Date of Award


Document Type

Thesis - Pacific Access Restricted

Degree Name

Master of Science (M.S.)



First Advisor

Timothy J. Smith, R.Ph., Ph.D.

First Committee Member

John C. Livesey, Ph.D.

Second Committee Member

Linda L. Norton, Pharm.D.


In addition to their potential value for in situ bioremediation, the earthworm as a laboratory model may offer insight into mechanisms of xenobiotic toxicity. Using the filter paper contact toxicity test, the LD50s of a series of salicylates and phenolics were determined. The rank order in toxicity of these chemicals was compared with mammalian (rat, oral dosing) LD50s and found to be similar. To determine if protein secretion from chemical stress would be a more sensitive toxicity marker for the above xenobiotics, worms were exposed to either sodium salicylate or acetaminophen at a no effect level (NOAEL) and at the LD100 through filter paper contact. The ability of L. terrestris to metabolize drugs was investigated by using worm homogenate to treat various drugs in both encapsulated and free enzyme forms.



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