Theses/Dissertations from 2011
Thesis - Pacific Access Restricted: Vitamin D- induced down regulation of RAD51 in head and neck squamous cell carcinoma (HNSCC), In Vitro and In Vivo, Rhea P. Hautea
Thesis: Professional success for music majors : understanding the experiences of those who have achieved, Jonathan Lucas Hess
Dissertation - Pacific Access Restricted: Macrocyclic chemistry: Part I - Characterization of a mixed-valence di-iron complex and synthesis of a new poly-iron complex. Part II - Synthesis, characterization of new diphosphoester macrocyclic polyethers, Son Xuan Hoang
Dissertation - Pacific Access Restricted: Emotional intelligence and its link to public relations education, Timothy Lent Howard
Thesis - Pacific Access Restricted: Biomimicry of the spider silk spinning apparatus, Yang Hsia
Dissertation - Pacific Access Restricted: Cognitive development and the attainment of critical thinking skills in associate degree nursing students, Karen Odle Ippolito
Thesis - Pacific Access Restricted: An examination of the development and maintenance of intercultural conflict mediation and resolution programs on university campuses in the United States, Zaneta M. Janiczak
Dissertation - Pacific Access Restricted: Hands-on equations program: An approach to teaching linear equations using manipulatives, Amelia Jimenez
Thesis: Intercultural development in global service-learning, Stephen W. Jones
Thesis - Pacific Access Restricted: Impact of the M.O.V.E. curriculum on students' foundational learning about sustainability, Fiona N. Kelly
Dissertation - Pacific Access Restricted: Building and sustaining a culture of assessment: How student affairs programs assess and contribute to student learning and development in the co-curricular and curricular environments, Mylon J. Kirksy
Thesis - Pacific Access Restricted: A rapid treatment analysis for noncompliance in young children, Soraya Shanun Kunnavatana
Thesis - Pacific Access Restricted: Characterization of components that increase secretion of recombinant proteins in pichia pastoris, Sasha Ellen Marie Larsen
Thesis - Pacific Access Restricted: Perceptions of public relations among Chinese and American college students : a comparative analysis, Minqian Liang
Thesis - Pacific Access Restricted: Self-efficacy and rehabilitation adherence, Jennifer Michelle Loewe
Thesis - Pacific Access Restricted: The effect of social comparisons on selective attention : an image based Stroop task, Lynda S. Lowry
Thesis - Pacific Access Restricted: Picture this: Smoking cues as conditional elicitors of compensatory responses in smokers, Mychal A. Machado
Dissertation - Pacific Access Restricted: An analysis of California elementary school principals' utilization of time management strategies, Deirdre Marsh-Girardi
Thesis - Pacific Access Restricted: Culture and crisis communication : the use of intercultural communication in public relations crisis management planning, Damion R. Martin
Thesis - Pacific Access Restricted: The effect of adapted musical instruments on the participation of children with severe and multiple disabilities : a mixed methods study, Courtney McDonald
Thesis - Pacific Access Restricted: The experiences of hospice patients and the music therapy clinician in hospice care, Karen Ann Moran
Dissertation: Assessment of case-based integrated learning as a part of dental curriculum reform, Nader A. Nadershahi
Thesis - Pacific Access Restricted: Preparation of amorphous forms to increase the solubility of poorly soluble drugs using spray drying, Vijaysri Nannapaneni
Dissertation - Pacific Access Restricted: Career choices for foreign-educated dentists, Gabriela Pitigoi-Aron
Dissertation - Pacific Access Restricted: A framework for synchronous web-based professional development: Measuring the impact of webinar instruction, Rachel L. Rich
Dissertation - Pacific Access Restricted: Analyzing factors that AVID students perceive important in making financial decisions about paying for college, Deanne Rivera
Thesis - Pacific Access Restricted: Dynamic mechanical analysis of magnetic tapes at ultra-low frequencies, Nicholas J. Rummel
Thesis - Pacific Access Restricted: Diastereoselective acylation of trans-2-substituted-cyclohexanols and glycosidase inhibition studies, Andrey V. Samoshin
Dissertation - Pacific Access Restricted: The discovery and anticancer preclinical investigation of novel piperazinylpyrimidine derivatives designed to target the human kinome, Hassan M. Shallal
Thesis - Pacific Access Restricted: The variation of the gas phase acidity of a cysteine residue in oligopeptides, Jialin Shen
Dissertation - Pacific Access Restricted: An analysis of the impact of parent education level and family income on the academic achievement of students of Hispanic and white ethnicities, Scott M. Siegel
Dissertation - Pacific Access Restricted: Parental motivation for enrolling a child in a two-way immersion language program, Barbara L. Silver
Thesis - Pacific Access Restricted: The effects of peer versus therapist mediated music improvisation groups on quality of social interaction between adolescents with autism spectrum disorder and general education peers, Carmen F. Steele-Abundez
Dissertation - Pacific Access Restricted: The efficacy in the development and implementation of the California high school exit exam and the eighth-grade algebra 1 policy, Theresa A. Stovall
Thesis - Pacific Access Restricted: Characterization of subtilisin-like serine proteases in trichomonas vaginalis, Raquel K. Sugino
Thesis - Pacific Access Restricted: It's a jungle out there : zoo public relations and marketing, Tonja M. Swank
Dissertation - Pacific Access Restricted: The relationship between eleventh-grade varsity sports participation and academic achievement, George S. Sziraki Jr.
Dissertation - Pacific Access Restricted: Teachers' professional development experiences: Implications for teaching practice, Teresa M. Vail
Thesis - Pacific Access Restricted: The behavior of RAD51D and XRCC2 in response to drug induced DNA damage and a continuing study of the fly RAD51 paralogs, Tricia A. Van Laar
Dissertation - Pacific Access Restricted: Mechanisms of polymer adsorption in nanoparticle stabilization for poorly water soluble compounds, Lauren Sample Wiser
Thesis - Pacific Access Restricted: A uses and gratifications perspective of Chinese college students' motivations in using renren (Chinese social networking site), Yun Wu
Thesis - Pacific Access Restricted: Sharing the love : a generic socket API for Hadoop Mapreduce, Adam J. Yee
Dissertation - Pacific Access Restricted: Post-translational modifications of SEL24K from salmon eggs and ZPA from Xenopus laevis eggs, Liang Zhao
Theses/Dissertations from 2010
Dissertation - Pacific Access Restricted: Factors that may contribute to the placement of Latino English language learners in special education: Perceptions of Directors of Special Education in California, Dante Alvarez
Thesis - Pacific Access Restricted: Understanding the impact of leadership coursework on students' perceptions of self as leader, Adrianna E. G. Andrews-Brown
Dissertation - Pacific Access Restricted: The impact of an English language learner professional development program on teacher perception of preparedness and practice, Laraine A. Aragon
Dissertation - Pacific Access Restricted: Perspectives on learning in a continuation high school: Voices of male Hispanic students, Alexander M. Arcega
Thesis - Pacific Access Restricted: First-generation college students and greek membership : understanding college experiences through the lens of community cultural wealth, Molly M. Bechtel
Thesis - Pacific Access Restricted: Acculturation of Armenian immigrants, Natalie Bruton-Yenovkian
Thesis - Pacific Access Restricted: Interactions of human and drosophila Rad 51 paralogs, George M. Buffleben
Thesis - Pacific Access Restricted: Identification and isolation of microsatellite loci from the Trematode Echinostoma Trivolvis for use in interspecific and intraspecific variation studies, Bradley J. Butcher
Thesis - Pacific Access Restricted: Intercultural conflict styles in the criminal justice system and the implications for intercultural interventions, Colleen Butler
Dissertation - Pacific Access Restricted: An analysis of the factors that motivate undergraduate alumni donors at University of the Pacific based on social exchange theory, Janet Schellhase Dial
Dissertation - Pacific Access Restricted: English learner professional development strategies: Administrators' perceived perception in readiness for implementation, Marta Elena Escobar
Dissertation - Pacific Access Restricted: Leadership self-efficacy in university co-curricular programs, Andrew R. Fields
Thesis: The experience of students who identify as Jewish and Greek : influences on spiritual development, Alexandra D. Froehlich
Thesis - Pacific Access Restricted: The Synthetic spider silk fibers spun from Pyriform Spidroin 2, a glue silk protein discovered in orb-weaving spider attachment discs, Paul Geurts
Thesis: Toward intercultural competence : intercultural training for Japanese students in the United States, Tomoko Harpster
Dissertation - Pacific Access Restricted: Principals' perceptions of teacher evaluation practices in an urban school district, Shana N. Henry Barton
Thesis - Pacific Access Restricted: The effect of outdoor activity context on physical activity in preschool children, Kristin M. Hustyi
Thesis - Pacific Access Restricted: Storytelling in the transformative process of cultural self-awareness, Mary Frances Jaster
Dissertation - Pacific Access Restricted: Securing supplemental revenue in private elementary school: A case study of one Jewish community day school, Marcie Lorin Lane
Dissertation - Pacific Access Restricted: Male nurses: Gender -based barriers in nursing school, Nho Le-Hinds
Thesis - Pacific Access Restricted: Globally competent leadership : comparison between U.S. American and mainland Chinese conceptualization of effective leadership, Robert Leisey
Dissertation - Pacific Access Restricted: Structure, secretion, and proteolysis study of MBP-containing heterologous proteins in Pichia pastoris, Zhiguo Li
Dissertation - Pacific Access Restricted: A balancing act: Managing the tension between competitive outcomes and educational development in collegiate athletics, Michael E. Lorenzen
Dissertation - Pacific Access Restricted: The difference in the academic achievement of Hispanic high school students based on the theme of the small learning community, Beate M. Winter Martinez
Thesis - Pacific Access Restricted: Perspectives on successful aging, Marshall I. McCauley
Dissertation - Pacific Access Restricted: The importance of having warm and caring teachers for children with behavior problems, Joseph B. Miller
Thesis - Pacific Access Restricted: RNA and protein expression patterns of the Drosophila XRCC2 Homolog, Phoebe E. Montemayor
Dissertation - Pacific Access Restricted: Mucoadhesive controlled release ciprofloxacin nanoparticles for pulmonary delivery, Sujata S. Mudumba
Dissertation - Pacific Access Restricted: Studies on thermochemical properties of small organic molecules by mass spectrometry in relation to computational chemistry, Sumit Mukherjee
Dissertation - Pacific Access Restricted: Small learning communities versus small schools: Describing the difference in the academic achievement of African American high school students, Carol L. Owens
Thesis - Pacific Access Restricted: Generation of A L. Hesperus embryonic cDNA library for the isolation of genes involved in early pattern formation, Angela Peralta
Dissertation - Pacific Access Restricted: The use of technology in relation to community college faculty characteristics and instructional environments, Kimberly A. Perry
Dissertation - Pacific Access Restricted: The effects of therapeutic morning meetings as a socio-emotional, behavioral, and academic intervention on middle school students with emotional disturbance, Bryan A. Pfitzer
Thesis - Pacific Access Restricted: Returning to Haiti: humanitarian effort or corporate capitalism ? : a crisis communication response evaluation of Royal Caribbean International, Melissa A. Piffero
Thesis - Pacific Access Restricted: Intercultural communication in healthcare interpreting : an exploration of possibilities, Kimberly Rose Pineda
Dissertation - Pacific Access Restricted: Characteristics & perceived skills of California Community College Chief Financial Officers: A profile of characteristics & perceived skills and responsibilities, George Austin Railey Jr.
Dissertation - Pacific Access Restricted: The roles of elementary school administrators and the obstacles they encounter in the process of implementing and maintaining dual immersion programs in California, Anel-Janeth Ramirez
Dissertation - Pacific Access Restricted: Skill sets required for environmental engineering and where they are learned, Kathaleen Reed
Dissertation - Pacific Access Restricted: What can the Community Involvement Program tell us about alumni giving at the University of the Pacific, Ines Marta Ruiz-Huston
Dissertation - Pacific Access Restricted: Language development for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing using “Step Up to Writing”, Leanne Russell
Dissertation - Pacific Access Restricted: Examining the relationship between emotional intelligence competencies and student persistence factors for full-time, traditional-aged college undergraduate students, Daniel J. Shipp
Dissertation - Pacific Access Restricted: Ugandan immigrant students' perceptions of barriers to academic achievement in American high schools, Denis Ssekannyo
Thesis - Pacific Access Restricted: Effects of a behavioral intervention on college students' reports of test anxiety and academic success, Derek D. Szafranski
Thesis - Pacific Access Restricted: An examination of the intercultural outcome of a policy of educational division based on spoken language : the case of educational policy in Vukovar, Croatia, Masa Tasovac
Thesis - Pacific Access Restricted: Changing communication through Facebook : redefining perceptions of public and private communication, Megan D. Turco
Dissertation - Pacific Access Restricted: Development of an in vitro dissolution model to predict the in vivo behavior of poorly soluble compounds, Saroj Vangani
Dissertation - Pacific Access Restricted: New transfer partners : California community colleges and private for-profit four-year institutions, Alice C. van Ommeren
Dissertation - Pacific Access Restricted: The exploration of teacher methods in student engagement, Christine Curlee Whitaker
Dissertation - Pacific Access Restricted: Access to care for special health care patients: Preparing the profession for the growing need in northern California, Allen Wong
Dissertation - Pacific Access Restricted: Revenue generating and profitability practices of university-based continuing dental education programs, Jane F. Wright-Hayes
Dissertation - Pacific Access Restricted: CAMBRA: An examination of change in the dental profession, Douglas Young
Dissertation - Pacific Access Restricted: Academic achievement factors in children with chronic illness: A report based on the National Institute of Child Health and Human Development, from the Study of Early Child Care, Sheava T. Zadeh
Thesis - Pacific Access Restricted: Effects of Ainp2 and beta-tubulin on the Arnt-dependent signaling pathways, Tianmin Zhang
Theses/Dissertations from 2009
Thesis - Pacific Access Restricted: Teaching ESL/EFL: The Role of Cultural and Intercultural Knowledge, Skills, and Competence, Nancy Lynn Anderson
Dissertation - Pacific Access Restricted: From “no go” to “Yo Co”: Smithsonian adminstrators' perceptions of Public Affairs strategies to create relationships to attract, educate, & retain Young Cosmopolitans, Elisa Maria Barosso
Thesis - Pacific Access Restricted: The effects of acquired disability on interpersonal relationships in Japan : an intercultural approach, Jeffrey L. Berglund
Thesis - Pacific Access Restricted: Molecular identification of silk proteins in the gumfooted lines and attachment discs of the black widow spider, latrodectus hesperus, Eric M. Blasingame