Submissions from 2019
OTC/DTC revenue Models for hearing devices, Rupa Balachandran
Preparing Students for the Future of Audiology, Rupa Balachandran
Revenue Models for including OTC in Audiology Practice, Rupa Balachandran
Service Delivery considerations of direct-to-consumer devices in a new age of rehabilitative hearing healthcare., Rupa Balachandran and Amyn M. Amlani
No Longer Immune? How Network Theory Decodes Normative Shifts in Personal Immunity for Heads of State, Nadia Banteka
The Rise of the Extreme Right and the Crime of Terrorism: Ideology, Mobilization, and the Case of the Golden Dawn, Nadia Banteka
Queerly Remembered: Rhetorics for Representing the GLTBQ Past by Thomas R. Dunn, Columbia: University of South Carolina Press (2016) (review), Teresa Bergman
War and Remembrance: The Story of the American Battle Monuments Commission by Thomas H. Conner, University Press of Kentucky (2018) (review), Teresa Bergman
Association between periodontal pathogens and systemic disease, Fiona Q. Bui, Cássio Luiz Coutinho Almeida-da-Silva, Brandon Huynh, Alston Trinh, Jessica Liu, Jacob Woodward, Homer Asadi, and David M. Ojcius
Visual context relates to impairments in both dynamic and static postural control in individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) relative to typical development, Janci Burns, Tiffany Horn, Danielle Blankenship, Gabriela Sherrod, Nicoleta L. Bugnariu, and Haylie Miller
Measuring Tensile Strength to Better Establish Protective Capacity of Sacral Prophylactic Dressings Over 7 Days of Laboratory Aging, Joshua N. Burton, Abigail G. Fredrickson, Cassidee Capunay, Laurel Tanner, Craig Oberg, Nick Santamaria, Amit Gefen, and Evan Call
New Clinically Relevant Method to Evaluate the Life Span of Prophylactic Sacral Dressings, Joshua N. Burton, Abigail G. Fredrickson, Cassidee Capunay, Laurel Tanner, Craig Oberg, Nick Santamaria, Amit Gefen, and Evan Call
Flowback verses first-flush: New information on the geochemistry of produced water from mandatory reporting, Mary Kay Camarillo and William T. Stringfellow
Mindful assessment in support of student learning, Eileen K. Camfield and Leslie Bayers
Antiprotozoal activity of palladium(II) salicylaldiminato thiosemicarbazone complexes on metronidazole resistant Trichomonas vaginalis, Prinessa Chellan, Tameryn Stinger, Ajit Shokar, Aaron Au, Christina Tam, Luisa W. Cheng, Gregory S. Smith, and Kirkwood M. Land
Down-Regulation of p23 in Normal Lung Epithelial Cells Reduces Toxicities From Exposure to Benzo[a]pyrene and Cigarette Smoke Condensate via an Aryl Hydrocarbon Receptor-Dependent Mechanism, Jinyun Chen, Poonam Yakkundi, and William K. Chan
Who Defines MY Quality of Life? Perspectives from People with developmental disabilities and their caregivers, M. Chris-Cooper, Katie Savin, P. Mejia, and J. Cummins
Challenges and Opportunities in the Management of Overactive Bladder, Mark P. Christiansen
Charting a New Course for COPD: Key Updates for the Primary Care Clinician, Mark P. Christiansen
GLP-1 RA Therapy in T2DM: Implementing a New Standard of Care, Mark P. Christiansen
GLP-1 RA Therapy in T2DM: Implementing a New Standard of Care, Mark P. Christiansen
Goldilocks in Primary Care: A real-Life Story of Insulin Choices, Pattern Management, and Dose Adjustment, Mark P. Christiansen
Individualizing Asthma Treatments: Improving Control with Add-on Therapy, Mark P. Christiansen
Long-Term Management Strategies for Moderate to Severe Atopic Dermatitis: What Clinicians Need to Know to Optimize Patient Outcomes, Mark P. Christiansen
Multiple Sclerosis: The Role of Primary Care in Early Diagnosis and Management, Mark P. Christiansen
Multiple Sclerosis: The Role of Primary Care in Early Diagnosis and Patient-Centered Management, Mark P. Christiansen
Optimizing the Diagnosis and Management of Chronic Idiopathic Constipation in Primary Care, Mark P. Christiansen
Systemic Lupus Erythematosus Diagnosis, Treatment, and Management: The Primary Care Partnership, Mark P. Christiansen
Pretreatment with a Heat-Killed Probiotic Modulates the NLRP3 Inflammasome and Attenuates Colitis-Associated Colorectal Cancer in Mice., I-Che Chung, Chun-Nan OuYang, Sheng-Ning Yuan, Hsin-Chung Lin, Kuo-Yang Huang, Pao-Shu Wu, Chia-Yuan Liu, Kuen-Jou Tsai, Lai-Keng Loi, Yu-Jen Chen, An-Ko Chung, David M. Ojcius, Yu-Sun Chang, and Lih-Chyang Chen
Pretreatment with a heat-killed probiotic modulates the NLRP3 inflammasome and attenuates colitis-associated colorectal cancer in mice, I. Che Chung, Chun Nan Ouyang, Sheng Ning Yuan, Hsin Chung Lin, Kuo Yang Huang, Pao Shu Wu, Chia Yuan Liu, Kuen Jou Tsai, Lai Keng Loi, Yu Jen Chen, An Ko Chung, David M. Ojcius, Yu Sun Chang, and Lih Chyang Chen
Effects of single versus multiple staff music notation on wind chamber group performance outcomes and rehearsal procedures, Deborah A. Confredo and Ruth V. Brittin
Use of Repeated Within-Subject Measures to Assess Infants’ Preference for Similar Others, Amir Cruz-Khalili, Katrina Bettencourt, Carolynn Kohn, Matthew P. Normand, and Henry D. Schlinger Jr.
Reaching Beyond the ‘Triple Aim’: How Can Physical Therapy Promote a ‘Triple Win’ for Society?, Todd E. Davenport
What Does It Mean to Be Healthy? Physical Therapists in Health, Wellness, and Health Promotion, Todd E. Davenport
Social Justice in Physical Therapy: A Workshop to Explore Strategies to Enhance Diversity and Inclusion, Todd E. Davenport, J. Hale, J. Bezner, and V. K. Kennedy
The gymSAFE Movement Screen, Todd E. Davenport, A. Hererra-Set, J. Wickizer, and Jennifer R. Kinder
GymSAFE Screen and Pelvic Health in Female Elite Athletes, Todd E. Davenport and Jennifer R. Kinder
Chronotropic intolerance: An overlooked determinant of symptoms and activity limitation in myalgic encephalomyelitis/chronic fatigue syndrome?, Todd E. Davenport, Mary Lehnen, Staci R. Stevens, J. Mark VanNess, Jared Stevens, and Christopher R. Snell
Immunological pathways triggered by porphyromonas gingivalis and fusobacterium nucleatum: Therapeutic possibilities?, Kívia Queiroz De Andrade, Cassio Luiz Coutinho Almeida-Da-Silva, and Robson Coutinho-Silva
Endocrine board review, Tracey DelNero
Transition to clinical practice and medical malpractice, Tracey DelNero
Automated Smartphone Audiometry: A Preliminary Validation of a Bone-Conduction Threshold Test App, Nicholas A. Dewyer, Patpong Jiradejvong, David S. Lee, Jacquelyn D. Kemmer, Jennifer Henderson-Sabes, and Charles J. Limb
Promoting an Accessible Learning Environment for Students with Disabilities via Faculty Development (Practice Brief), Michael E. Doherty, Daniel Nuss, Terri Johnson, Sheryl Burgstahler, and Feilin Hsiao
When You Pick Up a Pen, You Stop the Interaction, Jill Duthie, Nicholaus Brock, and Lisa Chattler
Eradication of human immunodeficiency virus type-1 (HIV-1)-infected cells, Nejat Düzgüneş and Krystyna Konopka
Lipid-Coated, pH-Sensitive Magnesium Phosphate Particles for Intracellular Protein Delivery, Yunzhou Fang, Mallika Vadlamudi, Yingbo Huang, and Xin Guo
Investigation of foreign materials in gingival lesions: a clinicopathologic, energy-dispersive microanalysis of the lesions and in vitro confirmation of pro-inflammatory effects of the foreign materials, Leticia Ferreira, Hsin Hsin Peng, Darren P. Cox, David W. Chambers, Avni Bhula, John D. Young, David M. Ojcius, Erivan S. Ramos-Junior, and Ana Carolina Morandini
Evaluation and Management of Fatty Liver Disease in Primary Care, Curtis Fowler
The analysis of the content of biologically active phenolic compounds, flavonoids, and glycoalkaloids in harvested red, yellow, and green tomatoes, tomato leaves, and tomato stems, Mendel Friedman, Nobuyuki Kozukue, Masashi Mizuno, Hiroyuki Sakakibara, Suk-Hyun Choi, Mihoyo Fujitake, and Kirkwood M. Land
Uncertain Knowledge Reasoning Based on the Fuzzy Multi-Entity Bayesian Network, Jinzhu Gao, Dun Li, Hong Wu, Zhuoyun Liu, Lun Li, and Zhiyun Zheng
Systemic Immunologic Consequences of Chronic Periodontitis, D. K. Gaudilliere, A. Culos, K. Djebali, Amy S. Tsai, Edward A. Ganio, W. M. Choi, Xiaoyuan Han, A. Maghaireh, B. Choisy, Q. Baca, J. F. Einhaus, J. J. Hedou, B. Bertrand, K. Ando, R. Fallahzadeh, Mohammad Sajjad Ghaemi, R. Okada, N. Stanley, A. Tanada, M. Tingle, T. Alpagot, J. A. Helms, M. S. Angst, N. Aghaeepour, and B. Gaudilliere
Applicability of Drug Response Metrics for Cancer Studies Using Biomaterials, Maria Gencoglu
An Omentum-Inspired 3D PEG Hydrogel for Identifying ECM-drivers of Drug Resistant Ovarian Cancer, Maria Gencoglu, Elizabeth Brooks, Daniel Corbett, Kelly Stevens, and Shelly Peyton
An Omentum-Inspired 3D PEG Hydrogel for Identifying ECM-drivers of Drug Resistant Ovarian Cancer, Maria Gencoglu, Elizabeth Brooks, Daniel Corbett, Kelly Stevens, and Shelly Peyton
Applicability of Drug Response Metrics for Cancer Studies Using Biomaterials, Maria Gencoglu, Elizabeth Brooks, Sualyneth Galarza, Shelly Peyton, Jennifer Munson, and Chase Cornelison
Extraterritoriality and the Fourth Restatement of Foreign Relations Law: Opportunities Lost, Franklin A. Gevurtz
The Shareholder Approval Conundrum, Franklin A. Gevurtz
Multiomics modeling of the immunome, transcriptome, microbiome, proteome and metabolome adaptations during human pregnancy, Mohammad Sajjad Ghaemi, Daniel B. DiGiulio, Kévin Contrepois, Benjamin Callahan, Thuy T.M. Ngo, Brittany Lee-Mcmullen, Benoit Lehallier, Anna Robaczewska, David McIlwain, Yael Rosenberg-Hasson, Ronald J. Wong, Cecele Quaintance, Anthony Culos, Natalie Stanley, Athena Tanada, Amy Tsai, Dyani Gaudilliere, Edward Ganio, Xiaoyuan Han, Kazuo Ando, Leslie McNeil, Martha Tingle, Paul Wise, Ivana Maric, Marina Sirota, Tony Wyss-Coray, Virginia D. Winn, Maurice L. Druzin, and Ronald S. Gibbs
Physical activity level in community dwelling adults, David B. Gillette
The Best is the Enemy of the Good, David B. Gillette
The Use of Augmented Reality to Improve Comprehension, Reflection, and Behaviors, David B. Gillette, Preeti D. Oza, and Alicia Rabena-Amen
How to respond to employee activism, Rod P. Githens
Picking the perfect location for an off-site retreat or meeting, Rod P. Githens
130th anniversary of Institut Pasteur: celebrating science, Marie Lise Gougeon, Maxime Schwartz, Thomas Brunner, and David M. Ojcius
130th anniversary of Institut Pasteur: celebrating science, Marie Lise Gougeon, Maxime Schwartz, Thomas Brunner, and David M. Ojcius
Still separate and still unequal: Race in America's schools, Laura Hallberg and L. J. Santiago
Qualitative Campus Report: Thompson Scholar Learning Community—University of Nebraska Kearney, Ronald E. Hallett, J. A. Kitchen, R. J. Perez, K. C. Culver, E. Swanson, R. D. Reason, and Jonathan S. Toccoli
Qualitative Campus Report: Thompson Scholar Learning Community—University of Nebraska Lincoln, Ronald E. Hallett, J. A. Kitchen, R. J. Perez, K. C. Culver, E. Swanson, R. D. Reason, and Jonathan S. Toccoli
Qualitative Campus Report: Thompson Scholar Learning Community—University of Nebraska Omaha, Ronald E. Hallett, J. A. Kitchen, R. J. Perez, K. C. Culver, E. Swanson, R. D. Reason, and Jonathan S. Toccoli
Emerging recommendations for TSLC program: Qualitative team Insights May 2019, Ronald E. Hallett, J. A. Kitchen, R. J. Perez, R. D. Reason, and Jonathan S. Toccoli
Differential dynamics of the maternal immune system in healthy pregnancy and preeclampsia, Xiaoyuan Han, Mohammad Sajjad Ghaemi, Kazuo Ando, Laura S. Peterson, Edward A. Ganio, Amy S. Tsai, Dyani K. Gaudilliere, Ina A. Stelzer, Jakob Einhaus, Basile Bertrand, Natalie Stanley, Anthony Culos, Athena Tanada, Julien Hedou, Eileen S. Tsai, Ramin Fallahzadeh, Ronald J. Wong, Amy E. Judy, Virginia D. Winn, Maurice L. Druzin, Yair J. Blumenfeld, Mark A. Hlatky, Cecele C. Quaintance, Ronald S. Gibbs, Brendan Carvalho, Gary M. Shaw, David K. Stevenson, Martin S. Angst, and Nima Aghaeepour
Online Learning, Offline Outcomes: Online Course Taking and High School Student Performance, Cassandra M.D. Hart, Dan Berger, Brian Jacob, Susanna Loeb, and Michael Hill
Corticostriatal functional connectivity of bothersome tinnitus in single-sided deafness, Jennifer Henderson-Sabes, Yingying Shang, Philip L. Perez, Jolie L. Chang, Seth E. Pross, Anne M. Findlay, Danielle Mizuiri, Leighton B. Hinkley, Srikantan S. Nagarajan, and Steven W. Cheung
Antrodia cinnamomea induces anti-tumor activity by inhibiting the STAT3 signaling pathway in lung cancer cells, Tsung-Teng Huang, Ying-Wei Lan, Chuan-Mu Chen, Yun-Fei Ko, David M. Ojcius, Jan Martel, John D. Young, and Kowit-Yu Chong
Metabolomics reveals the role of acetyl-l-carnitine metabolism in γ-Fe, Zhenyao Huang, Bo Xu, Xiaomin Huang, Yuqing Zhang, Mingming Yu, Xiumei Han, Ling Song, Yankai Xia, Zhu Zhou, Xinru Wang, Minjian Chen, and Chuncheng Lu
Effects of Inter-Stimulus Interval on Speech-Evoked Frequency-Following Response in Elderly Adults, Jiong Hu
Frequency Following Responses in Newborn Infants: Effect of Phototherapy, Jiong Hu
Improvement of Music Appreciation in Patients with Hearing Loss: Help from Consumer Headphones, Jiong Hu
In vivo effectiveness and safety of probiotics on prophylaxis and treatment of oral candidiasis: a systematic review and meta-analysis, Lijun Hu, Mimi Zhou, Andrew L. Young, Weiwei Zhao, and Zhimin Yan
Book Review: Hollywood Heroines: The Most Influential Women in Film History. Edited by Laura L. S. Bauer., Robin Imhof
Discrimination of Periodicity and Pitch Effects in Musicians and Non-musicians, Devin Inabinet and Gabriella Musacchia
Early Identification of Hearing Loss with A Novel Consumer Headphone, Phillip Inouye, Aimee Paredez, Ashley Richards, Beau Campa, and Jiong Hu
Development, Implementation and Assessment of a Comprehensive Strategic Plan in a School of Pharmacy, Bhaskara R. Jasti, John C. Livesey, Phillip R. Oppenheimer, and Eric G. Boyce
Fantasy Football as Sport and Game, Osvaldo Jimenez
Development of humoral immunity, Jean M. Kanellopoulos and David M. Ojcius
HIV Viral Rebound Due to a Possible Drug-Drug Interaction between Elvitegravir/Cobicistat/Emtricitabine/Tenofovir Alafenamide and Calcium-Containing Products: Report of 2 Cases, S. Lena Kang-Birken, Dena El-Sayed, and John Prichard
Mechanisms Underlying Neuroprotection by the NSAID Mefenamic Acid in an Experimental Model of Stroke, Parto S. Khansari and Robert F. Halliwell
Spiking network optimized for word recognition in noise predicts auditory system hierarchy, Seyedeh Fatemeh Khatami and Monty Escabí
Drilling performance monitoring and optimization: a data-driven approach, Mehdi Khazaeli, S. Lashari, A. Takbiri-Borujeni, E. Fathi, and T. Sun
Renewable resources of the northern half of the United States: potential for 100% renewable electricity, Rahim Khoie, Kyle Ugale, and James Benefield
High Efficiency Drug Repurposing Design for New Antifungal Agents, Jong H. Kim, Kathleen L. Chan, Luisa W. Cheng, Lisa A. Tell, Barbara A. Byrne, Kristin Clothier, and Kirkwood M. Land
Advancing Our Scope of Practice: An update on our Scope of Practice, Thomas Koesterer
Reproducibility of Measurements Obtained During Cardiopulmonary Exercise Testing in Individuals With Fatiguing Health Conditions: A Case Series, Benjamin Larson, Todd Davenport, Staci R. Stevens, Jared Stevens, J. Mark Van Ness, and Christopher R. Snell
Analysis of blade fragment risk at a wind energy facility, Scott Larwood and David Simms
The impact of learning multiple real-world skills on cognitive abilities and functional independence in healthy older adults, Shirley Leanos, Esra Kürüm, Carla M. Strickland-Hughes, Annie S. Ditta, Gianhu Nguyen, Miranda Felix, Hara Yum, George W. Rebok, and Rachel Wu
Minority Physician Assistant Faculty: A Phenomenological Assessment of Factors Leading to Retention in the Faculty Role, Susan F. LeLacheur, Vanessa Bester, Lisa Huggins Oxendine, Carolyn Bradley Duidry, Darin Ryujin, Kenya Samuels, Ana Maldonado, Denise Bowen, and Kristine Himmerick
Role of rapid diagnostics for viral respiratory infections in antibiotic prescribing decision in the emergency department, Jing Li, S. Lena Kang-Birken, Samantha K. Mathews, Catelynn E. Kenner, and Lynn N. Fitzgibbons
Volumetric Tooth Wear Measurement of Scraper Conveyor Sprocket Using Shape from Focus-Based Method, Jiancheng Liu, Yinchuan Liu, and Hua Ding
Differences in Glucose Levels Between Left and Right Arm, Xiaohan Liu, Sachin A. Shah, Tony J. Eid, and Allen Shek
Adopting Population Health Frameworks in Physical Therapist Practice, Research, and Education: The Urgency of Now, Dawn M. Magnusson, Mike Eisenhart, Ira Gorman, V. Kai Kennedy, and Todd E. Davenport