A selection of published journal articles from faculty members of the Thomas J. Long School of Pharmacy at University of the Pacific.


Submissions from 1999


The impact of estrogen replacement therapy and raloxifene on osteoporosis, cardiovascular disease and gynecological cancers, Elena M. Umland, Christine Rinaldi, Susan M. Parks, and Eric G. Boyce

Efficacy and cost effectiveness of lansoprazole versus omeprazole in maintenance treatment of symptomatic gastroesophageal reflux disease, E. Vivian, A. Morreale, P. Hlavin, K. Lowry, O. Ereso, and Eric G. Boyce


Verbal retelling abilities in adolescents with and without language-learning disabilities for social studies lectures, Jeannene M. Ward-Lonergan, Betty Z. Liles, and Angela M. Anderson

Submissions from 1998


Conversation analysis as a method for evaluating progress in aphasia: A case report, Larry Boles


Neurogenic Language Case Studies: Conducting conversation: a case study using the spouse in aphasia treatment, Larry Boles


Conversational discourse analysis: appropriate and useful sample sizes, Larry Boles and Todd Bombard


Selective Pneumocystis carinii dihydrofolate reductase inhibitors: design, synthesis and biological evaluation of new 2,4-diamino-5-substituted-furo[2,3-d]pyrimidines, Aleem Gangjee, Xin Guo, Sherry F. Queener, Vivian Cody, Nikolai Galitsky, Joe R. Luft, and Walter Pangborn


Gender difference in the basal intracellular Ca2+ concentration in rat valvular endothelial cells, Roshanak Rahimian, Xiaodong Wang, and Cornelis Van Breemen


Predictive performance of ten equations for estimating creatinine clearance in cardiac patients, Sarah A. Spinler, James J. Nawarskas, Eric G. Boyce, John E. Connors, Scott L. Charland, Stanley Goldfarb, and The Iohexol Cooperative Study Group


Synthesis and characterization of long chain alkyl acyl carnitine esters. Potentially biodegradable cationic lipids for use in gene delivery, Jinkang Wang, Xin Guo, Yuhong Xu, Lee Barron, and Francis C. Szoka Jr.


Listening comprehension and recall abilities in adolescents with language-learning disabilities and without disabilities for social studies lectures, Jeannene M. Ward-Lonergan, Betty Z. Liles, and Angela M. Anderson

Submissions from 1997


A comparison of naming errors in individuals with mild naming impairment following post-stroke aphasia, Alzheimer’s dementia, and traumatic brain injury, Larry Boles


Conversation analysis as a dependent measure in communication therapy with four individuals with aphasia, Larry Boles


Selective antagonism of the GABA(A) receptor by ciprofloxacin and biphenylacetic acid, M. A. Green and Robert F. Halliwell

Estrogen and selective estrogen receptor modulator LY117018 enhance release of nitric oxide in rat aorta, Roshanak Rahimian, Ismail Laher, Gregory Dube, and Cornelis Van Breemen


Estrogen augments cyclopiazonic acid-mediated, endothelium-dependent vasodilation, Roshanak Rahimian, Cornelis Van Breemen, Delara Karkan, Gregory Dube, and Ismail Laher

Submissions from 1996


Commentary: Orange, J.B. & Purves, B. (1996). Conversational discourse and cognitive impairment: Implications for Alzheimer’s disease, Larry Boles


Delay or inhibition of rat lens opacification using pantethine and WR77913, John I. Clark, John C. Livesey, and Jeannette E. Steele

Greater stimulated and basal release of nitric oxide in the presence of estradiol, Roshanak Rahimian, Cornelis Van Breemen, J. Ruscko, L. Li, B. Bolzen, Gregory Dube, and I. Laher


Contextual strategy training: Socially/emotionally maladjusted adolescents with language impairments, Jeannene M. Ward-Lonergan, Betty Z. Liles, and Steven V. Owen

Submissions from 1995

Effects of second line drugs on progression or regression of rheumatoid nodules, Brigid B. Bautista, Eric G. Boyce, and H. Ralph Schumacher


Comment: Effect of lithium in water handling, Eric G. Boyce

Stepped-care guide to osteoarthritis therapy, Eric G. Boyce, D. K. Norden, and H. Ralph Schumacher


Growth rate, labeling index, plating efficiency, and radiation survival of cells grown in the Matrigel thread in vitro tumor model, J. J. Casciari, Lay K. Chin, John C. Livesey, R. G. Steen, and Janet S. Rasey


A patch clamp study of the effects of ciprofloxacin and biphenyl acetic acid on rat hippocampal GABAA and ionotropic glutamate receptors, Robert F. Halliwell, P. G. Davey, and J. J. Lambert


Inhibition of Radiation Cataractogenesis by WR-77913, John C. Livesey, L. W. Wiens, D. J. Von Seggern, W. B. Barlow, and A. Arnold


Possible role of protein kinase C in regulation of 5-hydroxytryptamine 2A receptors in rat brain, Roshanak Rahimian and Pavel D. Hrdina


Toxicity, biodistribution and radioprotective capacity of L-homocysteine thiolactone in CNS tissues and tumors in rodents: Comparison with prior results with phosphorothioates, Alexander M. Spence, Janet S. Rasey, Lori Dwyer-Hansen, Zdenka Grunbaum, John C. Livesey, Lay K. Chin, Norma J. Nelson, Donna Stien, Kenneth A. Krohn, and Francis Ali-Osman

Drawing to communicate: A case study of an adult with global aphasia, Jeannene M. Ward-Lonergan and M. L. Nicholas

Submissions from 1994

Adverse drug experiences: as a component of pharmaceutical care, Eric G. Boyce


Enhancement of fast neutron beams with Boron Neutron Capture Theory: A mechanism for achieving a selective, concomitant tumor boost, Thomas A. Buchholz, George E. Laramore, Peter Wootton, John C. Livesey, Donald Scott Wilbur, Rudolph Risler, Mark H. Phillips, John Jacky, and Thomas W. Griffin


Concomitant boron neutron capture therapy during fast neutron radiation of a rat glioma, Thomas A. Buchholz, Janet S. Rasey, George E. Laramore, John C. Livesey, Lay K. Chin, Rudolph Risler, Donald K. Hamlin, Peter Wootton, Donald Scott Wilbur, Mark H. Phillips, Alexander M. Spence, and Thomas W. Griffin

Preventing Insulin Dependent Diabetes Mellitus., Adam M. Kaye


Boron neutron capture therapy: a mechanism for achieving a concomitant tumor boost in fast neutron therapy radiotherapy, George E. Laramore, Peter Wootton, John C. Livesey, Donald Scott Wilbur, Rudolph Risler, Mark H. Phillips, John Jacky, Thomas A. Buchholz, Thomas W. Griffin, and Stanley Broussard


Treatment of rheumatoid arthritis with blackcurrant seed oil, Lawrence J. Leventhal, Eric G. Boyce, and Robert B. Zurier

Stepped-care guide to osteoarthritis therapy, D. K. Norden, Eric G. Boyce, and H. Ralph Schumacher


Synthesis and radioiodination of a nido-1,2-carboranyl derivative of 2-nitroimidazole, D. Scott Wilbur, Donald K. Hamlin, John C. Livesey, Rajiv R. Srivastava, George E. Laramore, and Thomas W. Griffin

Submissions from 1993

Phase Separation Inhibitors and Lens Transparency, John I. Clark, John C. Livesey, and Jeannette E. Steele


Antagonism of GABAA receptors by 4-quinolones, Robert F. Halliwell, P. G. Davey, and J. J. Lambert

Not so fast- Iron and coronary heart disease, Adam M. Kaye

Obesity affects the efficacy of antihypertensive drugs, Adam M. Kaye


Treatment of rheumatoid arthritis with gammalinolenic acid, Lawrence J. Leventhal, Eric G. Boyce, and Robert B. Zurier

Preliminary study of autonomy as a factor influencing medication-taking by elderly patients, J. McCrea, P. L. Ranelli, Eric G. Boyce, and W. G. Erwin

Evolution of severe aphasia, M. L. Nicholas, N. Helm-Estabrooks, Jeannene M. Ward-Lonergan, and A. R. Morgan

Submissions from 1992

Pharmacology of antiarthritic drugs, Eric G. Boyce


Magnetic resonance spectroscopic measurement of cellular thiol reduction-oxidation state, John C. Livesey, Robert N. Golden, Eric G. Shankland, Zdenka Grunbaum, M. Wyman, and Kenneth A. Krohn

Submissions from 1991


Multi-authors: a case for information management, D. S. Gordon, Robert F. Halliwell, L. M. Hartley, E. E. Heeger, J. M. Horobin, R. D. Murch, J. M. Pocock, and M. L. Thomas


The effects of quinolones and NSAIDs upon GABA-evoked currents recorded from rat dorsal root ganglion neurones, Robert F. Halliwell, P. G. Davey, and J. J. Lambert

Submissions from 1990

Persistent metronidazole-induced peripheral neuropathy, Eric G. Boyce, E. T. Cookson, and W. S. Bond

Surveying the availability of home testing products, Eric G. Boyce, R. Spera, and Calvin H. Knowlton


GABA-evoked currents are potently antagonised by a combination of biphenyl acetic acid and ciprofloxacin or ofloxacin, Robert F. Halliwell, P. G. Davey, and J. J. Lambert


A flow cytometric comparison of DNA content and glutathione levels of hepatocytes in English sole (Parophyrs vetulus) from areas of differing water quality, Norma K. Jenner; Gary K. Ostrander; Terence J. Kavanagh; John C. Livesey; Michael W. Shen; S. Chong Kim; and Eric H, Holmes


Binding of aminoalkylphosphorothioate radioprotective drugs to rodent tissue proteins, John C. Livesey, Zdenka Grunbaum, and Kenneth A. Krohn

Submissions from 1989

Creatinine Clearance Estimation in Protein-Malnourished Patients, Eric G. Boyce, R. N. Dickerson, G. F. Cooney, Gene A. Gibson, and J. L. Mullen

Comparison of gentamicin immunoassays using univariate and multivariate analyses, Eric G. Boyce, Lisa A. Lawson, Gene A. Gibson, and Irving Nachamkin


A cross-sectional study of the ethics of pharmacy students, Eric G. Boyce, Michael Montagne, William A. Reinsmith, Sean Hennessy, and Calvin H. Knowlton

Computer-simulated effects of errors in infusion duration and blood sampling times on pharmacokinetic calculations for gentamicin, Eric G. Boyce and C. B. Pugh


The mechanism of action and pharmacological specificity of the anticonvulsant NMDA antagonist MK‐801: a voltage clamp study on neuronal cells in culture, Robert F. Halliwell, John A. Peters, and Jeremy J. Lambert


Measurement of Tissue Oxidation-Reduction State with Carbon-13 Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy, John C. Livesey, Robert N. Golden, Eric G. Shankland, Zdenka Grunbaum, Todd L. Richards, Robert A. Wade, and Kenneth A. Krohn


Synaptic plasticity and learning II: Do different kinds of plasticity underlie different kinds of learning?, Richard G.M. Morris, Robert F. Halliwell, and N. Bowery


Effect of radioprotective agents on X-ray cataracts, V. N. Reddy, H. Ikebe, F. J. Giblin, John I. Clark, and John C. Livesey

Submissions from 1988

Is there significance beyond the t-test?, Eric G. Boyce and J. M. Nappi

Simulated Effect of Gentamicin Assay Errors on Calculated Pharmacokinetic Values, Eric G. Boyce and C. B. Pugh


A further study of the neuromuscular effects of vesamicol (AH5183) and of its enantiomer specificity, D. Estrella, K. L. Green, C. Prior, J. Dempster, Robert F. Halliwell, R. S. Jacobs, S. M. Parsons, R. L. Parsons, and I. G. Marshall


Direct evidence of intercellular sharing of glutathione via metabolic cooperation, Terence J. Kavanagh, George M. Martin, John C. Livesey, and Peter S. Rabinovitch


In vitro metabolism of the phosphorothioate radioprotectors WR2721 and WR3689, John C. Livesey, Janet S. Rasey, Sarah Vertrees, Lynne M. Freeman, Sara Magee, Norma J. Nelson, Lay K. Chin, Zdenka Grunbaum, and Kenneth A. Krohn


Prevention of Radiation Cataracts by WR77913 is Dose Dependent, John C. Livesey and D. J. Von Seggern


Specific protection of different normal tissues, Janet S. Rasey, Alexander M. Spence, Christopher C. Badger, Kenneth A. Krohn, John C. Livesey, and David M. Vera

Submissions from 1986


The effect of rifampin on theophylline kinetics, Eric G. Boyce, George E. Dukes, Douglas E. Rollins, and Thomas W. Sudds


Radioprotection against cataract formation by WR-77913 in gamma- irradiated rats, Thomas W. Menard, Thomas B. Osgood, John I. Clark, Alexander M. Spence, Jeannette E. Steele, Kenneth A. Krohn, and John C. Livesey

Submissions from 1984


Spastic dysphonia: A patient profile of 200 cases, Krzysztof Izdebski, Herbert H. Dedo, and Larry Boles


Measurement of glutathione-protein mixed disulfides, John C. Livesey and D. J. Reed

Submissions from 1983


Comparison of auranofin, gold sodium thiomalate, and placebo in the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis: subsets of responses, John R. Ward, H. James Williams, Eric G. Boyce, Marlene J. Egger, James C. Reading, and Cecil O. Samuelson Jr.


Comparison of auranofin, gold sodium thiomalate, and placebo in the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis: a controlled clinical trial, John R. Ward, H. James Williams, Marlene J. Egger, James C. Reading, Eric G. Boyce, Mary Altz-Smith, Cecil O. Samuelson, Robert F. Willkens, Marilyn A. Solsky, Stanley P. Hayes, Kenneth L. Blocka, Arthur Weinstein, Robert F. Meenan, Maria Guttadauria, Stanley B. Kaplan, and John Klippel

Submissions from 1982

Stereochemistry of the glutathione-dependent biotransformation of vicinal-dihaloalkanes to alkenes, John C. Livesey and M. W. Anders

Stereochemistry of the metabolism of 1,2-dichloroethane to ethylene, John C. Livesey, M. W. Anders, P. Langvardt, C. Putzig, and R. Reitz

Penicillamine‑induced pemphigus, John Zone, John R. Ward, Eric G. Boyce, and Curtis Schupbach

Submissions from 1980

Therapeutics of antirheumatic agents, Eric G. Boyce

Stereochemistry of the metabolism of vicinal dihalides to olefins. Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology, John C. Livesey and M. W. Anders

Submissions from 1979

New drug for arthritis, Eric G. Boyce

Recently approved drugs for rheumatoid arthritis, Eric G. Boyce


Cerebrospinal fluid acetylcholinesterase in neuropsychiatric disorders, Kenneth L. Davis, Leo E. Hollister, John C. Livesey, and Philip A. Berger

In vitro metabolism of 1,2-dihaloethanes to ethylene, John C. Livesey and M. W. Anders

Submissions from 1978

Glutathione-dependent metabolism of vicinal dihalides to olefins. American Society for Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics, John C. Livesey and M. W. Anders