
Aims & Scope

Welcome to Euleriana, an open access eJournal focused on Leonhard Euler and Euler-related scholarship. Euleriana is published twice annually, with many different types of content: translations, historical and archival notes, book reviews, etc. Our definition of Euler-related scholarship includes Euler’s own work (in mathematics, physics, and astronomy, etc.), mathematicians whose careers were roughly contemporaneous with Euler (Lagrange, Goldbach, the Bernoullis, etc.), and the institutions and academies where he worked (in Basel, St. Petersburg, and Berlin). In addition, we will consider historical reflections on Euler’s work as it appears in modern mathematics.

We view Euleriana as existing between two other open-access electronic publications, MAA’s Convergence and the Journal of Humanistic Mathematics (JHM). We expect fewer mathematically-heavy and teaching-focused articles than those found in Convergence, and more historical articles than those found in JHM. We also anticipate publishing pieces that are shorter in length than a traditional article, for instance, notes on the history of scientific academies or their publications.

We also provide a blind peer-review service for translations to appear in the Euler Archive. Source languages are Latin, French, German, and Russian (the languages in which Euler wrote). If you wish to translate a document from another language, please contact the editors. Our main target language is English, although the Euler Archive currently houses translations into German, French, Portuguese, Italian, and Dutch. Translations into English may be submitted for publication in Euleriana, provided an accompanying translator’s introduction is included. Translations into other modern languages should be sent directly to the Euler Archive. If you have mathematical expertise in a language other than English and are willing to referee translations, please contact the editors.