University of the Pacific Law Review

Current Issue: Volume 56, Issue 1 (2024)
Front Matters
Administration and Faculty
University of the Pacific, McGeorge School of Law
Table of Contents
University of the Pacific, McGeorge School of Law
Note from the Editor-in-Chief
Kara L. Anderson
Note from Chief Comment Editor
Sunny Gorba
McMarriage Equality
William N. Eskridge Jr.
Navigating Neither
Susan S. Kuo
Jurisdiction Over Justice: How Misinterpreting Procedures Under the Federal Tort Claims Act Harms Plaintiffs
Kara L. Anderson
Algorithms, Images, and Authorship: Creating Copyright Criteria in the Age of AI-Assisted Imagery
Whitney Ellis
Returning to A Keynesian Model of Financial Stability: Public Banking as a Response to Financial Crises Created by Wall Street Banks
Khalil J. Ferguson
Protecting Your Digital Life: Congress Needs to Take Lessons From HIPAA’s Playbook to Amend the Proposed Federal Privacy Law
Taeyoon Kong Kim