissertation - Pacific Access Restricted: Investigation of the endoplsmic reticulum calcium stores for their potential roles in neuroprotection using the NG115-401L neuronal cell line model, Changfeng Zhang
Dissertation - Pacific Access Restricted: The relationship between school climate and faculty trust: An exploration across elementary schools in Shanghai, Li Zhang
Thesis - Pacific Access Restricted: Effect of calcium-silicon ratio on the expansion of mortar bars due to alkali-silica reaction, Yuntao Zhang
Dissertation - Pacific Access Restricted: Exploring the effects of 5-HT2A and AMPA receptors on brain 5-HT via a mechanism-based pharmacodynamic model, Zhu Zhou
Theses/Dissertations from 2013
Thesis - Pacific Access Restricted: Mood disturbances associated with training distress in swimmers, Karen C. Albiston
Thesis - Pacific Access Restricted: An investigation of the relationship between singing intonation and string playing intonation among college level and professional string players, Yousef A. Alsayegh
Dissertation - Pacific Access Restricted: The role of inhibitory control, maternal sensitivity, and attachment security in the development and maintenance of self-regulation, Frank Alviso
Dissertation - Pacific Access Restricted: Poverty and the public school system: Student persistence from elementary school to college graduation, Deborah Anne Avalos
Thesis - Pacific Access Restricted: Intercultural factors in the Peace Corps' role as a change agent in the empowerment of rural Guatemalan women, Devon A. Baird
Dissertation - Pacific Access Restricted: Very accurate gas-phase thermochemistry through photoelectron photoion coincidence (PEPICO) spectroscopy, Sampada N. Borkar
Thesis - Pacific Access Restricted: Identification and characterization of components that overcome secretion limitations of the yeast Pichia pastoris, Katherine Helen de Sa Campos
Dissertation - Pacific Access Restricted: Interactions of small molecules with duplex DNA and lesion containing G-quadruplex DNA, Priyanka Chitranshi
Dissertation - Pacific Access Restricted: Investigation and characterization of the Direct Analysis in Real Time helium metastable beam open-air ion source: Mechanism of ionization, fluid dynamic visualization, and applications, Matthew Earl Curtis
Thesis: Exploring motivation through athlete communication, Tye G. Davis
Thesis - Pacific Access Restricted: Examining striped bass (Morone saxatilis) predation on hatchery raised Chinook salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha) using dual frequency identification sonar, Bethany K. Dorin
Thesis - Pacific Access Restricted: The coach-athletic trainer relationship and its association with athletic trainers' job satisfaction, Jeremiah Owen Fraser
Dissertation - Pacific Access Restricted: Instructional leadership of high school assistant principals in Northern California, John Christian Timothy Garrard
Dissertation - Pacific Access Restricted: The impact of chronic victimization on high school academic achievement by attachment status, Michael Giambona
Dissertation: Turning stealth liposomes into cationic liposomes for anticancer drug delivery, Vijay Gyanani
Dissertation - Pacific Access Restricted: Training beginning teachers how to engage families: A case study, Karen Hackett-Villalobos
Dissertation - Pacific Access Restricted: The effect of content knowledge on students' perceptions of instructors' teaching effectiveness, Sean C. Hancock
Thesis - Pacific Access Restricted: Design and evalutation of an intercultural training program : impacts on student development, Shelby Noel Harrington
Thesis - Pacific Access Restricted: Expression, purification and characterization of the structural properties of recombinant Pysp1 and Pysp2 spidroins, Christine Kuo Ho
Thesis - Pacific Access Restricted: Perceptions of music therapy among oncology nurses, Kathleen R. Humphries
Thesis - Pacific Access Restricted: Characterization of the DMCI and Rad51 homologues and the process of meiosis in trichomonas vaginalis, Tom Ilustrisimo
Dissertation - Pacific Access Restricted: Sublingual drug delivery: In vitro-in vivo correlation, Navdeep Kaur
Thesis - Pacific Access Restricted: An ideological analysis of filter blogs : how Daily Kos and Powerline construct biased news, Gabriel King
Thesis - Pacific Access Restricted: Expression, purification, and characterization of a novel cysteine-rich silk protein expressed in the tubuliform and aggregate glands of the black widow spider : a thesis, Constance Wu Liu
Dissertation - Pacific Access Restricted: Molecule recognition of nucleic acids, nucleosides, nucleotides, and their derivatives, Wanbo Liu
Dissertation - Pacific Access Restricted: Fliposomes: pH-sensitive liposomes comprising novel trans-2-aminocyclohexanol-based amphiphiles as conformational switches for the liposome mebrane, Xin Liu
Thesis - Pacific Access Restricted: The Rad51 family of proteins: Interactions, vitamin D, and implications in head and neck cancer, Daniel Kee Lu
A New International Legal and Institutional Framework to Manage Fossil Aquifers and Groundwater in Conjunctive Use with Surface Water Along the US-Mexico Border: A Water Banking Perspective, María. Milanés Murcia,
Thesis - Pacific Access Restricted: Intercultural and academic transitions: A study of the gap between Chinese secondary schools and western universities, Bonnie K. Mills
Thesis - Pacific Access Restricted: Zooplankton phytoplankton interactions in the San Joaquin River, Ca, Cyle R. Moon
Thesis - Pacific Access Restricted: Human iris categorization using artificial neural networks, Duxing Mou
Dissertation - Pacific Access Restricted: The role of social support, parent-child relationship quality and self-concept on adolescent depression, achievement, and social satisfaction among children who experience the death of a family member, Hong T. Nguyen
Thesis - Pacific Access Restricted: Intercultural interaction among student-athletes at an NCAA Division I University, Laurie K. O'Donnell
Thesis - Pacific Access Restricted: Structural characterization of spider coating petide [i.e., peptide] 1 and 2 of the black widow spider, Latrodectus hesperus, Nhu Thao Lisa Pham
Thesis: Isolation and Characterization of a New Family of Cysteine Rich Proteins Involved in the Assembly Process of Dragline Silk from the Black Widow Spider, Latrodectus Hesperus, Thanh Due Pham
Thesis - Pacific Access Restricted: Investigating protein folding by the de novo design of an α-helix oligomer, Jamie Phan
Thesis - Pacific Access Restricted: NCAA injured student athletes' perception of social support, Brittany Pollastro
Thesis - Pacific Access Restricted: Communication channels and the formation of attitudes toward funding public schools, Jacqueline S. Ratto
Thesis - Pacific Access Restricted: An examination of the influences of cultural differences on peace corps projects in Guatemala, Lucas Reynolds
Dissertation - Pacific Access Restricted: The influence of achievement motivation, academic self-concept and the student teacher relationship in predicting school engagement, Melissa K. Riley
Dissertation - Pacific Access Restricted: Factors associated with success in college Calculus II, Margaret E. Rosasco
Thesis - Pacific Access Restricted: Transcriptomics to gene expres[s]ion : analysis of the ontogeny of sexual dimorphism in a crustacean, Euphilomedes carcharodonta, Andrea Sajuthi
Dissertation - Pacific Access Restricted: Self-concept as a moderator of the relationship between body mass index, achievement, and psycho-social outcomes of adolescents, Emily E. French Smith
Thesis: Exploring the third culture building approach for effective cross-cultural interaction for Black American professionals in predominantly white institutions, Tessa R. Sutton
Thesis - Pacific Access Restricted: A co-cultural communicative exploration of gay and lesbian transracial adoptive parenthood, James T. Turney
Thesis - Pacific Access Restricted: Developing intercultural competence of faculty and staff members at Hanze International Business School, Marcel H. van der Poel
Thesis - Pacific Access Restricted: Human Cytochrome P450 3A4 Over-Expressing IEC-18 and MDCK Cell Lines as an In-Vitro Model to Assess Gut Permeability and the Enzyme Metabolism, Swathi Vangala
Thesis - Pacific Access Restricted: Surface hardness classification via unmanned aerial vehicles gripper finger deflection, Christopher A. Van Hoosear
Thesis - Pacific Access Restricted: The Ideology of the Federal Policy and Institutional Review Boards and its Effects on Research, Leah E. Vargas
Thesis - Pacific Access Restricted: Using public relations to lessen the impact of budget cuts in a public elementary school, Lisa Marian Nance Ventura
Thesis - Pacific Access Restricted: Changing media, changing cultural values - Chinese young adults' micro-blog usage and cultural values, Yajiao Wang
Dissertation - Pacific Access Restricted: Mechanistic study of aryl hydrocarbon receptor nuclear translocator (ARNT)-mediated signaling, Yu Wang