Browse Journals and Peer-Reviewed Series | Scholarly Commons - University of the Pacific

Browse Journals and Peer-Reviewed Series

Backstage Pass (Conservatory of Music)

ISSN 2576-1978

Backstage Pass is an annual music industry news and information publication created and edited by students at the University of the Pacific preparing for careers in the music business. Written communication in all forms is prized throughout the entertainment industry, whether the piece is an opinion article published in a trade publication or a succinct memorandum of understanding detailing the particulars of a performance agreement.

California Initiative Review (CIR) (Journals and Law Reviews)

The California Initiative Review (CIR) is a non-partisan, objective Web publication which provides comprehensive, independent analyses of California Ballot initiatives and related issues. The review is produced each year by the Capital Center for Law & Policy at our California Initiative Forum.

Calliope (College of the Pacific Journals)

Calliope is the Literary and Arts magazine of University of the Pacific. It is produced by the Pacific Humanities Center through the collaborative efforts of students from the English and Art and Graphic Design Departments and contributions from students representing all academic disciplines under the mentorship of Professors Courtney Lehmann (English) and Brett DeBoer (Art and Graphic Design).


ISSN 2693-9908

Welcome to Euleriana, a peer-reviewed eJournal focused on Leonhard Euler and Euler-related scholarship, supported by the University of the Pacific and the University of Washington Tacoma. Euleriana is an open-access journal, meaning that all of our content is freely available without charge to the user or their institution.

We also provide a double-anonymous review service for translations to appear in the Euler Archive. Source languages are Latin, French, German, and Russian (the languages in which Euler wrote). If you wish to translate a document from another language, please contact the editors (Erik Tou at and Christopher Goff at

See the Aims and Scope and Style Guide for additional information.

Global Business & Development Law Journal (Journals and Law Reviews)

ISSN 1936-3931

The Pacific McGeorge Global Business & Development Law Journal is dedicated to furthering the legal scholarship of international law. The journal is primarily focused on publishing high-quality articles centering on legal analysis and commentary of cutting-edge transnational issues.

The journal was founded in 1988 as The Transnational Lawyer (TTL) and played a central role in Pacific McGeorge’s commitment to building a comprehensive and diversified international curriculum. At that time, transnational law practice was void of legal scholarship and needed guidance. TTL provided a unique forum for practitioners, legal scholars, and academicians across the world to inform, share, and discuss transnational legal issues. In December 2005, The Transnational Lawyer changed its name to Pacific McGeorge Global Business and Development Law Journal.

Today, the journal continues to highlight and analyze emerging issues in international law. Given the wide geographical diversification of the Pacific McGeorge’s international programs, the journal publishes relevant materials on – as well as from – different parts of the world. As transnational commerce and supranational organizations dissipate national borders, keeping pace with the latest international law developments will be increasingly important.

Graduate Video Research Award

Pacific's Office of Research and the Library and Learning Center are offering an opportunity for graduate students to submit short videos introducing their culminating research projects - capstones, theses, and dissertations.

These videos will be hosted on Scholarly Commons alongside your manuscripts and offer an alternate, audiovisual method of discovery for your graduate research.

Submissions will open in April for 2023 and run through May. Faculty from the review committee will review submissions and decide on 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place winners with the best video that will win monetary awards of $1,000, $500, and $250.

Click here to view guidelines.
Click here to submit.

Contact Chris Crawford in the Cube for video recording assistance.
Contact Michele Gibney in the library with any general questions.

Legislative Review (Journals and Law Reviews)

McGeorge Law Review (Journals and Law Reviews)

ISSN 1520-9245

The McGeorge Law Review is a student-run, scholarly journal published on a quarterly basis. Two issues each year contain professionally written articles and student-authored comments. One issue every year contains the Review of Selected California Legislation, known as "Greensheets." Finally, one issue each year contains a symposium, focusing on a particular topic of legal significance.

Pacific Journal of Health

ISSN 2576-215X

The Pacific Journal of Health (PJH) is a peer-reviewed journal published by the University of the Pacific. It publishes articles in all fields of health. The journal is open access and free for authors.

Pacific Law Journal Review of Selected Nevada Legislative (Journals and Law Reviews)

ISSN 1520-9245

The Nevada Legislative Review was a fifth issue published in the Pacific Law Review during the 1980s. A total of five issues were published.

University of the Pacific Law Review (Journals and Law Reviews)

ISSN 1520-9245