Pacific University Writing Programs Staff Presentations | University Writing Programs | University of the Pacific
Selected presentations, lectures, and posters given by staff from the University Writing Programs department at University of the Pacific.


Submissions from 2018

Activating Empathy to Overcome Academic Shaming, Eileen K. Camfield and Leslie Bayers

Transparent Faculty Development to Promote Transparent Teaching for a New American Dream, Eileen K. Camfield, Lott Hill, Leslie Bayers, and Susan Mannon

Submissions from 2017

Demolishing the Dreary Research Paper: Strategies for Cultivating an Engaged Audience, Eileen K. Camfield

Improving Syllabi and Rubrics Through Faculty Peer Review, Eileen K. Camfield

Research Paper Assignment Design Essentials, Eileen K. Camfield

Summit on Student Writing in the Disciplines, Eileen K. Camfield

Teaching and Contemplative Practice, Eileen K. Camfield and Leslie Bayers

Using cross-disciplinary research to assess factors in STEM student success, Eileen K. Camfield, Amy Scott Brown, Delores McNair, Alex Miller, and Kirkwood M. Land

Collegial Collaborations to Foster Contemplative Practice and Empower Empathy, Eileen K. Camfield, Lott Hill, and Leslie Bayers

A Cross-Disciplinary Research Collaboration Identifies Critical Factors in STEM Student Success, Eileen K. Camfield, Kirkwood M. Land, and Alex Miller

Introduction to Success: Research in Higher Education Biology Courses, Alexander Miller, Amy Brown, Eileen Camfield, and Kirkwood Land

Submissions from 2016

Framing Student Success in First-year Writing, Eileen K. Camfield

Responding to Writing: Focusing on the Reader’s Fund of Attention, Eileen K. Camfield

Retention and Student Success: Taking Action in Writing Programs and Classrooms, Eileen K. Camfield

WiD for the Win,” New Faculty Orientation, Eileen K. Camfield

Forging alliances: The prime directive for expanding writing center visibility and use, Eileen K. Camfield and Melanie Hash

Activating success: Effects of class-size on introductory biology students, Alex Miller, Amy Scott-Brown, Eileen Camfield, and Kirkwood Land

Submissions from 2015

Basketball on Roller Skates: Common Questions and Concerns About First-Year Writing, Eileen K. Camfield

Fast and fruitful: Effective writing assessment techniques for determining the success of new initiatives, Eileen K. Camfield

Fitting Assessment: Tailoring Your Rubric for Your Teaching Style, Eileen K. Camfield

Seven-Layer Assessment: All the Sweetness, Half the Calories, Eileen K. Camfield

Banishing the ‘red pen of death’ – Writing assessment to empower learning and growth, Eileen K. Camfield and Eileen E. McFall

Submissions from 2014

Getting into Gear: Using Metaphor to Kick-start Conversation about Writing, Eileen K. Camfield

Putting Grammar in Its Place: Reframing Error to Discover the Joys of Language, Eileen K. Camfield

Responding to Student Writing: Improving Writing Performance by Honoring Student Agency, Eileen K. Camfield

Writing Rubrics: Working for You or Against You?, Eileen K. Camfield

Beneath the numbers and beyond the rubric: Getting to the heart of student writing development in a first-year seminar, Eileen K. Camfield and Eileen E. McFall

Submissions from 2013

Designing Writing Assignments as Mastery Experiences, Eileen K. Camfield

Responding to Student Writing to Optimize Efficacy and Development, Eileen K. Camfield

Unlocking the Black Box of Writing Instruction and Finding the Hope Within, Eileen K. Camfield

Using the 'Google Maps’ Approach for Peer Review Groups: Aligning Learning Goals with Teaching Practice, Eileen K. Camfield

Manageable Assessment for Improving Student Writing, Eileen K. Camfield and Eileen E. McFall

Submissions from 2011

Practice what you teach: Cultivating democratic discourse amongst faculty, Eileen K. Camfield

Submissions from 2010

Integrated Inquiry: Strategies for Connecting Writing, Course Content, and Class Discussion, Eileen K. Camfield

Submissions from 2008

Expand Your Horizons, Eileen K. Camfield

Submissions from 1998

Stimulating Discussion in the Classroom, Eileen K. Camfield