The Pacific McGeorge Global Business & Development Law Journal is dedicated to furthering the legal scholarship of international law. The journal is primarily focused on publishing high-quality articles centering on legal analysis and commentary of cutting-edge transnational issues.
The journal was founded in 1988 as The Transnational Lawyer (TTL) and played a central role in Pacific McGeorge’s commitment to building a comprehensive and diversified international curriculum. At that time, transnational law practice was void of legal scholarship and needed guidance. TTL provided a unique forum for practitioners, legal scholars, and academicians across the world to inform, share, and discuss transnational legal issues. In December 2005, The Transnational Lawyer changed its name to Pacific McGeorge Global Business and Development Law Journal.
Today, the journal continues to highlight and analyze emerging issues in international law. Given the wide geographical diversification of the Pacific McGeorge’s international programs, the journal publishes relevant materials on – as well as from – different parts of the world. As transnational commerce and supranational organizations dissipate national borders, keeping pace with the latest international law developments will be increasingly important.
Current Issue: Volume 28, Issue 2 (2014)
Front Matters
Volume 28, Title Page
University of the Pacific, McGeorge School of Law
Volume 28, Issue 2, Table of Contents
University of the Pacific, McGeorge School of Law
Edited and Excerpted Transcript of the Symposium on Injury as Cultural Practice
University of the Pacific, McGeorge School of Law
The Abolition of the Mandatory Death Penalty in India and Bangladesh: A Comparative Commonwealth Perspective
Andrew Novak
The Value of Cablevision and Its Implications on International Copyright Law and the Internet
Ernesto Omar Falcon
Dulce et Decorum: The Unique Perception of Chemical Warfare and the Enforcement of the Geneva Protocol in the 21st Century
Catherine Joyce
Kaisha Bunkatsu: Corporate Demergers in Japan and Challenges Faced by Creditors
Samantha Pranatadjaja