Pacific Faculty Work | University of the Pacific


Submissions from 2020


Cariprazine to Treat Schizophrenia and Bipolar Disorder in Adults, Amber N. Edinoff, Miriam T. Ruoff, Yahya T. Ghaffar, Arthur Rezayev, Devanshi Jani, Adam M. Kaye, Elyse M. Cornett, Alan David Kaye, Omar Viswanath, and Ivan Urits


Chronic pain treatment strategies in Parkinson’s disease, Amber N. Edinoff, Niro Sathivadivel, Timothy McBride, Allyson Parker, Chikezie Okeagu, Alan David Kaye, Adam M. Kaye, Jessica S. Kaye, Rachel J. Kaye, Meeta M. Sheth, Omar Viswanath, and Ivan Urits


Lumateperone for the Treatment of Schizophrenia, Amber N. Edinoff, Natalie W. Wu, Charles deBoisblanc, Catherine Olivia Feltner, Mariah Norder, Vesela Tzoneva, Adam M. Kaye, Elyse M. Cornett, Alan David Kaye, Omar Viswanath, and Ivan Urits


Correct Audit Logging in Concurrent Systems, Chadi El Kari and Sepehr Amir-Mohammadian


University of Missouri- St. Louis Comprehensive School Safety Initiative (UMSL CSSI), Finn-Agge Esbensen, Stephanie A. Wiley, Timothy McCuddy, Elaine Doherty, Lee Ann Slocum, Terrence J. Taylor, Kyle Thomas, Matt Vogel, and Jennifer Medel


Possible role of tryptophan and melatonin in COVID-19, Musthafa Mohamed Essa, Hamdan Hamdan, Saravana Babu Chidambaram, Buthainah Al-Balushi, Gilles J. Guillemin, David M. Ojcius, and M. Walid Qoronfleh


Monocarboxylate Transporters (SLC16): Function, Regulation, and Role in Health and Disease, Melanie A. Felmlee, Robert S. Jones, Vivian Rodriguez-Cruz, Kristin E. Follman, and Marilyn E. Morris

Intergenerational trauma, resilience, loss and grief following mass violence, Nurit Fischer-Shemer

Promoting Gerotranscendence: Connecting Older Adults to Tweens and Teens, Nurit Fischer-Shemer


In silico APC/C substrate discovery reveals cell cycle-dependent degradation of UHRF1 and other chromatin regulators, Jennifer L. Franks, Raquel C. Martinez-Chacin, Xianxi Wang, Rochelle L. Tiedemann, Thomas Bonacci, Rajarshi Choudhury, Derek L. Bolhuis, Taylor P. Enrico, Ryan D. Mouery, Jeffrey S. Damrauer, Feng Yan, Joseph S. Harrison, M. Ben Major, Katherine A. Hoadley, Aussie Suzuki, Scott B. Rothbart, Nicholas G. Brown, and Michael J. Emanuele


Physical therapy as a force multiplier: population health perspectives to address short-term readiness and long-term health of military service members, John J. Fraser, Emily Schmied, Michael D. Rosenthal, and Todd E. Davenport


Anti-trichomonad activities of different compounds from foods, marine products, and medicinal plants: A review, Mendel Friedman, Christina C. Tam, Luisa W. Cheng, and Kirkwood M. Land


The Inhibitory Activity of Anthraquinones against Pathogenic Protozoa, Bacteria, and Fungi and the Relationship to Structure, Mendel Friedman, Alexander Xu, Rani Lee, Daniel N. Nguyen, Tina A. Phan, Sabrina M. Hamada, Rima Panchel, Christina C. Tam, Jong H. Kim, Luisa W. Cheng, and Kirkwood M. Land


Predicting the response of the dental pulp to SARS-CoV2 infection: a transcriptome-wide effect cross-analysis, Johnah C. Galicia, Pietro H. Guzzi, Federico M. Giorgi, and Asma A. Khan


A Study on the Relationship between the Rank of Input Data and the Performance of Random Weight Neural Network, Jinzhu Gao, Weipeng Cao, Lei Hu, Xizhao Wang, and Zhong Ming

Remote Clinical Rotations, Jessica Q. Garner


Cytokine Production and Cytotoxicity of Calcium Silicate–based Sealers in 2- and 3-dimensional Cell Culture Models, Alexis Gaudin, Mirek Tolar, and Ove A. Peters


The Complexity Dilemma: A Reflection on Teaching a Simulation Course in Business Planning, Franklin A. Gevurtz


M16-Type metallopeptidases are involved in virulence for invasiveness and diffusion of leptospira interrogans and transmission of leptospirosis, Yu Mei Ge, Ai Hua Sun, David M. Ojcius, Shi Jun Li, Wei Lin Hu, Xuai Lin, and Jie Yan


Identity, civic engagement, and altruism: a phenomenological exploration of activity engagement in older adults, Marna Ghiglieri, Rose McAndrew, Carolyn M. Baum, and Steven D. Taff

Effectiveness of Google Glass to Teach Clinical Behaviors in Physical Therapy Students, David B. Gillette

Process Analysis: Setting up Google Glass for Classroom Teaching of Clinical Behaviors, David B. Gillette

Reliability of the Kiersma-Chen Empathy Scale in Health Professions Students, David B. Gillette, Todd Davenport, J. Mark Van Ness, Tracey DelNero, Deepti Vyas, Suzanne M. Galal, and E. Chavez


Aligning employee learning with organizational strategy, Rod P. Githens


Dreaming of the perfect marriage: Learning and organizational strategy, Rod P. Githens


Giving up control to build a learning culture in a healthcare system, Rod P. Githens


Six ways to be ready for a campus shutdown, Rod P. Githens


Designing powerful online meeting experiences, Rod P. Githens and Nileen Verbeten


Toward an ethics of societal transformation: the American Physical Therapy Code of Ethics in the 21st century, Sean F. Griech and Todd E. Davenport


“Will They Take My Vent?”: Ethical Considerations with Personal Ventilator Reallocation During COVID-19, Laura Guidry-Grimes and Katie Savin


Disability Rights as a Necessary Framework for Crisis Standards of Care and the Future of Health Care, Laura Guidry-Grimes, Katie Savin, Joseph A. Stramondo, Joel Michael Reynolds, Marina Tsaplina, Teresa Blankmeyer Burke, Angela Ballantyne, Eva Feder Kittay, Devan Stahl, Jackie Leach Scully, Rosemarie Garland-Thomson, Anita Tarzian, Doron Dorfman, and Joseph J. Fins


Not throwing away my shot: an analysis of shot features in men’s collegiate water polo, Joey Gullikson, John Mayberry, Lewis R. Gale, and Lara Killick


A pilot study on the design and validation of a hybrid exoskeleton robotic device for hand rehabilitation, Mahdi Haghshenas-Jaryani, Rita M. Patterson, Nicoleta L. Bugnariu, and Muthu B. J. Wijesundara


Bosesko … Learning to Be a Filipina in Higher Ed, Laura Hallberg


The Process of Academic Validation Within a Comprehensive College Transition Program, Ronald E. Hallett, Robert D. Reason, Jonathan Toccoli, Joseph A. Kitchen, and Rosemary J. Perez


Clinical implications of age-related change of the mandibular plane angle, Anna M. Hardin, Manish Valiathan, Heesoo Oh, Ryan P. Knigge, Kieran P. McNulty, Emily V. Leary, Dana L. Duren, and Richard J. Sherwood


Comparison of Self-Report and Audiometric Outcomes in Cancer Survivors Post Neurotoxic Chemotherapy, Jennifer Henderson Sabes and Julia Chung

Ototoxicity in Cancer Survivors with Chemotherapy-induced Peripheral Neuropathy, Jennifer Henderson Sabes, Christine Miaskowski, Judy Mastick, Judy Mastick, and Grace Mausisa

Optical control of muscular nicotinic channels with azocuroniums, photoswitchable azobenzenes bearing two N-methyl-N-carbocyclic quaternary ammonium groups, Clara Herrera-Arozamena, Martín Estrada-Valencia, Olaia Martí-Marí, Concepción Pérez, Mario de la Fuente Revenga, Carlos A. Villalba-Galea, and María Isabel Rodríguez-Franco


Bathrooms as a Homeless Rights Issue, Ron S. Hochbaum


Intrapulmonary inoculation of multicellular spheroids to construct an orthotopic lung cancer xenograft model that mimics four clinical stages of non-small cell lung cancer, Yingbo Huang, Yifan Lu, Mallika Vadlamudi, Shen Zhao, Melanie Felmlee, Roshanak Rahimian, and Xin Guo

A Hearing Conservation Education Program for Early Career Music Professionals, Jiong Hu

Effects of Aging and Language Background in Subcortical Pitch Processing, Jiong Hu

Effects of Aging and Language Background in Pitch Processing at the Brainstem Level, Jiong Hu, Jennifer Henderson Sabes, Shuo Wang, and Dongxin Liu


Disclosure of a communication disorder during a job interview: A theoretical model, Derek Isetti


Impact of COVID-19 on dental education in the United States, Parvati Iyer, Kalid Aziz, and David M. Ojcius


Remote learning in a periodontal workshop during the COVID-19 pandemic, Parvati Iyer, Lauren Chin, and William Lundergan


A formative assessment tool to engage students while watching clinical videos, Parvati Iyer and Meixun S. Zheng


“Incitement Lite” for the Nonpublic Forum, Leslie Gielow Jacobs


Multiomics Characterization of Preterm Birth in Low- and Middle-Income Countries., Fyezah Jehan, Sunil Sazawal, Abdullah H. Baqui, Muhammad Imran Nisar, Usha Dhingra, Rasheda Khanam, Muhammad Ilyas, Arup Dutta, Dipak K. Mitra, Usma Mehmood, Saikat Deb, Arif Mahmud, Aneeta Hotwani, Said Mohammed Ali, Sayedur Rahman, Ambreen Nizar, Shaali Makame Ame, Mamun Ibne Moin, Sajid Muhammad, Aishwarya Chauhan, Nazma Begum, Waqasuddin Khan, Sayan Das, Salahuddin Ahmed, Tarik Hasan, Javairia Khalid, Syed Jafar Raza Rizvi, Mohammed Hamad Juma, Nabidul Haque Chowdhury, Furqan Kabir, Fahad Aftab, Abdul Quaiyum, Alexander Manu, Sachiyo Yoshida, Rajiv Bahl, Anisur Rahman, Jesmin Pervin, Jennifer Winston, Patrick Musonda, Jeffrey S. A. Stringer, James A. Litch, Mohammad Sajjad Ghaemi, Mira N. Moufarrej, Kévin Contrepois, Songjie Chen, Ina A. Stelzer, Natalie Stanley, Alan L. Chang, Ghaith Bany Hammad, Ronald J. Wong, Candace Liu, Cecele C. Quaintance, Anthony Culos, Camilo Espinosa, Maria Xenochristou, Martin Becker, Ramin Fallahzadeh, Edward Ganio, Amy S. Tsai, Dyani Gaudilliere, Eileen S. Tsai, Xiaoyuan Han, Kazuo Ando, Martha Tingle, Ivana Maric, Paul H. Wise, Virginia D. Winn, Maurice L. Druzin, Ronald S. Gibbs, Gary L. Darmstadt, Jeffrey C. Murray, Gary M. Shaw, David K. Stevenson, Michael P. Snyder, Stephen R. Quake, Martin S. Angst, Brice Gaudilliere, and Nima Aghaeepour


Developmental implications of child maltreatment: Rorschach assessment of object relations, David Joubert and Linda Webster


Airway and cephalometric changes in adult orthodontic patients after premolar extractions, Adrienne Joy, Joorok Park, David W. Chambers, and Heesoo Oh


The Adoption of Online Product Information: Cognitive and Affective Evaluations, Tsan Ching Kang, Shin Yuan Hung, and Albert Huang


Spiking network optimized for word recognition in noise predicts auditory system hierarchy, Seyedeh F. Khatami Firoozabadi and Escabi A. Monty


Antifungal drug repurposing, Jong H. Kim, Luisa W. Cheng, Kathleen L. Chan, Christina C. Tam, Noreen Mahoney, Mendel Friedman, Mikhail Martchenko Shilman, and Kirkwood M. Land


COVID-19 Upends Pandemic Plan, John Kirlin


COVID-19 Upends Pandemic Plan, John J. Kirlin

Anti-Doping Policies and Drug Testing Process, Thomas Koesterer


Ozanimod to treat relapsing forms of multiple sclerosis: A comprehensive review of disease, drug efficacy and side effects, Grace Lassiter, Carlie Melancon, Tyler Rooney, Anne Marie Murat, Jessica S. Kaye, Adam M. Kaye, Rachel J. Kaye, Elyse M. Cornett, Alan David Kaye, Rutvij J. Shah, Omar Viswanath, and Ivan Urits


A Hearing Conservation Education Program for Music Students, Ho Ming Lau, Jiong Hu, Kiyana Sagarang, and Natalie Sienko


Performance Analysis of AOA Estimation for Concentric Ring Array Antenna in Beamforming Satellite System, Dongbin Lee


An Experimental Investigation of Forces on Cortical Bone in Deep-Hole Bone Drilling, JuEun Lee and Serena Chu


Enhancement of cell proliferation and motility of mammalian cells grown in co-culture with Pichia pastoris expressing recombinant human FGF-2, Henry Hieu M. Le, David Vang, Nadia Amer, Tou Vue, Colwin Yee, Hyam Kaou, Joseph S. Harrison, Nan Xiao, Joan Lin-Cereghino, Geoff P. Lin-Cereghino, and Der Thor


Enhancement of cell proliferation and motility of mammalian cells grown in co-culture with Pichia pastoris expressing recombinant human FGF-2, Henry Hieu M. Le, David Vang, Nadia Amer, Tou Vue, Colwin Yee, Hyam Kaou, Joseph S. Harrison, Nan Tori Xiao, Joan Lin-Cereghino, Geoff P. Lin-Cereghino, and Der Thor


Core Outcome Measures for Adults with Neurologic Conditions: Pilot Implementation in Hospital-Based Outpatient Clinic., Brianna Ligotski, Arlene McCarthy, Theresa Najjar, and Preeti D. Oza


Core Outcome Measures for Adults with Neurologic Conditions: Pilot Implementation in Hospital-Based Outpatient Clinic., Brianna Ligotski, Arlene McCarthy, Theresa Najjar, and Preeti D. Oza


Delving Deeper in to Hearing Loss and Cognitive Hearing, Shu-En A. Lim


Cbl negatively regulates nlrp3 inflammasome activation through glut1-dependent glycolysis inhibition, Hsin Chung Lin, Yu Jen Chen, Yau Huei Wei, Yu Ting Chuang, Su Heng Hsieh, Jing Yu Hsieh, Yi Lin Hsieh, David M. Ojcius, Kuo Yang Huang, I. Che Chung, Sheng Ning Yuan, Yu Sun Chang, and Lih Chyang Chen


When does developmental feedback improve employee creativity? The role of the creativity reward system, Shangzhi Li, Stefanie E. Naumann, and Chaoying Tang


Learning a second language in adulthood changes subcortical neural encoding, Dongxin Liu, Shuo Wang, Qi Gao, Ruijuan Dong, Xinxing Fu, Esther Pugh, and Jiong Hu


Injection water jet peening of carburised 18CrNiMo7-6 steel surfaces, Jiancheng Liu, Yongtao Ma, Lundun Zhang, and Lanrong Liu


CFO Promotion-based Incentives and Earnings Management, Ruonan Liu, Steve Lin, and Changjiang Wang


CEO Horizon Problem and Characteristics of Board of Directors and Compensation Committee, Ruonan Liu and Zhenfeng Liu


Why Non-accelerated Filers Voluntarily Comply with SOX 404b?, Zhenfeng Liu, Yun Cheng, and Ruonan Liu


Current Trends in Use and Reuse of Nickel-Titanium Engine-driven Instruments: A Survey of Endodontists in the United States, John Logsdon, Craig Dunlap, Ana Arias, Raymond Scott, and Ove A. Peters


Factors influencing classification of frequency following responses to speech and music stimuli, Steven Losorelli, Blair Kaneshiro, Gabriella Musacchia, Nikolas H. Blevins, and Matthew B. Fitzgerald


Population Health, Prevention, Health Promotion, and Wellness Competencies in Physical Therapist Professional Education: Results of a Modified Delphi Study, Dawn M. Magnusson, Zachary D. Rethorn, Elissa H. Bradford, Jessica Maxwell, Mary Sue Ingman, Todd E. Davenport, and Janet R. Bezner


Does COVID-19 contribute to development of neurological disease?, Arehally M. Mahalakshmi, Bipul Ray, Sunanda Tuladhar, Abid Bhat, Shasthara Paneyala, Duraisamy Patteswari, Meena K. Sakharkar, Hamdan Hamdan, David M. Ojcius, Srinivasa R. Bolla, Musthafa M. Essa, Saravana B. Chidambaram, and M. Walid Qoronfleh


Distance Banking: Pandemic Responses of a Regulated Industry, Michael P. Malloy


Bone Marrow Concentrate (BMC) Therapy in Musculoskeletal Disorders: Evidence-Based Policy Position Statement of American Society of Interventional Pain Physicians (ASIPP), Laxmaiah Manchikanti, Christopher J. Centeno, Sairam Atluri, Sheri L. Albers, Shane Shapiro, Gerard A. Malanga, Alaa Abd-Elsayed, Mairin Jerome, Joshua A. Hirsch, Alan David Kaye, Steve M. Aydin, Douglas Beall, Don Buford, Joanne Borg-Stein, Ricardo M. Buenaventura, Joseph A. Cabaret, Aaron K. Calodney, Kenneth D. Candido, Cameron Cartier, Richard Latchaw, Sudhir Diwan, Ehren Dodson, Zachary Fausel, Michael Fredericson, Christopher G. Gharibo, Mayank Gupta, Adam M. Kaye, Nebojsa Nick Knezevic, Radomir Kosanovic, Matthew Lucas, Maanasa V. Manchikanti, R. Amadeus Mason, Kenneth Mautner, Samuel Murala, Annu Navani, Vidyasagar Pampati, Sarah Pastoriza, Ramarao Pasupuleti, Cyril Philip, Mahendra R Sanapati, Theodore Sand, Rinoo V Shah, Amol Soin, Ian Stemper, Bradley W Wargo, and Philippe Hernigou


Comprehensive evidence-based guidelines for facet joint interventions in the management of chronic spinal pain: American society of interventional pain physicians (asipp) guidelines, Laxmaiah Manchikanti, Alan David Kaye, Amol Soin, Sheri L. Albers, Douglas Beall, Richard E. Latchaw, Mahendra R. Sanapati, Shalini Shah, Sairam Atluri, Alaa Abd-Elsayed, Salahadin Abdi, Steve Aydin, Sanjay Bakshi, Mark Boswell, Ricardo M. Buenaventura, Joseph A. Cabaret, Aaron K. Calodney, Kenneth D. Candido, Paul J. Christo, Lynn Cintron, Sudhir Diwan, Christopher Gharibo, Jay Grider, Myank Gupta, Bill Haney, Michael E. Harned, Standiford Helm, Jessica Jameson, Sunny Jha, Adam M. Kaye, and Nebojsa Nick Knezevic


Recent advances in cone-beam CT in oral medicine, Delphine Maret, Jean-Noel Vergnes, Ove A. Peters, Christine Peters, Karim Nasr, and Paul Monsarrat


Comparing the Properties of Polyethylene Terephthalate (PET) Plastic Bricks to Conventional Concrete Masonry Units, Laura Marsiglio, Susan Cheng, Elizabeth Falk, Andrew Fugh, Kelly Mulvaney, Brian G. Slocum, Donald Morris, Ganesh Balasubramanian, and Khanjan Mehta


Could nasal nitric oxide help to mitigate the severity of COVID-19?, Jan Martel, Yun Fei Ko, John D. Young, and David M. Ojcius


Phytochemicals as Prebiotics and Biological Stress Inducers, Jan Martel, David M. Ojcius, Yun Fei Ko, and John D. Young


Emerging use of senolytics and senomorphics against aging and chronic diseases, Jan Martel, David M. Ojcius, Cheng Yeu Wu, Hsin Hsin Peng, Laurent Voisin, Jean Luc Perfettini, Yun Fei Ko, and John D. Young


Plant and fungal products that extend lifespan in caenorhabditis elegans, Jan Martel, Cheng Yeu Wu, Hsin Hsin Peng, Yun Fei Ko, Hung Chi Yang, John D. Young, and David M. Ojcius


Post-exertional symptoms distinguish Myalgic Encephalomyelitis/Chronic Fatigue Syndrome subjects from healthy controls, Lariel J. Mateo, Lily Chu, Staci Stevens, Jared Stevens, Christopher R. Snell, Todd E. Davenport, and J. Mark Vanness


What Can a Jump Tell Us About Elbow Injuries in Professional Baseball Pitchers?, John Mayberry, Scott Mullen, and Scott Murayama


Hard milling of carburized and waterjet peened 18CrNiMo7-6 steel, Yongtao Ma, Yongbin Zhang, Jiancheng Liu, Lanrong Liu, and Junzhen Gong


A virtual community health field project during the COVID-19 pandemic, Christine E. Miller, Kim Benton, Parvati Iyer, and Bonnie Jue


Introduction: Changing Regulation of Pharmaceuticals: Issues in Pricing, Intellectual Property, Trade and Ethics, Michael S. Mireles


S-seco-porphyrazine as a new member of the seco-porphyrazine family – Synthesis, characterization and photocytotoxicity against cancer cells, Dariusz T. Mlynarczyk, Jaroslaw Piskorz, Lukasz Popenda, Magdalena Stolarska, Wojciech Szczolko, Krystyna Konopka, Stefan Jurga, Lukasz Sobotta, Jadwiga Mielcarek, Nejat Düzgüneş, and Tomasz Goslinski


Corpus Linguistics and Vico’s Lament: Against Vivisectional Jurisprudence, Francis J. Mootz III


Embracing video production as a powerful tool in dental education, Ana C. Morandini, Erivan S. Ramos-Junior, Meixun Sinky Zheng, and Rishi Desai

The Extra Costs of Vision Loss: A Mixed Methods Investigation, Zachary Morris, Katie Savin, Rebecca Marinoff, and Marion Wise

The Extra Costs of Vision Loss, Z. Morris, Katie Savin, R. Marinoff, and M. Wise


A sensitive data analysis approach for detecting changes in dynamic postural stability, Sarah C. Moudy, Rita M. Patterson, and Nicoleta L. Bugnariu


A2Cloud-RF: A random forest based statistical framework to guide resource selection for high-performance scientific computing on the cloud, David Mueller


The polyphenol ellagic acid exerts anti-inflammatory actions via disruption of store-operated calcium entry (SOCE) pathway activators and coupling mediators, Matthew T. Murphy, Xia Qin, Shashank Kaul, Genaro Barrientos, Zhen Zou, Clinton B. Mathias, David Thomas, and Diptiman D. Bose